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80-- oa~2 <br />UNIFOxM Covetvarrrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fuUaws: <br />I. Pnyetent of PdtseLPal attrd (Merest. Borrower shall pramptly pay when due the principal~•of and interest an the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by ehis Mortgage. <br />2. Ftirads for Tares and Imaraace. Subject to appiicahte law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Linder on the day monthly installments of principal and :merest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a actin (herein "Funds"? equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortsage, and gmtmd rents ort the Property, if any, Pius one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus one-hvelfth of ywrly prcmittm installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and hills and reasonable utimatcs thereof. <br />The Ftritds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said tare-s, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may nor charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and hills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest nn the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to mate such a charge. &?rrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage [hat interest an the Funds shall 6e paid m Bonnwer, and unless such agreement is made ar applicable law <br />regtrires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required 2n pay Barmwer any interest ar earnings an the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Bonawcr, without charge. an aunuai accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the ; .•.ids and the <br />purpose for whxh each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additiana3 security for the sums secured <br />'by this Mortgage. <br />If the amotrrtt of the Funds held by Lender, tagetMr with the future mamhly installments of Funds payable prier to <br />the due dates of taxes, asseastrnnts, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amoum required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, irtsttrance premiums and gmund rents as they fal3 due, such excess shall he. at Borrower'<_ aprion, either <br />prneaptly repaid to Borrower or coedited to Borrower on monthly ins[aUmerts of Funds. If the amotmt of the Funds <br />he9d by Lenrkr shag not be wf6cient to pay races, atsesstnnents, irtsuraticr premiums and ground rents as they faB dye, <br />Homaver shall pay w Leader any atnnant necessary t? make up the deficiency within 3(l days from the date notice is mailixi <br />by Lender Lo Borrower trquisting pa}'irtcnt thereof. <br />Upon payment in full of all stuns seethed h}• than i7ongage, Lender shall pramptly refund u? Horrawer any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under puagraph 1iS hereof the Prapertti° is wld or' the Property is otherwise acquired 6y Leader, Lender <br />aPa11 apply, tw later than immediately prior to dhe sale s>f the Property or iss acquisition by Lender, an}' Fonds held by <br />Lsvtdcr at i~ €,~' ai appinafian as a credit against the sums secured b}' than 'slartgage. <br />3. Ahlita1ia~ of Paywenlr. Unless applicable taw provides otherwise, ail payments re_eivad by Lender under the <br />Neu and paragraphs i and 2 hereof shall be applied 6y i_ender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Horrnwer <br />under parasraph ~ hereof. then to interest pa}•ablt on €he Mate, thin to the principal of the Note. and *hc., to interest and <br />prittcipai an any Furore Advattcec <br />•- (-'Parses; I3e,.e Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments sod _,ther charges, fine. and ampasiteons attnbutabie to <br />rho Property which lacy attain a priarity aver thbs ]tortgagc, and leasehold pa}mcnis or ground rents, if any. in the manner <br />provided imdtr paragraph ' hereof er. if net paid .n such manner b? Barrcwer making payment, when due. directly to the <br />payee ihercof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender aU nouces of amounts due under this pargraph, and in the event <br />B~rorrr shall male paytnent directly. Barrawer shall prom}xt} rumtilt to i..en~trr receipn ta~tdtnang such payments. <br />8osrotuw shall promptly dixharge any lien ,.hi_f; has prtanry core this Mortgage; prt?vided, that Barmwer shall not be <br />required to discltar;e any such lien sa long as Br?rrowtr snail agree in u rtt,ng t«~ the paytttent of the obhgazion ucured 6y <br />such hdt in a manner aetrptahlt to Lendtr. ar shall in coed faith canttst such lien hy. or defend tnfarcemcnt of such Piert t0. <br />Iegal procsYdittgs which operate tc prcvtnt t#tt tntorcemrrt of zhr l,en or farfe,turr of the Property or any part ?hereof. <br />3. Has~ltwtance. BarsoyYr shall l.eep the ampm•,tmtnts now eaistm^ ar hereafter erected un the Proptny insured <br />against lass by flee, hazards izxluded wathm the term "~atetidcd co,erage". and such athrr hazards as Lender may require <br />and in st>~t amounts and fc?r such pericxis a. Lrtrdtr *itay rryuit•e, gr,ia~ided, chat l.encftt <ltail <ot rcyuut that (tie amount of <br />stAClt ;,aiverage caeezet chat am:>unt of 4rv~ra:ga trquxrcd to pay t:te sums +r~ :trd hy~ zh:s !slortgage- <br />The imurattove ratrxr piny-idtng the tn~uratttt shall tat cl:ostn by Harrower soh}e.:t z,, appmvai he i eta ire, proytded, <br />that sex3t agpr©val shall oat be ;:nrexsonabl}~ uirhhetd ,41! psrtniuma on inwraua~e poiacae, slaail t>E paid : the manner <br />pruwdod tender paragraph 2 herw t or. ar ra t pea,: is such inantrrt, by Bc+rzz+wet mas:ng pa}z:t:;nt, when dtee..!rrectl}' to the <br />iosuranc~ carrier. <br />,~11 insurance }wticies and renewals taereai snail t~ rz. t,.nn ac.eptabir to lzrsdrr and snail rri .,ode d standard mortgage <br />zlattst in faa`ew .?f and +a form arw,eptaiair ic+ l~.ndrt. 1_cnder maid lt<,st the right :u h~,ld int puliaes ,,ltd renewal= thereof, <br />and Borra>+.rr sha'1 prompil} furwslt to Lender :_;; rrnrnal ¢xt:i°es and all rr.;rxpts ct {za:d prenaturs la tree csent ,~( lass. <br />B +c.._.~+r;~ smell ~t~~ ~a:~t:~ ns~iee €r, €.,e ans:assscr c;~=r~~, arni i.ei+dcr. i rnarr ran} male psrn,i t i ioa+ ,t nut !rack ptartzpti} <br />hY Bt,=rtatser. <br />Undas I.tatder and Bcurvsa~ caaiatrwasz agree :n ;.€et:ng, ta-a;ran:e ;=tck.r.l s ;a:; t,c apghtd tc, r~taration .,r repair c,i <br />the Ptopexiy damaged, pmvxded ua~it restc?rattort o: rrlsiir a er;*na;nscr41; .~sihtt• uud the s:;euruy of then 3iartgagc s, <br />nor therebysmpairaed. if su:h rea2Ctrauati ar repair !b rut iessri,lr : - ;the sr;ortit ~~3 ihr, \fa,rtgage would <br />IK impaiced, rho ffisuranx pra>ax~la shah he ;applttd a+ rice srin:s accused t?y ihtsYifangagc, watt, the races. if r,}. paid <br />to Bs+rra+wcr_ if the Prapeni is ahaztdt,;~d h+ B.'x;rvwet. ,~r :; f3arzaxwer s~:ls to rrapc;:7d to larder wrthaat .t? da}3 cram the <br />date gosi.'c rs naatuti by Lcndet .to $i+.rr.~+sce: tiro( thz tztuzran,:-c ::arraer o:icra n> >etalr x .l::arm i.~r ,n>urancc tient5is, Lender <br />is autharrted tc> rasldek-•t and apply the insura-i.r nrcv-et t, a: l.rnitz; ~ upi;.rr. c,.hri iu rrst.zraixan cr rrpacr c; t{ie Pmptnt <br />ru to the wins centred i=y this Mortsage <br />Unless Ltrtdoz and Barrawtr ntirerc:.x- aver ,n at,ung, ar.} wu:a x^p#aLaitxa a€ psocteds ae }>nncapa! shall non .atend <br />M pastprrc rho due dau of the raxsntttl, tz3~ailmr to r_,errrd t. .n paragraph, .~,-„i ~ herutf .,r .hinge the amount of <br />si>rhitttullnttnts_ l# under paragraph 18 hereof iht Prs?pem ,. s.yu~-e:i r} I.ei;Jrr, ai; r:gtst, true and t_tr:est ~.: Aarr.,wcr <br />in acrd to ant anstuance paltcu; atiai in and to the pr<scteds tltesr,t rtsz,tttag drra; dansage t~z ihr Property pr.:ur w the .s?e <br />w a'wquis;tiun sh~i pacs ~ Leuti~ 2r: the txenx of ~e sure sscur,~,i °} ti,~ ~3t+rtg3gc ,enantStauh ~ ,or t,. ,ua: pie or <br />aix~ition. <br />i- Paweesatlea ant ~eaante of Praalert3: S -arch..idc;; Pynaed tnii Chaeiupmrns. Aa;ro::ct <br />shalt its Proppty m sand repair -nod shal3 not ~•?tantit waste cr permu ,rnpairment sic Jetertarat,an ;?3 the Psopc:a} <br />x~d stilt ~' w she ptav~,~ mf ant' ~~ i= tts~ 'l9t~g,:tge is cxi a -mid #t tsxva ~lcrigsgc is F,. ., u;iu iz, ., <br />enndumittium ar a planned itnit dtyr3opaatn?, By=r;}uct -~:a:1 }~sf:.rsa 3i , i Bc:rcns> 4 ,rt•t.g.,*~.s ,.,3:s ,.. .t~;s:rat,,,n <br />or covtuaatr Crt9tting or gavzrn,ng tltc ctmdcatraixarm zar planned conic 3o.x3agmesrt.. ihr try-laa.~, a:vi rcgarkati.•tts .•f the <br />,;emd,uninium ar planned unu c3tvrlcapmsn: ,usd constttst=tit ~u~::e?sr=5t~ 11,..., _.. ,;,•tr:t:.° ,•,... .!z•;. .sn.•, <br />rider k5 eatec'uted tt BatFOw .°. ~ •` ,,i ~ -t „r, <br />y or any rea•,ordcd t~etl~r w .c if>.s ?Nor€gage. ti.c c„acaarus r.d eg; n :•. },•t t h :,.der <br />wall he intx+ipo~atcd ~tlo and ansersd anr3 ,:sppran~ t il~ ct:tenratx and agrc~nrrst, t i th,3 }{,,ncagc ~ rE the ever <br />wrrate a pars heroafs <br />~, ~ l..adsrs See~ril,~ l5 Bon'a~we: fade to ~=tsnn ttrr rcevrnants gradsr:,rtemerets .'c°nraurcd a th:> <br />Ma•t,~~r nr )~ any 11r.'Ciflf 43r ~~ fb i'xtntrrt:,rsi'eet w}t};,t}{ mate3'1~1y ai3s'wts LnnOei'6 eNrrest nt tt1C ~': oj*rrt>. <br />dteludtng, }ort toil limned rt} tnrtirtttst dmai€airt, itasar3a~zr. cafe e-nlaraemtnr, .+t at raragemi:ntn F r pr::~eedi;ig::n+.s9.:n}I s <br />hxeutfttpt ar ancodan€. then L.ttufi`r at lcudts'x c,ptrrxtc, upstn nE.i:ec :o Btrrzksa.r. ^:ay make sua:ia r,ppeasatt~r,. rt=,hvrsc =.,.ch <br />Stirnr ;vu1 takp s awniaa as ?s ~cnssary era prctssrt Lenttcr's .r;u c:~S. :n:. ~;f,n~ nut n t tins=~ -! t,=. :i:-.t±:.r.c tx:cr,t .. <br />raatlnetahie attntncy''s fe=es and entry ytxat '.;'x Prepetty° to male repair« 1? i Yrtder tequiarci ttt,*rt~ng•. tr:sa::uza:e ::. , <br />tondi2sC.n-of maftittg rho loan twc;tucd b} this M=rngage, Honx~e-i si°tai? Fa} ±n<c premiums rc;;uzr es'. to maiud.un ':u.:, <br />imt.tatt~r do effect until stash uric ,as iAe rrquircnzerst lase atuh tnatrrapre tereatiaaies :r, as,.L~rda n_.e. ~.,it, A=a::,•e c-r, .>sr,e <br />