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<br /> Myments auy no longec be required,st�hc u�tion uP Lesulzr,iE'mortaa�c ituurance co�tr�e in the amoun�t and��r�tbe prri.�d =
<br /> that [,e�xkr r+aquires)proti�id::3 b�•an inyurer spprovril by Leiuler a��►in b�x;c»��ee av�itablc��:! is oEtaina�t. l3orcow•or stuJt pay .
<br /> ibe prcmiuuiu requlred ta maiutain nwrt�a�o iasurance in effec�, or to provklc a loss resen�e,uatil[he requircmcnt fur uwrt�a�e
<br /> ituuranM c�u1s ii�accordancc with any writtet�agrcement betw•etn Borrowcr uxi l.ender or appli.^,�ble law.
<br /> q, �ncoaet{on, t.euc1er ar its a�r.s�t u�ay ruaice ressonable rntnes upon uxl in.spectioas of the Pro{xny. l.�nder shali give _
<br /> Borrower notire u the tiroe of or prior to an iaspectiun sp�.ifYln�rea�o+�able csuse for the inspectian. _
<br /> 1�. CGi1t9�iiii9At3W➢. 'fhe pn�a�edz of:ay aaard or ciaim fer danvigcs. direet or �+iseque►uial, in conn;�.tlan with uny
<br /> condemnatio�i or othar tswin�of�a,y part of the Pm}�.rty, or for eonveyutiee ia liw of con��nstian, arr henby assigcxcl u�d
<br /> s�ll be paid tcr I.ess3cx. -
<br /> In tha avcnt of a totul takina of tha Propettp.tt�a proceal9 sha11 be applial to t�e sums srcural by t6is Securiry Icutrumeat.
<br /> whethcr or nnt then duo. with c.��� a�aess paid to Borrower.in the evcat of�parci�l ta7cing of the Praperty in which the fair
<br /> marku v:�uo of Iha Pro�estv imstte�ii��uly bafore the taking is oqu�l to or grater than t�e arnount of the sums sccural by this
<br /> Security Insttun�ent imns�diately befure the taking,unless Borrower and l.eader othecwise agree in writiag,dse swns sexwzd by
<br /> th�s Secyrity [astturt�n� s2�a11 pe teduced by the unount of t6c proceals roultiplial by the following fr�tion: (a) the total
<br /> suuount af tha sums socwal immadiateiy bcfore the taking.divided 'oy(b)tiic fair u�:et�afuc o; thc ;'rsF:.rty imm�:at=1y
<br /> befara Q�a ts�ing. Any balancc sha11 be pvd to Borrower. Iu tho�vtnt of a partial takiag of the Property in wluch the fur
<br /> m^+rkct valoe of tRe Property iaunediatcly before the Wang is less than the amount ot the sums secured immediately befvra the
<br /> ukinp, unless Borrower and iendcr utherwise agra in writing or unless applicable I�w otherwise prevldes,the proceeds s3�11
<br /> be appliod to the wms sxural by fl�is Security Instnimont whether or not the sums are thea clue.
<br /> If the Propa�t�r is abandonal bY Bocrow�r•w'�f.�tier notice by i.eadcr to Borrowcr t�t tBe oondeumor of,Fers to malce a�
<br /> award or uttle a claim fot daasages, f3orrower fails w respand to I.endor within 30 d3ys aftu the date the nodce is givw.
<br /> LesKler is authorizod to coUxt�nd appIw the procoals.at iu optiun,either to ratoradon or m�air of the Property or to the sums
<br /> �ecurocl hy this Securiry s�.'^�^.t,whoiber or not thea due.
<br /> UNas I.eader aad Bormvver otherwise agree in writia8, �Y aPPlicati�on of proc�ds to principal shall nat extead or
<br /> pastpooe the duc date of tbc monthlY paYmeau refernd to in paragraphc 1 aud 2 Qr shangs the amount of such paywenis.
<br /> 11.�on�ower Not Released;Forbear4ace By i.�ader Not a Watver.FacterLSioa of the time for payment or naodification
<br /> of amortizati�w of the sums seeured by this SecurIry Inswment graatal by I.ender to wy successar in interas of Borrower st�il
<br /> aot operate to release the liabilit}r of the original Borrower or Borrowtr's successors in interest.i.ender shall not be required ta
<br /> comrneuoe proccedings�ainst any su�xessor w interest or refuse to ea�tend anne for paymeut or otherwise modify amorti�ation
<br /> of the sumt secured by this Securiry Insaumcnt Ly reasou of aay demaad made by the original Borrower or Bomower's
<br /> uxcasors in iatec+at.Any forbearaace by Lradcr ia czenising any riYht or cemedy shall not bc a wuva�of or prxlude the
<br /> e:ercise ef aay right or mnody.
<br /> IZ. Succes�ors Qad �s Iicr�nd: dotnt rud Sev� Li�b�Wy, Co�si�ners. 'Ibe oovcaaats and �gmanessts ctf this
<br /> Socurity Insrmmeat s1m1I bind and bwefit the sucoessors �od assigns of Ieadr.r aad Baa�wer. subject to the prov's�.�ot
<br /> puagraph 17. ROLI'aWCt�S COYW1aIt � i$I�OG�ICIILS Tb911 bC)OIAL SOd SCVOi�. Any Borrower who co-signs this Secw'ity
<br /> Inunu�at but does mr exoc�te the Notc:(�) is oo-signing this Socvrity Inuma�at only ta mortg�ge. Srant aad coavey that
<br /> Borrowcr"s interrst in the Property wader tha terms of this Security inst�umwt�(b)is not personally obligated W pay ttae sums
<br /> •�..�.��c.r.�.;rq tnumme�u;ancl lcl�rors that lrsder and aav otha Borrower may agree to eactead,modify,fat�xar or ..
<br /> m�SCe�ay xoommodatio�with regud to tttie tea-m:of this Sccurity Instnuueat or t*se Note withoui that Bomower's oons��ru.
<br /> 13. Lova CbarQes.If the loan sxund by t6is Securiry�ns..�^,*TM^t is subject to a laa wluch sets maximum loaa chazgea,
<br /> �nd that law is finally inurpreted so tl�at the interest or oth�r loaa cbarQes oollected or to be wllxtod in oonnection with the
<br /> loan oxcoed the pesmiued limiu, then: (a)wy such loan c}�arge shall be reducocl by the�mount nu.ess�ty ta reduoe tho ebsrge
<br /> to the peratiuod limit,and(b?�Y��Y callected from Borrower which e:oeed�d pennitted limits will be refuaded to
<br /> Bormwer. Leador m�y clwose w m�lce thia rct�d by reducin8�P�P� ovred uader tlu Nou or by m�lcing a direct
<br /> WY� w Borrowa. If a nfiand raluces principal, the rodwxion will be tnuod at a P�� P�WY� �� 1IIY
<br /> Prep�ymeat eLar�a un8er the 1Vote.
<br /> - 24.�iWion.Any notico to Barower provided for in this Sa�uity Instn�meat aLall be givea by deliveriag it or by mailing
<br /> it by f�sc clzss mail ualrs9 appli�bte law requires use of anotber method.The notia s1Wl be d:recud to the Propc�ty Add*+r�°
<br /> or any other address Borrower designates by notice w Iracter. Any notice to l.mder shall be givea by fust elus mail to
<br /> ieader's address staud herein or wy odur addnss I.eader designata by notice to Boaower. Any notice providal for in this
<br /> Sa�uity Iasuumeat sba11 be damed to have bxu given to Bomower or Leader whea givea zs provided ia this par�gi'apL.
<br /> � 15.Goveroio� I.aw; Severabttity. 'Ibis Security lnsinimeat shall be govemed by federal lar�� �ad the law of the
<br /> jnrisdics's�on in whici�the Pc+nperty is located. In the event that aay pmvisioa or clause of thic Security Inmumeat or the Nou
<br /> coattir:.;with ap�licable law,wcb conflict s1�11 not affxt wher provitions of this Security�itr�_*��or the No�te wlude can be
<br /> givw efcect wIthout che canflictin�provision. To this ead the pmvisions of tlils Security�*+�:aod the Nou are aeclared
<br /> w be severab2e. .
<br /> Il�.Borr�uwer's�apy.Bocrawer st�ll be givea one conformat oopy of cC,e Nou aad of this Sa:uriry Iasuument.
<br /> Form.342� 9190
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