<br />Lender's written agreement ar applicable taw. Borrower shall pay the amrntnt of a}I mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided tinder paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by tender pursuant to this paragraph yvith interest therrc+n. shall Mcome additional
<br />indebtedness of Harrower secured he this Mortgage Unless Aarrowrr and I.andrr agree to other terms n( payment, such
<br />amounts shall lte payable upon notice fram Lender tc. Rnrn,yvrr regvestine payment thereof, and shall hear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time ro time an autstanding nnncipai under the ?vale unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate wt+utd he camrary to applicable law in w-hieh event sve}t amouttts shall hear infcres[ st the highest rate
<br />petmissibtc under applicable law. tinihing contained in this paragraph ' shall require Lender to in;;vr any ezpense or lake
<br />an}' action hercuttder.
<br />6. {eaperttsa. Lander mar make ar cause to t+e made reasnnahie entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shat! give Bcrrraacr notice prior ro anv such inspection specifying masnrable sauce therefor related to t..ender's
<br />interns: in tht Prtaperty.
<br />4. f,or~ewrwagww. 'the pmerd< of any sward ar ctatm for ciama¢es. direct or cnnsequeniiat, in connection with any
<br />condemnation c+r txher taking of the Property, rr part ttacrrnf. or for cam<eyana: in lieu of enndenmatian, art herct+}' assigned
<br />and shall hr paid to troller.
<br />Ia ttu r:cnt of a x-tat takant ;>€ the Propeny_ the prns-rrds .haft i>Y ap;atied to the cams secured he thia A{attgage.
<br />utittt the raerrss. if any, pied to Hnrtnwer Tn the event a,f a partial taking .rf the Property. unless Bnrme1ur and tender
<br />oiherw'ice ague ir: w-riting. them chaff he appttrd to the ,utm secured by this 4tertgage such pmpartion ..n the ptaeeeds
<br />alt is equal to that pr.-apurtian w?uch the amount ,?t the come .reared by this 'Sortgage immediately prier to the dale of
<br />taking bears to the fate market yatur of the Proprny :mrne:Tiateiy poor to stet date of taking, with the haianc-e of the proceeds
<br />paid to Barrt+wer.
<br />If the Pmpertp is abarsMned h}• $artawer. nr if. after Warier fly I.rndrr to Borrnwsr that the candemnor affets to make
<br />an award or attic :. claim for damages. Anrnwrr fat-s t.= respond ::. I ender within :?0 cia}s after !hr date such noUa:e is
<br />trtaiied. I.rnder is auxhariz+ed to cofieri and apptg the pix,cs:rds, at i.erader's option, either in restoratian ar tcpair of the
<br />Proptm' ar t;, the autos secured by thn ~fnrrgagr.
<br />t'snitss tender aaxd Sermawer nttstrwisr agree ±s. writing. anv <aech apptrcatian of nrxreds to orineipat shalt not rstend
<br />ar yx.stptyzac the dot dart' of the ttsnasihly snstallmrris re:er-ell t. :^ ;,a:aeraph< i and '_ hera:f ur t'har•re the amount of
<br />.ur+s tnstaBmetm.
<br />la. lrstrowtr ~TtN Rettaaad. F.cttnstrn <>t the trine ,•nr paerrurt nr mr,difrcattan of amartizaitoc, of the cams secured
<br />3ar thrs Mortgage gnnird bye Lender to anv ctn~-rss.:r ~n :rstrrrat .+f Rnrrawrr ,halt not rsperate to release, in anv manner.
<br />ttse lialaitit)' n9 tht origrnai Benawrr and Barren-rr"< s;te.;;rsvxc en intcrext i.ender shalt not l?e required to camtMnCe
<br />,~.nueedi~nzs agaittct stta:A su~-rssar ,,r refuse sit ritrnd tztnr {nr payment , r u;hera~wr ntc,siitn~ antartezatacn of the sums
<br />secutd i*r ttris 4{cngage by rtau.tt ,..* ,any demand made by ttyr :*riomal Aryrmwer and Barrawer's ss.tcressors in interest.
<br />11. FaaeMearaare br l..erier 'trot a 1~aisrr. my tartars; a;,.c ha-tender to tseri ecing -snv right er remedy herctmder, of
<br />.*ttttr+a:sa:t aT.:•dtd h?: apptieahtr law. >hall ,,; ",r a wa;yer ,. ;~rrctudc the rcrn*sr of guy such right nr trmcd}•.
<br />7?tr pra•'terrttxrxt of insurance ar the ^atment :+t ta<cc ,,r -.-athrr '.e. ~ +,r ~t^-sett- by t.rndtr ..hail re:t ?~_ a u-giver of t.ender's
<br />..-iglu ;a accYirraic the mafurin• ~+; t"tr ;ndrhsrdt~='ca .et s±rrd ?~v ~fi:.tt',iartxsf=e
<br />!Z. AaseiiesC~~llea 4TP rem~rr_s }tee, =dell :n iSs. y4,.,ngsgc are ezauin.•: and amnrattve io ant «nther right ar
<br />rrtncaSR• una{et t!ais Mortgage c-• atItYrsire l~s rs>r~ :-r c-at:an sn;3 sna, t,r race.:K-v c„ucurrcntit- i,:.tepcnaienilc rr stsrccuively.
<br />t~. Swe.etaats awl •talttwa I14erw3; )easel wand 4a~raat t.iahelfr"t; (`wpeiww,.. T?u tt~yenantc scan agtrrments hrlrin
<br />~:testtaararsi slsail i,ind, attd 'hr rxgtsss ±,rreunexr .half :state ?c., :4c .-:sprcisvr s: ~z:r4s,tn :and asvgttc s+f ).collet xrtd Borrower.
<br />sui+itt.-t ro ±he pr:*visrcm'-<.st paragraph !'' hr*r,~' i€i ;c+.-trant~ an,f sc;rrntens. .~i Ac+s r:rac* shss) ix t,arnt :itad sey'r: al.
<br />liar eapirartx arr3 head:nps ni she °aragrs^t<* ,>,• shss asi,,nFagr a*r ,,r t>m,'rnrrnie ,:nly ,nci ,re not ta. 'x acrd to
<br />:ntrrptart cc dcfrrK itu {+r,=dtzue!n i~x.m±f
<br />IL 'Vakk £'<,,'ept fi~~ mnr a€xvcr ?egt;arrd ;:r?des~ upP7~ehtr la>~ ^_> ;+c uxvcr< :a ara<,thrr manors. ia; ;env naher to
<br />Aasn*wasr pra.aded far s tTkis McNtga,ge rh~ad'F ~ ~:,"rr `++- ntaaliag «zti.h ~ror:nt;:v by ,+.ruticr," eera,i addrrscrd t„ Harrower ai
<br />the Pmper•,y "Sddr'ras ar at -ia;rih a..tiaer :r'a,xlrc`c+ ,ay B.+r^*s+rr ^:ast dr+.:gr.:ese^ }~t :+.,:;cr t;: t cosier :rs erysvided herein. atni
<br />tai anq nataix- to t ~ecr c?ul! nc grsrn cc .r4; atrri rza a"! =eturr t.yr~pt rcaiuccatev ;.• t *`7 der'1 addles, rotated httein car to
<br />>urh cube, address at t rewier nfay cir4tLnatr ^• ~+e r,:t• s,, Ar,r r,:wrr as t+a ,. sisal fir,*r:~.r lny~ ^t.+ar.-r arr+vided ftx to this
<br />Ms•riga~e i.tt ~ >,krmr.9 +s° .`,a:~r R•recs r-;+rn ca fksrrc•wra .~t t esedcr wGefl g:,ra, zr, the enarrnrr arsgr..atr.d herein.
<br />I;. Lt'wifetw ~{otlpge; i;~.et~wa I~aw. 5rsrrafJNtr_ t~xr !=_?rar <=t ertvz;gagr „~sshrt:rs i;ntft4tn .+wrnanis T:-r nattanat
<br />use ~3 ~a-urala'~zn it„^e~nxrt, „_th tanttcJ +arr.ata,~e y. ,: asw:.'sa=n r:~ c:•r+s3:+,er a ::r,,form ~ usttY tnstrutneat ctivetit;g
<br />rtsi p€e!~petty. This M;stgagr .? `s ~s~,rataeai ^s hr .. .: :ier r+syt t+an °°»ttx to star #'-n;rrr+~ t,,zatrd. in the
<br />rvetat tltai any' ?rtzr:,,a•n .er ttar~ie .~i t3ras !fc"^,tgaryrc .,+ tr!raVC+tr W<=t„Trx-te -stab :,r~+lrrao4r law_ ,u.h cE,nilact .hall not artlret
<br />xtarr pa•vrviixt. ;'~ tht+. 4{;',.zgagr ,x tt+r titer :x-M+al; ,r~x ter ,.:yen r37e„ wt+h;*,:t the ,irnil+itt;tt; ~.re.avtsiaan. and to this
<br />rtN{ the }±roe'es:iotts of :ter >•I at tSwge sod ti,r ~.•tc .?re ;rs°riared t,~ ?+e crrcratadt
<br />1L. itatra~rtis Cqn~. Ba>rrs*y.~rs than l~.r '-'..,,,s!.r-1 ~ ,:.*n =ra,arst ~-=p>;- . _ al±c 'vt,r ,~ t,t th„ a{.,rtga~ =t the ttme
<br />of ra4rcarti>''ea xu -after tax Kaiaia?tt hrrrsti
<br />{i. Tirerder o{ tit i'Alwny; iwww-ttbr. li ai; r=r aa} p,at't .+i ttm hna}serti ,,t .,n ,ntrrest burr+n is 3uld ar transftrrt"d
<br />by Btxrc,t+er w;LP.[.au I,rtyster's pr x::r ,staurn .,+rrernt. ,cr;ucfirag :a; the .: rausa .•f a irtn :rr rncumhnn:.~e stshordtnate tv
<br />tlsts Mrxtssgr., ib} the creatKan at a pa;rrha+t ras,,x~ vrtun>ta :ntrrr.t ?ass R. usrhnFd app3iatres*c, a4t a transfer hp day rte.
<br />~scerxt :x ~~ t•{fcatt.~a. of ia++ :z}~rt the .kaih +,t u ;,.,,ttt ictxsrrt .'d . S a t8r grant ;,f anp Srasthc+Pd rrnitsest of £hree }ears or itxs
<br />~~t rwntaining sea zaptitut by putckawsr, tra:drt Legg}. at t r:.#rs': apr;..n. 4~4tasc e?I the k.,tms acs+:edrs: shss ~fortgagr to ter
<br />iw^,~.r,,...t+serix due ante payaMr i-Caller zhxtt flair a:aays3l s:x.a apu.m z,+ a;.~rtrrate s: nrisw t:+ ihr +ate ,+r transfer. t.rnder
<br />and the person to w#sons t]x Prvptr't} rs to tse s.>lu eel iraaatcrrtd rea~.h a.grrr<:aYtrt !ra ~ retutg t"+.at tnr ~rc.iii ;~f suite }'*vtsea,
<br />xs 5aais(av'tv:y to I.tardtr and tha? *.tae ,~tr:rrst payat~lr ;rn tier :.r=t, se~tttad *,± it+.is "•iart~agr ihaii ee at ax.:h rate zc Letxter
<br />shall rtwttsxz. If I.tudtr hu wattsai :h :rptxxtn to ac~ietstr :rror-':tell an ;t~~s parar~raph '.7 sraai ;' Bc*rr;k,wrr s saaccrssaar +n
<br />ststa5ttai Isar zrecy; ell a ysr4ssrri .zxutr}p.'x3ri agree'actss s:'c~I*tedi ¢n azru.rng i,l i rn3rr. 3 ender s.~ai, rr3t;.;c Aorruu~~r ,'aeon alt
<br />a~tiiFra,edttt cutdrt t~ 4lcxt$+I}e gad the tiotr.
<br />If )larder tarrriats sex;:: ,n}afss+€t to a::x3rra;r- l.radee ~,rv'si n;aei A:=;ro„s., r;~;?,.r ,;ce9:rat„m i..+rJancc with
<br />€~'atgLr <'" en'+I. Such :,~i~'r shall pam.de a ~,~ sTf srs less thatt Lt ,ia}s fr,;,cy the date i!ar ^otfie c, rxtxiied withsn
<br />w"isxtlt &un•ra•tr ttta} Wt care susrts dr:.iarnd Sur l=. Bz rra.er ia:;s ::, pe} su.h some prre+r ts, she r,.parat;c~r= ,:f su<:n t+trc.?d.
<br />~.C29d-Cr rwi4. 4'tl~ytj {ryr~lhLi rp(,}t)„Y L'*I s~rAL)and ti", ~4Si:4tJkYT. ~!ty ilj.r aIY ;t[FlLis~3t4 Z`CZ':S„ltx~ .~`.t M;7attrirp;l t 4 !ts`rC~f-
<br />;ER`rct.t}ititttgat ~zftet:wty~ Baltcvtrrs and t rct~a twttaer cr3y esaant srad at;rwr ay #n-ik.w-s.
<br />11. tka`zwietatlwe~ 1ltcwatiiw~ i.:z,<s~t wa pwrrieA is pwrwarapla i7 heteaf, NiN+s ttwrtowcrrs breach of way ruvcwwwt w
<br />a~arselt wI ~wtrtxtvrw i tiir .'I/rrira/e, iwelaaiirq tic r3x+ramts to pay whsw dar awy wrm eccrrtavd by this 3lwgwgr.
<br />I.adaa ~eiM N rraw,Ietatitr itsaM wawa trwtiit to tiwxvawtt ac previdiri :w pwrttt{rwpi ti betcaf .prrifyiw~. tit tit tarewri;
<br />!11! ire r1la~r rwryt;eai M 4ws a+a3 ItrsaCit tJt a date, sat leas thwN itt dwy> farm stet date ttxr twiice in wswik d to Nwrrvwrr.
<br />ti viiet• awcR iewwci ttttrt let rtwc~ tali f33 ttswt Iwiherc fo ewer sttrh brewer ow dt hefam the dwtr a{atiieed lw tit tarrtks
<br />rftttr nertM it wecaiateRiwr wf tit sans tacwad it Lila Mortgtrett, fwrecbswrt iy )axdN'ut ptwtcdierR wall ark of the P-uptH}.
<br />lire atwaicc tit fwt[rer ieiwtrw irtertatr Nf tie rlsit to rrirtArt sleet wsxberwtlNw gall lit r~W to w..crt iw tic fetec:iaarurc
<br />{eHrcwwiiai tie tlwr^eaiiaeUre w(w Aa{atrN rat ary caller tietetttc t+f !<arrowet fa wrcrietwliNw gall fr«rnkwtate. it tM Mrwxb
<br />is Mt tivsrii fir oc retwra trt last slat+cit`ied w tic wWtrr, LaaNkc wt t.ewder'a oyliwa wxa} deviate alt of ihr cause ercvrcd h~
<br />qi 4itrtp~r tw 4 ~ tfat awl pyark witisxrt fwnirt dr+tawrd sled xrtr} femcknt by jutitexal prweralitxlt: tetxdet
<br />triaM 1tr sMllfei tw err/aeY lw leer ptvsaedtter txM ra{rrwtcs of farrax'tauwtr, lwz3taarrS, Met wet i}robed tea, cons ref JerwttacNtwr}
<br />M~apCtr wiMrr•.ar wwi aWt
<br />1!. laarN+taera >MIItYi 4a Rwifwttwte, \atsa ritatktarxit:tg Srrs:Set a .,ir:.t:;.,n ;'.! eta,. r:,na> yet :ax c+i ny st,m 'ri s-rt(,agc.
<br />>c+v;ts ;~w+T ~~ t~ rf~Iat a tax~rt gasp pracredirxas ksrg,un fir t cur.; ;. ,x~e ri,n s9,ts t~dgo Ise:?ntu sc~.1 .<t .. ,n;c
<br />