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<br />1JNIFOnM•rs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fallow;: <br />1. riylrert of Pdncipd srd Infetest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and sate charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />2, Frei for Tup trld [eatlrrrce. Sub}ect to applicable taw ar to a written waiver by Lender, Bnsrowtr shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly inssalimenls of principal and uiterest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a slim therein °Funds'7 ettual to nrte-twelfth of thr yearly lases and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgtge. and ground rents An the property. if any, plus nor-twelfth of yea,,*ly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus ant-twelfth of yearly premium instaHmants for mortgage insurance, rf any, all a4 reasonably estimated initially and from <br />titm to time by Lender An the basis of aisessmartts and hills and reasanahit estimates thereof. <br />"!tae Funds shall ilc held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which arc insured nr guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state ag^.ncy !including htatder if !.ender is such an instituannl. Lender shaii apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments, <br />i~uraace premiums and ground ants. I ender may not charge for sa ht>idirsg and applying the Funds, anatpzirtg said account, <br />or veritying and compiling said assessrraersts and bibs. unless !.ender pays BorrAwrr interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits ltnder to make such a charge. Borrower and ixnder may ague in writin¢ at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shalt he paid to Borrower. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />re4tritts such interest to lx pall, !.ender shall not Yrt rei2uired w pay Borrower any interest or earnings nn the Fundx. Lender <br />Shall give to Barroarr, without charge, an annual ac.^oun[ing of the funds shriving credits and dthits io the ids and the <br />ptttpose far wfiich tads drbii to else funds =s-as made- 'lht !-lands arc pledged as additiaaal sixurity for the sums secured <br />6y this Mortgage <br />if the aenot:nt of the Funds held lay under, together with the future monthly irtstalimenes of Funds payable prior to <br />the da+e dates of taxes, axseasaaaenis, Imsurance pmmtums and ground teats, shall rzcecd the attaauut required to pvy said taxes, <br />Yt%EtYtlitiK, init#ran4`e Qitinteam5 and gTAUnd rtnis SS :lae4 iatl dnc. St}(:ii CiCFt3 shall iIC, of BArrawer'i spoon. el[latr <br />prompti}• ctpaid to Harrower at crtdutd so Burr. w-er a*ra mnnttri.- Imtallments of 1=ands. if the amount of the Funds <br />held by I.endtr shalt not be suIEcunt to pay easel, ascC`sSnttnti, ±nsurancr prcmrvms and ymvnd rents as they [all dtst, <br />Btsn~ott=tr shaii pay to Lender am amount ratcetaar} to make up the delicre:e:v u-izhm 33 days tram the date notice is ma6ted <br />by Latader to Borrower !`tatnciting ca}~rncnt ttterrai <br />!;pan pavtsxrt rn fufl nt ail suss secured hs toes klr-rtgagc, lender shall ,,^.ramptl~ round to Borrower any Fonrix <br />held by Lttsdtr. if under paragrapis l S hercai ;ht pr,~perrv :. sold .,r rnr 1'r.+t><aF :s ot3etrwrse acgilrted t•y gender, Lender <br />shall aga:Iy, n. tatty than rmtMdiatci'. pn>+r n .tar .ale .+r ;hr t'roaem~ =,r :rs a.cgaaistuon by !.ender, ant !=ands held by <br />L~a~r +;r 11~ tug .-., appd;<.,.>~_ ..; ,....~..., sg~ .,r ............. ..~.,..... ti•...n, ^ ha_,~tga~. <br />3. ANiicaallr d P.ytada. !:nlrss appba-a~hk law i-rss+r,ias-,,thaw-tx` all payments reeervtd be Lender under the <br />\cxe awl paragraphs i anti ~ fttrecaf strait be apptrrd nr !carder acct :IS papmrnt of ama>nnts payable to i.tnder by Harrower <br />sutler paragraph '_ hemp, then to interne , ayabie ,=n rlae lute. :r,cn s.= ttac prtnctpai 4)t the '~otr, znd tiatn ui interest and <br />prsna;tgal an an} Future Advances. <br />i. 4~lnasaf Ue=. &lsrawtr Thai ,tas all ;=; 4c~s, a-,.sccrnr;e:s z.. ,=tbrr .narges. ti_xs r. d :mpc»tuoas attnbutahle to <br />the Prtlperty srhict= [tray steam a r+tna:si;- rvrr eras Mczrt};atzc- and teax~ttnid pa}-menu c=r around rots, if any. in the manner <br />lsrtr:;dtd ;snd+er paragraph 2'rtrrr.# .:r..t r,at paa~ :.^. >x#t aa;Pnnrt nt &+rca•~tr makcng pa:•men1, when due. ditr:crly to the <br />pat~de tiaetto=. Beu;osver iiaali prcatuE.>v -`umzsh ra l.erniex ;il rot,::-s : _ amoctnts .;uc under t?tas pargrap4 sled in the cutest <br />Bus: Ata'er shall make paytsattai !trout. 8::rr,..uer .t;ais Pr =:nptia ~,sr~nas3s t..* t.craltt rrceepts rvrdencmg suds pa}°ments. <br />Barrowxt alsafl pramgti7~ duxhargc an} d.K-r "nr-n i:ai t*t rarity .,-cr :n;s ~tangaut: provr.ied. !asst Born,wer shaii not be <br />rcxllturx+d to dtsc:harge roc- .uc'h itch w :log :£i i3.~rsrxcr si;-ail ,,arty r>. -*s s: i:eg rn the ;~apmtat; ++t +hc +,birgara<>n ,ecurcai by <br />sich lath ar. a manner mr~rntzi»c r.= 1-txa3ts_ ,>s >hatl rs ~c+aai looses arw>t<tt ra,.h ken hy, nr slefcnd enaotrcmcnt oY su~6 iron in, <br />i~al eedtngs w~h~h .~xrate to , reuean arc cola=nnurns ,,t :lac lien i:e teerttarrc ,+t tell iar.rperty or ans part thereof. <br />i. Hnrartt lrararer. Ba?rru+a er vbalE iuep :hr amt';++,-errirnr> rs +< rart;trg :,- nc?ratter r:vctasl r+n the 1'rx,prrty rsuurcxi <br />a~,aitifi k+ss fn- hre, hazzrdi xtx3ndtd ~x~athsn lice scan cxessxtczs ,:+r rr age an.: +.rc E; ,>ih: t he3axds an t ender Snap scyufrt <br />aml sn wih sine+ants nn+l .va` atxh peers: do ax 1 c;€dcr ^7.rr, :na<aatc. p;,,+,tlr.!.:xa: 3 cnsrc shell n.>t :eywra that ~rht amissrm of <br />stai'3a Yvrra~c escrcd *.taa1 amr~,nt ~ ,.c+>cxs#,e - y x,rri tas ~':s n_s rya:- ~ 3 :h;s §lortgat{c <br />eM ;asucaaac =art^rs a~rxrrwlag ?lac Ine,us.t:r =.1i-{, +,e ,ti.~k-.n t,. Hasrc~ ~ sr tiabtrcr tr+ appr rays! t+y 1 ernat r; pre>v;ded. <br />that xta.:.A at+lzxxt+s~ai =hail nst tx .;satrusisutsls~ <.ithACUi. i<ts 4=rcasrnnt ca± :'slur acne f-d+l e%sts :.hail f=c panel ~:, ibe manner <br />pr~+r4ltd a:;3alcr pxatrapta ~ ?1C#rt: <,, . =cant ,+s,~* _,. ,.x~ ..^.txtaslar. x t liiszsowct rnak:nt; pa}mein, .aiaen d;ae. ::raYtiY to the <br />1tlauraace catilrr. <br />.S4 rsfri.•'ancr srai rraexta3s tt+eres=; ssiai; t>< a.:arrrs .,..ri=tab: a.= l ,+,n, ,.s3it ,i:aii :;nixuh: s ,xra,l.;r,3 moriiagv <br />r='Iat+ie ~ 1as<+r =d ~rr3 _n lsrm ,u ~.axgt~r+lt !,a ixar.:ic; t u?Jcf ava~ n„c x_a rt,g:xi ;. +,s+id the ~{n+~x let sal! r€nca ai, rtzr;rec>1. <br />anal HorrA,su wits=: grzratapUy taara+-Isla an !rn>srs as rot°,i., a! smart .>ra: 3:i r~a;j•a: <~? ,,ad pstn;auur+ in the e~.vnr .'+1 lr~+s. <br />Bcxrctwtz tiYdll gyYr 1~='x;rnpt tii5t!'C ~rl= i`ae 4'ta:3ta39~[,r Sr3YI t flt,ie.• ~ xnali`I iie.^.) Ulkke pr Cl i :`.= lztyl tt t4a=S rRadC ~ri,mptiv <br />t=f hlw>er <br />L'-aksa 3_~der $ara~~~x ~r++;_x ~~ rs ~-:tau}, ,taaur~wr ^-+.~crt,9-= >_+u?€ ~ :agfy9ryi ts, aiat~nrauon s< report +•2 <br />the ptiiptrt} -.;a9a3yrai. fx`==,dtd lucre :'rite=rY -. ~~ rrr=a;r ~ c,,.n,strt~.sii4 °eas+t%+r ;:?sal tits' .r.ufrt-} .=f Mars Mortgage : <br />txet 1lsese3ry tklllultrxfl. 1, sirih rrstorat,a,n w+s *rpa>t :t s:.,t v. a+re:.,rtu. a;:s !cx~„[+a~. e*r the -.e. orate .~t !hn 'vi stttgagc x,.uid <br />be Im,Ewzrt the atasuratw:t pr.tatai± ilaall be 3ppisc,,l t,.= tr° ,utxzs ..rct,.ea ,^} ens, M.*rtgac. -~+:tr; :nc es.r>t. ;; ani, paed <br />to Barrat++r`s~. !f t3ec Pra>1lrrta s aasn5„rat~.i'+a 3it~:r,,Mea.:v „ Kaitr=,uet la+zi ~, :ea.;aa;ts; ea 1 mucks +.r~m Ut eta cane the <br />dale ra<zitrse :a ;nax':r+$ tR- Ltxadtr ,o B:.+rrz:+~ca :aa sise lruuratn:a .ar; ar.c ==tiers ;a .zsrie e 4.'a;na f=+r arr,.uraiace ?xe~tits, i xndrr <br />!1 #ait1X?riY+Crt EY? a"a11M:.t Snit ak ;t3~ '.v.it3taY~'T~ yiu a'iYgl! _rk 1 t~v`CE a :v +~~sy? L:if.~S 54r rKA9ial.Ytii`:r fI =C~fdlir .'_( rllC ltri!pC114 <br />ar ill 1110 3'11~Y Sti:itrt9l t?V thin Na;lgage <br />I>nkaa Loader scut llixtc~scs tiu:rai... agzs~ ... »r=un3. arse ..>`..,. apgae:atrt+rs , .ate t_= -:-rr.:apaS ieait n,x ;srrtHt <br />:~ ~+:~ the dye date +?I tl~ ~. thl} '3±1a Slrtai'-rt£a '-'igt+~ ~ . ixaraRa.i?ttt au,i, L rreie±>t et h-n.c ;'.tc ams,uret c s <br />sarh trasialixataats. ll utxiei ~~3aaS~ as iatr'cui ~tze pr,.~at~ a „,y-re., c.t E., a,, 1,~~tt, ,.e#e arrJ tract es: , = Bc:r n,wer <br />m to any sasEraz~.e pa::a-m ~ an artd t,, dr: ~e.~t_ ;`.area>. ,..sL_...E :, ....,e,tl,< .. ,let t , ~x';• }.rs. r t.+ sgse ,,.,_ <br />ar a~t~rtaatt siaali lvaa to I.t~:adta :o aSc cL._aa. ~, tfe loos x:s„_ ... v~ stet, ~#.,rgags :rnx,i.acets ,a,.=t , .eah :.. <br />n.-~~`.r~,.. . <br />i. tsipla~rsa4lr ari Shittwarce »t Ptq}zrty; l,rsrtiMali; t: rtadauliuit+wis: pbnead t'ai( itr+eiu{tn+csts. 13:err,rv, rr <br />sllait" kexp tfc pral~i'ty an y~aud rtpaet asnl .ra=1 o:.r:..rnana,i waste ti=; jx.rtnr; ,ni}:=::rn;cnt +* .ictr.~rs~>rairon :,t t?sr. 1'rc.;x:rt} <br />and +?tali ,s-unp#5 ,et.t3a tilt ptazvn:axus .~t an. ieait :1 tr r> Sier-tgag€ .. ,+n ., !rn>~r.xtat i'. ., 4la:xtz<g. ,:t:;t :+: a <br />ccm:c~~ .ei a plva st.n# ~+~c~xttint, Br+?ra~i. .: fr~n>>rn: a, ,:t ttcitr,,sv t „birg.rr+..ty ~ +:,Saa 1_ .. in stets <br />x .ovatiawis :rcata~ s`.r g;lvtriuttg eta: sx"eadarrlatia.m +.r ra;atz;acai -.tear di^. r~s,=prsts'ai, art #+,F ~-1as.w .rr+at rcRt;fat+,.rr.> .a [^re <br />+. a , <br />aassYatrsuta:itn :n' glatttneif roast ,#e:t;~r{attti+:r.;. -~.rv-.! .,.:tstrtz+r,-,;xsask , ., ..;ls~*nanuur: .,.,~v ..... ..,,sa .=y,=t:cyst <br />33d6r" to ca,ceusexl ley Barruvrc'r a,red rscrardW 1Ugctfrrr ~ :, ..+ ~i,ntga,~e. x .,. alias .+=xd ay_r-sr,a;,to ~~t ..h ri.lcl <br />ilJill' i4gtxFtp xattld ~nhO aca3 >la+Yil attetn!!Zi aa'SLa eas'1,19LC3Y'Kra9 4}tt ..,, Criaails 2;e11 aFa£ase3firYits vt tYZS Alt,+[~a,x~1 ui+ :_ '. re6 'td.°°± <br />wtaC n j'a3[T 1'ltfiiV:i~- <br />?. tpletpiM of Leru`s SucrriitY. Y? 8a,^ta->Tc1 5~,. ,,, pcrfe.rna rFx :nveua.d4 noel 4gt~:nac.ats .,nuasntd s:. rna> <br />dtt+rtg, ar of say ~ or grt~~tuttt ^e c.arurr:~:: ~tiwh matrreaii3 ~t2nt. l caller + !sstaresi ra ;lam P-.a~~rr, <br />uaclytfitag: boat tt,?t l+ataaai era, t#lrsrseaet damaeu, =i~a]~.~¢nFt sale c=air=r.e~s*cut s . ar rangenatnse .,r t: r~>4 ri~flrs .~ +n i, <br />1aa:+ftra~;er ~teil~"s3, tbrn Les a: 1 x::S.g r~-- u. , . .. .- =+.-re,. s:.}: ; is:.a-asi..s~+ ~_ . .,. , <br />st~x x~ sake ,:~•taext as ri recs:.t,, , p€<wa>< lert,iasa -.! ;us<. 2 luny,. r ~ 1 =,IS,.tea a~ -is t* +,..,; , <br />adt,~lYiCi'E fees a~ e~i3f3 tapMa 9th 2'rul~~rlr rs= tnak.e .: pa r* t, lr:,~>•f xcvrerc.: ~ 'vgagc a...x _, , <br />~t:rai#t#,ma ad zusitanj t#xc }c>,tn ~uea+~.i is?. ds Ad a.:Ya- ~. fk'sr: ~*ar- ,_s. ",c F>rsmear>ts ,a:y.,-, r„ + -s.::i^ ,. <br />~~~ r~ tit :mt~ each ir2T~ a> t.~ ;~+gas3leti#Y's1 1s3E =:uci: ers,uearr,r - ..,, as a . _ ,.,asdar~.e ~,r ± !t .+..._. a,:.t <br />