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Lender's written agtt:ement ar applicahit law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in she <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />My amounts dislurnied by Lender pursuant to :hie paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shad become additional <br />itadebiedrtcss of Borrower secured 6y this !slorigagt. Untes< $orcawer and Lender agree to other terms of payment, sstrh <br />amounts shall be payable upon ttotice from Lender to Rarrnwer raquestirg payment thereof. and shah fiear interest fimm the <br />dHt of disMrrsement at the rate payahk frnm time to rime an outstanding principal under the Notz unless payment of <br />interest at fetch rate would be contrary to applicable taw. in which event Guth amounts shat) bear interest ai the highest rate <br />permissfbk under appiicabk taw, Nothing rnntained in this paragraph 't shall require Lender to incar any erpenst or take <br />any acGan hereunder. <br />8. irapeeNor. Lender map make er raitsc to hr made rra,anable entries upon and inspections of tree Property, provided <br />that Lender snarl give Bc+rrowtr notice prior to atrv such ~nspectian spervfying reasanabk cause there-far related to Lender's <br />mtertst in the Property. <br />9. Coadewiwdrw, 7ite prsx:rrds +?f a,^.v au.nral ass claim f<+r damagee. ;3irrrr or cancequentiah in connection with any <br />condemnation ar other taking of the Pmprrry..,r par; thcrraf. c+r for conveyance ir. Iinr of rondemnaiian, arc hereby assigned <br />and snail br paid m bender. <br />In the event of s total ;arcing .xf tht Prrsrrrty, the prraeeds shall M applied m the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />with the excess, if any, paid to liarmwe:. In the event of v pariiaS taking of the Property. unless Rarma and Lender <br />athtrwist agree in u~rsting, them shall i+e applied to [hr sums secured by this !slartgage such prop?crisp of the proceeds <br />as is egos! to that praponion which the amaunr nr the sums szcurad ht~ this Slartgage immediately l=star to the date of <br />taking tzars to ttx fats mukra valac of the Prr+prrn~ rmmed+atrly prsor to the elate of taking, with the haSance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />IF the Property is sbandnxeed by B xrc+x•er. ex r`,. after nc~tirr by i ender u? Rarrower that the condemnor nffers to make <br />an award or sttfk a claim 1'or damages. $armu°er fails i:+ respond to !ender within i0 davs after the dare such notice is <br />mailed Leader is atrthoriz~l to cnl#ert sled apply rite procrtds. at lender's option. caber to rtstorntion or repair of the <br />Property nr to the sums sev-':tred t+}' this Mortgage <br />Unless Lender atsd Borrower :>thtru`ise agree :;+ u using. anx such apl+hcarian of proceeds to shall not extend <br />t?r pas#gortt fix due dale .?f the i€xant#rh' installmen±s referred to in naraeraphs E and ~ hereof ar change the amount of <br />stxh insiallttiems. <br />IA. Swtow~er NW Rt#esd. Fxtrnsuin of the ume for p.tvmem or modifieatson ai ameruzaiwn of the rums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by i..rnder iu any' sx::tssr?r ~n mteretit c+i Sc+rrcaurt snail rant ,?peratr to release. in any manner. <br />rTie liabiitc c+r' the twiginar Bortouer ana asorrower's sauessers sn interest. i_cnocr Yhall nor be ,zgiired t+, rammt:t~r <br />prrx:rtdingx against sxrrh strc'tttsa<>a' c,r refuse to ectend ume f<1r nstrncnt or ntlterw+;e marfifi• amortizatior, of the sums <br />secured by this Mcttgage by rcuscm ai an> rkmand made by the .~ri¢mal 13arr.wer and $armwrrs succcsscus in interest. <br />! f. Paekaaearte -`- i.ewder Not a W~ls'er. .ins fi?rtsesran<e h?~ I _ndrr in rxerrning anx• right or remedy htretmdcr, or <br />axherwist aHerded try applicable #aw, coal, pat tae ,+ waiver ;,, ,,, ;seclude the eeerc*sc of anv saxh right cx remedy. <br />T2ie ptactarcenetu of iminrat+ce or the paymem aC saes c?r ratter !erns r+r charges Px• Lrndtr snail nut f,t a waiver of Lender's <br />right tc+. accelerate else maturity of ihr tndrbtrtinr+s .L.uresi bs- rho Martea¢r. <br />IZ Rttaeikf Crtriakltl~r. .411 rrmcdits pr<astdrd ,r ih?? his?ngagr a2 disti[rrt and cumuiativt to any <v her rrgrt or <br />rrnudp u[rtler t#is ?<ioe•tgsgt or st7urdret by iaty <~r rqusty, asad ma} h e?^tc+ced .onr,:r €rntly. sndrpcndznriy a+r surcrssively <br />17. S~ersaea ar/ Aatdsits 6iwed: Js~ai aid 4s~eral LiakiNtY: Ciiptinrs. ~Ihe covenants and agreements ltereiu <br />rusiaitteil stroll lend, sod trm rights hrreunxier shall ;purr ta, ihr srspcae~c nuccrssan pad aassknz of i_enskr and Rarrewer, <br />subject in tier provisions of paragraph !' hrrrs~f 411 :rrvename an,i a5trc:mrnr-+ of Rorr++wer .hall t+c E<nni and several. <br />the taptietts acid hradmgs c?f efts pitragitaphf of :nix 6hzrtga~r arc f*±r nnvan:encc :7n3s anxi ara six tc+ ha uxd to <br />mt+eryrtt or deSne the prnvrsiztx+ tatrcx+f. <br />Il. Natter, Ex,,ept far anv rse?tscc required uncirr aF.itlicahlt law- r+, 6t given sn a~nr,ther tnannrr. tal any rtatice to <br />Atrrrawet pit vxded ix m t!arc 4lurrgegc ,1ra31 l,r gsvtn b.~ rtatling, *.us:h r,<tu^e ht' :cn:ftrd ma:i .tddreszd to Rarrc,svrr at <br />The Pn+.pttfia .4 idrec+ ar :sr seacls axttcr addrrvs as $c; r:*,.rr rosy dt:r¢na!e hp nc~tii., tr, l.t:ufci as proviaied herein, and <br />ihl am_ twtite tb i.ttader slasril f+a g;vats he ~•rta5rd matt, rrtutn recrtp: irri:rested. !<? l_rnder'. address stated herein ar is <br />such a=thtt- addtrue as I..rodrt Wray designate ;~ nc3ux m $ix~xowrr as pms;drd henna 4uy n.;t~re provider! for in this <br />Mxuigafr shalt isc drtrimed t[? rxASr :>vtn g,-.rtt to $r,rrr;wcr ch l-crxkr warn g, vets itt the inaaner dtsignnind herein. <br />IS. Uwitre~ Maristtge: Gereniati Law: SerreaYiNY. 31x.s faun car stx?rigatit c.+mbints uniform urvenantc fr+r national <br />ails and rsatt°uniform iavcnania with limits.! F-ar,airc+ns by turtait4taen t.? ,:uttatuute a ttntform ssxuniy lost€urnent mvtrtng <br />:eai3 pt peaty- Y4trs MortfaRe slaaH be gr+srater3i t;y ihr 3as. oaf ?hr ,urt.+l;itn*ir i+; u~rrich the Property i t~s:attr3. in the <br />rveitt than app- p;i-vision ar clatt°st .?f this >lxvrt$aitr nr the Moir ta~rttlicts wuh applicable taw, such canilici sha11 not atTect <br />Differ pxa=inxms cf this klc,nXagt er the ~iotr which :art hr g++ert rflrc.s u~ithcaat the ce?ieflicting p.ruvision, and to this <br />Gerd the press°issc~ttrs is€ itit-MtrttEatit and the ?a,ta a~ akciarrd to l1 srvrraL+Ee. <br />l~. ifrtt~wrs"a i'a*}. btu-rower shut t+t fnrruslttst a c:+ntormzd copy o-f ttze 'sort and of Chic Mortgage at lira time <br />ir# rxesvtiai a?r afirx rrserdation hetrxif. <br />17, Tattatdtr of Ns Y: Arrtnpirr. if ail er any of ihr Pn+prxey or an mteresi therein is said nr trsnsftrrtd <br />by Iiar'ra+ror ta~Wiiavt Lender's prior written ,:r+tisant, rxcltiding (a! the ciration ai a lien or rncumbnnce sufwrdinate to <br />efts >[ortgagc. (t?i the crsaticva of a putrtF.ast tttoriry +ta;rrin ;nlerrst fcv ha~cuaeitnld appliatxrs, {cl a traiufer by devise. <br />deaf-ertt+r hy:zpeca.itm of taw upon rlie death c;f a :7;nt tereani r+r [:3+tht grans of anx ieas~tald inttrrat o: three years or refs <br />ttta enittaiuiisg an c+ptinta u+ ptrmtxasr, rxay, ai Lcrsder's .?pnott, declare alt the sums stcurrd by this \lnrtgagt to he <br />immatirady due and pa)'abk. Ieesdrr altar! leave wxisrd xtc?r c;#atsi~tt to aca:rlerair if. prier to the salt or transfer, i,ender <br />atsd the ptrarxo to uxltoia the Proptrt} is to_ ba ssud er iransterrcd reach agreement ir: wntu+g that the credit of such petsc?n <br />tt satifai~xr is Lttidea and that ihr intrrc'st pa}slsFC on the sum, sect~tzd by this 'vlertga}it x#tall be at such rate as Lrnde[ <br />steal: ~~.. if l..endrr cuts waivtad Ina sptiorr to act~lrrate pt~'+vidtd in then paragraph l7, and if borrowers sw:_rssor in <br />3dieasthaae>c~'ittaf a m~tittta absump9itHt agrtettxtni acetptcw' in uriiing by t.endtr. 1.ertdrr shad relza5r Borrower from alt <br />akfyatiuus tirades etas Mort~tiNo std the !cut. <br />If i.fndtt txercisrs suc7t ;rptias ua aece+trarr. i.e^dtr shall mail $ai rower ncwtice of acrtleraeian in acrctnlancr wi*,h <br />parap-a~i is htirof, notice shat! prtsurdt a ptrit+d of nest less than tt} days iroin the daft the rtcstice iz matted within <br />whit bC+rrr~wr-x may pas the ruins decares3 dex. iT &sITOarr faits io pay. s:acit coots prior h.~ ihr t,xpiratrutr of svi.:h prr~-ni. <br />f„etwiti ices}, ssttrs'aut l~rtise: =.~iv'e or „rsnaesd ota Ik,rra:srr:, .nvakr a y retttedies permntrd b} paragrtcplt 38 hereof. <br />lVr}ta•=1a 34irt3aM ~t>•.~:g+:.+,iey~. tk'?rtrnvtr txsaf Leitder furilser ~a?srnani aced agrrc, as fellaavs: <br />IL Aiaiydpttliwt R~ttiadira. Eacepi as peariidri it psraRr^p# 17 hcrcvi, upw harrower"t krsac4 of ray caceaarl ar <br />aBtraaat~l rtl ~atswoa Tr Nei = iwcladitt eke cysriiaa4a to pay »ierti dot wY soar srrtutti M ilk Mor1(siire, <br />t;.N.r p.iiw t• aerriaaRaw akrY ,aril winger w ^ereasret as pro+ided iw prrpapk to hrrcet sprcif?iat: i 1) eke brtaclio <br />tIy Mr at~laa ~ fa crte.rttd tiiaa~rM; ill a +iriR out lia tkaa Ni doss frnm tka date the sarkt is a.rikJ is Barrwsrr, <br />Mt >t+ikY trlielt karrr# rtrM1 rr twnedt rwil tall rkrt faRarr b eras sack kceatk aaw ar brfwt t)tt dtuc rpariiSeA Ht tMr iwlkt <br />^atAj' rraMi-let rtrriartafw of-Rte foist rwxtriri kg this \toega{r, torrctoraiee kit jiw4kiiil praeeeair~ sad srde of the Properly. <br />TUa i~4ee tdtirM Itardttr ittlaarii iartr~wrr d tks right to +=irttate orbs ac•tc#eradirw sad tkr riW fo asttrt it rkr kiwrcioaare <br />perrwdl~ig:tYr ~w at M detinilt. ar sin) efker defewer of 1lacivrwte r*i aerrkrwina sad forraliiswc. tt eke barrek <br />ia-asst-catati a4 r- kMYta>E ific.~t alr~4 is tMr rWksz Lertlet• tit Ltriks's upt#aa nuy AesiaKC sit tti tAr spats aetwr+td 6p <br />Niit iMwetttrs to 1w LarrrriM~l} slat rri pyaiie ~7tiart Ittrtkrr daswa~id sad isaY fcsxrc#ose k7 #~kly i+'~at, f,eudrr <br />drill M rrtA~Mtl~ w efdirst Fee sack psreaudittg aq aty}+tswers air tarreiersrirc_ lstalraiiaa, bar rut iiiaAled tn, roa4t of daerwirNaea <br />rtidaa~ar, atialartM atNr riot rrltrtb. <br />i1. ~ ~ fw lairMrrs. "anuwithatattdnt~ f,,rrulet'.a .+ ::lrrat;ar. uf` ;l+r star: freers€~f by ahsK T.inrtgsge. <br />&W`tvtrai ;ii h!•s`tt t}ye.. tigkt t€; ham rtty prr~ss'r3at t~grtxt frp 1..=_t~.&:r ." cnicv,:~e st-,a xlertsai,=e Jtac e:rtnnue f ut x,,• tuns. <br />