<br />U.NIP251tM Cov¢xnzrrs. Horrowv and i.ender covenant and ague as foltows:
<br />!. hlwt d Prlatei/ai tnttd Istserest. Harrower shat! promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the NOtt, prcpayn~at and tale : barges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and intezest
<br />on nay Ftattre Advances sxured by this Mattgagc.
<br />A 1Pa>~ for ?ms a~i Itratifnc~e. Subject m app3icaGfr law or to a written waivrr by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />ter Lender on the day monthly insialtments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Nate is paid in toll.
<br />a sum {herein "'Ftmds"j equal to eno-tweifth of the yearly taxes and ascessmnnts which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Prapetty, if nay, plus otto-twet[th of yearty premium installments far hazard insurance,
<br />plus sae-tweihh of Surly premium instalitnnnts tar mortgage insurance, if any, all as ressanaAly cstima[zd initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender an tttc basis of assessments and hills and rrasanabte rs[ima2cs ttterrof.
<br />TLe Funds shaiF be held in an institution the deFxx3sits or accoatnts s+f which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency tirts:iuding Lender i# Lender ~s such an itssniihuinn). (ender shall apply [he Funds to pay said tales. assrssmeots,
<br />imuraacx ptetni»ms and ground stets. Lender may n+~t charge tar so holding and applying [hc Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or verifsing alai camp0ing said assessments and bti3s, unless [..ender pays Horrower interest an the Funds and applicable law
<br />pernti[s Lender N malts such a charge. Harrower and ixndrr may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Morigagt [hat interest oa the Fonds shall fin paid to Barraxvcr, arni unless such agrermcn[ is made or apz*ticabie law
<br />requites web intttesi to be paid, Lender shall not lx rek}uired to pay Borrower any interest ur earnings on the Fv ....,. Lender
<br />shalt give to Bsurower, wtihoui cita:gc, an annua} accaummg of tfse l=urxis shawtng credits and debits m the Funds and the
<br />purpose far wb~h each debit to the Furah was made. i7te Ftmds rye pledged as additional security for [hr sums secured
<br />by this. Mortgage.
<br />If the amaunr of 24e Ftmds he}d by Lender. togrthcr whiz :he iuutre man[hiy usstaUmenu of Funds payable prior to
<br />~e due dates of taus, assenrzta:nrs, insurance prcmwtns and ground rents, shai# rxceeci the amount regwred to pay lard tams,
<br />asse»toents. imtuanee premiums and graurtd rents as sitey tai! due, stash escess shall be. at Horrower's opuan, either
<br />promptly repaid zu Hotaower or credited to &rrnmsrer cxt monthly tnstaitmrnts of Funds. tt the :tmotmt of the Funds
<br />hdd by Leader shalF nut br atdiciertt to pay taxes, assessmtnts, ansuranct premiums and ground rents as they tail due.
<br />Borzaw c[ shat} pay to Len~r any amount ex:~+essan~ tcx ma~.n up the defi.:anrv within ?0 days from the date notice +s mailed
<br />lty Leattkt to Hoirtawer rrqupting paymrnt thzt•rot
<br />Upon payment to Suit of ail su2rts secut2d by this !Nsxigage, 1_rnder shalt promptly reSund to Serrowtr any Funds
<br />held #}y Linder. If ur~rr paragraph IS hrrnc.f tlkr Propery is. xaid or thr Property is otttetwtse acqutrcd by Lender. Lender
<br />t+hait apph, tut later than ammediate}} prior ro thr +aie .~t the Prartny or its acqutsuton h} Lender, any Funds held b}'
<br />Lapder at the tune of apptiratiaa as a ~rtdit sga:nst the sutra sr.:urrd tkv thss Mortgage.
<br />~. :Apiicrirat d hysw4. t.%nlcss applicable law pia%'sdrs ; thrrwzst. iii paymems ttY.eived by Linder under the
<br />`vaxt at>d paragraphs I amt w itcistif shalt be appFard by l.endrr fiat .n pz}meet at amounn payable to tender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph . hrnof, titcn ra interest psyahle =an the ~+ ~'c. tram ~ ~ the prru:tpa3 of thr Ncxa and then to interest and
<br />pntsetpsi sin ans Futuri Advances,
<br />•. Gltaages-. lisps. Fis:ttawrr shaeS pay ail t.<.xt>_ assts.stitenu and crthr=. :barges, fines and imposiuons attnbuut43r to
<br />the Pmparrty which may attain a prsu2ity Duty this Mortgage. and lrasrhold payments or pmt:nd rents, if any. in the manner
<br />pta*ided scoter paragraph . hireast or. xf ns~ L+axd to stv;1 tt:azuzrr Dy 6nzrcawcr malmg payment, u-hrn due, directly io the
<br />pr}roe [htr~au#_ Barrrrvwer shall ptcxnpUy furne„h r:+ LGn:1es a1i ak.>uceti ei amounts dkze unairr this paragraph, and in the event
<br />HW72kwtr shall znalr payttr.,rrt di.rsatly. Horruwer shall pnuagxis rurrzsh to T,e[rdzr rc~:ti,^.ts e~-idertctng such pa}'ments.
<br />Harrower sisals pramptiy discharge am Eten >Fttea2: fins pr.nknt} ..tirx this Liortgage: ,^« nax€ed. that Bt+rre?wzr shah not he
<br />:equated to 3tachargr nay xurft ixn sc lung as Fi~*rrar-ar siaait agree .n »rotutg n~ thr pa}anent ,+i tlae ohieyanoit +ecu red by
<br />such tree in a manner au~g~a61c to l.,tacict. tr shall to ~xxi imt#t coretcxt xich S+en to. tzs i~fcnd en"tor',~crt~nt ikt such sign m,
<br />Eigai praecedtitgs whM.•h opuate to prr>ent thr entorcettxnt of the lien +•; ts::trrturr of tfac. Ptvkprrty cr an} part thereat.
<br />3. F3aaarai lartrtaatce. ibirawar shalisetp thr >nspraserew,-rats ixo,a esrxting ++r Hereafter errctsd on thG pri~~rtr ensured
<br />against faint by file, ttaurtis trs:3skdrd wcthktt tax cet'»k ":.xtrrxdrs? ~~wrragz~ and au:h cmhtr ha_a ids a4 Lender ntay rtqurrr
<br />sad in such amk)utsis atM; f,n lute pert *tis an f.<r[drt rely re~u!rs. #,z.ivtdr~i.:bai Le«drr shaSS n.+t srqurre €has the amt±unt o!
<br />suKis carverage cxaYed that amount akf :rt'eragr rr~aujrcd ..* paY t'x .unas ±c:+arrd !+r th:> Mortr~age
<br />The tnaurrua'~ carrier proi~;itsg tttn irsaaruis,t sttai} he e#sc«ana br i#rirrowzr .ubfect tc+ aisprorat by i~adre, provttted,
<br />thas stut3t approrat shall tzar bz ;,utxawaat-l} wt2htrr3d ,ilS7 prcmzum. c+n tnsurancr p.~#:ctts shall tzr paid ~.t the manner
<br />rttpvided ttndrr paragraph2 2 lterea£ ar. t sxcx gird ~~ slab rrsanrtcr, bs H.xrrawer maisng paymamt. when due, dtrcttiy zo the
<br />inwrares ar~i~~-
<br />eUi irastuanu polatxa and renewals tizrrrsi s2sa11 Y+:a ut farm .acrrptablz to Lcrts~r and Shall tndudr a stan;ia«1 mortgagr
<br />3+use in taunt of atAi to fsarm a;:s;nptatste s,= Litidcr. Lcntirt +haii Gast tttr rigftt x~ hold 'he poi:ekes :sad rcncuais thnreot.
<br />sad ^airosaret xisali pmmptiy ittr2as3z to Leudcr ail rttrr+sai mstn.ts anti ail rrartpts at paad prrmeums. }n the rvrnt nt ios>,
<br />Datrdts>tr s#alr g:v't pmri~K .;~,• ~ 20 the ~ura;~e ra...;,at au;i Ludt;. L~•~.z tr=ay ,:Salt i;.c::-t cf ~ t{ .,,;2 naadt p:untpt:}-
<br />br Hurstsrrss_
<br />L'-mess L~der lan~c*vker' sdt~t~s>sn apses its k ntsstg, irsurarkce praxrtcts shall be 3ppised to rrstoratian ~,c repair t~tf
<br />the Y ~, pmvxdeti stc•ti restanrn:n c*r repau u eccuaonticaliy itastbie red Litz sesuazy et this ?aorxgagt +s
<br />tsot thariby ieoP-ued !f su,h tta~tmatken sir repau kx nw eccmom~ai9}- feasible or ti the szs.uraY o[ this tt<ts3rigage w•uuid
<br />be itnpairesi, the ittattta~e praezesis >}all br agpiscd to zhr sutas srxured Ay thes 3ioragage. w,th the nsuss. if any. paid
<br />tax Dorra[ru. i# the Prupe2x} >s a"taztdvaei Fy B;?rrov.cr. os st Hatnwer fans:, ti> respt'+2kd to Lrrssxr wtihen 3t# days tram the
<br />daae seotuc is mailed try Leisder to Harrower ttssst t:t:e tztsutatace :arrtrs etfcrs to sense a clattn for insurance t?rnr[its, Lender
<br />is atathoriisd to :aiks,•^t amt apply rise uasurazta'r pru~eeds at i..cndrt's option txrhnr to restoratean ur rcizsir .~f the F'raptm
<br />axr iss lire s1Yas sa~ared try :his 4iottgage.
<br />Unlms Lender and Homwssrr athrrwis¢ agree :a wrtuny, an}' ;'wh applscation of prcx;cehs ua pzxnctpai shah nsr, extend
<br />~ gxaKpc~st~c ibi dtx date of €he tnskatity =- - - rtfrtrri zs> au pazal#rrapit> :and 2 heztof os change the arrtount of
<br />etch iastatimeu6, it uttsiet paragraph 1S hernsaf chi Praperi} <> a.aluts'ed tit l.znder, a1i r:gitt, ut}t and ittttrnsz of Borrower
<br />in and =a any i-x. policies Sad in anti `e rise prrae-t,~s tlstric S resulung Izum damage to the Prape,^.y prior m ttzc sale
<br />at arx~ttiyitio2t s;taii prtsli to Leader ya tilt rztacut s~f the scttzu sraazzasi b} this !.fortgagn tmtnedtately prn',r ao snch salt az
<br />~~
<br />~. ,~ !~l~i~~te ar( }'i !-F ~, (saM~liMlie=4 pt7RCt~ t.'pl t)R- O.np+..w.tlfS. H':N FdwCF
<br />stsaLt itsvep the tits`perty its gwd regatr alai shad tort ctxnrnit waste or pertnai utipa:rtttent or dezeriorauvu of the Prapcrtq'
<br />and ahi(1 5 o321t the prt>vtsioas of arty leave .; tt€ss 'a,ttsr:yagc =~ or, a sr,~-chall_ if thks :tozigagt; rt .;n a sznit an a
<br />ar aptaetnid-nett dcRe}apnteai, ik4rrcur~ s,'saii Ssrr#orm ail ~rf Btxrswtr's ohi+gatrona under the drtiaraizon
<br />ar ;xaxbupnts .riatsng at ga!•etu+arg 2hc axktaisxt'nanium ,kr *slanntd tkntk devritrpcitrtt, the by-laws artd repo}streets of the
<br />~ygisnn ur p_ iStttoe+d i?.ttit devsiaptrusa„ atsd cattwtiiuztr=, ;S~.unierrts.. I; a conJt+rntniutn or pta:uard t++:r: drvciopmant
<br />taint a itCeieutcd by iltutrmvu xixi rs~arded t.+gct}.•€r with zhrs Atcatttags, the tavenrnts nand rgrnntunntc nt' starts rider
<br />shrill 6i& jt~arptuatttii ialu amt shay: atttcud azrd suppiert.enz z~ ca•enants .xstd agzciu}ents of tars Mortg;tgc as Ei the ti.tcr
<br />valets a pan he~[-
<br />3, halassiers at lstsin"i Sssaalst. It Hetra~wcr ta=ts rt= pcsf~krm :='m cov+rnxtets ar_d agreenttsrts atntaaaard :e [hu
<br />ldarig}+pt, ar if aeiy settler 4tr prntcex;isag s koruurntazc.t ~htch rnatcrtalit afie,:ts iettsler's rttttrrs[ in thr P+±pcrt;.
<br />asilnditt~, ~ F~ited to, e>tnsasv,t dorrrasn. irnel+s .axe ~ €az rnaert ?r aFr.~tsgenrz :zx .x Satsx,xxatiirngs rely :ng a
<br />tatsk€ttpt tit, r~en Lctrder as Lr''S C-s',r:, VPH. nc:t,.¢ r. ~:.:s=r.4t. ;teat rn.rke 5u~h n(a:ances. =.i.aS`tttsz eke:?a
<br />s'aritat sad :nit suC}e aatxurs as is rtaatY~aa} t*= part„-r.; i..rsr'c sxc.crrst. ..,;u,3utg. tt;s tart tstn+znt2 t.,, .'ktstaur~oaznt at
<br />res2rtrlF att{.Nitae'i'R iet~ attct ca!1"et5` ussx! t_FW Ptctprttti ta7 ttule rKp~st; s. Sf i..c•.-tdt;r rcqutred >n.atl{agr u. urar~e :r., a
<br />r.4k§trptt t>i trlaJtrhg..,.'tllta 1rA4et x~s3t~d _ik~ t*a~ h#~efsgalie, itcH`t'rtwu ex x.ca;S s~_ ans pe~rfti:sena rx~kisrctt t~ ot;:atntairk s,~~Ys
<br />at~ae~ Wi CZIPGY Watri Etdtilr t3ny$ i5 tilt 3ryia;Nr7i{6i~t2 iiM 6ilc"h £rtStt°caLtG'£ ;4'rttktna3€i pit alt".+rdane'i" with Botri*wrr n an.t
<br />