<br />Lender's wriUCn agrc[ment or applicable taw. Borrow[r shat) pxy th[ amrnmt of all mangagc insurance premiums m tlic
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 harlot.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuam to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall became additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrgwer secured by this ;vtartgag[. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of pa}•ment. svtch
<br />amounts shall be payable upon nutlet frgm Candle to Harrower r;*quesiing paymcv.t th[regf. and shall bear interest frgm the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from tiro[ to time an outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at sxb rate weuld lx cgnirary to applicable law, m which event Bach amounts shat) bear interest at the high[st rate
<br />petmiuible udder applirabl[ taw. Norhing cgntained in ibis paragraph % shall regvvre Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any a[tion hereunder.
<br />g. Itw~telfsn. Lender may make ar cause to tx: made rtasonahl[ entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Leader shalt glut-Harrower natect prsar to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to I.tnd[r's
<br />interest is the Property.
<br />4;_ Custitasttsafaw. The proceeds of any award ar claim for damages, direct or consequcntiai. in cannectign with any
<br />condemnatkiea or other taking of the PrapertF'. or part thereof, or far cam°eyance in ficu of ern.demnstian, are hereby assigned
<br />acid ehaN he paid to tersder.
<br />ter the event of a tota3 taking of the Pmp[rly. the prgreedx shall krc applied to the avms secured by this Mortgage.
<br />+w7Eft the excess. if any, paid m Harrower in the event of a partial taking .>f the Property, nn{e:s t3orrnwrr and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, th[re shalF tae applied !q the sums secured Fy chic Mort,age sgch proportion at ...e proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the :smo,mr of clot soma secured by this klartgape immediately nriar to the dot[ of
<br />?eking bears fg tb[ fair market raitec ~ the Pmpcrt~ vmme<iiatety prior tq the date of tatting, with the bxlanre of the proceeds
<br />paid tq Aarmwer,
<br />ff tfie Prtipert}• is abandane;i br $nrr;,wrr. ~,r rf.:vfttr nr+tirc by I ender to Rarnrwer That she condemnor afters to make
<br />an award ar settle a claim for dzmag[s, lLrrnrwx-r foils to respond u, Lender witl,sn l0 eiays after the dot[ such native is
<br />msihtf. Lender is autfiorized to collect and appt} the proceeds. at Ixnder`s gptign, either ro rtstoration or repair of the
<br />Prapett}° or to the sums seetu[d hx• this ',tartyagc.
<br />Urtkss Lendkr and Barmner athet'wi.e agree in „tit:,xg, any such applicaiton of pmreedc ro principal shall oat extend
<br />or pmtp+ane the dtx date of the monthly inctaflmen[s referred to in lea ragr:aphs ! xnd 2 hereof or chagge the amaavnt of
<br />such instatttnents.
<br />I!. Borrower Not Beleatttd. Cr,tcnsxgn of rttr tvru .'ur navment nr madi5~aturn of .unonizatian of the ,ums secured
<br />by this lNartga~ granted by L~ndcr to env sort, c4xrr ,n imtrrst er£ 9arrower chat! oat ;,par:+t+• to release, in any manger,
<br />the liability of the origina3 B. rrawcr acid Rorr.nwer'z s; ~Yrasar, ,n ineerest. t.tnd[r +haft not Fre required to commence
<br />proceedings against such stiscessor ire refsxsc :n r.xtev-,t tyro[ for pat-aunt or oshenv,se m:,dify .rmarti._atinn of the sums
<br />+nurrc:-bc this Murtgag[ t±y reason :rf nay .irm:urd made ht the ~.+ricnul Bgrr;~u~cv .end Borrowers c:tccessor, in interest.
<br />tl. Ftrr3earrrrre 9g [xader Nat a Wei+~er. hnx e,rr.~carar,rc to ! ender :n exererztn~ env right nr remedy hereunder. r+:
<br />ittltriwist ;Ffftxded try applicable law. ,t:.rti net '~-, a wa:r-av .: ;+reeiuc;c the ecrrc;se :;r anry ,uch right ~~• rtmrdy.
<br />7}te proctrremenf of imurtnrc r7r 'he itay'mrnt of 'axe+- ->r <uhcr iirr.+ ,•r ;har~,ti !=y l rna`.cr •haii not he a ~.+sivrr :=f T cn:fsr's
<br />right is ac:tt[ratt [ht..}°a>lfutltR:iatiehttrtrue st < r.r try tta rieak
<br />I.. Resedin ;ptt!vlptCi t+r -tida.a t++-., 1 . _1},t - i - 7 - tmv.I ttir,- to tint h4r r,i,'ttx nr
<br />srmniv :rxxi[r tfiiS '.~t~~i~biri-At'ts+r' +cs3urtx ,nai rota ,K .xer~ s. La _ - ;.. r_r t.. , tdeprr•.;cntt..:,r car.:x+<ss: c-!+
<br />t3, 'S~c .'*{rint siwd 4.eral f.iabBity: f`aptiaas. ~l~ ~...=enants sod .=greenncg;c harem
<br />ix,ntaitie+i xftail hind, and the. right: htrrtandtr •.tsail ;Beare x<,. '*t r:.p, cis ~c• s::~cc,•r•rs ;,nu ...,tyro „£ t cn:irt 5nd tt„rr+r.rar.
<br />atabjrri tq the pro+°isiarh of ~ az al;ralrh F' !+crcr+i A?i .sryrxr.ax.is ,rnsi at;=cz^,env. -.,# £Inr.Aucr :?,;s;! ix ;..,,. .~.,u .c. cr al.
<br />TTit captiaru at~3 headiegs sktc .sr agra~,txs ,, thi+ tt<;rAraca• :sxr fc=t ,-,•r:vcns;+,, ..:i+ ,,,,1 .o., .,. ,., v ;.ud tv=
<br />-:ntettrrtt :ir zlefire the ptgvisi:,as hrrrr,f.
<br />~_, ,:
<br />I2. iirrire_ t?xFepi far ant nutter n„-crFtarcd tr;nkr ~^j+lica5tt tau t_ r _._ =n _n.>vner manncx -.. ,.r r, ,rati,e [~
<br />;ttarra>w+er prov4drd far in ttkt}llortgarpr ritait ! .= gtc.• t ny a,::aing ,a:+.h ~w i , .: _r _ fie<,i xn:+i4 . d't r. s,+°J t,- 8.z; rr,ti.,•r at
<br />the P'rr?Ircrly =4ddress ar ai eudt ~rthrr ~e7fr~s .,: Berr.,u~rr ,na5~ dxs+gn,+vc ~r ,;,•r:<~r °:* arrtdr: a ~r+,vi.lyd fiorrrn. ,nA
<br />±~ and rttHUe to l..-'aetiar shalt ~ ysvtin it?~ _~t+t~.ag gist!. reiarn rert,ttt *ogcr+,,-eS vc ! cr.u.r r'- rx,,Sdre<a st.?u•d hetcin „x to
<br />sloth outer address ss Lctttier mat dtsigrta.c art .r.=rive `., fkrn}uer as ore +lzr %c±C;=s Cr•,r sx?ti~r pFe=,,,lc..t tnr .n :r:i,
<br />'~#'~igagC sh33! he d[crttzd to hn t i*crr. e x~ct to iktrrr=ucr r.i' l ~nutr ~hct+ ,_ x~ ttte t*ta+:ncr t.i rr,= c..= s,crctn
<br />!~. Utsilanr ltlurs~tr~e; (suvtrrriwf; t,a.r: ie+ersaYilht. fha, i.*tm .=f nt ~.r-_ air ~ .•n tors :,.,,tar ,. .. _ . :t, r_<r oat::=x;,,;
<br />tilt[ &!fd teen-ttntli'rrtn itrvenatNS w3dlE iemr!e-W a.xr,ate:~,rr, let t:ST x..ir><ri.+n ies .. ti5r F,*IC & IYt+"ffY1.1SY-_ t-d} -anti - . ~.tr3fl~
<br />jai protrerry. TTris MRr4gage akxatF tat gr*ztxrr.l by iht tau :3 'hc ?nr:s.tx:t.rn .:t :,Irk'r the i'xxKtrr,+ :. i.wulr.? , ^ the
<br />ea=yyt tf any pravis+gn v cause ,,rf L4i•, Sf€~r'tga~~ ar t~ ::.xe ,.onSr_ra ~•; iih : p~iii stele ;ave. =.u.h arrge ,a , -.a;t r:.r{ ,__ xxr
<br />.rather pre,+'isicxrs ikr ifus '<1crtRr&e <,r ,vx `+;,=tc kha;h •_an t+t ievcn r,i,c;; w,rt,,,;,t ..,.. «.,t?:cti;,g } r-r,+v. ,.,,. an..i ,~. ,lei;
<br />end the i+tavisions of the Mertgagt tad sne =.'=ir:.rre .k-,:±arzzt tsr lrr ;ex~r.rahle.
<br />#tir lorssrfriaColy. Bete+~u =#+mti h.. ,:.rn,~r -. ... i :. ,;} ~' .. r_ 'i~ sd ,. .,., !-t,tr;g.~,e .._ ..t,e
<br />;~. grtfi'+n r.r after irrctsrdatian l~ri tf.
<br />17, TAtifa/ of ftie-!!o/edi;_.AssWylioa. it a,i .>r ,asap :art a=f tt•~c Prtptrt+ ,*r an anterect tt:erza-., i. s.rlct ,=r irart3f~ re,t
<br />by-Bwrmrer without 2.crrdgri polar wrtgta r~+na~-zat~ ta;4cdisxg teat she _r-coterie :rf a rues :,, cr,:~axhsar,:f h.,.+i+gsae :.
<br />thiy,hdicutfag~ (b} she cre•at~n c+f a gAS;xihaie nhsrcy ,eclvtt} ,..^,tcress #art h.;:,u;hx,td xpt l.aoct+._ t~°S a rratxcia•r E:, 6c•.4se.~
<br />....
<br />dwcnr or •, .. h+a none c=r
<br />by x'ip[ratton of tat. open the ;:i[ath _
<br />t,r~r tut}., at l-ervle:'c tai= yn_ d~ia > >Ff rbe _ ~r.:. 5e..axr :d Lv ti:a \q. vrtgage ..= fir
<br />iz,amtsiiatrly due said payabltc. f cridtr stsali h;nse »:t..ed „+. t; .=ptr<+n t„ a.:z;=r..ax t :=ri+', ' :lu ,,k ,;r c.a!r+frr. ; :,,J::
<br />gtWl thepcrsgo tuw`lu?ttt ilst Prspzrt} _, :r= tt sad a :r,rrir:+:ar,d cas::x gcentsnr , v :cr-t;nr the. t u ;rei:t c>f •;,., ;ter„'::
<br />is satitsfp.:Wt~' tq I-[rrxiC.r art3 iP~t thu i»tez[+:-p~'}'abLr •.n else ra:r*.~ .+rrraac: k,v tgi tike ,.agt ^,haii ere at srrkh ra._ r. i e,a cr
<br />x1t3i1 sq~iurs3. Sf 1.c+{der ham. ,+~av+s+i the: r=~ ~ -t .c a[tdis-i5:r I.c xd,d :, th,x r re~lt 1' ,=z,.# st F3:?r>.-wxs ,rrstoar..,: it
<br />antet45t-asst t.:xr,e,:rted a xis it'rr'Y: asxin,:pt..as? -~rt'~';::crs a...~ic4i er -. t2 ~~, ?-- -enter, l cni.cr s;ta?i reica•.c }Sc _r:•a er #: s.rn a.+
<br />u6itgatst4as trts~[r this i-lartgag[ ar+d thi tip,
<br />3f Letsticr eales~res srreh optratr to aCn:e;erdte, I. r+xc sh.;il m:.ii 33orr +cr naasn• cf a::: eierat.:rn :n .,r.,udanc+ ~ttir
<br />pata~ph l4 tst:reaf_ Sarah twiice a#ta1L proadr ~+ Is; r ~.. s#' ~. t z s i+<=r '+tl s 'r-,ua tltr ]alt the r s i-a ~t,nUU +=tP.rrn
<br />sshic:r &=r~rvtr an3ty Pal the x:LL:rrs ~_3artu d:+c. 1f $.}rxc..ae, i:..y +.- , :,. „ ct. ;,m. pt,;:r r.: •he .xQreat.«-n , . :.,r ;k r,.~:>.
<br />t,ear+icx rnay, xith+~tut.further aa~tic.c or .~,-r~viac .,r: ~, .s..y, ,..r-u,r .a,., ,~. d ,~,m•ttr:J h~ r:a ~g.aa,t: `t f s,,i
<br />;Cast-#?taFWt~ Crit,'FJ:au~TS_ B;urtowr; .o-asa? Les,.icr #sar.F,e,t ~-cy r:c:xu: .xzed -~ ._ .,. fee; i€w~a-
<br />1#4 A~:1lsartriea, Except a. preridr+f in parrr~rapL i7 fstrcaf, uiurri Barrrawer's trrcatb :>f any rot eawnt ar
<br />aj(tfrae'at ei fwrfsn!rrr It ArM.!Ntrt~stit, iarirdir* tfsr <o+rirarit>s is pay +sbru due nor +unes scored b} this Nwrtttngt.
<br />ilMigr (Misr Iri ~ sltsY asai noUcr to iprrnwtt as ptattded is par~raptr !A harlot +.pe+ifrinQ,. tl) the brracti:
<br />(~I ~ rtt.~ttkaw 4 rsrttt sari ItrtraK•.is: tTr a thte. oat Ina river; JQ desks tarot tare date itrr nutke is Isaailyd to Burrower,
<br />ftly' wfltici s~tM Msac- bsfsi :hs rlsntl; art t#) drat fsitrsrt to cart wch breath =:n ur hefr.rc tar date +pcificc! in the rwtitc
<br />t~ ra~stll itr >,rr'eirrtMirrr a(.tie aua~ sel`rrrd it#~ tit+ts ~irrig~;r, f,urecltruurr f» jadiciai pert+rrdink n7ed stir of the f'rulu:rty.
<br />Titlt.tMflst xlra~ fsrsYer iifsitwt Bo[#~a+artt ei t-r fiMhi W tritiie after arcxicttatigq and the right t<, a..srrt iu tfrY f€mrtcnute
<br />-RrwC,eeditig air oa~eilsasirf+t gf r slrf+tolr as aqs. rsttrrr dafw.pt:s t.f Ilurr+rwrr tri asaekratign and furtei+raure, if tht buaeh
<br />iitJtW esattteti w m rrfaas the drte>opvi~ied in ctrl trtMi4r, 1.eadrr a# ixndlrt.s riptitrn tttnx~ dzilarc :rt4 at the sums x:tetartiti its
<br />ds1~1Nu1ptgr to !r iw~erYattnl>t d~c ssbl ps}rbiswatwtrt f'ar7trtr denanud anti easy fnrcitosc b} jtrdiriat prustcdiug. I ender
<br />a'iaK.ia tstt?it4d.ta cnMut iA sucY prtrradk„~ aY-esr!~ra d fnreriinrtrr, iurtudintg. Inrt nut lirnNed ta, tost+ xrt dncamrutary
<br />R+'i/Fl1['Er.ihnirss~M IaIN Iilit reprU, -
<br />~% ~-MSl'~>t-'a ~~ tp BtfssttWe.. f~arrr+itix=.tnrr~inp t.,cradmi ,, ...n': at ro=a= of he =•rnni K>e..eua !r; tlrts Siwt}.,,ua•.
<br />Borrssucr s3sll ltsys Sire tl~iu to fat=e ~?ly p-tv::rdiugx kve~stai ir: t arrzt_, :. ..f.,,x .hr A# ,,isle ! ._ax'.,r, .:;~t,^
<br />