(7o~r y+/~~li/
<br />Urtt>=oattr Covitnnxrs. $orrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Paymeat of Prlnclpd and lnterat. Bnrrnw`er shafii promptly pray when due the principal of and :nteresi on :he
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Nnte, prepayment and late charges as pravsded to the Notx, and ih€ princpal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2. Paada for l'ua and iaaanace. Subject to apgiicahie :aw nr tc a written waiver by Lender, Bntrow€r shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day trfOtfthly installments of principa! and :merest are payable under [hh€ Nnte, omit the time is paid in full,
<br />a sutra-(herein "Funds") equal to one-tw°ctfrh o[ the yea-ray talcs and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Afortgagt, and ground rents on the Ptapetty. if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium insta[Iments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus ant-twelfth of yearly prertfitnn installments for mortgage insurance, if any, alt as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to ricrac by f_ttfdcr on the basis of assasments and bibs and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />'Tlfe Furfds abaci rte held in an instiiutinn the dtpasits or acrnunts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federx! or
<br />xtate agency ±'inclttdingt€ruter rf (.ender is such an instirutinn7. Lender strait apply the Funds to gav said taxes, assessments,
<br />ittratratfr€ pterEtiums and griun'fd tents. Lender may not cAargz for so holding and appiyrng the Funds, attalyzing said acrnum,
<br />or vettifying and crmapiling said assesmtenta sod bills, unless I ender p a}'s Btrrrnw€r inten»si nn the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits L.eeder [a make such a €harge. Bnrrawer acrd t..cndcr may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgstgt that interest nn the Fonds shall rte paid ro $nrrower, and unicss such agreement is made nr applicablt law
<br />regains Such interest to to paid, f.endw shall not tEC required to pry Borrower any interest or earnings on the Fund Lender
<br />shall gise to $orrawer, withc:ut charge, an annual acca~arnttng of the Funds showing credits ar=d debits tc [he Funs... and the
<br />,purpose for whicft zach debit to the Funds was made. The Fund. are piedg€d as additional security for :hc sums secured
<br />by this aortgage.
<br />ll the atiu+unt of the Funds t: 'rml by i.endrs, ten;ether wtth thz t:nutz mntEtfitly anstatimzms of Funds payable pnnr m
<br />the dot data of taxes., assessments, ,rfsurance premsums and ground rents, shall exe€€d the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />atsessiaents, itwtranet prcminms sled ¢round rents ss the} fail fine, ouch eeccss shat[ tEe. a[ Borrowers npuon, either
<br />prortYpt#y repaid to Bartvwtr o: ertdittti co Barmwtr on motitnly rnsta:lrEtzr,ts at Funds. t; the amount of th€ Funds
<br />held by l.etxkr shat! not be sutTta=ni io pa} t;txes, :acsccs+itents- .nsurance prcmrums snit around :cots as thav fail du€.
<br />Bortnsscr shaft pay ttE Lender acy anfsEUns fEtccsyxt~ to mate E:p the detic,encc auhin 3131a:s ;rpm the date nonce rs malted
<br />btr Leader to Hwrnrs"er rtslutsting payment :herec+:'
<br />Upon paytrtent ut fnLl itt ati sums secured by class irf>.rrkag€. I-etxtizr ,isau t+rompd} rrtund to &rrrowez an}' Funds
<br />held by LetxLer. if tzmtet paragraph it+ iECnet ti:c Prager.} v, :r+id ..r thz Pror!ert, :s >nhzrw:sc acyu,red h}' I-zrder. Linder
<br />shall apply, sEt+ Eater iZtarf tnxttxeciiatel}' prer to the .elr t>t the Pr.+petx} »t ^ts a~yu,si*.Inn ha [xnder, any Funds held by
<br />Lender a2 tttt utrx of applic=lien an s :redei agamsi the +~ma :raurr:i he thr. tie=ngagr
<br />3. A}(:fieaEiw .af Tayaaeitlr. t,'nicss apgitcablr law pt n,a,ies othefwtsr. alt i`a}moon r~:enrd he Lend€r cinder the
<br />Note ~ patagrapM L and v tECreof shall he appiscd hs i endrr r;rsa ,r d>az ntznt ,st rstnrttEnts payable tsE ! €n:!€r by Borrower
<br />wsdct pataFraph ~ hentt%f. tfxn to ant€zest payable ua tht Sar_, then ;:; the ~~napai st the ;y ax€..,nd [h.n r., interest and
<br />ptrncrpal oa xa}- Ftnttre Ad4anccs.
<br />J. <.1Rtid: i.i[as. &:rr€+wer --3Eai4 Fat sit to st.. o'+~rk3n:c:tFS =-'rct ,. •~thcr .tE3r}t44. hsiec ;x,tii inti+e"stir.+ns s.In6:5table tf,
<br />itfe Prapeti}' w-tticlE racy atiaui a prority asv€r .ti5s ale+rtga2r, acrd #easerteid psvmznts air knrund rents. of any. in the manner
<br />pravtsitc under paraprapn ? hcres+t <,r rt,rt pasd sn wrF. rrtvnrscr ';+. k<+arowet :^rawru¢ L~asrxECxtt. whin due. drzeetiy to thz
<br />pryrer. t.hetteof- $extosstr shall pruntpry i,arrt+ar i,> L.ca;.Mr all r:.uetc~ ,~t amounts ;`ar under t!;ts p.aragrxptt. uad in the event
<br />8otrrr+~s .hai3 n.aie pa4~tnen: drrea tz} Nest r:=a.cr Khali ; :umpr: ~ ;;n~h ~ , i_er..;rr :~at:pss r.rdruc:n7t vu~h payutentc.
<br />tiorrt>+ser shall pn-nnptl5. 3ts;.ttztgc any :seta w4ttt? has i=;;a+rzts~ .=t..r tt+,. 'sf,srtga};°. ,~r,rv::ku- that B,+rr;±.vzr shat! not he
<br />Ft4uttn# to d: x:har;e any s~'h trrt::,t iursg s fi,.rrowrr s-4aif rxfzc a, .::nena a~ t;~z paEntent ,st shr ;>bisf„aucxr >ecared by
<br />sorb Eltn in s martnct sccrprabbz _. l.caizr, c-,= ,tarsi; ,n csxW rant a-a=;ttcr.*. +u.;t ;,s-rx hs-..tr ,teien>t rn:;rn-ernrnt a+t rcr::h isen :n,
<br />:age prt~'€cv:a~ ';•h~;E ~e.ratc to xrsrtat tRr -nta,~a-esttrra of t..a s fnric3rurc atF the Yra,[xrty ,-. any part thereof
<br />z li+aari fptiraaes, Fksrtasstt vha{i keep si'aE •naptc actneea un>•.- raE*rorsg , , t;Crratter uc:..rd art tee Prrs~;ttt= :n+curd
<br />agittttYt, *:c~s by' Errs. traxards rrutuSed wither ttu #ers» -s.teExeicat ~.->-c r,a~r '. eras; at;at:.>t hr; hazsrdr, an irtrdar clasp reyuste
<br />ate' 4n sai<:h srtsz~uixfx xnY f~ ssri^ prr#i>,is a,a I_cn.imr .nap rnaurre. 1*;a+rs'itu. =hat t endrr ,h,ti.'- riot rettasre 'hat the amount sf
<br />,rash :;gveta$e ~cr~-.; ;:fit autwuv >:r ca~;e:a~- r-za3ana'cd tv ~~y t=,r tram. s^~ea~6 ha :ha ~ta:rtgsge
<br />'fhe ?r+sirratxe cstrxr pro+auttna th+e xnaacsatt... *nr>i€ ,~ r:t.rxi b} €icterE:«c. s,rhfittit t,a apisrnv;u ?*y '-enSzr- p[atvsded,
<br />tttst atrh a7.y'ttx*val. sltalj r)ci he +..nz .xs:`;4~afiiy~ watLElxeld 4t'. {>ra'in:;a•n> >±r, :ns< once rwiac.rs .,hall i^c p:itd :.. :;,e nrantacr
<br />pm±~ided uifsicr par~rapft ?;sertva' er a rut} pat;; .n a:iA -^.5a>aur.:r) Ii<+;r,awcr n;xx.rg paymens- wren due, .!:rcctly to th€
<br />insursn~t caatits,
<br />At! irtsurart~ fttlrcres stsd ten~•-s,-ass tttirea*i >,lsa~ tx u; ;a:lma ,f -- tstEE.: tar L.en+E~ orrP shzli s:z: d;;dr ,, +#atsciatu mortbage
<br />cLaust to fawnr cf ;srnf .~ ?cam a:. elt;abe :ai L-:r,sicr ir! afr ; n sc tt~ ;sy;h hc,i,f ~s • i~-1a::rf ao,::crc•~a:ass tM:rrnf.
<br />aril[ t~rrs}urea sLsa31 prttaptls~ frtrnseh is i-gnaiet ~,; r:-rts+~i ~>!xa> astd ail trRas}+ta a! Fatd gerne+vne. to th€ ,.~cnt ctt tor..
<br />BtxrcraEnr sh,~[i gent LKc+rnpt e~teie tk- ttz€ .tau+,rr..,r• :at.,>;t aia! ;.c^nr%c:- f ecaicr :"fs: tzs~tc y+ , ..'; Fags t r-.+t n,;da nrurrptis
<br />trtleaa i.,sndtr a9d N.xroats otltct~.-:>e agree ;;. v. tai; ag. rrt~ura:r:e ~.rc-:;cx:: s;za.;i tzr ax: t: Lrd tc+ resaotafliar+ ~,s rtpau e.
<br />the Ptc>jscrry- a~zl. vY tatc?i ^e+cEt-sttx~;: ~~-: rr}.sts =s ;.:,,~?~-titsy.i;Y tra;a:.lr a.:v rare. se4 ssiit .,- rhss it~zigage :,
<br />oat thtratEti isnpa;ted. if su::#i resturntwa;: or reZ a-r ;s r:a;c rs,a*n~tsua. it tcas:cEe =,r ft ttzs x<urft, f,, th:> :S{:tngagc would
<br />ae sutpartpd. aft inat.Etaifee prt+i~ri5 ,ita~ ~ app=te'rl >• the +utus ss`a:uacd by tlu. 'sfnrtgsge`, adth ;he ,.;~c~s. sf an}. geld
<br />tit Bytrassea. If the P~spcrt? is a~arai.:ar€rd t~ •i€~r:.>w-r:, s .t &,-.~,.rr za,t, •._ r:y~nd •,r i zndzt uiFfeaaE >a d-a ~s r:zm th€
<br />date nrticcs+ nrar#€df,}• Lttedee tt- Bv~r4'+s'eF tr,a..b€ vrsurar~.„ .a.r;cr nt?cr= to .--ra: a ctafnt f43t ,rserattr.e itcnziti,>, :x°uuer
<br />u anthoruai to FY}fM.`t >~ a~;y ~ttte :nsaran+'c ,-rruc at 1. ersti9er s opt>an r~tt:cr Eis rest.~rwu.~n of rc{><ttt tf the prspcet}
<br />cr to tkt~ :stuns ~ursuf #y this 'k2or:gtEttC
<br />tdntiiT LCt'tdtt and.Na7fIi?14`er ..tttk'rw;+e ..l~ts;e ,~ wr:lcrv~ a.e t ipir,itat .1 ,+I F!z "i:-c'ua <t• i•, irt:.pal +~;xi! ^.,d ctte naL
<br />v pr~apz»}c tht chnc date of tt~ m3nsattst? tnsaawancnn tetr rfu „ ysal;nt noel ~ it ... >: change the .;mount Y+t
<br />1Fta"~ 78ztaLttSlt`rxia. it uria~Ct par*raptt 3`L- ~is'E(,t 3{at1F ~-et'4f 3 i' ~'.'- l.e'F]-.t, a'i f:~+~ .1ItC `:in,i a .a'n Cdr ~-t t~[>>rtitw Ct
<br />ut ~! ro arty tniur'anic ~7ica~ s~1 vn aid t.: tftk {~~'~:e~s -h.rt ~srat: ,mg srrrtt dar.,agc f.. ,are t'zs°ya,z-~ _ ,,, ha 3al€
<br />;x aca}iti.st2xsrt stsa3i pans to L.cssdes ..« tls za:.ez, -: €ttc s.a ..a.urcd ^ rha 3-atFZat` :.a>;r_.tiav: is ~a,.>r ,. ~.h it .,
<br />accluiaiticaf.
<br />fi. lnaartatiaa aai titaiatzsowee at ProPertt; lrastLutds: fundamiaituus: Ptanaed L-nit fh.ektpmcnts. ft,arro:. er
<br />to !tom thr F~sspgsiy ~ gr.>fxi rzpass s:~.+ s:'x~i ~ : ~c+,•n;r:.s `3;ts:e :x pr<rm,::m;.a.::srzrt ,~,.€r:.. > ohF Frc,pc:tx
<br />attd shalt .~casstQ3y +`:'th Ctcc prtsr•iss~.tas ~ aatp lease .; #his ~+tasat7<a:}~ ,. r.n .+ ~'„x:r«.zld +, ,,::, aivrzgu e is nn a :rf+t ;n ..
<br />c.-,a.~.'~. ^,:;tn ?r s p"sats sYax; :~;~c•3ty~an¢a~, fir..r:-,,, £•s 56.: r:e.i,s: na ~ ik_ s-.,;.u€ s .. ;:srri>ra -..:>dci .-a-, -acs.-a
<br />os ccxstuarsts e~eatta~ tit gstt'emtng the cendci^,t±as4Hn cr; },3a,-;reti .Yn:t dese:a~r;ax`nt, +kse ~y-t;tws antic reguPattons ~sL the
<br />SVl7ASQa$linifym a-a-d':<~B+i (trait t1t£en?prMt$. ahwia .'i7 3tii4:rr7` t~kiirn'i¢rs,S if d C~Lriitia5ln cf•,au:n C%r {*lAtiniAf sdnFt tif't ea'ixinL'Z[t
<br />rit3ts H s:xicatic+i! `d}' ~8asrtaYx~la 3r+d FCL'<:rt~tl ,ag-c_}:cr hrih `ha ,Rf ;7 s~~r, :YYS .,rrr-tiaras -f:r,! r+itmrt'tc,its „; win „fifer
<br />shaFt be inra4rp~fattd artto # shat! ausc:nd rct>xi sxfpgieruc,nt tha° eF}PeR<^te rstl agzvernrxn a( sh:, .i,<tr:g.cgr a+ rt the r„SCr
<br />wctC a Rsri. #itztss3f,
<br />?. t~aaAKIta11 of l,eaittr5t 5sactritF. !f $arrro»~es #a;ls ao ps:is?rm the taatz::itrs atr.f ag°txzttestt;< ;tiftaaned at; ,yt=s
<br />1tts5~tt~aipe. ca' if~ atXy. aGtit~3 tir prcrceecLSt}g 4s c-orrltr'i~nF~s s.hnh +m~tesaa3}y- ziYetits f.,trzdtr~s sr,ters-st =ta the ProLxs.,.
<br />sdehedistd, taut 'Ntaitsd sn, eFainens dsrsmadn, =-tricsLxe_rESy< v:,c2t eraic,r.rmessn, sr err rzg;meser, a•r p: ;kerlifEt;s a.v+€:asEa a
<br />$atvcpt ~ Wit. that f.:es,=>~r ~x l.rutitt's ;«is«+at, i:ps. rrs t.:~ s~, $curr ma3 ;ate M,r;#t a{tre ran ~,: .ci:u[ss: ~u~h
<br />S:trStt~ and taft2 trt;E4'-t ~;i~e:t ,i~ t3 t~sa3`7 #rr yiz soh^e.t i.>•~r~.'a cr3 trx,. .,,r> .a.. -=rsi:dc.. .. -t..s~s,e: r,i
<br />at,.igYtkfiy'a tcgts azt~ t:?atrty ttptu its. Prttpes:y Fri make ~€ -,ta. r>!? e aux:~r r,^~y atrz`J mc+ 1Xagc i:~o3u: anr~c .+.. ..c
<br />c;ftndtt±nn ?#• titaittrtd loan ttCrtk'et? 'by- $ttra :Nos#gaEfe, t#>, rtsEa~: sAaj tt#r 1rr4tni;:ntrs : ralrsre'i t,= rs.a t t - , ..,
<br />SatEttrantc [ck cgAC1 attltu ctu;h umc as the t~tiirtmcnt fart such :wc .ores trrn_:,, r.e~ ,n ,,,n~dari.Y ,s;,b B.+ri .c rr , ..e=ak
<br />