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B. Ff he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at <br />ita option, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be add?d to the principal sum <br />owing on the above note, shall be secared hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided <br />for in the principal indebtedness. <br />7. Upon request of the Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall execate and deliver a supplemental note or notes <br />for the sum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration, moderniaztian, or improvement made at <br />the Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said premises, or for saxes or assessments against the <br />same, and far any other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note ar notes shall be secured <br />hereby on a parity with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the note first <br />described above. Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin- <br />cipal indebtedness and shall be payable in approximately equal monthly payments i'or such period as may <br />be agreed upon by thellortgagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the whole of the sum <br />or sums so advanced s}tall be due and payable thirty (30l days after demand by the 3ortgagee. In no <br />event shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described above. <br />$. Fie hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the i\Zortgagee, to be applied inward the tyment of <br />the note and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the terms and condi- <br />tions of this mortgage or the said note, all the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mort- <br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shalt remain unpaid ;and the Mortgagee <br />sfiail have power to appoint any agent ar agents it may desire for the purpose at renting the same and col- <br />}ecting the rents, revenras and income, attd it may pay oui of said incomes all necessary commissions snd <br />expenses incnrred in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance <br />remaining, if any, to Ile applied toward the distltar•ge of said mortgage indebtedness. <br />9. He will caotinuously maintain hazard rnsurarrre, of such type or types and ameurtts as Mortgagee <br />may frara time to time re~tnrire, on fire improvements now or hereafter an saki premises and except when <br />pay'rxrens for all suCZi ptf:amiu:a,s lies thet~tofar= Loon rnade under (a. of paragt-api, ~ :err-af, i+;}i pay <br />promptly when due any pro=nriunts therefor. upon default thereof, Mortgagee. may payr the same. Ali <br />insurance shall be carried ir_ companies approved by the 3ortgagee and the- policies and renewals thereof <br />s}tali be held by the 3Fos tgagee and have attached theretc loss ps;-able clauses in favor of and in form <br />acceptable to the 3lcrr-tg.tgee. Fn event of loss Mortgagor ;;-ill give immediate native by mail to the Mort- <br />gagee, ivha may make proar" crt• }vas if not made prampt!•r• by 3iottgagor, and .each insurance company ean• <br />ccrted is hereby authorized :and directed to make pa}.~rreni for such loss directly to the 3ortgagee instead <br />of to the 3ortgagor and the 3ortgagee saintly, an~;the insurance prroceeds, ,;r any part thereof, <br />may lie applied by the itilor?gagee at its option either to t-he reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured <br />or to the restoration or repair cat the property damaged. In event of fareciasure c,f this mortgage, or other <br />transfer of title to the anurtg,3ged ;}roperty in extinguishmer.L of the indebtedness secured hemby, all <br />right, title and interest .;f the 3iortgagar in anti to any insmrance poiicir.=s thF=n in t~,rce steal} pass to the <br />purchaser or grarttec , <br />111. 3s sdrtitionai arul :c;ilateral security forth: payment c,f lice mote «icscr?bees, and all sums to become <br />due under this rnot2gsrgc:, the• 3farii~agar herwby assigns to the 3iartgager all lease kxrnuses, profrts, reve- <br />nues, rvyaltic~s, rights ::n+! other Ixnetits arcr-rring to the 3iortgagar u.>rc}rr an}• and all oil and gas leases <br />rww, tar hiring tree life c,t dais mortgage, ,~xeeuter`, c=n said iu•emisea, cm•iiir the right to receive and rc~t~eipt <br />for the same s:rci aleplr rite-rn trt *id ;ntle't«tt~luess :>,ti ,r«ril }~ tcre <ts ai~tor t3c:far:It in the conti,tians of thrs <br />mortgage, and. the ?titrrttT,-dttt~e may demand. sue frrr and recover any such payments :rhrn «iue and pay- <br />able, but shall not fro rlvltrireci so tts rio. Phis assign?rnent is to terminate snd t;eccrare null anti void upon <br />release trf this mortgage. <br />l,- He shall alt c::rnrmit e+r l~rntit :caste; ones deal. r: ainuzin il'ie lie<alzrrig° n aas t;~«rod «crrniition as at <br />pr;rsknt, r;~asunaule :;ear and tHat• caeepted, iJport an} failure to so maintain, Mortgagee, at its option, <br />mac- cause r-eason+tLls rnaintt•nxrrce wont to ite performed at the cost of 3iortgagar~. any amounts paid <br />thcrefar by. MorYgdc,er s,'talE gear interest at the rase provuied for in tree pz•jr?cipal indebtedness, shall <br />th~r~upau bemnrc+ a ~~rt of the inaie~tedn~cs secared by this instrument, rataUh° and on a pat•ity +t°ilYr alt <br />tithe-r rndehtedne~ sr4 tared he~reb}~, sad shall be payable thirty 3:10> days after do=mind. <br />1_>. If flee prerzrisMc. nr :any part therc~trf, be eoudemne~ti un<ter Lire ix,v,er ,.,> emimstrt rlornain, or <br />ac°quir-c~rl for a Irublic u:~•, the damages awarded, the prot~tln far the t~rking af, .:r the c<+ns~derat}on for <br />sueii acxtuisition, io the extezrt of ihz self amount cf floe :-rmairsiag ,;npa;t; i,r<}eb*c<Ineszs ,ecured by this <br />mortgage, ar hereby assigned to the Martgxgca•. and s3:all Ire prod fnrthivitlr tr, said M+.;etgagee, to be <br />applied on aecorrrrt cr3 the seat maturing ir•atallments ~~i' such incie},ter3ness_ <br />I~R_ if the 3iortg`agcir fails Lv make gray IravntenLS wlterr flue, or to coup;r-rn to and cnmp}y with airy <br />of tltc eo3tditior~ or agrr~snerrts ;x,r,tainexcl ire this mortgage- .rr the notes ~:hich it secrarrs, Then the <br />entire prirnipal .um ~;nd a~trac~ interest slrail at ~snce }ie<-,ime due arrd intFabie, at ilre election of the <br />:riartgagee; artd tYsis rr:«rtgage mss tlrerert}xar F-ao ror~}o:u:Ki immediate-y for the v 3.rte of the indeGted- <br />rress hereby s~ureti, irrcludireg the cxrst ;># akeending the abstract of title from the dote t:f t}ria mart- <br />gaXe to tho time of cerrnmencirrg suti+ suit, a reea.~rrrabl«: atttrrney`'s fee, attd ar,y ~:unts leeks U+ t}re L'etet•ans <br />A,dminisrtratien ore at:euurrt of the guaranty or irrsurarrce c=S the in;icvrtcv}n,~.,s _ec ur«~l her.•by, all of which <br />slraFl be 9ncluded in the iiecree of fareclasnre_ <br />7~. Ff-the inde~rtetireassr~(rred fremby lrco guaranu~r,l m° rsar4rc•rl under "3'itle:3*l, l;rrited Stutc C+adc, <br />s4ca;_T9Lle artd Fie(;rrlxti€uts issued thexeursdur and in •+ffttc t c,n tltc• ;late lxer•rof rc}zal9 goFrrrt the righix, duties <br />artd lial>ilrtie±a of the partii hetrrtc, and aas• prise tai=xrs of t}fix mss` crthtrr in:nirrrarc:zt4 er+rt-utrr«} itr corrne:taieu <br />uitlz .~tit% irrc3ebte+It+t ~ntricFr are trr,.•otra;terrt :~€th steid 7'ii}e err i:R,kviatir+n5 afro irere•?,y arrn:nrinc} to <br />r`e.«rtotn~z thec+rta.. <br />i'lrc~ v+iv~tutrrta hrr,Rin exrtsta?Hers Rhall bind, and file box,«~t:ts and sdvarrtatg>>s she}l inure to, t#n' <br />