To HnvE atvD To lioi,u the same unto the tifortgagee, as herein provided. Mortgagor represents to,
<br />and cavenantx with, the Mm•tgagee. that the Mortgagor has goad right to sell and convey said premixes;
<br />that they are free from encumbrance, except as hereinothertvise recited ;that the Mortgagor will warrant
<br />and defend the same against. the lau=ful claims of all persons tahantso<>ver. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />ail rights of homestead, all marital rights, either in law or in equity, and afl other contiugent interests of
<br />the Mortgagor in and to the above-described premises.
<br />~ PROVIDED ALwAXS, and these presents o-tre executed and delivered upon the following conditions, t0
<br />wit:
<br />Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or order, the aforesaid principal sum with interest from elate
<br />at the rate of Ten & Thzee Quarters per centum (10. 7~,) per annum on the unpaid balance until paid.
<br />The saki principal and interest shall he paynbie at the office of Mortgage Plus incorporated
<br />~ in Englewood, Colorado , c>r at. such other place as the holder of the note may designate in
<br />~ writing delivered or mailed to fife 'Mortgagor, in monthly installments of Four Hundred Fifty Four and 86f 100
<br />~'=' Doliat•s ($ 454.86 )• commencing on fife first day of Suly , 13 80 ,and continuing on
<br />the fast day of eatlt month thereafter until said note is fully paid, exceot that, if not sooner pAi~, the final
<br />payment of principal and interest i:all be due and payable on the first day of ~ one 2010 ;ail
<br />according to the terms of a certain prami,sar}- Hate of even date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor.
<br />The lliortgagor farther agrees:
<br />i. He wi31 pay fife uul.~htc lnc-ss, as hereirbarfore provided. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any
<br />time, without premium .,r fee, fife -~nttre ~adet>tedness <,r arc part thereof not less titan the amount of one
<br />insiailmeni, or one hurdrnd dollars (5100.OD1, whichever is less. Prepayment in full shall be credited on
<br />the date received. PartirDi prepayment, ether than can an installment due date, need not be credited until
<br />the next fallowing installment due date or thirty bays after such prepayment, whichever is earlier.
<br />2. Together with, ar.d in additirn £n, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable under
<br />t#te terms of fife note secured hereby, Mortgagor wil} pay to Martga~•e, as trus£a:r, { under t}te terms of this
<br />trust as hereinafter stated9 on the first day of each month aantil ,aid note is ftilty paid:
<br />(a1 ~ sum equal ur the grc?nod rents, if un3 , zteit due. Itlus Jre premiums that r~itl nest become due
<br />and payable „r pcriiciis ,i ;ire ,rod «i};~r ira~ar,i ;,aurance covering the mortgaged property,
<br />plus taxes acid assessments nasxt ,ttzc ~,n tit.- m:;, triaged property i ail as estimated by the Mort-
<br />gagee, sod <;f r.ltich the- ittrrrtgagrr- s Holt*.ird i '.. ss alt sums already paid therefor divided fay
<br />the numta.~r ~,f mcatrths ta„>I:t,~4:• r,=•i;~r,~ ~ . ~ ¢n~.sttlt lit•iur to :},e :late .then such ground rent;,
<br />premiums. taxes anda.~cv;_snts•t,te -=,}0 •'n . ~~atc- ,i+,drnr,uerst, snub Sums t3 rte held by Mortgagee
<br />in trust to tarty mid g3•raun.l r~~rac. ,.rc•rtrtu;t,. -axes €cnd sixcial ~se~ments.
<br />(h) The aggregate ,>f the ..nzc,uat_~; ~ai~t~ orrrc•aat 'o siftgaragraph +-„) and those payable on the
<br />note secured Ste+_',rs3p, obeli b.• l.i;.i ra, x•- liai~m>vrt ,~actt ;-to:r£h, to rte applix.d to the follow-
<br />ing items in t h,~ . ~ rcler st;tc 3
<br />ti} gn,utul retrta, taxies, ac nsxttneuts, lief ;ta,~l ~.thrr k,auerd msurar,ce liremiuma;
<br />(II) interest on they rr+~t+r :u~~-u.ri~ecn hwrekbt ; :uad
<br />€-tit} :tmoa'tiaatinn of ?€a..- urea:papal of ~atu` re~utr
<br />any derac~rnvr tar the antasra t „i :tt.~' su=_~s: atrrprate tuonihiy pa)ntent shall. unless made good
<br />by fife ~l~~,t7~;a~r- ;r.t * lac• <tvc- •si t<.>, r.•.3E s>e;t Fa} met.€, ic.nstit-ute an rrrrnt cf default
<br />under =3;ts to:,,,t~tt,+ura=- -;€ ~lcwrzgugMr` .~aeYr~~,,, ;4?,ortgagc,r wilt l~s~ rr "late charge" not exeeed-
<br />tttg four ;aer ,:er,tutri t-1~. l h,f ar:}° _;steia.vz>nt >~ iron paid more?.ban iift~tt (15) days after the
<br />due date :irera+al to coyer :rte. r~xtra ~ xlx-„tea r,,i ras hattcllinrtcielinctuetri payments, izutsuch
<br />.,Safe <:itargr" ;hall nGi I;E ;*ztyabla= .=ut ~.,f 4.iis; t:s s ,-.•ecis t,f :toy laic made to satisfy the in:febted-
<br />atR?,s :~~c um=.1 ]r,. r+-da~•. un3o-~ such ;,a+n_~mi_z of s#tht;c.=,+ s dim hargo the et:tire inxlebtedneas and
<br />alt prolxr ..,s;"c anal f~x3arst~ ~i~urr; ti;,eret,;-
<br />3_ if the tW,a3 of the ]mymeets m.rde t,y the :liortizagtrr ender (a) of paragraph 2 pr~eding shalt
<br />the amount of palrnettts actrsaity rnad+= hi. the. ~tnrtgagcW, ttK irrrctee, far gtvuttd rk>nts, taxes anal
<br />assc~tcnterta or insttratttac premiums, as the case may fee, such exc-e•ws shelf tae credits ct b.V the Dortgagee
<br />aft subbegttettt paymettta to be rnade by the Mortgagor for such items err, at Mortgagee's option. as trustee,
<br />sh~ti be re[unded to Mortgagor, if, hut+ever, suci~ mc.nthly pag-mcn#s shall ;tat tae nD'icient to laay suck
<br />itetrn~s u#7aeu the same obeli become due and ;artyatt{e, then the Mortgagor shall pay to the 4lcirtgagee, as
<br />trttstee, arty amount tterx:,sarv eta make up fire deli~i:~txy within tni?-iy r i3{li c?ays;tit~,r +~,rittr_.t, riot+_c~Y from
<br />fire ]taste statinY the amount of the do tcicncy, :v};ich neztic<: may be given lay mail. If at any tune
<br />tt~ 3[ttrigisgor shall tender to ttte ~iorLgagee, in axc•,;rrlanrr '.vrth the pnn•tsrarts ~,1 the rrutx secured
<br />hereby, fall paS:ment of the enure indebt~drx~s represente<i thereby. the Mortgagex!, as trustee, ,hall,
<br />in eeurtpaxtinq the amouzrt of such ittdekatedness, creaizt *.xa the account of the :4trrtgagor any credit balanc•c
<br />aeeumuiated under rite pxovisitaaxa of tu} of paragraph `~' itere+af. ]f there shall lye a default under any
<br />of the ptvviaionr of :his. mortgage resulting in a puialic :foie uF the priyttices courted hereby, or rf the
<br />a[artga~ae aagttir+t~ the property ottterw•ise after default, the 31o:•tgagre, as trc:ste~, shall apply, at the
<br />time of` the c~tntttencetnent taf such proctixfinga, or at *.he limn the property is vUterwise acquired, the
<br />5une+unt then remarsir_g W credit the r>aitarigagOr uud?~ [a} cf paragraph 2 prectrlkng, as a credit;,:t the
<br />intere>i~t accrued and unpaid and fhe h~lartt^e to the principal then ternainirtA unpaid on said note.
<br />4. The lien stf this ixtsfrttrneixt shat] rxtnatn in full forcer arrd a:fleet d!xring any la=gtlantrement sir exten-
<br />sion of the tit±te of laaSment sJf fife indelatxxinesis err :uey par# thereof secured hereby.
<br />;a~ He ~lti all £trttarred retort, taxetr, act~ssm:~rrta, mater tatter, and c~;laer t,:,rt-rnma=ntal ,rr munici-
<br />t ~tiriJ'g€~,, F:ncr, air- intp~irtearrtn, Ica. t*d ups ~o s;atd pte€mises and that ]ti- ev:ll "tray ail taxes ieviiri upon thi:a
<br />tr~,yy~, jr tip detat t•uarad i~}rerrtsy, teagttitrr st'i£h tttr,y otherr i'.Axt>±s vs- :iasae.s:,ttren.s i~ hteh tray tw 3ovicd
<br />ttn~~' th#i Satwg trf 3ei;+c+t~tra:tga+tuat the Stc€.r6~cgt*e, tu- the I~gal ts.:.irier .,I sbiai {erica =.irx: r>,-#sr. r ~o ac-rtaurrt of
<br />liti# iTxS'N~*flTi+~c3, except °=teen pa}~nx~tt! ='crx- all ttitcfa it€~ms `tas.~, ter --rest,>fc;re te~rr a•ezatie ,:rssle-r Ice j +.ti pWra-
<br />~aph L her~xef, atis3 ?~ artll prc,rx:fly r+~pliss•r tars: uF3~ial :~c«~il?is ~ hzax~;at cr. zhr- 31ot~Ggag+_ec. ]n ds_*fault
<br />ttt€er~rtif R-#se 1'lortyal~c•<rsur}' lute ttx,,±;:attat:, -
<br />