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<br />Ur+iraitt CovENnNrs. Borcawer and Lender cavenant and agree as follows: <br />I. ~p'meat of Prlncipd and Interest. Harrower shall pramptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided to the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />2. F+aad6 i?or Toes and itnwraace. Subject to applicable law ar to a written waiver by Lender, Horrower shall pay <br />to Lender an the day monthly instaliments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Aiortgagt, and ground rents on the Pmperty, if any. pies ame-twelfth of yearly premium instaliments for hazard insurance, <br />plus ono-twtlfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, rf any, ail as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basia_ of assessments and hills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />T'he Funds shall be laid in an institution the dtposits ar accaunu of which are insured or gttaranietxl by a Federal or <br />state agency !including Lander if Lender is such arz institution j. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments. <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge far so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and hilts, unless Lxndtr pays Harrower interest. on the Fnnds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such a Charge. Harrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of tfiis <br />h/orgage !hat interest nn the Funds shalt !t= paid to Ham7wer, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />roquires such 6nteresr to be acid. Lander shall net be required to pay Harrower any interest er earnings on the ids. Lender <br />she![ giro to 8ormwu, wethout charge, an annual accaunting of the Funds shawing credits and debits to the Funds amd the <br />purpose for which tech debit to [he Funds was made. The Funds ere pledged as addltiona{ security for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If 2be atttour+.t of the Funds held by Lender, mgNhcr with the future monthly instaliments of Funds payable prior to <br />the dtu dates of tames, ttssessmeau. irtaurance premiums and graund rents, sha13 excetd the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insurarxx premiums and ground rtttts as the}' fall due: sttc.h c%~ecs shad `x, at Barroweis aption, either <br />promptly ;tPaid to Bormwtr or credited to Bar.-....c; an monthly rns[ailmants of Funds. !f the amount of the Funds <br />hdd by Candor shat} riot !x stt~cimt to pay €.ares, asessments, insurance prcmtums and graund rents as they fall due, <br />Horrrnrer shall pay to Ltndu any amount xrx:.sary is rna,ce up the detictcncv wt[hin ?0 dais from the date notice is tnaiied <br />by Leadtr m Borrower requesting payment ther~ti. <br />Ldpon paymem to foil of all sums secured by iht> Mongage, !.ender shalt puamptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />hehily i.;;tder. If utxkr parageaph !g letr~: t2e P~,pe,,a. =s ~!d ~,r tlr~ Propcrte !s ot_hgrwi_se ~qutrcd 6v [.ender, Lender <br />shall apply, no later than tmntediatcly prior to *.ht .ate .,f the Propt;ty to its acgtnst[ton by Lender. any Funds held by <br />Lrndu a[ the amt of application as a <:redit against the sums secured by this M<ingage. <br />3. k~iics[iea of PaYaKats. Unless applrcaltte law provides .,therwise, ail paymems rectived by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs 2 and _' htreat snail bt apphcd 6}° Lender fist :n payment of amounts payable io Lender by Harrower <br />artier paragraph_ hermf, then to tmerest parable on the 'vcHt, :her. w the principal of the ^7 ate, and thin to interest and <br />prinapal oa ;uty Futurt Advances. <br />i- ~t Leas. Harrawtr sea:. pay a!i taxes, asx:ssntems .end c,thcr charges, fines and ;mpasittans attributable to <br />the Property which ntay attain a prrnrity over t?its Mortgage. and Eeasehoicf payments or ground rents, If an}', in the manna <br />provided tinder paragraph ? hcrco# or. .[ net paid :n yucb manner. a}' Horrawer making payment, •.vhen due, directly to the <br />pays thezeuf. Borrawer snail pmmptiy fumcsh to i.endtr .tai riot!" is of :tmounts due render this paragraph, and in the event <br />Harrnwu shalt make payment duecti Harrower shaiE oromptt} furnish to Lender rrce[pts such paymtnts. <br />Horrower slraB promptly rlischatge any =xttt -i,hrctt ;acs pnarity over the S~tangage; prnvrded. that Borrawer shat! riot be <br />tequtrtd to discharge any such Lien sa long as tlarrawrr <hail agtrr t^ wrtung to the payment of the obhgatian secured by <br />strdt lit¢tn a manna acctptabie so Lender, or shat. m goad f att6 cen[emt such lien. by, ur defend enfac•emett€ a( such lien in, <br />legal gnxeedittgs w-htclr operate io prtveai <he cntarcaztent ai tht nett or forferture of the Prapeny or any pazt themof. <br />S. Hatard Istwsaace. Harrowee shall .arp the :mproesrtrenis now esrstzng ar huvaltat erciatd ou tfte Property tnsuted. <br />against teal {`. fire, hazards rnciuded w:Chen the term "sattndeat aan<rage". ~:ud su:h c:thtr hazards as !..under map require <br />and :¢ sttett amauntx and €or <u;:h ptrta?1-v 4, i_ctide; atta} :cqutrs. pn•ardesi.:hat !.enact ef=ail cot t~lu,re that the amount of <br />sua~t coverage exa'erd that amrutzt c>i ~oacratr tortured to pay the ,urn, :s<aurrd by th:s lortgage. <br />Tht :¢sus°arn`t cartrert+raavrziiag the rtt±uz:ur.,r +hali f~ aizc4+tr h} Harrs>+kcr <ub7c~t to appnevai t?y ; rn:iar: provided. <br />that strch approval shall nett tx :rnrras.+:tabSv withttttd. .ill prcmeuau <,n rnsu:ancc lx,itcies shat! be paid n tae manner <br />provided order paragraph 2 harr>at t+r, ,f mgt putt! ra such magnet. by Ba,zrovet ntaic:ng payment. aehrn due, dtrectiy to the <br />tenctratoct casrter. <br />AI! insurance p xitc5es atxl rrrtewsls therat 3 <krafl x err fann .rc:rpt,rbk ur ! prier sad ,;tail include :a vrandard mortgage <br />,.#ausE sn tav:r v acid tr. tornt ~,:epta~ t - l ~,.,._, -1tal ha._ ,_._ ._ held ,?rr =>nlt~res - r_i encwaiv theraot, <br />amt Borrower sita:a pt+amptly #urntsb ra l.e¢dcr ail r>~a-,ewal taa+uaes and afiYrecttpts nt petal ptettzts;ats.aln the event r;f lass--. <br />BarR'1wW slfafi ~tra prautrp[ itt3iitt t0 tl'!e rn5titarlat ;:er"rrr_* 3Cai i.2Stuei. Linalet' 4rta. ntAi.e t=? K;i r+l i:33a rt ttari made pea?ntp[1Y <br />~y Borra>aru. <br />L•`nkss hinder and Btxnawat a[tttorwtae agrcti• sn ,vrrtmg, rn.urattet peaari.ta shaft tx sppltad ic= roskxatian ar repair of <br />iht Property dat»agtd, provtdai suiii reMUrausn cat relate a caanamH:ally €easris!t arrd tfu: ±:es:uruy ai this ;rtertgage :- <br />trot thereby impa+rtd, II such rasta,ratsc~t ar rtprns ;a nt,t _aa[t..,mtanlt} tcasther :>± ;Y '.he of th» yortgage would <br />be etngarrtd. the rnsuramx pra~ase fs ;bail L~ appttt.i t.t tli~ surst4 xcutti,i i < :his '+tortgagr. x+th the excrv, if an}, paid <br />tp Bat'rowrt'. 1f the Proper} n atrane;.?tra.1 by S•:~rrt•urer, ;•t :f Iiatrcnver ;ails ;u rtspot>d to I Winder wrthur 1ta da}s Irom the <br />stall rnattce a mailed by Ixruitr !a Br.truwuz shat for tmuraucr catstcr ?•!iera to srttlt .r tSautr for uts>3rasca henahts, f_ensfcr <br />xs auith'mza! tat collect and apply tttr :n+u.anct praxaYtis st i.ender's ~~ptian c'tttrer to r.~torau,:,u nr zapatr !*I ti're 1'roprn} <br />s'v' to [~^ atu»s s~urtd by this '•iaSigagc. <br />Znless Let[der anti Bartowtz; agt ce .n ,.;tuner. any nuah aL>friis:at,an .+l prax;etds to prrrsapa3 ,nai, rig±t extend <br />m ps'auponc the Sue date oa ttu, tuanltttc cnsaaeh+srnt~s :etas rc3 .~ =ct Faragtap#rs i :gnu 3 hrraot ::,r change tits atnvirnt ai <br />swti x_vutianit¢u. if ur prragtais'r :3 }near: zhe l'r~rpcm :a a~yuu eu 'r} i_rttucr, .,tt right: to?e and sntertst o; Barrcruer <br />ra arw^ to nay ittsur'ani:t pair:-tt.a atx: eu ar,cf :~, =_ht pr ck:~c3: there >i r~u;ung t.~.,nt damage to the Prepert~ pnor t.i the s:_ie <br />i)r ~-~litia;ii"-ri 3~! ^~,drk3 !J i.:..^:eter ._> `-'u'x mxizt',..-. as'',Y xu ss a:.Y;;:. c3: ^t ,.^.:a ~t a~: tg~g:• ,ct>E.~wa1:a:Cis rtirt ... .~rh :brie .. <br />dCt[tt~iihsa. <br />L ?Yasa"-atYMt aa/ !{aitlrasaatc of I'rvpen.; C,rairJwtds; C'atulowiniuwss: F'tawwt$ l:ait IUtrelppmrw[.s. itr~rroucr <br />shah keep the Pea=petty in gw:d ~epr~au3 =-iraii ui.*t .+:,n*otrt ,rests t-r perm,t -:tnpa;szneax .z~ dats,rturau zn a,t :fie Yruperi} <br />~ zha9i cacnp7y aith ,fie provt3la,aS aI airy fr ue ,f •,-ilea item tg„.ge ss ,?zs a Sea>ttroid. 3t tht, 4loragagc re ,.. , +rrtt try a <br />:.t~#l'~n'.~u~a ~>.F a Lw"~tsi •auat ~°n~.,?}z#tu;.:~, ~3; afiuet ,=hell ~~;-ri t~rta ,tit +.S Bertu,e~cs a .~h)i~tt~us im~~-a tRc dca; <br />cr ~[t4taiarits trtrtarrg au j~~rtt sung iht::,>rstl.x,r::n=ant c,t plarrrtcd aria dr:vtlopmrt«t, the by-Yeas ,lard tcgnt4.t;ton, nt the <br />zmitnttz.'tz rn ~ rout r~vg`topnxtrat, rtsd torsoiurmt cx~urneain. if ;. ,.att+;crtnuuutn ~r s,,;nnrd r,rat ,tcac6zputcnt <br />rrcSar is e3t~ute3 by ldurrv-wtr arxi rr araeai t ytcshrt 'ntth thra !19tstgage, rfic .V.~elzanti asrJ a.yirn;mc•trt_, ~a ,ugh ru9>:r <br />steal! be tnciitparr[ad rrt[e trill slrrl! xtttcarti ~~ =.alxpietttent alto :o.ennt'tts and at;r'cesnrrts r*f tear-, hiwrtgagc .rn ~t the n,.lct <br />w-ert a pe~rt~ b~c.r~ts+~a.d~. <br />?, lAiptflr~ ~ ireaier'+5 ~eel+nq~, lI Bc tr a~uct 'arts te; pert term ttrc~ .:+vcaam, ~ht ag;resiwats wwartaruu,! u9 sir <br />hDon;Tage, a*t it .guy' ae=_sxat =.+t pry etling r+ ,.c>£nmsu:c~l „htci: n,aterty#f} .rttca:e. 7_er:uer', ,utet~raa ,n the !'r,,prctse. <br />huludirsg. "+iri nckE iirttttesi tor, rlafxacrzl ~nmaut, ;rss=?v2ru'}. ;oracle entarccu,rerti, =: ds ratagetrieas nr 7°ra+c tcdings sera ut: any, . <br />~stltrttpt of dtaedent, thin l,.tsultr at f tt[dtrw ~=pt~ot;~ ~ip~an ttst:eo i:7 Ciosr,rue: ~sa~ :e,ai.t }uuh sppearanr,cs ~4uY>eu,e :u, h <br />f.nii5 bike stw:h 84.r14fa aS, a5 n.:5`4?iITY typ ~:{xara ten;,tCr'c ,st,n est. _.. i:adrxh, tarn ra+t hulart9 Ew. dnhuraernrur( <br />r~,vortatxr attotriey~s ie~x a~ac! entry up+:ar the i're~jXifv_' k> axaa,:-_ r ..•s:,:ar c „}u;r-~d ;ro.atgagc ,rssutaacr ... <br />kvndmtuxt a?t tnat;t#g tttc 3UalE ie,.atxsl by tree ~{r,stt,:,.~b.. Hf=tr. ~r „t., r'ec iac.•tsn;eins Syr„rc..i ?, ~, t.«t;rr:, .,.._, <br />iittutratac-c ~ ttlti.: tn~Cdl xuCa =grY~ as cfie tryut#e3r~nt stir ..ut,r, ,~au.~n~*_ r,urr-ataF :, ,tiwrdar,:e i#.,r.,,.c:. .,rr~ <br />