<br />THIS MUR.TGAGE is made this.... 27,th...... , .....day of .......May .................;
<br />19 80., betweentheMortgagor, . Roaald, D...?.~B.enberg- artd.l:Lary..E.:Lattgenherg„,hu~band.and. wife, each
<br />in his an¢_ her b 88. sgtouee. (herein "Borrower"y, and the Mortgagee, Home Federal
<br />Savings-and Loan Abs~ u-i'ion, a corporation organized and eziating under tha laws of The Iittited States of
<br />America; whose address is 221 South Locust Street, Grand Ishtnd, Nebraska (herein "Lender"l•
<br />WHEREAS, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of l?ART:TBDilSAND .SIGAT:.IfllkIDlt~. AND.-- -
<br />~~1~"C"'-"""c'--°--'----........... Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced.by Bon'awer's note
<br />dated.... ~Y. Z~a..1980. , , , . _ , .. (herein "Note"), providing for monthly irtstalttnents of pancipaland interest,
<br />with the balattce of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on..... Jnrne.l,. 2OQr .. _.....:..
<br />To SECURE La Lender (a) the rapaymem of the indebtedrtexs evidenced by the Note, with intemst thereon, the
<br />paytcent of art other stuns, with interest thereon, advanced in aecardance herewith to protect. the security of this
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and fb) the repayment
<br />of any future advances, whh interest tttereort, m_aw to Burrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />"Future Advances"), Borrower does hereby trtortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following described property
<br />located in the C'.ouaty of ..............El!-41•........................, State of Nebraska:
<br />The Westerly One-fourCh of the Southerly One-half (~i)tS~) (or what would be I.ot Five-(S)
<br />if laid out in City Lots), i.n Block Hleven (11), in W;indolph's Addition to the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />v~h has the addrrarc of.. - - - ......1225x. lile.5tt .Auua ............. . .. . ... Grand T;3lard........... ,
<br />tSiTMtt tC,~~rl
<br />. . 1lebrlsaka _688111...... (berexn "Prx~perty 3lddress" ? ;
<br />iSLii T.~ Zy ~i
<br />1tr~"rxttu wtdr all Iile tn;(!ri)Yetl#tt#tt5 nx,W flf lt[t'eaitYr eti`Cted San the pruparty, ant) all CaSeitrelttS, Fights,
<br />a}ywr'tenaoces, rc*ttts, rvyafneat, miuezal, x+il asai gas rrp~ktts arx2 prcfrt~,, water, water rights. and water sFUt;l, and ail
<br />6xttxrxx tw+k oz hczeaft~r atur~xd is ilre property, ail of which, including reptaetments artd additions theretn, shall he
<br />de?euxe+ct-itr be and r><raain d part xrf t3te property cvreretl by this Mcrtgagc; and all cif the: farrguing, tugethcr with sa~:l
<br />property (ttr the irk ~IarC if this Matt$agr is un a lrasehold) are herein rcfe.rred to as the "Prx,prrty".
<br />$prtower-~venants ttwt Norrowrr is lawfully seised cn' tfte estate hereby ccanve}e-.t anef has ¢lat: right to mortgag,:,
<br />guru arxd Contie) the Yrupcrty, that tts^ Prtrp»rt1} is unencttrnl~:rexl, and that 13orrcrwea wail warrant and de#entl
<br />gt3utatfy the title tt,ttx Proprrty against all ~'lai arrd demands, s:tl,gr~i ¢o any- de¢:laratiexts, ctt~tnenta ,, re4trictiurs
<br />lirtcd in a ric#tedrdc cnf cxu:pticxts to cos°erage is rcny rule ir,suracacc p,slicy rnstzrsng Lendcr't intcrrst m rite f roiurrt}.
<br />-.__; to x'r:r--€ ",-.,.fiMMrfMIYC tMll{gtiY ixalApt/lM(
<br />