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U:~tr'oxst Caves+nrs. Barrower and Lender arvem,+nt and agree as foibws: <br />1. Pap•ment of Pdne#pd aed in#erest. Barn,wcr shah prampti} pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />tndehtcdness evrdenced by the Nate, prepayment and !etc ::barges :,, provided in the Kota, and the principal of and interest <br />art any Future :advances secured by ;hss Mortgage <br />2. Fnndc far Toes tmd Insugrze. Subject to auplicahEe i:ew or to a written waiver 6y Lender, Barrower shall pas' <br />to I~nder on Fh2 de_y manthly snualtments of prim+pa3 anal tntrress are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a sum {herein "Funds"! equal to one-twelfth of thr :early tares and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents ern the Property. if any, plus <,ne-ruelfth of yearly premium installments far hazard insurance, <br />plus ere-twelfth cFf yearly premium installments for marigage insurance. if ang, alt as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by I.ersd:'.r on the has is of assessments and hills and reasanabie estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall he he#d rn an test+nu+ten cite depastts car ,ac,:x,unis ui which are insured ar guaranired by a Federal or <br />4tafe zg€ney f irts:nding under i( Lrncer rt cec an ,nss+risF+or: i I.endrr shall ;sppiy the Funds to t.a}' said talcs, assessments, <br />insurance piemittms and ground reels Le°nder may not charge test so haldsng ar:~i a;~^!ying the Funds, analyzing said accaunt, <br />or verifying and compiling said assrssments and t~ilEs. unless t ender ps}s Borrower intcrt'st on thr Fends and applicable taw <br />pemtiis I.erder to make such a charge Bnrrawer atx4 [.entirr" may :sgrcc m writing at the time of ezccutian of this <br />~tartgage that interest on the Funds zhall he 'pasd ?a Borrower.:tnd unless such agreement is nFade ar applicable Iuw <br />regattas sw,h interest to l±c paid, 6 ender >hali not i~ requrree4 tF, pa} Borrower xns~ snterest ar earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall gtrr to Bono:,-cr. wrehovt :.barge, .en anrua4 ae..;nuntin¢ c,f thr t=unes. ,ttourng credits and debits to th, ands and She <br />ptFrptxe for :.rfttc:h each dchst tr, the Fund; ,va. !'!lade. Nita #~unds urr ;!edged as addiuonai security far the sums secured <br />~ by this alnrtgage. <br />If the attFaunt of the Ft:nd; he+.d by I.cndcr. t+xGether ;+-ith the fFSZV:e manthl~. instalments of Funds payable prier to <br />the due dates of taxes, assrssm,^nts, rnsurance pretn+ttms and ,?round rents. shat; exceed the amount required to pay said Lazes, <br />scsesamenzs, snsuran.~ premiuat and lraund rcrx .is thr}' (ail drti. erscit cx:es shaft he, at Barraw4Ps optiou, either <br />pr~lptiy repaid to Borrauro: or ::seemed to B:grower an ntenrhh' :nstsllmcnts . f Funds. If the amtsuat of the Funds <br />',:~; held by Lendez ihail net bt sut3tcfeat to pay t,lxe;. s:..,>.: ••rt.. utsararce premusm= and ground rents as they fall due. <br />{~ BOrraWer sha33 pac tc Le:.x#cr asp amotmt ne..,^rss.~zrs r.. „a4.e up nc~ delicsencv w=tthin 3a dayc tram the date native is mailed <br />by Letxitr to Br;rzasurr re: uCShng pas nFen: rherco! <br />Upon paymrnt an :`at! o!' sit suns .eouzed h: tn:, \i:o#t~,x~c. i ender ~,hait pramptiy refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held hy' 3.etxler It aendrr paragrapi' K tsar at the P: tperts , the nr'tt tit +, atherwt,e acqu:red try Lender. Linde: <br />shall apirip n ,star t~`xan ;rtt_u?edsi? ? Rr±- - :.+>_e -.. ~ t rt'- rFg,s,,,n s,t. ] ,_na,.r _ F,anAc hrl,f t,}~ <br />i..eader st the z;..rtr at appitcauar as a ,:r.•dn :;ga:z,st h' um, ucurcd hE, ht: \! ttgagc. <br />3. Aglieaiio~ o[ P»'neasLC. t `n;:-a., a{tp3a.ahir inw pr;,.s.iea nt4•,c.rur,.e. ail pe}masts :ec:•tred b~• Lender under ihC <br />do#e and rs-.~gra,-Kri aed_ ixrCV; ,haft i+C appisri; ha i ender i;r,t rn ha5mcnt of amazmts palahte to I_endvr by Borrower <br />under pare#raph ? hetcaf, then to suare.r ?avahie .~n the ?.,a:c. a,en t:> the hrtnc+psl of the Nate. and then to interest aed <br />prsnc;paS .in soy Futism .AdF-ances <br />0. L`Yv~es: I.ieR. Br:^rr<r, ,Gail i,sy ,?:f ^_,, ..>:rssn;en:s .:na ,•tncr chsrccs. t+rtc> and +mp:.:stuans atttibutahle to <br />t#x Prapcrtc ahiah may stiazn a pnartzt : vet ?h;. `<ic:rtgagc. ;,:xt ;en~ci,r,ui ;-.+smeuts <~r p.round rents. it an}~. zn the nsanner <br />ptzlvsde.i unt~r ,aragraph '_ hcrcct ,+.. ,t rus ~xa,t ,. - ,.trnz:c. . -+ H:=n.,' met=na iraFmcnt, ~,:non due, ehtectiy to the <br />payee thc^ree+4- B>;3rraucs siF;ul hramptl 4ern<s3t re l~~ndee ai ..,.,, ,,. ,me~uleC .use under thu pazaaraph_ and in the event <br />Bpzrev.'rr shatE slake pas'ment ~arect:+, 4}i••r:=.;er ,!eat; ~ ,~:-, ~..~~i: urr?r,C; ~..• Ic::.lct rr-,.eip;a e, r:i_nesng such paq~nten U. <br />&yrrt,u~~ .,;Fat} {<a-crrnp.ay - tsct:arge ens- ::: r. -_7,ch ; ss , r,. •;,te .. .a. ..,., aortga~: ,'t+-.,,ie-,i. :hst Bnrrowrr .hal! oi,t he <br />rrqus:ei* tt=dzarFutrge ens .urh lk-e ti,, icici+ an B=3^„war ,';,ci ai3rce +:: ~~_..r:e;g s,• hi- ,atin«e=,t .? tt;e. o::irgas,;n >rcured by <br />suds lien sn a rra_aner as ~tahfa *„ t eniez. er ,hslt :n ,;<a wl ;.,_,...r,rtte" ><:. t=, hrn d': .. ,leferF..1 cat„tccatrnt zit xui E+. lien +n, <br />lt'2;si pFCzeed;tag+ u~hr!:h ap?tratr + r +~::aet :hv c^t,.~=~.mer,t .~,t ,: z ..., , ,:.le.+;t+i ,. , 're t'rcp,.;.v :,. s£F} t*a+t thereof. <br />S, flrzaMi I~sr[arw e. $o: roar haz4 t, v»-;': :rag u;%; =:,•ensrxsf, rr:.,.« ej:,: :.n;; ,•; s~ treats .ed c,a flit Pr.•rssnnv snsurc'L <br />aguir-.s3 f:r.-s ta+ Cie. na.:ud5 +;t.:.uckef usshu, .-. .. rz,r . ,icrt,ir:i ,.. -css;tt ...-,_ ,.:.h :~st.+s°r h,+:ard< a, ! ;: c,Jrt may regss+re <br />aa+1 rn sect - x~;, is ax:w :a',, i;n~?t r.,r„~, :: + . Fdc? :. uac. +,: .ds _± ec t : ~ba, :Ral: a„t reya:+,rc that ,he ant¢niu tt <br />.§ <br />.;_in ti.!,Ti a(~Y eatxed tstd: 3R.t. ,.. ~. .~,Ct-w .:Vi::.'.'+5 ,. ,tBl~ ..,. ,c. t't I",.. ~i4~? City <br />7hr :rsse;rassc .art •er ¢. ~> uf. n,~ ~,ne , av,:x ..e ,t _:, `~. ;le.•.r» +,t iii .,. .. .r a i <br />ilia YJ-~?', J.t si,i ~% `}}ajl rr^.,,f ,`"2 :.r.iG3.+,'3,3, :. ,,.,...cru 1:, t'"•., .,x.. _. .. _._ ,,:c, .~.i, _.. ., iht' nFannri <br />i'rHTnaKd usFder I+ar.~,rit#m ? ncs c+s ~_ ,e_t tu,.:. ~ -..a, eta=sac: '-+ Ha,+;: a> .aaAa;. ~g hey moo +;.x' + du, ',++ru~tlt to the <br />`.r3LttrbYSe',c 4n1FF3eF. <br />, , <br />.'13i #Ftsatraet_e i'it.;. -,Y, K...... .. _. , .,.. r. . , ,. -- . , ..eta. , `. + ,. :., <br />_,~tage <br />CliSiae -+n ZS-'_{ . t ai:,t ,.`+ at•i tTO :ai Cl4dh;4' 1.,..u'3 _ '.. - ,•. ~ ..a. _ ., ~ +» ~. <br />atld ~`iY:n's,.tSl 4f.?!f n i_`+.~ -,- .~. _-r. _._..~. ~.. >. Y.. ... .. _. ,,.._ ~,. .... .. ..... .... ... .. .. ..... I ii".. <br />#.#i~-,.`-'err ~: tae f'+rrp. .;.,a,., -. .~,z - t.ta . rat ,...,.,_ .:',a i ...~.. _-: ~ _. ,a< . . -- ,x ,..., , .. >... ; r, r , <br />t+s B.~r~ <~sru , <br />:.'x'feas Le. ~ sea B.e-., a,r=. z':rc^ -,~ - -., .-,. _,.,c .- . , __ , .. _. : p;,c+. ,, t--a.,++o + rciz.rn . . <br />the Pripet aianlxlte~t. tasa':aeu _.. ~,,. rs,.,.., .. -4~~,, .L ~.., ...t:,_ . , .. ... .. ..>. ,... .t. ,. .. !.isartg.,g~ <br />ra*,z Fhes~~±-~intpa:rev. I, zxcd s.etcsst~, r:., ...,, ,,i ,,, ,_ .. ., - - - _ ,,...,, ...,., xl~ cit,,+n- ,i. ,,:d <br />tae attllFSttu#, FiFe ,asur.nce y,e~,,ker.,: ,1a: L•t pi•: ,_„ .. ._ ::r7. .., a, , .. `.` ~xr ~ t, - .. ~}~ yard <br />taBarrE>wer la t~haPra{+e::. .ns~.a,~.k- ,car y,,,-:,,.y. _. it.,r....c. , .~s,,,,,, ,, , ,;,,,, :Flt,.. ~~esap, tr„~n the <br />,,~_ .. <br />eYa,.. ,ax .,,~ts# by Lc'.w.;>rs s,. bo.t, xe - .x, .hc' :.~,.,.._ a ~.cs. .. _, , ..:. ' urn,... + s, .'!=L i e.....,.. <br />a:xu.ttc.r;;.~,7 to .ahtrxt a-~~`--, xletia .rs_ ~-._-i3sasFi.r ~-t„+ctc,.., _. ; r~.,-., ~., .,. •. ,.t, r,: :, ,.;. ,,,,.,.r; ,., r.,.n,; -.. ':c I'~i•pet,a <br />t.. zc+ tire. >* +ac+;.rrd h4 thiy Slosvge.YC . <br />i'sienFa I_:-,~::-t esx's f:#o:?.~.xe. ..-ti,c,~,=.._ a. ee ,.. , ,.~ ~ , .,. - ~ .... .y. :.: s ~: _. ..+: .:,~+ i a;irr i <br />:?r pt,tr}iv9H' tiFe 4eK to it EZkC ... ..iR.-. .. 5._h : _.,iz-.. ~.C ., .. ... t _„ rid:. ;t"t' .. ..,r~l+tt r,i <br />4dil~ +n53iilI~3eTtU ii i+dsaCr ~'aYtfi~.- h~ i * 3±z. 2~. .a_ , ; :r1: .'• : ,._.{ .'. ,,. ,. .,.... ~;,h~.a' , ~. ~t - - -c , l t1.ot =„»m+ <br />zn tad §i3 a- c art5::saFi:.r t cu.><ICa i.r.7 ~,., 4.. ., .,. .'.:t'~~el.. ~`t rc.. ., ._., .. . i._-. ~yi s, <.,,. , . - fct. , .:_ : h•. ,.,c <br />4;r s.;{Sil3sui3'i a.A: 't* Mi `.~ A:~;CKs {?1cw. iC _;. .. ,..s. ...;i:•. ,.....,a . -, ,. 1..:lr.; ~i ., ,. x; v'~ ., +.. .~. ~f~ a,+ ... <br />~, <br />k Ptra~nxaliosa sFrsd +iairtrrraacc esf Preprrt}: #.e,rsc#Ftdds; E r„udrintaniatns; I'#antot#f f nit t)e, u#~pttsenFS. ft~ zrn».;s <br />v~:a k~ tip PFC?pz.~ a gats4 . e#-' _, aa+r. .+.a.l -,t.=~: :,_,,.~..t ~-:emu. , ,rrak:, r,p.~.rmc,,a c. Fs r;3.,+.t::y the Y'r,nF~r?'. <br />atn# alsil :.+rr'g ~.:*h :?sc tuaa tssyrr¢a :;t a= . -cam, ._ ,n:. 59,,•'b .. _. ir.-;+~ , .'~kf.,; Naha s- , _ -, , ..~ ., <br />::Y+tldt1FYtttSiv~,Y ;: a Afarx.~ ,".n.i ac .t:_.p.r:~n.. r1~ ,.. :. r, '.;;a.; txr....:.,t :,,s ,3nrt,~s.>,. , , n;,g.+. ,.:._ .;-eil~•, .....;:prat,, ,s <br />or cuvctsaarzs trrat5_~ .:r g"°rxx;. ~ ~~ ,. ~ --. €..: t _ a ~a.a==-_ si,c n~ '~w. - „-- -. -.r .y,. <br />_ wit :,._., u .<~ 3.f _ <br />rssns#zxnic~eFtri ,~+e {:IxtFrucd t=stsz We*_3vpt;acFS,. _ ,,.: _ .....s.e._.: ,si...,a ,-, t ....+.:a•s.,.,;.:.-rt . s s,..;::r,,,. ~. ,s<.i,s;,u:t <br />a' , <br />rte~i' x e'>~..-e„i t'r} ~C'~'t ~~ :=.aV:#C,d +,.g..hc' :v tag s t,-•rtjrs~. -hr .e,=+. a r.n .rlFCl attty sn2 at. ,.+.~ _><t' <br />sltal#bit iur.~iptNair.S ;trio a,#sf :St+i; att'aertd u~'~ s suy,r~-.,¢~tr,.~z <;+e c.w,=.~,e .a.ti- syscvtzte itr. c,i at7s, ~Svrr~~agt ,:, i! me .-.trr <br />ux`.YE :re ##rrxalt. <br />T. C~l#M of ttatie[~ Stx',WaYy. !* #kxr.rwea iA;=; '., pct £.., r,-a the et+senantx ar,1 art cesnaeat» ~...,.._:f :r= t,r., <br />'.~urttp~. ~r ~ a~~ aszu~t ,t~a psrMr~tr,~~ ~sttatF~tu+. . ,,, .,~;cr=alit .$c.t ! ,:. : ,:, .W,, .- +r. it:.prn,. <br />wsd`~~n.;. `'t..i ;+,x > A:'ittd t.c,, tr._:rt<t,t ;?twaea,n. i. .,,. , .;t..r' ~ ,.:.. ..t„~_. _.... s .. _s„ ,... ,., .,,,,s; ,. <br />tAtFaikf3tK+er s4r:;x~nz;thrr~, i. erF,''~t at ieua_.-s c}ta:st .+, .,_s #3~,r., ~, sta_ ,.._.: ,v„-., ,.. .,... :,_.,, <br />v«r„e .,=ri take x-ar~ rrat+-~ ~ is :~.~,,+c3.ty .., ~c~s~+t i r~zt~ :.rsa_at~ ,>z:gig, s,. a,<;. .t t .., ,, ... , ,.,,,:u,u+,s; - <br />rras<'•,., ,tit'-ratep-s tars atxd erttF3 at;xa., t#+e Prl~sett# =r ar. c:a;., ,n9~-,' =~y..r: s. <. .. . ty.-n -tu, .+;:,: .. <br />:t,+^ls::+., , „ral?r.g ttx iaart ~irrei h+. °has !,Issr't-gaga ~~kra:~r4r• ~. .. z.. , .,, ;scnsr-a:;,c. a .:i.~,: ,. ;+;.t.;,.:, .:..., <br />Lti7ud kdr>C hi _,tr: ~[ +1:Ftt7: u•,€i~ Erd9`s4 d.,, t!Ie 1ey,ts3t`:~2¢' E~. -,:a.};, .. ,>,-a: -., r ,.-u1»- -+ a. •.rs sea .,,a ,,; C~ ~: ,, , ,_ ...,. <br />