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84- elf ti~39~ MORTGAGE <br />THIS MORTGAGE is rctsde rhea..........27 af:.... IfiSx .........:.. , ....., <br />19, 13.0. berweerr the Mortgagor,.. LI'sONAI2D..A...SC3RAHAN. ANC..SHA$ON; .K...s0~r....: , . , .. <br />.HUSB.'tii2D.A21D, WIFE .... . ......... . . (herein "Borrower"), and the Mortgagee,.. THE. ESRS'L`.1dA'1'xOI3ATi <br />.BATIK . OF.. C:~A2III . iS7.A13D, - ~RANC1, ,ISLAND.,.. NF.I'}I2ASKR ... , a corporation organized: anti cYCittieg: <br />under the fowl: nf ..........NEHBASI{A ...................... tvhcne address is: 2II2. WES')r , 3Fif?-: `,.t'TREET , <br />.GFt}tTID. SSI,AIIYD.,.. NEHIL4.SIfA ........................ . ............... (hcrtin •`Lertder"j. <br />tvtreatees, Aonower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of . THIRTY-.SEY,EIi1, ~t30t7SANU: : . <br />HtJTlliltF.~l .ATID. NOJ1fl0-------.---~----.Dollars. which indebtedness is evidenced-by Borrower's note <br />datcd_ ......tdRX . 2_%, ..I48A .... (herein "Nate"}, providing for ntanthly instaitments of pri-~'psi and:interest; <br />with the balaucc of the indettedness, if not sorntttr paid, due and payable an......3CIt3F..1, .:~OJ.O ........ <br />To SkCttRE to l~cndec [, a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the dote. withtntarest thereon, the. <br />payment ctf all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accardanre hernwtith to prated the security-aE.this <br />'.Mortgage, and the perfaanance of the ,:ovenants atui agreements of Harrower horein contained: and jb) the cpayment <br />of anv futtue advances, with iaterest thereon, ~adrtz3 9orrawer by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof jherein <br />'aFtmtts Advnaces°'). Horrawrr does hereby n:nrtgage, grant and convey to I_ettder the fallowing. descri6al ptr-perty <br />Soeated in ttte Cotmty af ........ . ......:4x3T.E......................, State of Nictstaska: <br />TF~ i~STIyRI,~ TE~I~T~-NIA remit sI ~ ~TEIv`?:~iS rr.E-z- tiv3~, o °) tilt' <br />LI'T' TWCt 4<) AND THE I;P.STEFLi.Y TWENTI-SI_X 1't.ND TWO TENTHS FEET <br />(526.x'; t)F LOT TFII2EE i3), ALL aN t~LOCIi h;iNETY Tts'tl j92) IN <br />WfIEELER r'!Nt) 8E?LTTIET^t~.'~ FGI~RTF r,DDITION mp C,RAND ISLATIf), HALL <br />b has the a3drass of, .. ~ 3.7, irAS2', i7'gfi . ~TRE~ . 'a~.taS7A . ISLi;Idi?.... <br />i~trrii iGrtx3 - . <br />'a'f~.BFtz~' ~Y.~3S . , { $~Q1.- ... , i}ltYi~.'! "Pt's ~i'.'~~ ?f'~;€" 3: <br />.... , - - EStlrla awa 2~ Ga«gf~ <br />Tt'~swaa with ~! tlaa ttnFri3vemRntS rnaw car hestaitet rrr.:seu c«c: ,rte ;arv}rert3, arau :i}f exscanrntz, rasi3t~. <br />MlrtertatK`a FC+ntYM, ri}y~"+tCA;. rttrrttiSal. a?3i $SMs FF~t113 ~ nd tt1'k:Niti» ;NU6tef. u`:titi7 4"j~}Sti, ecilfl tNBtc,F ~lcJC ~., .itYi7 iii <br />craw tit ~t at~iMt#wci ut t3w I+tst~, a.l! cif >hhi~'h. incitiuling repiaite~e~nts asi«,Y additm.Yrzs thereto, =herd 4~c <br />eked tc aa~d r€tnsia a part of the prrsrier:y tx~vcrsd by the Ma<tgal;e: assn! tai's <,s' tree 1=.trc~ft=eg. asjgcthcr u~itlt ,.~iil <br />pity {rq tTte fe~c~+ld est~,r i.` this :Ne.~tCgs= iY~ t«n to caec#tYS€d ~ a:s° 3tcsetJt re t+::roil ts« ;is the ` Prz«fx:s?y" <br />Brtrr~rer ~ 3ltict A+'rxru~et ss. iawftrily d cif the. c-s:ait, ?.~se.hp tiEnvt;a.:cS cacx.F last ttu rJttltt t„ n,i>rtgar:, <br />c^sxtrcy~v the I~rKf~rtY, tbit ttre Presp>+,rty as s:'re.,€nbr.*e;1, a.;.u ;7axa %i~rr*:,w~~r wii~ sr~arenJSi .,rrei :ieEs~i~it <br />~- riSly ~l.;'1E t Z4t ~th¢ r~,Y ate cis atxi ~7n.~?s~x, mitUtcz:~ ;,, ~h~ c~.Cl'Rr;ifit)Txti, :-rs~.n;:. sis ,,;~ ,rs[uc~tu rrs+ <br />i4t En ~t .S:~V.'+~-~XiF €~i'C~S+ ~ ~:aa~'C1~C ea ai%y 3#t3t; fitc~:iFa:cCt= t35 b1 % tl533 R .~y i"tzlc'r M tnFS.'it .s ;re i~ac i'rx~(«eltg <br />`Ytr4T"~ 3, tif? <br />