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d80-~~z~7~. <br />Lender's written agreement or uppliwhle (uw. Aorrower shall pay the amount of aA mongnge insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall txcnme additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured l,y this Mnrrgage. Unless Aorrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Aorrower requesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest from the <br />date of disbursement at the rate payahic from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless paymem of <br />interest at such raEe would lfe contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shalt hear interest at the highest rate <br />pttanissible under applicable taw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require tender to incur any expense or takt <br />any action hereunder. <br />g• inspeeflort, Lender may make or rouse ro be made reasonahlc entries upon and inspectipns of the Property, provided <br />that i. ender shat give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. Cottdemnatbn. The proceeds of any a+vard or claim for damaees, direct ar cpnsequcntiat. in cannectinn with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or part thereof, or for cnnvcyance in lieu of condemnation, are herehy assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />in the ctront of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall he applied to tfie awns xcured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if any, paid ;o Bor:o+v,~r. In the Trent of a partial takinc of the Pmpern•, unlesa Aorrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall he applied to the sums ,ecurr<f ht thix 14origagc etch proportio, 1 the proceeds <br />as is equal to chat propifttion which the amount of the seems aecund !+y ihi+ 11,+rtgagc iatn;ediately pr:,r to the date of <br />taking heart to the fair market vah;r of the Prnpcrn• immediately poor to the d:uc of raking, with the balance of the procredx <br />paid in Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by $rrmwrr. ar if. after notice by Lender to Aorrower that the condemnor otters to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respnnd tp !.ender uuhin 30 days after the dale such notice is <br />mailed. Lender is authorized 2p rnlleet and apply the proceeds, of lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Proprrt}• pr to the sums secured by this 1•lortgagr. <br />Unkss Lender and Aorrower othrru•ise agree in writing, am• such a;~pliratic+n of p.mcceds to principal shalt net extend <br />or ixxtpane the due date of tEse monthly installments referred to in paragraph, 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />stn-h installments. <br />10. Borrower Nal itekasrd. i~xtcnann of flit unit: for parmcnt nr modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to atn' successor to interest of Aerroucr sh.di nrn operate in release in any manner. <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Aorrowei s successors in interest. i ender shall not he required to commence <br />pn,ccedings against such successor t:r rc@tsr to extend time for pavment or otherwise tn>dity amortization of the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of arse demand made h} the original Aorrower and Aorr;+u~cr's vtccesauv in interest. <br />I1. Forbeara~ee by Lender lot a Waiver. Apq fnnc~arann t>c I ender in exercising apv right or remed}• hereunder, nr <br />otherwise afforded by appficahic law_ shalt nni t+r :t waiver .-", or preclude tits exercise of any such right nr remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or the navmem of taxes or other bens .,r .hargrs by Lender ,hail ; nt he a ++~aiva:r of l.rneier's <br />G%gftl.t4'- ^---r°`° • ~~ c indrbtedncs; +crttrcd hs• tht+ lfongaer_ <br />- ~. 1 }remedies pnmidcd in th:; '•tortgace arc distinct and cumulative to arn• other right or <br />jeme~ undtlt~Rafl dad t,y Eaw or cgtnty, and may hr excrc~ytd conntrrcnth~. +ndexudentty or succeysi+cly. <br />YD.t?~1~1~ ~ und: Joint and Srvei'al i.iahiBty: Captions, The srncnants and agrremcnts herein <br />iifn`i'3tTfc s a m , an i c erg is hereunder yha11 inure to. the rcsprctr+s• sr,uc,+,,rx and :rssis;nl of 1 ender and Borrower. <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph i? i,errot. :11i rnvru:tnis and .tgrcecmcnts <,f Sorrowrr ,hall He joint and +cvcrai. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this ~~ortgage are f.x convcntrnrc only and am not t:, he used to <br />interpret ar define the provisions nrrenf <br />N. ~iotict. Zrzeepi fw any ttatia• required under ap{,Eicablc laze :., he }:i+•an m anothtt manner, Fa! :pry notice to <br />&rrowrr ;`rovided for in this Mnrlgagr shaiE ire e+vrn !,y matting +u<h :x,ttce hr' .cr t,fird rn:ti; ;tddrecsecl to Anrre+uer at <br />tltr Prnpcrt} Address ar 3t stash other :rdclrra+ as Aor:oucr may dcs,gn.ttr h+ n,?ttce to : cosier as pravidesi herein. .tnd <br />fb! any ru+isce io 1_cader shall hr given h} ecnificd ntad, return receipt rrque<ted to 1 ender', addre~ stated herein t,r to <br />such other addrtss as Larder mat- designate h} nett,c io Aotn..+r; as proytdr,i heron 4ny notice pravt:leJ for in this <br />!Noitgage shah rte deemed to hayc horn gr+°en to Aorn,wrt rr t ender ,.lien ct+cr+ in ;hr mantser desigra!ed herein. <br />1~. t;ttifru~ Morrgttge; Govrrnittti Law: yr• eniiiity. form of rnoneagr .:~mE+ines uniform cevenant+ for nati,*na! <br />use and non-uniform covenants uith limtte:'..ariauons Sty lurt+<ftetiM: to ;nnsttuur a atn.fa?rnt sect+nl)• instrutrtent covering <br />teal prtfptrty. T3trs Mortgage shalt hr g«+crt,rd h} !hr of the iur,+dtct.,,o ,. which lire Pm}xer±y is i, rated. In ihr <br />event that anv provision or ciaust cf rnu Mcrtgagc or ;hr Note contiict+ .+ah ,rsnltrahlr tau. such rrnthct ,hall not afitct <br />otlxf ptacisictu of this Mortgage ar the tiatc u~S=,<h cart #.e g,vrn ctTect utrh:u=t toe .pntLctittg prim+i,tn- and to thin <br />end tlsc provisions of ilia Mortgagt and the are ,irclarrd to i?e s~ve* hie <br />li. iortrowtr"s Cody. Borrower shaA h.. furt„d,rst a ronfotmcd ,apy :,t ,-.. ':arc an.i nI tht+ Siurtgage :,! the trine <br />of execution ar after recordation hereof. <br />iT. Tfnlifd Of tilt Properly: Atsatnptittn. It adt .=r gray p:*n of tilt Prnictt+ .+:.rn ,nttrru tl±e rein i+ s.,id c•r Iran+ferred <br />br $mttfwer without Letder's pr„tr wrtitcu nv?ys:;u. ex;ittiling tat tftr :rraa~„n ,?i a tteu ,+t en.ttmhra<t.~ ,uhntrd:natc t;? <br />tAts Mortgage, lb? lift crrati~ pf a purchase mimey +c<un[} s3rtcst ic+r hr,;,,ch,•ld appftaacr+. ic? rau+tat try devise. <br />tlex-ent or by operation of law upors rift :leach t,t a atut t;mm~a ar <br />Len.i;s na3}. nt 1 eodrr's nptwro. Jzr=vie a!S alit wins sc,rr cd h} tAts \tortgace t., b^_ <br />i;afate;,ijatrly due and payabk_ Lender shall :zayr .,aged such +pt,nn t. .,-,.+, ,. t. a, pas,=: ... •hc .ale s,r oars..+tcr_ ! coder <br />atxf !Ift poison io whom tit Proix:ti} is t,= ix s<?td xs ts3nat"erred tea,h ,,rrcemrts: ,;, -»r,t,n: ilia? :Fee .re,;,t c < ..~<h f2•;;+~:, <br />is;atisfactpry tp Ltntler and that slit inirre.t p~}at+lr ors 3tte sues, +Ctutrd ht alts, !+i.+rtw;gz ,haYt he :a su: h rare .ts T ender <br />shall rtyttesi. I{ Ixrtdet ?tas waivr~ ihr nl,ti, n to accrirratr prnyidcJ ;•r ihr+ ;+,r-., '.. .. .t fi.rrr.,wc~ , , ,.,<+++,r :. <br />interest liar, executed a written asxumptian aitrccmcnt accepted in urittng by f cndrr E cn.;ct ,halt release A.,rr.+.+er rr:rm 11 <br />obiigaticxu ursder ibis Mortgage and ihr Nait- <br />If Letfder uucists strclt raptints to a:crl~-rate. i.cn3rr a?.alS mat! Ac,rr.tuee :, __ .. ;<;eit:,=.:rt.,t, ,- .,_.r,r,3anc~ ++ttt. <br />paragraph ti hetmf Such notice ;Isatl pro»de a perirut o f n<,t less that iC7 day, tram the dstr t?tr ass,tiya ,s tootled +:,'h;.: <br />which Borrnwtr maY paY the sans dal,ur*f drfe if AoRUUyr t_....c. pa) .r - +-:n, f+„<-, .....,.E i+,rar•,•,r , . •.:..1+ ;::. ~,,.. <br />Cruder may, vyathwtr further ttmice or +hmand em ltosrnwer, invoke an} renxdtt•y p,ermtau+# rr~paragtaE,it : a i:ereuf <br />Notsr-t3HiFpttrf CcsttENtant7s_ .Bnrrt+wer .,ssd i.tndet further c<nen:*nt z,nd aKrc. a+ ft ti++w, <br />ig, dlt'Celera6lM; ltewtdits. Fsrrpt as protidrJ in paragraph 17 hereof, upau Uunaxrr'±, tfrraeh crt an) cnnrn:tut nr <br />tlgrteaatat of ~arrorrer ln1 lilt aiottgrtlr, iru{o,ting the cotettaais to pay «tfrn due ana .oast. >irrurcd b} thin tlurlt;rgr. <br />iR+dttr prior N atttittaliart xllag twit; notirr is Ilarro»er an pros idrd in paragraph 11 hereof tprri{y ink: tl) ihr bn•a. h: <br />(~ iic adkm.rt~oirt! ro twNe tech health; t~l a drala not lc:xc fh-n 3U days ttvmt tlfr dolt tie notice is nfaiird to, <br />i~' sriici rorh irttttelt otttai M CtMYO; and ial that ftsitsttt !o cpr+e nucft hrraa ft nn ur ttetnre the dairt s,prritird in the u.etirr <br />+ttpy treaoY Itii #tClltrNlM rot tic talon srsvrrd hi lists NorTi:age, farerirrnurr by judirrstl Fr*tc rrdint; and nat. ut ihr Pr:s{arty. <br />Tilt ttobite sitaB Briber Titiwar Ilatrgxkes of ttlr right !o reittuiat[ alter at~rrtrrati*so :end ihr ris:hi in assert in the inrrcl,.+ur< <br />pr+ctxtiiag tMle ttrtttilNoct ai # defsatt ur ant other dtfeusr c,f 6ntrofnrr to accrleratirrn arul fureclusurr. ti ihr hrta.h <br />f; toot a°tft~~ at ter-bi1Me alit tWle sptcfitd to tbtr surfirr, fxmdrr ai l.rnder'n opii*,n may drriarr all of ttrr .uutr, sxeurrd 4„ <br />tbdtt!-1ttAgnge to be latpteiflaltl} dttr aad, parttbk hithuW fftrfiarr drmaud and mac r<.mctu.r frf Judicial proyrrdioi:. t cndrr <br />xlulllta ~ to cagact io suet prorered3ftg obi expetasr+ of frfrrctn+tua, tnctudtnf:, 1»tf nrH tintltrd tu, aush ut durtuueaiury <br />rs tdtact, tti-ttacts alt/ firk rrprtrttr. <br />t4, )IOrrrowtr's digit la Nt'A41arx, as..,rahyraxut„tp trr:,;c:', .._,•i:u:,.a -._ .-, ,.,,., ~., ix.l 1=v wi•.. ,, <br />rirxrower shfdi have t~ rigiH to have .xn) =sa,>r.~edsrg+ tscgtar, f+v t snd.~ ,.,.. ..., ,n.+~si.r b a:...:•t,,,..~a ,-.. ~,i,~ <br />