~o- 7~
<br />U~troxtit CovsHnNrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree a follows:
<br />t. Payment of Pdndpal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly' pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced l,y the Note, prepayment :rod late charges us provided m the Note. and the prinetpal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this \lurtgage
<br />2. Fonds for Taxes and Imnrance. Subject to appticabe late or to a written warvcr by Lender, Borrower shalt pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />s sum (heron "Funds"} equal So one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents nn the Property. if any, ph2c one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium instatiments for mortgage insurance, ;f any. a#! as reasonably estimated initially and frUm
<br />trine to time by Tender on the basis of assessments and hilts and reasonable esiirnatcs thereof.
<br />77te Funds shall fro held in an institution the dep+ast[s or accounts of which arc itnured or guaranteed isy a Federal or
<br />state agency (including Lender tf Lender is such an insunnton). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay saidlaxes, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender ma3~ not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />ar verifying and compiling said assessments and hills. unless Lender pars Borrower interest nn the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits lender to make such a charge. Harrower and Lander mar agree in writing a[ the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall !,e paid to Harrower, and unless such agrcetnent is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lander shall not he requtrcd to pax' Bc rrawer :eny interest nr earnings on the ..ands. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an arnuai acmtmti:ag of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds wax made. I'he Funds are nl~gcd as additional se::urity fur the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender.:ogether with the future tnonthlx msrailmenrs of Funds payable prior is
<br />t2te due dates of taxes, assessments, tnsurance premtums and ground rims. shsl! exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />acsess[netsis, tnsurance premiums and ground rents as thep fail doe, such ezeess shall rte, at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid m Borrower or credited to Barrowrr oa mr-;;;?v ~nstatfmcns' of Funds. If the amount oL the Funds
<br />held by Leader ,hail not be sut$cient m pay taxes, assesstrents.:nsur:tnce premtums and eround rents as the}• fait due.
<br />13ortower snail pay to Lenc'er any amount necessan t,, n~ak : up the deiiri>-nit a chin ?D may=.. from Sate date notice is mailed
<br />by Leader to Harrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment v^ frill of ail stuns secured by thrs ~lartgage. i cnda•r Khali nrornptt} refund to Borrower ant' Funds
<br />Ix,'~)' h„ 3~,.~r. If ,_n~r °ragraplt her~,?f .:~ roper` ., . ,., , ,~ ..ore,-,. .s .-„ ~ -_ -
<br />> >' [~ ' p i ~ id -`- `~' ~ ]C[ '1~ .IC-gireP~i1 ~\- Louder, LentlCr
<br />shzll apply, no later ihan'tmmedia[eita prior to the ,a#e r,i thc~~Pro€env or .ts uqutsnton h3` Lender, any Fends held by
<br />tender at the pint of :Sppliwtion as n ~mtiit against zhe sums .ecured ht thts y`sortgace-
<br />3. Arpiicatioa of Paymenes. i~niets apphcablc tau provides otnrntise. ail parmenn cecened 6v Lradcr under the
<br />Nate and paragraphs ': and 2 hereof snail he applied h}' i_endu first ;n pa3mer:t .=t amounts pa}.rble to Lender ny Borrower
<br />uttdez itaragraph ~ hereoZ, than tc ;merest parable on She Note, Shr^ to the rnnctpal of the Not,°..tnd there tv inrerest and
<br />pnttctpal on any Future Advances.
<br />S, CharRest Liens, 8nrtouer ,Itali pap ,di ta~e_. assessmems .:ail othrr .h_:rcce, tS nee :rid ,:nnostuons attnhntahle to
<br />the Prepett}• +vhictt may auaut a prtantr aver .h;c Sfc t:;~e, .;rid ;•easeh.~8v (,at menu .,r round riots. t[ any, in the manner
<br />pznvtded render paragraph 2 hetrof ..:r. rt ^et ^,at.i :n ,u;h manner. !•g Borrc~uet pis>.:ne i.a}mrnt. '+t hen due, dSrecdv to the
<br />payce thereo.'. Bonnuer shalt promptir futr.:sh to i_est:k_r ai! :.~.,.cs o..unounts .i uc +.tndcr t!rts paragraph. and in the Brent
<br />BotTawer snail male payment dtrect.e~. Brxrc+4-cr .=tall I=rompst; S,;r:n;..^, ,: ....ni::r =r~:,tpt~ ~,:ct.:nr.ng ,ugh pa}menis.
<br />Horowet shall promptly ascttargr an}• i;4~ ahrch ;ta-s , nrrrzv .?,rt thu ~So ngag•e. prav:,tca. :oat ac=rmwer ,ha[! not be
<br />requtre:d to dtschargc soy sv~':h hen ~ tong as &?raouer sha!i agree :r: -crux?;: r., the ; utmnnt , • rtrc :,bl,cauotr ,ecured by
<br />stn:h hex .n a manner acceptable to Lrndcr. ,=r :hall ,n ,:1,;.;; faith , or;.e„ ,:,.,. !,cn '^c ,r •.!cfer.u rnSC,rcetnrtrt n( such €ten tit,
<br />legal proceedings which operate to pre,ertt 'he :...c tcentent a ex' =en , , wr2e-7t:r..:, ;hc ?'roper) , . any I=art thereof.
<br />a. Illtud lwsotanre. Bsroues shall wcxp the ,axp.o, ca~te.^.zr ;:<=u cr. x,.tatrt ;,r :~,rc ~[tter c: ected on the Property msurrYi
<br />agaantY foss hi ,'tyre, haian3s rnclucied wrthtn the <r*t?t ' zs,ct.a5ta .:,; tragc s ,., -;;, h ,rtbCt ';:.z::rc~ a. I r,_der rna~ rryuxre
<br />3$d in Si kClt ,t,'$f:3t2ntS and tt., su::h _T.*tMi~ ..v !. t.[asti`t rrta'; ~ tc. l .+. +~€C.;....._ i.etty ei ,%i.lli t,t,t ". u_ul;e ihBt tare .x;ltovrzl r:t
<br />~:,
<br />shat? cua~eratte esc-rtd S+:at .a,mcsz .. :raps' rVU:reel .. ..tt -.., ....~ . _.., __ rt :n:, ri..,;tca6t
<br />77ae :ttsursnre carrier prrvtai .t _'9. :;.s:,.ane ,h „t ~ _^u. .. ,.y r3otr .,t;+~c_t t:; apps ,~al h} i :,+.ter- ^rovtded,
<br />t'nai 'such ap¢ava3 ,hall ;lot =:,e sttreaw;;a?~-s`} -vttfi.etd •i3; premrrurr. •>t? ,at,ur,a*ie p:?t:4ms ,bait t~v i:atd n the msnnrr
<br />:rovtdefl utXier patagrapb : ttercr=t .=z. ~! s...>t Pae:i ;r. ,u_i? ansnnr~a. ht :3orrcuer :oak+ni paymer,Y_ ~H ntr. cue..;rt-~cd} to the
<br />iairiuratxt caner.
<br />All irr}uranve Iasi ctes :~ttu tenrN pis [he _taeu '*- ,ern: ,_~rl.t,: [,tc - .vet ,na - alt ::.,.-ut -, .tas.,2arci r;tu;tg.:ge
<br />i'laatse ru xs r .'- ,, talrn tlCl]i,t 1-i.'. c?:t ... ,,..,{, ~ ..... n«+L +. P.. -•{,nt .. i-lit tnC ]., 3Ii irs ,i ttA3 .ir.i df, Met c't,l.
<br />aad Boa'xc,urar ,hn,i pr m r+ss ~Sxrna~-n t:: f.erti e .. _ Srs c~ .,, cnu air r _c,pts n2 , atci ~=rernram, S-? ,!-. ~.eRt :~t L,ns.
<br />Ht,rrawtr shalt ~,'tvr pr-: tp x*;:ce :~, .*:~ ,:tsc:'stns- tar ,air =et ,.et: -...;,:t- rir.r,,e i rt,,.+; , a ,t .-.... .,ur f r+,n;pti,
<br />by Hctrrowrs .
<br />L='fliesc l..en+lcr Eui:% Bt~tz~w.tr v,tttrt.s.t s,ga ec ,_: ~, arang_ ,*;vrarnr 1-.c~..c;:z -, creel br ~pohed 'n :rs..*a.nu.>n ,*t rep;w ,.,
<br />the i?rup2ri± clam-aged. prtn-;c'C'ra _t+~h tr+t,.=:dG.';: ,. ,.:.a ,> cti;,tu+m r. sr4> ';_a+,b?e -..~ :nr r, t:ra} ,,, -• Sir,rtgegc ..
<br />atu t(r_rebr tmgszarcd_ It Bch rstr: atom err .egm; s =t .~ =a_wsna a:._ . .~,~le .. ,: t-^.e yec~sr f _,., sh+a tgagc :rrntid
<br />i+t tatgatactl, S,he xnsuramY tscx:ecxit shah ~ app;tcd s, arc smits ...,ed ~ +, n:. wSar:g3ge .. _. , . st .,ny. t•atd
<br />u5 Hcatiawrr. It rl~ Proptrt} , .air:aoned =•} i3c....,ac 43., , »...... , .. ,y m,: , end r .tn.. --, aas. :r;,tu .hr
<br />ft„?.tY- nuct.a=tY Snx!?t~S 'h} LctIIctCr tt~9 t~C:i3a,~ti, l'i :^.... ._.~ ..,~4, i. ......Ai-. __~F .,,c _ ,,, ,. - ~,u 111.x.,-:t3Cr.7 t5. i C~:S72t
<br />za auth+:rzed is voiiect ,rr-d .:ppi ~ _ ~:,r ~~_ ;,r+cre~a ,,. i r:, ~. _ , ., t, r...._, ~- ._n_o ,,,,,,, ~t?:t:: 1 ; .,,1*t-rte
<br />:,t m tLC soot, ws:ured fy ihts ~fc rtgagr -
<br />t`aiess I.en~lex and H,arri•scct - L;cru;,r ag: rr :+. - t ..3.:.,. .-:. r- ,r.; ,. , ., r,~. ;-z,.is .. , . , ,..,, -[,t :~tt;.•;;~1
<br />pc>sspane [;rxe dire date ,+' N~ .+v.~rtt!ai~ tn5,ai n;cn:> ._na; rcu , „ :rat s~-art-. .,uct _ .,c. <,,; - _ ,t ~ ; tit,>uut =a
<br />autitt atstaslnxucs. it under' gral.K? ,ri beer .t ~x }>,,-fir;- -, _.v> _2 - . _aa~~t -..n,... , ,,...,.rr- tit .>2 13E„rs,rt
<br />t2 aad to aus ;txaurcnce pi.=titres uta an :red ;,. c*>e g,«,._:f..;r,e _w,._,p . , . .-,.. -~±.::.. ,.~ S -.r=<:r:• , .. ;r:E ~,...~
<br />.3. a:Y'f;3~t:.s'h5 vsa.:>' ~bS -C. i.~4ii'.`t +_~ the tx,ri?: .. ::`tt l,c._ ~,~, v.ct. ;l :,. [y>~.~ ... c'~ita , ., - ,.i`r1 .,. ~ ...
<br />L'gWa.'aiiNt.
<br />b. hsrsrr-ntirt a~i ~laimen ece of Prcprrts-: Ixsueluu+F6c: t: crmioatz+munt~; PSamrcd I nrt t)E.r{wprcrras>,. "si;:;.r.,.,cr
<br />ahai3 krng c'rtc~>gerg en :~ atpat;~ and shsil nrK ~,:[,mr;xii ..~ste .. sr:erni; :r.fmun,e,-:t .., ,letrrrx;eattx,n ,'t t?xc p~rwgn €t3
<br />aua s~hail :~rupr`y »+~ith .he pru.atEntna c~4' atF} .era ,_ ,3r,. 4{t,ttg„gc _, ,,,, . .._ ,.ct~ tt rh>- ~§,,,tKa,;c t, -, ~_,,. -.~ .
<br />tit~.~.[' .j'•w~i,~~ra .., ,a .33r~ urce: .]c.Ea.~ c.i7x. ~u r -n .y a ~,t. .z:+ a't ~-. Ur..,+u ~z,h,_~.ar .,, .,ur, .. J:,e,io:an,•Er
<br />0u CYZVt€~t5 .re~tsag a; ~vetn,ng :ia:, c?aaiua_tr.,uAe -[ , ~axc,~i .art as >l+rne+a. :r_ '+v~t,µ, 1,rA +cg..,'at,,, •~ .. 'rte
<br />s~ria~s~Paase~t r„~ :n.,~., i«nit d#ea~ti:*IuSte-ta, few , ufs3. ttcr,t ,:act: rsu;,- .. ,,.s.zu;ttr.~ n -, s. :S .:.. ,q.r,nvt
<br />roller e'~- esa~;tsted by Burrower ansi rc~.te; ,c±getber -rah ;ors - t~'tcga~e .rer ,...cru±ts , , -t,currc.or . , ,.;,.t, ,,,Sr+
<br />s3xali t+t tmx+rparrussi rnto and xhal# am~rti sus; -.=1ppiFZSti+nt dsz c~„e,ra,,l, :.ar ,tgx~r,tcr,ts :,, ;drts,, ~~it,rta~u ,. „ i,te u.icr
<br />wGPC a prarx heru+t.
<br />3. Y"1RYler'ilig4 ai L,etr/sr's Sac(wity. f' Burn+uc. a:x:is 2., pxstcx+~tr 'dam _-,vrr ants 3v_, +;Sr~c•rrs=>ts .,ntta,+reyi =,- Nn,.
<br />.,.
<br />~itaradut(te, car S# :.ray o-tG~i~t as t~txcrcdtbig ='^ cn.nttrarttca ~4h++<h mutt€aat? .ealc,as i. ,,:ere uarr, ._ .__, t';.a;5sr[t
<br />akiatitzin~~ ntd trat Ise%Htei,~ tab, 8si[ut~n# <iirilfax,_ -r;~,'.1ny-u. .ra3e of ,-, t.,,.oi at r,us..tt:+a ¢s; .,,_,.:e.ia , •.t,+it", r,~
<br />;sanrmpt tax rk€c=4;'+7Lasi, 4lts~n I.ctwf~t:r at l.ens,~r . :rftrora, :rl.-,n =+:,t+::c '„ i3:,. .ar : .,,9.c :,r~.+ a. ;.,..... - .4-,ur,<- ,.,..
<br />t:. _
<br />stti#1}S Y?).d tiai4L 's)fr1 .3Gi#Gtit xS 1~ s`sCS:i=1*Ri1 -.=ix~., I A:;ri`r~.'r s ; :. ~4,~ris; as ..;t ~:,tee .a [, ... i -e,r ~~`:tt,•, , ...
<br />¢a ~.
<br />ruut,r'[sle :srt~rset's ktxYS surd eratry ,r)r~ar rfte Prupe.rt4 + ,.:akz rvtra •;, , ?its#c~s :,.v a t~,+,ai;c ...,,.z .,.
<br />.:ssft:~ttton ,st ~trrrkrrag ttvs :twat? attired iq} styra ?starcigugc. i3eja rr wc, ..~+. - ~ uae•s..r:< :: q:a ee~,l .. ,..,-, , ..-
<br />!F3£titSt#rC~ W';9 s3rC4t [Ftsd'el Y[{G~ irtrtG 'ob ',~~ --"C%t4t NeY1YM1§? i4!t ~Ah (? +..a,d:Y1'.'.t ~ -.,:vim . , ] ,. _... ua .a .`.; i5. I .,., .~..
<br />