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~0~~ ~~~ <br />Lender's written npreement or applicable law. korrower shall pay the amount of all martgage insurance premiu*ns in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender parsuant to this paragraph ^, with inter€st thereon, shall become additianal <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured 6y this Mortgage. Unless 9arrower 'aid i.cnder agree eo other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upan notice from Gender ro Rnrrow€r requcstinz payment thereof, and shat! hear interest from the <br />Batt of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time nn outstanding principal under the Nolc vn{ess payment of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary fo applicable taw, in which event coch amounts shalt hear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable tsw. Nathing contained m this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur anV expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8. -topeetlon. Lender may make ar cause m he made reasanahie cnrc+es upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prier to any such inspection specifying reasonable cease therefor related to Lenders <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. CondemaaHon. 7}te proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or cnnsequcntiat, m connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. rr part thereof, or far cnm•cyancr in lieu aF condrmnatian, arc hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />in the event of a total taking of the Property, the pratecds .hail he applied to tnc sums secured by this hortgage. <br />with Ehe excess, if any, paid is Barrnu~•^r Cn the event of a partial ;skins of the Properly, unless t3nrro.ver and L€nder <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shalt hr appt,ed to the sums srcurrJ by thi< Mortgage a+ch pmttcsrti of the pmtecds <br />as is equal to chat proportion which tkc antnunt of the sum< ceavcd hr this \t<=rtgage immediately print to the date of <br />taking beats to [fie fair market value of the F'rnperty unmediat€iy pear to the aiau: of taking, with !hr balanc€ nC the protects <br />paid to Borrower, <br />If fhe Property is abandoned ky Barraurr. ar if. after nmice h}• t ender to Aarmwer that the condemner off€rs to make <br />an award ur xttie a claim far damages, Borrau~cr fat's m recper.d to i.cnder a idtin 3tl days aHer the date such nmice is <br />mailed, Lendu is authorized so rnlitet sod apply the proceeds. at Lender's option. either hto restoration or repair of the <br />property er to the sums secured 'r.}' this Mortga¢e. <br />Unless L€nder and Borrower rote€rsv+se agree sn u~risiag, anti' such app!icatinn of pren.erds to principal shall rot extend <br />:,r prxtpone the due date n( the marthh~ snstal?mcnts referred to in , aragraphc 1 and '_ hereof or change th€ amaun[ of <br />a+eh installments. <br />1Q Berraseer Nef ittlrastd, &ctcnsir.n ni the imm for pa+mcr.t .>r mndifiranntt of amnrtiaatian of the sums secured <br />C'+y this MaRgage gnnicd by I.rttdcr ut am' <accrsaor 'n incere~*, of i3nrrnu•er shall ono operate m release. in am' m:mner. <br />Ehc }lability of the original Barcower and Bormu~cr's suucsutr< m intrre<t i.encEcr shalt oat he required fa commence <br />prtr-eeciings against such st:ccessnr nr Delete t.r eatrnd t'me for pa?meet nr mhenv~ce modify amortization of the sums <br />seaumd by this *<fnRgage by rcacnn of .om .Jem:md ,Wade h> :hr ,=re>;rna! H.xmwer ,:nd {lnrrnuer's successor. in intcra-st- <br />11. Forbearance by Ixnder Naf a Raiser. ?tav fonc~arancc he I ender in escrc'.<u:€ ane right or remedy hereunder, or <br />atherwise affarded hV appheahie t:+w. tkail not he wasarr ,~. r^r preclude the exercise of any much right nr rem€dt°. <br />The pracuremeni of insurance or the ; scment :=( talcs nr taker ±,rns „r , hargr~ by i rndrr .ha?I not [>r a waiver of I.encicr s <br />right to accelerarc fist maturity :,f tkc =nderrtrafnr~s .,cured h;° eh+. \li±:+[:+s:c. <br />tYL' litltftiimltCtmtn-atlre. .tell remcil:es tx,n,drd :n i'.ic *vtur[ga€c srr dis!m;t and cumulative to ant' other riehf or <br />.-emcd~itnder this Mattgagc or a#Iarded h> t.lw :,r equ+n- : n i may ht ear:•t:crri s ~- •e rend. ndcpendcntly a+' s c, ecsir~elV, <br />'+ ,o c-:.«ts and grc~~mans hcrem <br />i~ n gnd..assig_m, Saemd:-!Dint and ~e.'en3 f_iabillh: t aptiom 1ha• t <br />ecmtatned she}t hind. and th€ roghtc lsrre::ntiCr ,';ail +m:rt :r the tc<prct,.r se,c. c...,:^r, sect a<.,kns ,-f tender : n~ Rorn=u-er, <br />sa6~eci to the provisions of pat ags,r;+r rr,r Vl iovcnunts «n:t r craw t 13,x" r 'hail - v>+; and srs teat. <br />the capuam and fieadings ,if the pa _ -!^, thee ~t ~rtgaga :n ~ r .r.. r :c :• 1< _ r er r t - '•e curt -, <br />:ntrrpret or define the pract5io+tt hrrroi <br />H. IVoliaY. ~.xttpt far any settler r~~s;ue,a'd ,:nor ap~,^ife(li)ii' isu :.° t,e H,,.r„ ~n as:orerr manner ~.-,1 .,ny n,Nt4- to <br />$c,r;uwtr nrav:ded Ear n ibis `,#~,rt2ata s ,ail ?Y +; t~cn by ma~3ing ..,. ?, ~„t+.:r ~'.. ..,:"firzt n;., o; .+ddtrs~rd t 13orrr•ta cr 82 <br />ih€ Propr=t}' Addres:•, tv at suds ::the= ::'~dra>~. as~Aezr;:3,s~cr r.t:.y de-_-c=.:=ir +>; -+`,..x t,. € es,d.r a< prA*a~idrei ?terein. and <br />tbl any nalict to l ender shall he g+cca !', Gertrftecf mast.. rri urrr tc.c=!" °r.},:e.a^+. :, i rn,_irr`•. :dchrxc siat.ui herein , r to <br />stxh nthtt atkirexs as l_rniler ease ,.c3senUtc h, n:ra:>c tr ft:,: r, •.. _, as ,,. :;sc,, :rre,;~ a,,, ~.,,t r,e : seti;~-,i f:: ,~: chi, <br />MaflgagC steal? lx detrned ::+ base `t'en ;; y.+ ..= ISOC n,taco ,.: ? c,~zirs +.,:n e,:=, ..,. m.:. 1r,.. •,tcd h, tern <br />1S. i;rti(orm diorigagr; (;irtrrnirte C :+tt: Ges rrahiliry. ? +. -_._ a'*cte ,:ea : s'im r.:.. : sn:> :,=r s.:.t,,,n:+? <br />use atsd Wen-vnifarm ce+vinsee- Koh ;it++e.-. • =.,roe--. ex ha r _ .•;,n ...~,., _ .; _vre,,<~ mse".n:<„t t vet my <br />real prapersy. iTt:s Martgagc sit.,;! :~ .,erd ha ;fie '. ., cite - .. .,., ~ - ,. l'rnpesty - ..,red ,iro the <br />rtt:it t! ~ - b'tsn~n or - !a ,ter :rJ ih - 1f -rtCat;e - Cr``. to : ~; a i ~It•: w -h -. l Ei tit,[ .,+Trci <br />r.tfier prntrsia,nsrtaf this kiss; rgagr +~r t ~r .-e+t~ a. t..., .x _ ..i , -„ ...r,t -hs. _-, ,ti: , •.,,• c. ar:ai +,r 'nit <br />rod else ptz-+-asiors .=s` the \?-~styage sn + t- - ~, ;a e ~a,,r- 3 - ~c - +--c <br />tf, laorroser's Cap}. Btrs reset na,? i~„ f,ern+ Wad ; .: nt. rr,sc.i ,. ,rt ,. _ --,+[. . _. , " ~h,- -i- ;ir •ea ::i rite ',mr, <br />of t;Krttion or afttr tecardaticn beret," <br />t7. Trarsier of the Property, Aenuntytirrr+. ,, 'ate . t a ) p-e:t t ...._ !'r.,t,.a, -,_ .. _har<c<. 8,rsr.¢s . - .r~ld .:r t. snsferred <br />bs' Botrerwei without #_cnzier`c ;:r ros w++tt_,r ~a,:.:•c"3si. ec.-ic.aong ;-: tsxi' , use,.=n _..:.. . •er~=,mhran~c ,-, =nn!aa.=te t<, <br />rhos MartYrge, {b) the ueaiezs>t :,C a ptu'c.ea.e mttnry stcutrta .ntce;.e t, , .. ,, ,.,.,;.t ., +:+ase~.- :,:§ ., true.[., by G - . <br />d€sirt+: or by operstton of Ia:s ,[pun the vta;h of a ,.,,++t ta~nant r - <br />~-a.. i racer drat at I endai' , .,n ,tea..,,: _., ..;r z t... rd i'; tY ~. '4trnga ge t=• C=° <br />immeafratel}' due seed gays; ;t. J.c:tder ,t,: it ha.c wa::.;i } ,~:pE+an t ... t,ei ... ~ ,., : ,,~ „r ..:,.fee , , ,3r: <br />and ibr person eta ',vlwm +at P 'r -,s t rat ar^, rt;.J rr.z~r t,: - z `.; <br />is tati3fiR; f{n}' Fa I.e.rtCier .'ul .hat .hc .n,ar,. nayahic .,n ?hc ne; Kt„ t n. - +,i.., .z.+~- .t .+, !,c s _ ::ic ~' E . .uer <br />s.SaiY rt:gtsest. If I.ertdes ha °,saavzd th rs t sire ,r rr, ,. : ii o <br />inttrttt 3tas exetuECd a u°;e9E :a :tuun?pa,vn ~i.seena r i a.a..+tad i .+,,. . t r :,.a l t ,.t~ n.,,i tell „a t3 .. •,s. ~• , a <br />ablayaticzns utr~rr this lslaRgsg€ seed the `ol,< <br />3. I.,enrler C.xerCi~535F:79 tr}5tx,n rt a.,.. icr9:a. s s . °i ,. ,:~ ?,te,~ r':. „. -.,~, ..f „,_a-._-.,....,rt .,. lif. >., <br />paratraptt r: her€.>f. SttcP nt,ti.c -,aa . Faa. twee , ;+a„ mi : , ..-. t} .. .... 'r: ' ,,. ~' ,a :.a , ' ti , ..., rd ~., .... <br />v: kith 8orro+a2r may pay the ei:ms drat :~_t° d.s: -.t f+t,is,,.. ,.,,. ., - .. ,.:[ ..,s, s.3,.r.,.,.. ,, , ~, i, . ,,.. <br />l.e:tdct tai}, wIha,:: *urixr tsa`._r rr t ,.,s<riil , , B.; -n- kr = :t:.•,J,c.s prrszs tte:t a r ii agrapt, ,+t teal <br />Nrrrt-Lxatirtt~t CBticitt~.vsc Irnrrr,:.rr era.? I teeter fuatlrrr t, sa ,,,,. ,.,,..,tree a- ;:*ilsrui <br />!f, Atcderatiow: REatofits. P.t crpr r. provided in paragrapk f' tatrrut. erpsw tint i,.Mrr's breach ref any roe errant +++ <br />r(irecartM -ot lwrow'd is itds '1'-rrrtYaltr, inc'#ndiarg the rot cresols to pa} Khrn due ant +uns. secured kg this Slur ty;a:;a, <br />l.era/dn -etfor N accNert!!i®a shall tread uurrct ro Narrra>wer x. prt+aidrd iu paragraph Cs htrraf sprcifyi+vg: fli tiec brraah. <br />(2}fit sGt£ta! regr.-ted b rote ssrth hrtaeht i~f a dell. nett kss tarn JO da}s Iron-+ Ike Rate the r+otirt Cs maiicei to Burrns+ta. <br />it>Ir wri'iei-wt'i Meaei t+tad ie cttrrdt and tA) tttaf failure ter cure such krcath on ar krforr ttte dare sprcif+rrC in tkt nc.=.i<c <br />raa}' resvb in aeeeikra{it~ o- 1ht tunes ;tcurrd lea this \lorf>; age, freers k,.urc ht jndiriat ;rrz+r rrdirty, a+rd uls =,f rkr Prupr'rf} . <br />Wit rror,ice ahaB ftptitr iatotaet Naerawrt of the right Jrz rtinstrtr a[ta a. rr£eratizrn sod tCsr rigfst to :c_taesi ire ttrc <br />ptoStedio; fete trpr~xht{tnte of a dttaulr t:r set} other drftnt ++f Irnrvozvvr En arrrteratiun cud [arts icrsurr.. It the E:rraa 6r <br /># Ean! TWtd ern ter ht-otc fit dart tptciAtd in t6t naf3a°e. C rnt#rr at C.rrz~r:rt'a npti+rn may dn~furt aft of else evens <rcare-d ta'- <br />lIda:-!a[tgatlobtlrsxmediartiSd~trraf patusz#t v,lthraW fnrilttr drns.rnrt and mr,+ f.,n•zivar k; ju+iiriat pr~.errJing, tender <br />~a Ftt ltitFlted la cttBes! In such ptortcdia~ alt t.penr,ta r,f l+irrr 1=r.vrr, mxEn+Eirry;. tern rte,>t !trotted tr., t a+Ks e.l .;:r. sa rnrr+eary <br />tridtace, ts6Mrscts rod rltfc : tpuris. <br />1.4, tiortowtroc ~bt la Rt#msrarr_ .',i~,th»t-,nd+erh t c,. ~ ~ =r - rt,,:, , ' . . <br />Hturrtwer slrrrfl hat<t ohs :tr !is.c 2n} , r, ~,.,•ril,nf•, rat,, ,tE .. ,,.4, - .... ',t, ,, >- .:: ., ~,... ,• ~ - <br />