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<br />UNIFORM Coversnnrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of Principd and Interest Borrower shall gromptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and fate charges as provrded in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on nay Future .4dvanees secured by this Mortgage. <br />2. Funds For Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law ar to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shalt pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of grincipal and interest are payable under the Note, anal [he Note is paid in fulh <br />a sum fhertin "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of [he }early taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property. i€ any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for ha>ard insurance. <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits ur accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency fincludiug Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />insurance-premiums and ground rents. Lender ma}' not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said sccount, <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and hills, unless Lender pays Harrower interest nn the Funds and applicab[e law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Gender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall he paid [o Borrower, and unless such agreement' is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eacnines on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give io Borrower, without charge. an annual acco:rating of the Funds showing credits and debits zo the .ands and the <br />purpose for which each debit to rite Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additinaal security for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessmenu, insurance premiums and ground rents as the}' fall dce, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower un mnathiy rnstatiments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, asseuments, insurance gremmms and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Borrower shall pay m Lender anc amount ncxassary to make up the deficicnn- within 3t) days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting pa}•mem thereat <br />Upon payment rn full of all sums secured by thss Mortgage, I ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. if ut;der paragraph iF hereof the Proper}- ;: sold , r the Pmnenv :. othenvsse acqurrcd by Lender, Lender <br />shall apply, no later than ,mmedia[zly prior to the ,ale of the Propem~ or sts acquunson h} Linder, am' Funds held by <br />Lender at the trine of application :es a credit against the sum, secured by rius 1longage. <br />3. ~ppiiestion of Payments. Unless applicable law provsdes othenvssc. at1 payments received by Lender under the <br />Nose •tnd paragraphs l and ?hereof ;hall be agghed by t_endzr first rn Hutment at amrnsnts oayabte ro t_ender by Borrower <br />under pazagraph 2 hereof, then to snterest gayable on the Nbte. Shen to the principal of the tote. snd then to interest and <br />pTiricipa] on any Future Advances. <br />i. Charges; Liens. Barow~tr shah gay alt t.r+e,, js~scssmcnn <:nd ,,:Her .barges, tones and „np,~sittons attributable to <br />the Property which may attain a prarty over ihts ;viangage, ai:d leasehold gayments ., ~*rnun+i :cots. if any, in the manner <br />provided tinder paragraph_ l;ereof or. ;i not pard :r. such mann-r. by Borrower mai::nc payment, when clue. directly to the <br />payte thereof. Borrower sitai{ prompt?y furnssts to fxs•.dzr ail nattccs of amounts :iue under ti3rs paragraph, and in iht event <br />Borraw~er shall make payment directi}', Bnrruwc,* -halt prontpti+ %urnuh :+' Linder ;ecesptt c+sdenc:rig such payments. <br />Borrower shat: promptly dixharge ary leer. ~.+hsci, has gr:onn' .n~er tilts 'ilortgage: rnvrded. :hat Borower shall no[ be <br />required to discharge any such ltea sa long as Barrrnver shah agree rn ,•;n;n;t to the ,v}metts .,t the n±+)sfian,,r. ,ecumd by <br />sash lien sn a manner acceptable u, Le, dlr. +*r shall to gcx+d tasth sontc:t s:s.h !r~r. ?=s, ;tr .tciena rn:.vccment c+t soh lien sn, <br />legal proetrdtngs witsch operate w proven[ tine cnfereement at the lien . tunertur ,,. „e Prupen} :*r soy l,aci thereat. <br />S. Bsra[d Insurance_ fiorrawea dtall i.eep the +rnpn,+emcna nou evnt r?g :,t nemancr r=cried c+n the Property utsua'ed <br />against lass by 5re, hazards included w+th;n : e term '~euended ..++verage and sucn ~xhe: !:azarcls ,as I-coder may ieyuire <br />-snd in such ..rnounts and for suc:i f+eriads as F•end.r n;:rv reyu:re: Hrm:tde~i, ;gat 1 macs Ehsii n~=. rcyeurc that the atueunt of <br />such cacerage e:tcerd that amoum ~~t ::oserage reuu:rcd t: gay tF • ^:,nr, ;+~.. a•.t hti ;r!s1 4lartgage <br />Tht sttsurancx .arras Htevrdiag the :nnurar,:e ,hn;i to +t+•n>an b+ Bc>rr„++cr ,e,i,lece t,:.rpr~+ai by I Lneter: provrded. <br />That such approval shall out E. smreascnahty wuhheid. -lit nrrnvum, „to snsur:,sce F<.dr:::ro -hall be ... ,r, the manner <br />grcutded udder paragrapt_ hcr:.:,t :+.- ,i r3,o=. :a,+i sr. , manner. by Bc^rr+,+,er ntai.reg ga)nxent. °a~Fxs[ due. ,tsrectly to the <br />insurance cartxer. <br />All insuratact g.aircaes and tertcwais !ncrrr=t +ha;7 '~_ :n r,airn ,_,s i,s.,hie t~* i cn:=.; .;.. ,h.s1l :u: i;:.ic _: ktaneiard tnurtgage <br />muse sn favor of arrd .a form xcceptahte =o F Ktzdrt 1 a=,des ,h.rd have the :gin ;_, .. -lu __^.c p.,lscics and rencH als thereof. <br />attd $+ rtbwPr sh;sll premp[zt- ir!rnssh t:a 1_cnder ail esr!<:•ai u..+trvss _nd all tr_~es„,te :. •,asd nrenuum+ in [nr .:+ent n[ 101,. <br />Borrower ihall ga+e prompt >ioticr to tilt !nspr_nce a.;d Lsndet Leaner .n;a+ n,ai`e i:rraK:t ~_[ loss tt a,.tr made pnvnptlp <br />by $orrower- <br />Unlcss Leaidtr aitd Botna•er omen+rx a„rri :.. »r:t:rsg..::.ara,;,r ~:+..e-.•il, .::ail he .,l,pi,ed r.. restr=rauon +,r tcpau s,t <br />the Property damages, provi~d such rrariatror: of rry.>3? +, ca,notn±..,±1+ t: assMe hod the .r..uury n! this L7 or igagc <br />Hai thereby impasred. if such rratvranon or re}=sir a ;... ,c_rnc=tosaai!} tfa.rbir of .3 she ,enua+ a thus 1longsgc w+urld <br />be iatpaired, the :usuraace pr :hail bt agpitec§ _.. :~ ,run, u•. ::r:a t;} this Mungagc. .+,tn hr c+cess, tt any. paid <br />to Harrower If tfae P3a,¢+ztz} sa aba ss,io^,ed h; $Orrow rt.. r .t Borrnu ca '~;_- ~, acsF*~nil to 1_; Helot u-:[hat ilt days ¢ ttte <br />date notice s rnsrled by L•endcr tc= $orre,x it t?iat t#te „taurat+cr :a;rrer ~•dlers .c seti.e ;: ~i.:r;n tru :n3uran~e henehta, S_cu+3er <br />r authtxi~.ii to ~olieet and appi_Y tse ers~.ur a. -e pi.~~s :, ._~:ndern .g: r.,rs ether t,r r_sir+ran.w, :u repair c•', the Propa:nt <br />ar to flit suns >ecurcd by flits "ear[gagc <br />Uslesa Lendu rind Barzrau ,•thcrH „e ..g2c ~,. .ratng. -_ -~... upp4r ,axrr: ,d gr, rain . ~ pr ns~~rpal =h.+N n,,t e,tcnd <br />~, pe~:.~nc the due data c,f ts,- saaxh ri ineta,oxu[s , «tr,=3 a::. _ -nt_r,tph, _rn:? _ k:e;..... _ . .,, tie !!:a en+au;tt ~, <br />~h iasrallr>~nt,_ ii urdut para,raph l~' he7tat[ ttnc" 1'rFia.:_ a:y :.. + lender. - -,gift, '.u -n ry,ets;es; .ot Borr.>uei <br />sn and to aa} ;nsuran.:r palacse:..rxi .n and ? t`,e t -Hire.?, :h:r°:,:,c re,u~t:rg [ ,. _anrngc t_, the Prr,gcn: i*rr,~i to she s.,.~ <br />Jr acqu:-rix~n :,null sass 3a ituctr to t-i~c cueut :.•. ~ ie ,urns ,•~ure,: e:+ a;,.~^?tone t. ::.:mrd~ u=. , rt~,s _ ,>au`r, +.,... ~. <br />aequisitior,. <br />6. Pr~rr.atiu~ and ltairdruaucr of Pnrpett}; i..eritieiwlds; Candornirriuma; i'ianrred t. nit i)evclupments. "ttorr.,:+~: <br />stud kip ere Propert} in gum repast and ahrul n.x .:cnn~rsit A~aste ur pcstnu ,mpa:raacur ca deteriusati.r^ of the Prol>Lrt} <br />Had sha€7 c:~rnpiy with the t,~av>surns of a~n} tease .. th„ ~tortg,ige. , .m ,. aneh: ~td_ it t~: •. ?l;-r leap:' ;. , unit ru ., <br />caan3c~utsuu~s ;+t a plaitnui wisi dev ct, pntcu[, Boz r.,,wrr shad n2riorm ail .,-Borraw4r, „i*i,g„t +:n., , nJc's ti,c ~c~#.,rat„=;: <br />iH LOtepa,nt» irc'atnig f,r gtlYerniSil' the iOn4~L+l3 ii: it L'.ft: er ~~iaRV:1'it ~+nlt tee.-ctuprncilt, :r_t' ~,}-ia N", and rt gliiaiiU!k, ~,t 1Mc <br />.::'Ka~m:ras:am of pdaztaed urli[ ~vclopnter;t, .ar,d crasstssf.rrv ~~~:umcr;t+. ~It ., ...,.dnnum,em .., Hiaunc.l ,_.., ..,._r.+pruc:rt <br />rider rs exxc~uke8 6y F1o;ro+~ar and ircorded ica~*at7;r. with tha h1:+ttg;~r, she u,vzs;attt, ~r;d ,tg;rzxurm; 01 ,cwt, .,.. , <br />shaLi be ;txorporatzxi rata and shall ament3 and gpp,emtrat tan> Ana agstcrnants +=s siuz Nlun~,lre n :t ts+c :r.7;r <br />wtrc a part htreaf. <br />7. 17ater~ of Leader's 9ectuily- It &:,raorir iaa;> as pcri.x~ni tlst urvenanis :,ad a~, ..usta,e+cd to i;~„s <br />!-fottge.;K, ar it aaF aLLUn asi praceedtvg ..~urirt.etscc.. »htch rn„,~-,aii} .:,,c.a t.e.., .... , ,,,,..c.,, r+; ,..r .=pc,,.. <br />tpi3uding, but n,~t $rvated !u, emrrreni d+rtuain~ rnsolvra:;,_ .adz ent+rrc:~meett. ~_.. .:r:_a:~i•:ncats .,r r~r=,cc4d;n;s :nrz?l•.:;¢ .: <br />lranjtrapt or dczcde,ni, ?lieu Lettdpr at 3_e~n~'s apart+u, ujnin ncrtrwc !„ Boras,°-+cr_ :+sa•. ::.,i.e ~.r~n s;'}~.,,sar,.rs, .1„i:ussc ,,.~_, <br />sums and take such attaan ss is neccssar3 u, protest L.tndtr's rnterr,t, ,.:..::rig.. titu u~,,. binned sn. ,tsbousens•;,t . <br />raataaabie aYtotite}''s fees 5sd en3ry utfoti '<he Arap€riy u~ n;ak.c : C=arr.,. It i z;;dst rcyntrcd =esrugaKc r,,,ua ~r;.e .,, <br />caaditien at making t}st :w~n St«'urtit be th,s R3irrtgafe. Sa,f- ,,.,: ,:.._ ,~ . - ens+uttt-: r<.:, .ar..,,r.. ,..,'. <br />insurances ijs t[ftc~t uttul sucr#t time i~ thu rs ;u;remerrt far .u:h :r„+wra:,.: :;.,..,.,r.w.+ .., ~~..,uiar:,-r ,s,,:: B=;:r,=,.:°r~, ....,, <br />