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~- ~~~ <br />Lender's written agrecntcnt or applirab!e taw Bc.rrnwcr shall pay the amount of nIl rnongage u#surence premiurn, m itte <br />manner proviriad under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lander pursuam to this paragraph ?, wtrh mterest thereon. steal? be;amc addittnnai <br />inciehtedness of Bnrrnwer secured by this hlnrtgaRe L!nlcss Borrower end !.ender agree to ether trrmc of paymtem. such <br />amoaents shall be payable upnr. notice from Lender m Borrower requesting t,avmrnt thereof, and shall bear interest from the <br />date of dishutstmeni st the raft paya#t1e term time tr, time on rnttstanding principal tinder the time unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would he rantrary to apphcahte law. in which event such anuxmts shat! hear interest ttr the highest rate <br />p:rtnissitak under app'iaahk taw. Nothing contained :n this paragraph ~ shall require Lender to incur any c:ptnse nr take <br />any aetian hereunder. <br />8. I#cspecNoe. Lender may make or cause nt he made reaKanahle cntres upon and insprctinns of the Propeny, pmv:.led <br />that Lender shall give Bnrmwer notice print to any such inspcct:an speafving reasonable cause there£nr related to [.tnder's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. (.~ndermatton. The proceeds of any a„aal or etatm for damacec. direc~ nr consequ;~ntia!. m a,nnecunn w'ttM soy <br />candemnxtian or other fsking n€ the Propene. or part thereof, or for convrvance in teen of condemnation, arc hrreh=• assigned <br />anA shat! be paid to Lender. <br />In the teen*. of a total taking <ef the Pmprrty, the prncrtds shall he :ipplicd to the sums secured by this 4lnngage. <br />with the excess, if an}•_ paid to Bnrmx-'~r In the cvem :,f a jtartial t:tk:ne ,+f !hc Propert•r, unless Bnrr;,wee and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there she!! he :+pphed sr the sums tiac^mc! ht chi, 'vtnrtgagr .nett prnportian of the proceeds <br />as is equal in thst pmpnrtinn w!ttch the ::tnnvnt of the same ;r<nrari by this :rort'~agc irnmrdiate!r pn~~ rn the da#c of <br />taking bears to the fair market vxlut of the 1'n,ixrtt :mmcd•ately prtnr nt the d:uc rf utl:ing, with the bai:uts,. rf the prrv_racls <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is ahandnntd by Bcvrower- or if. after notice by Lender in Borrower that the cnndemnnr offers to make <br />an award nr settle a claim for damages. Borreuer fa 1, ;n trslx~nd to !ender within 7='.i ua_vc after the dste such notirt is <br />matted, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. st [ tinder's optic.^.. rrthe- to restnratinn or repair of the <br />Arapertq nr to the sums strurtd ht this Mortgage <br />Units Lender and Harrow€ otherwrse agree in --,tiring, am such ,+ppt:catinn nt proceeds to principal chat! not extend <br />ur paxtpnne the due date of the trtnntitly installments rcfcrr~d to in },ar;ti;r:tphs and hrmof or Change the amount of <br />etch iru4allntents. <br />10. tturrower Nal [(leased. Esters+on nt ;ha t,mr for payment or raodi5canon ,~i amnruzauon of the sums secured <br />by ihrs \iattgage grantee hg Lander to ant- strcresss,r ~n inttre~st of 8arrowcr shalt r,nt operate :n release, in any rn:.nrer. <br />the tiabifity of the n: igrna3 13urrowsr and Borrouar's s;tccetcoes ;n intcrr..t i ender shall not he rzatuired t:, :emmencc <br />pr;,ceedings against such sttcctss,~tr or rrftrsc to essrnd t:ntr ;nr natment t,r ntherw•t.e »u.,difv :;mnrtizaunn of the coins <br />serurcd h}= this 1lnrtgage h;• reason of env demand made by the •,r+e:rtal Bnrrnuer :end f3or~.•titeis st+CCacsars in interest. <br />I1. Forlreara~ce by ix#rder i~rrt a Waiver. 4nv f rhearancc ht~ I ender in e•serc!c,ne :tny~ right or rernedt• hereunder. xar <br />xsthetwist atTarded by applicah(e taw, chi?! not '-~ .: yvarvrr n. .. »rr.lude 'hc eterctce of env such rich[ nr rcmede. <br />Tht procurement a,f insurance or the payment r+t t:e+r, .+s ,'thee ! cnc „r ~har}c, by ! totter .hall not ^r .. c. a~vcr n£ t cotter's <br />~. <br />nght tv ateelerate the maturity of the +nubtcdnea :,-:_urrei hs : _., 'v4,tn rape <br />13. Rearcdies Cnmalatire. -;!i remrdtes n=aided ,o th;, ~tortgegt arc stmct sad .umulativc to env other octet ar <br />rtme:ty under ih,s ~orz~n~c ri3` a!F#,rded ?~t taw < , ,+t;tv :rnri mat iv. tver~:u„~d c;mcu-r. rt?v ^,!r» rndcnti: x r su~ce~sisrly <br />i3. SNCe~rs and AstlRts ;Found; Joint and Sevrnl ` iabilih; t aplinns. 77 r versants .,nd agrecmrtt!s herein <br />.antairuJsfia$liiad, and %h~ r#g~j3 hereuneer shat tn.rse to r'ar tcspxts"t=:e,.,nand actigr„ ,-t 1 ender and Bnrroarr. <br />subject to rite, prt,vixians of paragraph ;' iaerytir( lit ;.-scn.ams en,i .+rventcnte ,++. Bntr::,scr .'t.x!3 f>e i.,tnt ;end ,c.veral <br />Tire captxxu and headings ,,€ the parag'":,it< c,t 'hi. ~inrt,:tgc ...y :. • : onvrntrncr unit ... ,. ,t re n t t„ he used to <br />interpret csr define the proy:xians t:trtn£ <br />I~. Nafice. Except for anV rarer required ,,^de.* appiicshic 3;rr t,, !k even 'n another manner >.. ;:ass nonce to <br />Sarrc>wrr pravidtd for in this A~cutgage~ ,hall F~ g;,en hr =Wading «tGh ranee n} <<rt,hed net:? .eddres,edrn+ Barret+er at <br />the Fr:,pem• .4ddrrss or at stash ,+thtr .:ddre.~ as B.xtc,wrr ma; dc~•+a~n:a" ht n,,;.;:r ;n t rrrkr _ts n ovidr<i heroin. .md <br />1tt) an} notice to Lt~der shall !re ;;; urn i,t .:a;altcd rta,i rct"r.t, rccr-pt trquestrd to 3 enact', .:ddtcs~~svued herein n: to <br />catch ntt~.r address as Lender ma) dr+ig-rate t*. atar.c _.., Ill=tr.,:•.:-r as ter,-=,dc,+. ;~rrce:, ..e. m,ttcr ; rov:ded for vt this <br />~a#'t;a(~e sh;3il kte deemed ie, h;acr tercet g:,.rt to ~ro,rra :x tender ..'ter, i+.-en [n *hr ms•,nec rfexi;;nated heteirt <br />1~. Ltadons Mc~~; GovrralnR i,a.s: Secrrabiiiir. 7Y:; %+4rrt .,t ntattgage,i,n:rs e:n;£orr, .,..-rn.:nt, f;,~ nett.*nxl <br />uu usd rent-unifomr t:avenans •.. tffi ;inns, h; :ytre a ~uon t+ - -t ts[r : ..•m; srC;,t.n ... utnent c,stnn>; <br />rral,propefty. Thy INottgapr ,hall isr r e,r»-cf `4 r?,e :.. _„_ ~s. _.,,_ _, ~.hcvt, ;+~n• Prr,prrn tcd ,_+ the <br />esrnt that ear provision a`r clau>r ,:i ±Itt+~01,•rtgegt r tre`"<n,a ;, t.!h,#. ,h ..n;,+rcehir taw, „:vh .on;7t~. ~ 'ell nvtt:,tirat <br />other Ixvtisians r+f tnu 1+fnrtgagr „r the `^#e•ic esich car he c;:-tn rilcct ~tfhout the ..,n:?i~ ung pn,:is:on. a:zzi t., this <br />etul iht pravisis~+t?s c,f the li nrtgagr .red tt,c ~.uc ear :£r'a 3.+r~ te= ~C .re•cruh}c <br />ti. lornrwer's Cody.. Borrawtt shalt n: furnr,he.t ., ,.,nf.t.ttacd , , _ .,t ~ r ., ,... !h:, 'slit:+:.:gr .., rte;, y me <br />of ext4.utiars or after rrcordaticm ixrtul. <br />IT. Ttratritruilire !'toperir: AssrmFiiat. It ail :v a:et ?,.+r; of the Prt=1~srv :,. an rntr±rYt thete,n t. ,.,3d cr rtan,frrrari <br />by Boittwer K~itbout Ltndtr's prtnr xrizty-n ,,=+e~nt. ctcd t=.din~ ,.tt ?hr ;teat=no ••, .. =ecn .'.: cn+r-n~hr:, ucr '=ethord,natc r.? <br />this Mart~yQC. ~>? chi ~rcat+rnt ¢f a Itu#tFtsse uxt,.c. -C tart[; ,ntc; cwt tr ., v„-LU~S - r l + an~r•, a: teen+ia by dry tsr_ <br />dasct#tt ar h5 station of law vlt;rt tltc death .:( ,, ;t:ttt trnirtt x+r <br />- ~ - - Z ender nra} a+ l cndtr", .,p#aan ~e key ,_ - t. 1 v , s "1+ rt ~agr t., hr <br />irntttt.?iattt}" due atxi payab9r. choler sira7l txa.r ,. ,ar>tu+ tt,.h .2;}u=n - t..x°xr , _ +. .~. + c ,uc ., _ t.-ifs.: i e',.firr <br />and clef pcrs.'+rt in wh#,m t8x Prx~urty +, !., :et -atld :;t tree.. rir; tf r_a.h _• , let,: r ,g ±. ,•tr , .c =+, h }~ ,.,n <br />ss satu#actzsre in i.craitr arxi taxi the intzr.•st p.x }-ai,lc tttr ,•,rn, w..,,.,;; L, ~ s°. ,:- .. t.e -.. r ., .,..•, ! r~.der <br />zY;it11 rAltiCS1 If 1_tnAer 2ta3 's'eas ww •. ~' ,.,x _f ., .....~ ..e. -,.i,d :r, _; +.., ;~ - S,'i r: ,,.;, ,. . <br />intOt'tb#~C-xiiviea~a+.a=titttn s%gr.ttpt=rsn s~rre-inert , tcx#~s~;rg ht tc ,_,. .,_. :d =_.~.,+.i".#- :, ,..: •-,n, e,~ <br />at#digui~ts tt,o,s:r this Mrrt~gC agd tiff tiutt <br />If t_c#xdcr exerc~s ~uclf ,a;+:,rat t~ a-za7cr=tc. 7 -sae: ,._,3t ntat7 B:• _ , , ;. ___...... r, _ ::rdert , .... <br />;xzragrgptr :i hrtt;rsf- 5tu=h ;t.,,.~t -;tali stir,*v.,dr . ?u. ..:-r ...~ .. -',ar. • ,...y .._ ,. , .z ...atlec! : h • <br />w#i:It $orrx*wcz tna t r t _ t_ <br />} pa} #rC ,. •t-s t¢~ c ttt L! Ba t ~ a .. 1: -..._. <br />Ixndtr ma3. w;tit f:#riher ra,.,x a,, ,t.rt,riro ::: fkr. _srwx, :_ty,_i,. m» ? z „_~ .~.rn.t.r.. - e , --e h .,ae ~t <br />ti3ri^e-Llxtt<~tt ~'rtv€!*ea3. iii=~atc~Yr arxs i_rnaia't iatthc= .+,tenant sod ~ce>~• a. z.r3axwa <br />1N. ACtrden~Mlaw; Ytrnediea. E:acert try }trarridcd Ire p+~rggrapk t7 hrrrtrt, upian i3,uruwrr". twra::h r+f asr} .utrts+tu# ru <br />rtBrastr•etq a( ~rr-trwer i• tYis \1artRapr, #nclndln; #lw r~osrwu#s to ;ey} rhea 6r#e .an+ canes cn need h} #his lfunYagr. <br />r-eltilr ~[ eta srrrltwtlna siaN trail testier zo l4rrower ~. ptuaidrd in p>rraKrap!# t>; trerrul spexii}ire: Itr the trrr»c#,: <br />42) tl,a aeiiart rt,~rittM b tt#rr welt lrryrb; id) a date, nut 1ts~ ttran iU days frrrw the da#e ttta nWice is #uaiird to lN+rret+~rr. <br />bS •iiri swtli baaacM set ik r#vri; sad Sit that 1'aLurt to cure .uch Itrearh un tr# before tier date syeaifirA in the rtutirr <br />#r•MS rerttk i• artdcraliaw oI1Me canes ~rcurrd b} this !ttrrrtgrygr, (urrxlusure by jradicial pres:eedi#tlt artA sat, ni the Fn,prrt}. <br />'i'lea ttaGtcs that! ~tnliel iatotae I4eruaa-rr uC #Ar riq;M io rviastate after avrdrratiun and the right to uwxrt in for terra kraure <br />t-a twrataYts~s#; of a dr~atdt -ur ass rstl#r# rlefrase ei bnrroavrr #u acreierWiun and fnrraisi:#rrr. It the ltrr ac tt <br />is wal c#rRad 6#1 # 1`!~4t! the dale spccfird :a xhr taa#'trr. I rrr#Irr at I .r-rtA-re's a.tuiwt ruts dn~iare :ri1 r:F the sutra srcurr.3 Ixy <br />Nitta tP bR itauleihlrly doe tad yayabir witlwut Further rir+aaatul nnA Wray i„n-.ta,.+t #z} jraAicia# prurrrdtaR. i ender <br />rrrW 1rt sltrdtkFd to eaYect i~ YYtk+ pruticAirp~ all r>,yrnsra r+I #nttrbn:are, #nclaA;ng,, tent not bntilvd t<,, .,jsts rtT d.tcuenaarr.ry <br />to ii~rtr a~strarts awl lick rrpurtw <br />i9,- larxu~>'rrt's R1~ to Rciarttirir. ~,t#rs=;xaaa~trg in 1r:a, . .. r-t,. .- .,. ,t,t ,..,r,t.. ,. c•,i ht •nt=. ^.9,,:,.,_- <br />13oxr«wtr that! have the rlghi t._ It;rat cot , t+~redtragk tx-y>+rt, hs # .ilrr ! :+ ... +{::, 41.,:!~r.t . ... .... ....:1 , °e,,, <br />