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t;vtFORaf l'qv r~>~wer and Lender covtnant and egret as follr~ws~ ~ 1 <br />1. Payment of Prlaclpal sad Interest. Barrawet shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest un the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the 1\tate, prepayment and late charges a4 prevtded sn the Hole, and the principal of and mte:tst <br />on any Future Advancta secured icy this Martgage- <br />3, Ftstds-for Tares and Itteuraaee. Subjh-t is appticablt law or to a u•rttten svarvtr by (.ender. Borrower shad pay <br />to I,ertdu an tltc day manihly instatltntn:s of grincipaf .end untresi are payahle under the Mott, until the Nott ;s paid in full. <br />a-sum (herein "Fttndt") equal to ane-twelfth of ttse •.-tarty razes ane( assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage; and ground rrnts on the PropetYy, it an}', plus ,,ne-;call#th at tearty premium installments for harard insurance, <br />plus atte-twelfth of yearly premium installments ter mortgage insurance. +f any, al! as reasonably estimated initially and tram <br />dine xo tiTrte by Lender on Eht tsasis of assessments anti t+iits and raasonattlt estitnatts thereof. <br />'tlte Filnds shad tx held in an instituiien the depos+ts or accounts of which are insured ar guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency t,itttluding under if Lender is such ar, institunen t t :inlet sha11 anpty the Fund. to pay said taxer, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rents- Lender may nit charge ,'or an Molding and applying the Funds. nnalytmg said account. <br />or verif'y'sngand r.ampiling slid assessments and bilL,. usfess Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and :+ppticable luw <br />permits Lender trt make such s charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />~iertlyage r~lat interest an the Futuls shalt !~ paid to Borrower, :+[id unless such agreement rs made or appiicahle taw <br />rogtiiTes such imerest to rte paid, !,ender shat! not tu; regiured to pay Rnrrawer any trxerest or earnings tin the Funds. !.ender <br />shalt give xa Harrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and dehits to zhe Funds and the <br />'purpose far wha:h each debit tr. the Funds was stall. -I'he Finds are pledged es addnwnaf ,tcurin~ for the ..ts secured <br />b4~ this \tartgage. <br />if the amass( ,jt the Funds held by Lcndet, together witSt tMe suture mnmhly :nstallmenis of Funds payable poor to <br />the due dates of razes, assessments. tnsurancc premiums and ftrnund rents. shall czrced the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />asseumtrxs, insurance premiums and griwnd rents as they tali due. such excess shall bt, at Borrowers option, either <br />promptly repaid to Barmwcr at crediud to Barmwer cxt monthly ::tstaitmtnts at Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />hrtid by Lender shah oat !te sttfftcitttt to pay zaxts. assessmenv, assurance urcmiums and grotntd rents as they fact due. <br />Hartcttrer strati pay w Leader any amcrtlni necessary to ,Hake up the dtltcrcnct u•+ihta aft days from the dart nonce :s malted <br />be° Lender xa Bermwer t~tttsting payment <berex:i. <br />Ltpan payment in full of all stTtns secured by ;Mrs R9ortgage. { coder :hall ~;amptty rei,:mi ti: Rorr,nver an}° Funds <br />(tell by i.ender. 1f under paragraph f 8 beets( iht Prapen::s ,rid ,~~ 7M Yr~,~err :s auhtrwtse acquued b,' !ender. Lender <br />stroll atxtly, nn facer than imttxdiattly prx za the .alt ,+t the Pr,prrzr .,r its ncqutsstton hp i ender, ant Funds held by <br />Leader at the ume of appiitatian its a credit ~agamst the sump. ,tcumd hs' thu Lea€tgage. <br />J. AP/Yrariw oP PayasetNS. tnltic appltcahte Saw zrovutes :>zMenvise. ti naymtnts reieivid ny i-ender under ti;e <br />3rtate end paragriplts t and 2 iturnf shag tle appieed by Ltrder first rn pavmenz of smouaib payable t.? l..encier by Borrower <br />ostler paragraph '_ hereat. then to ,nttresz puyabtt ua the yaatr. (Mtn r„ the I+rtncipal of the yore. and then to interest and <br />pnncipai as say Futt>se Advances, <br />3. Clr~aa: [.icon. $p~ues sh~ail ; a} :d2 it:ass.:.aces< .~,-;i ..thee charge i?ses vnfl imeos;?runs sttnbntabte t.? <br />the Property w%ix-lt map aTtam a pnariry ,7v°er tGr 3io,=sage. ssd tc~ax;nsaiei ttrymer.. o= Srousd rents, ri any. m the manner <br />p:vvidcd tinder paragraph ~ htreat c*r. •# sixi paid :s 5ueh ntannrr. t,. Bc. rc=w-er maiung ;tarsiena. ~.vhes due. dtreeth to the <br />F~~ thareeaf. Bartawer shai.i ptomptfy ft;_rnssM tit i.tndtr aif ;tats~s .,i amaunzs ~~ttc r~sde; this parageanM, and in the event <br />Horttares sitaii make payment dtzta:ziy, (toter u~r •Mall prosupta 'amsit to i cosier teceipss rs•edtncmg suds paymratz. <br />Hat[awer sftail prt*mptiy discharge any is~n •+hth ias nro[+t; „,mot ?Mrs iSartgagr: t'rovidc'd, that Borrower .Mail nt,t he <br />ttqutrcl is discharge anY noel( Ills xo iarg ..': Bcsrrouer .trail .:itrrr ors +.rst:ng :,, ::it pat n:em a t the „nf~t;attan ,~.,:rcd by <br />such Ilan :n a mantxt anxptahie t,± i.~dtr. s,t ,hat, e:x gx~'gt iasth .e~ntrat s+tch i;rn !+s, ra dritmi ontoraemrrtt of s_,ch lien tn, <br />legal }>;a[.~ttdrttgs winch operate te, presom the enirrrzttttnt of '..,. ',en r,r twtttt:vc .st tits Pre,perty , . .cnx~ part ihertof. <br />S. Plaard lasosaece. Rctrrowtt shall Actp (rte rn.prt*4cntrrtj nua, entstsag .v t,ereaittr e:xvtrsi a,n the f r,,pc:tt srisurcd <br />against etas fly flee, ltszaxds ;Tteluded wrthxn Eits [err.( "e.ztt_Rdta a~.erage-~. ~nr_ci s:rtit .,ttttt ttaxurds ac I ender rosy rrqutre <br />and in such ;Tms.:uats and tLtr .suet t=err=3tis as t rneitt rosy eryurrc-: F n~..~sdra. r^.at I.cnuer 4tta:i :~,>t rey;r:rc =hat the :+m+ittm .'t <br />surh cavuagr txis`~f that imaunt .tf ca+ctage ^.. ,ieu ray the ><r> .tt r t p 'hn Vasrzgagr <br />I~ tttsttran~ garret pravTdtrtt six sns+i.anxsr ,}t. ri >L :h=.,ssn t Baser s r s,:b:ta.t :.~ apple vat t,l tender. pruidtd <br />Shan sucgt apprauai shalt nut tit anrtan~.aeiy un'sthrld. to arrmu,m. <<a rr_suranar pt,dzwrea ,hail i~r ;,std =n the manner <br />pttlvidel uttlitr paragrapi ~ hetxut :x..i (tat r-as.ri ;n ,;t~h maturtr, ivs &x:rt+wtt staking gory-+nrnt. -,.teer• due. ,:;rzetiy to the <br />insutanct sasrrur. <br />i.xurarit'a po€rcrss ~l rrancauis tries r„! k'sni! tx: - ;etas seer(^taa+e t- i cn..tct ae*t ai,ai; a-= rz _ nn,rtgagc <br />clattst ~ #avty cH ash ^n iurm ai apt ets`t tc t~ idar. # torte( .3za s last 4he -+~ ,-d - r ^a°,a - -- td r~ncuai+ iherb't-t <br />aadBsxrawtr strati prxkxnptla uratsh trod( ' erne :r. t:~t^s :zr[J ai re : i u; r" rcz=.a , in .he ens x z l:+.t <br />BRtra+~tx i..9a.1 ~:x ~ =...xr., ...-,.~_ ,a .rte ~:*_.:~,~a_s ~atr-_t ~ ed 1-tr,l.r t~>r+ x . ~a. r;?ab rr .. z .. n> ,t .c+t t:s,ie prt,mptit <br />lay.Bwzowcr_ <br />Ls'nltsr l.tatdtr acct Barr scars tahtr-,+k':ce a,grcr :°~, ut,€ttaatee fir;-_ra:+.ts snail t+r .:t>ntred s.. ~.stceatic.t .~r repau ; . <br />rite Prvpcny dama,Re.i.:tttyridtd stab :tstcxrata m av pa' _> c. 't+rtnt its r s:'.1- , tar 't ^,', rrt3 -i t its ~iort3agr •• <br />rlad tllct>ahv unlrusisf. if +-u,.-!s rist?rat~^n c:+a' tt,g;ki rx ~c~t .:n.+o+sru.aa: .ra ,t :e _ r -! t_ r s,.urn ..f the A4 <s:tgagc wonhl <br />ile'mPaut'ti, !Lit attsucatt~t +huti be ap~ltr>3 ~ .^r •anxs r c.i s -his filets, b-. .; - ht execs ti ~rrtk. ,^atd <br />it Bttt'rttwts. if the Ptti pest} :a aban.i~u~tt+i t? t~i,?z t.'~uc.. ,. Bat ra,u-r. ra ., . •.stn,nv ,' .-::.xdci w+thtu ?tt .lass zraun the <br />da't ~srtac rs =nadeti by Lettaer to ii:~,ns+rer =r,+7 :3~ •eaaut~nsr mar e' ,.~?tr ., ~a€te ~ t;, for ,+tsurascc txnthis, (.code( <br />w aui]lusa~ ~ .:t313P.ra ane' agpy the ,e urau.e pt;.~etcis .:c :sa.dez.:•,x,tin ~~cr ; , ;r~utraSUn .: repair of the. I'rapert~ <br />GK to t1K bomb utc".ttfdl Dy thtb ~SatT~,eQt. <br />Lt:.~s L..rx« rs:~ Bartuwz, tbe.'ae+e agate rzt .~ aaa±a~, c,+ ~ -r , ->`~Cds ., _,;:n,::p,al ,?l.$f r?r~i Ls[r.ed <br /> postpartc (tie bue dart ei she ti~tt:chi, instai.6meat-.:efttrett :.. ~., t:,r<x;r, ah. ... - r~_: --r ~'hange .r.e amount+ • <br />sal ;ts~,rmi3r~QU-. Ii ut~icr ~~,gt i3 :ber~i ('tat ;~r ~pcrt= .z .. v • - =~rn.:-e+ ~g2 ra.e ~,u ar=:-rrex of Borr,ru ~r <br /> ores sr>sitxa.~g paiiti:;s star: m atad x:- ;;~ ,+^:s:a:~ tia rhtra:cet. to>.z,{v;ig : c;{t .tat;'.ngc !.:he F't,.frrrt. prte~s a„ the ~_ to <br />aa' ~LsM short! ~b'sa to t~ e. °ax .3 x.''tt ;,ref. s:careu >:f th =f era t.gak, .: ,rst.;ratets ;.,r,.,: ;,tih sale .~. <br />f„ I~tttyyst aai ~iaia~tewatre cd' Premix: i-aaattwida; t..oado+uirtiuvra. i'taantd t. nit f)rxeicpntrvts. 1_to-r,,4w~c <br />s3asii :dolt the t?rcpotty ~ gL'ti~ rz-psr+.t sari °.t~{ s.;t .-.ains:s sort tss ,~,trni,T ,tn4,us.:n<s:t ,..a ,i~tter+:+sat,at: ;;t .',e, t.ruprrti <br />sal ttkirwlf 4mapip wilt( rite pro,:tsturs of any :tab( si h+ bt ate a ~, _ -a ..d :r, Sf s fag:::: t ~n <br />a:xrTtt.uTw ox a,piatuletS ;,nd dertiatxncast.,ef ., ~ ; ixrt .,an ,:~; , fk7!, ~~~+rr s ,b„gasrtts . ,,act +,aafarata.,n <br />s7r ~e+~ti~esautb -s~a?0g cat ~ pc^rt'u:ag i~ ~~rwn3 t r.a.r~rt ,re ~,ata€sauii Eeaa dc•x inpn~ni. =2;x `•y iswn ,nu scg `..t„u~, :•i rite <br />~_ urirt fst ~ ~1tTUt czewc".a+pmcFSt, :ac~ni c:uxutwturn:-.:Et.. utrx~.nt+.- ti ~-r,u.>:TUr~tetm ,•: t"ixrvted s, ~ t -~, i,.~p,rtsz;, <br />t ss c:tbt~-d :~~ Bettrosrcr ~d r~r~ct asgcthe+ ~+d3s eGs> ',t'f~ ~ - e -esen Sts sod gtaxmri,; - -. ~cia ;uiet <br />#lsal`t bK :tiresttpFrtra+tctd antp sell x6bB amitlid a;au s'+,ppittt,rnt irae :~.:rstis..ta , n3 _aterrlaa.t to :i ?izta .ti,rigagt >+ rt ttse : a.ks <br />>+~e +b }~5ttt .tutu. <br />1. Peosessiao d Undar'a Starniitg. tf Bi=t'rc:nor :ails ; ^ ~.t:iKxm 4trr corer=ettas end agrecmtt,iz :.r,r+tasned ,n ih,s <br />~, sr iE tel. a:.tltw ;xx Ixtxttedttig as',~at:e;i wt~e~ls ntui~r3sily ;.(!(lily I.rna9cty .+tre+s sn rte prartxrts. <br />siiCleeit+t~+ tnr ssa limtul to, crst;rrert i€f~aaiat ~nsw,;.• rr„r .`s ~ rxza ~rr~rh r~ {: '•e •-_ttr g. ,~..~sg -+ <br />faasiEtsulst ~ ri~d[ltrs tttcn !.varlet -vt !,coder isPtr>n efpr-r ' ~t e +~ r3e rr>'u r -s---ak saki .t--, .pc,aratsa, t Mtu':a „isle <br />ts:ata~fi tic stw.h 3.-tilYti a4 zs xsi:Ensnaty ts. prate t I.etxiier's aer>-+~, •,asu<±,ug. tu. u..t !:tv.t.i ,, 1, ts.,_.a.eo~,t . <br />tyLFiaTtab~ a'itt7ftt~,~t ft+ea a~ ~='x*%-r'd a the Prargatrrs~ tit nw:.e rep a,ts- tt t~rz+tar rfgteird^i rts~rsg:fie t_ sztauc. .: ,, <br />bvaodtttott of taal[sng sin to#=r rz.<~=i:eet by iris 3,le;rtgagc- 3:~rc ~;e- `rt:a.? sti ~., ssra:ue:ittts zq rrzsi !,s rail t ,a .+;h: <br />it~e iii 4fR~ triitti ~tiL:i-(talc r2s ff~ rty#it#CttiCfc~ :[3i -sea!. ~+~:: ~rti~: - --:§t~• ~, .,~,~+:>rudtt~- se,: ;'e 11.' ,i,wE'r~.~ ~.++:F <br />