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<br />9. CowtematMiew. The proceeds oC any award ar cta€m far damages, direct nr conseauenual. €n s:onnectinn with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or part thereof, ar for canveyance in lieu of :ordem^ation, arc hereby assigned <br />and sltaii he paid to i~nder. <br />fn the event of a rota! taking of the Property. ?he proceeds shall ?tc applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust, <br />wkh the excess, if any, paid to Aorrawcr. trt the event of a partial taking of the Propetty, unless Borrower and Lender <br />athetwise agrtt in writing, them shalt rte applied to the sums secured by this 17terd of Trust such proportion o7 the proceeds <br />as is squat W that proptirtton which the amount crf the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market vaitre of zhct Prapert} €mmsd4ately prior to the date of taking, wilh the balance at the proceeds <br />paid sty Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by 4#ormwer, ar if, after notice by Lender to Aarrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim far damages. 8arrawer faits to respond to Lender within 3v days after the date such rtatice is <br />tnai~ Lentirr is authorized to rnliect arttl apply the procceds, at Lender's npti<tn, either to restoration or repair of the <br />?roperty or to the surrts s~ttred by this Iyeed of Trust. <br />LJatess Lender attd Borrower atherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to prtncipaE shall not extend <br />or postposte the due dart: of the month4} instaiimems referred to in paragraphs ' and 2 ktereof or change the amount of <br />wch in9tallttttnts. <br />10. Ilottower ?Vet ReJered. Extension of the time tar payment nr madil5.^ation of amort€za[ion of the sums secured <br />hr' this Decd of Taut granted by i.ender tt* an} successor in interest of 8orrawer shalt not operate ?a release, in an}' manner, <br />the tia:siaty cf the arig€nai Aorrowrr and Borrower"s sac.^essars in interest. 4.ender shah net be required to commence <br />pra:eedings zgaitist such sitcressor ar txfusc to extend tame for payment ar athenvrsc modify amct ' soon of ?he sums <br />secured by this Deitl of Trust 4ty reasaa of any demanii made by the nnCinaf Aarniwer and Aarrnwer+ successor in interest. <br />i 1, Feryetuawre yv [.ender i~ot a Waiver. Any tnrbatarsnar by Lender to excreta€ng any ngh? nr remedy hereunder, ar <br />atfxtwise a$aided by sppliea?tIe taw, sf+ati not he :; waiver of ar preciudt ihr ererctse. of any such right or remedy. <br />The proctrretttent a# insuranet ar the paymrrn of vtxcs ar athu hews or charges by Gender shall not f>& a waiver of Lender s <br />right to aucicratt the maturty of the ttx4ebtedness secured h}• this Dead of Trust. <br />12. Ratweiiea Ctirtalathe. A41 remedies proviticd sr, this Deed of Trust are distinct and carol€lative ro any other right <br />nr remedy under this f)eesf of Tnttt nr a$arded Irv laa~ or equit}~, and ma} itc ueri: iced cencurrentiy, independently or <br />suCCasicetp. <br />13. Sireceatterrs sad Asai~s Rwwwi. Jobtt and Severyl [.iaitlil-v: Captietts. The covens.^:ts and agreements herein <br />cntitained sital4 bind, and the rights heteetnder shah i£ture €,>- rite respecnve succc>+:?rs and assigns of Lender and Aorrawer. <br />stt5.ioci :a the ttravisiovi a# paragraph 1', hem=t A44 cctvCnnms and agreements .>t Ai?rrON'eT +haii he ;pint and several. <br />Tote tapttans and headings of the paragraphs ct :ht. L7c`Cd at Tnnt arc fr?r :unvrmrncr only .ind eve not ro he used to <br />i,r~,rignrt or define the prtiv:siotts het~sf. <br />li. \wMtti F.xcrpt far xny nonce required :indcr applicsbic is+u to lie Fiarn :n atiethcr manner. tai any nonce to <br />Aottty+srr provided for in this Gee! of Trust shall 4te given by marling such noucc by rcrutied mat= addressrci to Borrower at <br />the Property Address nr at such ath[r address as Aorrtwer rnsv ctexignale by notice to Lender as pmvtdcd herein, and <br />ib3 anv rtotiee ir+ Lcttdcr shall Etc gtvett 4?y ccrtfxxl mad., return secant rcyuestrd, zo i_ender•s address stated herein ar to <br />such ctthet address as Ltttdu maY destgnata try Hance to Aerrower as +trov€ded herein .3n}- rotten pmvidtti ?ar in this <br />Deaf a# T'ritst s#iSt4 ire deemed to have iteien h~rver, t<t Aorrowcr nr i. ender 'when given in the manner designated herein. <br />IS. l?riots Cleei of Trtua; t:overwiwtt; Se.embi7ify. i tts, form of .geed .~[ tic€st combines u€*.;farnt cacenants for <br />naxiaaal use next rn!s-unafor=zt covenants with lamtted tariatn+55 by }urtsdict:nn ::t coa.taute a unifarm sreanty instrument <br />av~zitt4t rani etc?t+e!'ty T`tis 13rs!: c? Trust aha:i i?r go:.nitu f±t the saw e,` the i r.--d€c*.ion n ?rich tttc 4'mpcrty n located. <br />fn theevcrti zh,at anp pren!satm ax clansx of ihss Cfred r', trust .-t the ~,ue «r=»u. s citM p -aat..e 4aw, xuch at:ntiict shall <br />:rot affect cttfte,' prav:siotn of th€t €hC^.d tat l~~ras? ar tF;r <<xe +<4tielt ran hr gn°r,^^, !;?felt wnhaut the atoll icung provi.uon. <br />and to this ettd rite prttvtsions a: t, a I3ecri of Trust sn<t €hr tiate arc cfe;t:Iared t,~ t,r sr.vrrable. <br />If. #<wrtawer's Cwrlr, F3<'[nowr.~ sisa4l t+c ,'utn;ched a .ontotrtrrd <<+py .: the dose nerd of this Uc^rd ,.` Tru.u a: sttc time <br />c•.f exexttnt:n nr afta recordation hcrrvi". <br />I7. Tit:ortp of rye pee*srtyt A.twspttbw tt ~ ,>r :s-t> Hart +~ he Fntpcrt - - - n irtr-cst t}sere i s wid or transferred <br />by Aarrnwer without Leader`s prrnr wr€ttcn c~rxri. txctudtn& i a i t`~ .rears n ? t trcre nr cncum~rsnrr subordinate to <br />thr3 Ilttat of Trot#., ills tilt ercat:er. ht r x.utctt;aat n*.<tneM sc2.uset} rr,trrzst ,<,r hnu~nokd -. pphanres. ; ci a tranatcr bF dzt~€se. <br />dtx_smt of b}" npetratsavt a# law uptm the tirstRr at a ;::=nt tenant or ~ . <br />l.cerder tua}.:at I cn<icr~s vpt€t,n..:eciarr ail the aunts secured '~y this DeeJ ,it Trust to lR <br />sret.mtsleatciv - ue and tt?yak+ar I_endt'r ahai6 h.t e a rd u h . pt + € 3 ~eie a a 4 ~ns~r, i.endrr <br />atttl the person m wfx:,an t.*,r Prrrirtxs a ?a+ ttr s td , r ~nsfrrsrd ra:a - ~ ce nr t t ij. ~y it ;ai fti<h }trrson <br />is sat~ttector}' to 1 estckr 3m1 ti a<a? r-rtr i ;;cress atiabre e+te si er. e<. ~;d~1~ctt rate as <br />l,tetdet shelf artxupi_ I;. i_e.~trkr has watvcd t!±s -. N = -n , ~ ~..,< ^n. ..trd rs ht, yar,....p n ~fI 5r+vwltrucirssnr <br />art :nttrcst has extotncc s w~nttrn nsstmttxetrn agresx*n~u e.:ccptctl ; = urstYie `r Lrn:tes. 4 c'ndcr s!at: •ei^_ase Aorrrwer tram <br />:all ah4tgatk.ns under ;fen 'ltcd + .f~ i `<t ihr. time ~ . <br />i[ Lzntdrr extr~tses au+# ~_p:>ctn tE _;-:cirrsec. i rttdcr <h;a,! :oa ~ ~Jat!m~.vr .:e ;~ creel- n ~:.,:.rrdance usih <br />p 13 frcrcr-x{ Such riHacz share pi<.*u:r " ~rn.•f t -,.s rh € >.. +ava -,err: t4rr i~ the :ta;RC<, ,: tna€larf wtthm <br />wl~n.?wer roes ~} star Sittits dcs_ttarsi.t a<ta. A,trr uc --ia u„it ~ nn r:i<. the expttauun :+f such peruzd. <br />Lender:rest°_~ttk.'ttttat:^.i~::~=.~~ ::'qtr=.•:::i .,>3:,:••,++~! `--t~i~~s-,a ~-,zg1+r~~'rs=.v;usc..c;~tras:a.trhtNhere+f. <br />Nftaa-C=stitaaa! (.~rs-ect.>,rra Sixr<*er+sr rt~4'urt!?rr z--.vanan, and egret, s~ is=ils;w~e <br />Ifi, .iccsie~tsiww: Rsta€edits, t.srs}t as prwviird in parattrapb t7 hereof. upon gwrc<rwris breach a,t anv cov~r!mt nr <br />1tRiaetweM of /,trtt+wer is tyit I)ssii of Treat, iaclwdirtt the a`osrnawis to pas Nyen due any cams aer•nred b,4 thin shed <br />of Traw, C.ewder priiw se aceekrrtiow strait taxi eotirr to Borrower as prnsidrd iw paragrapk 44 hereut sperffyirtg: 111 the <br />y.wtrry; i-l rye actiew tetlritrt to eves swrry yrtacy; f 1I a date, nra tree than 3i! days tram the date the Holier i matted to <br />liarrrwet. Ai wyiiclt awCy ymaci natter bs cwred: tad tli that fadnrr to clue writ bna+is on ur f!efnre tfir date specified <br />iw rye wetter woe trsitlt is r€c~rekiaiiww of tyt awtw srcwrxd by this 43evd tit troll :end sate of the Pr»petiy. The Helier <br />sya~ ttttritfer iaJnl`wt ~otrowva+r of lyt right to teiriwite abet accrieraeiois and tfie right in brirgt a <:uurt action m assert <br />tyr itwev+rxillaewce tsf s trtawtt of nay Dryer detasse of Nwrcr++rr to arrritraliam atttt sale. If the brrary is not rterrd <br />ow w beitrte rye bate sprcifiri in the wattirs, t.irwfer a[ trader 4 t;ptyae Wrap dr:lart all itF the .stems secnred bi< thic Geed <br />a3t Trish r yr itwraeiiateig doe and yat~ie'*itfuwr twrtysr dirtwand dtnd rust in.<#r the paNrr nt sate and ant other remedies <br />/eiaaitlst y1 ap•iiCabit law. Pander treat} >k entitled to t:<rFleci aft nrasnoablr <cuts anA csprmes incterrrd in pnnoi~ the <br />retwaiira prwvityed tat tyiv putttttrat€it .g. incyidittrc, hie not lttwrled tu, reasrrwaMe anottrrv's #ers. <br />If rye pwet of snit is iasarLsi, Trt>Mee syalf retard a smite of drtaoit in each eaunty in tallith thr Prnptttp or some <br />p:t tysrcet is tvca#e6 and tyaif went cn~ies of !:acy t€ntik's in the maatsrr preacribrd #n rppiiraMe taw to Aorrowrr and to the <br />eNrat pssyyw t€isacribet yr appiitaik kaw. Jkfirt tyr lapse of wcy tier as ma} f!e rrgoirstf by applicable law, Truster shad <br />tit petite tiaH're ref rwit~r: lye pterxaw!s awd is rye rnttwtrer prescribed ~: GMs taN. frnatrC. without detroad nn <br />it A+w~r. syti! sc9 tyt Tre*eelr st psliic taeNaw tco tyt yiRyest ttiidsr at tttr time ;Feld place sled Harder tfir trrtns tirsiRtrateA <br />lw !ys wwattt ei itdt it wws r€r moss Irreik at4 a wiry attar as Ttri,a>ze Haas drtcrtn:ae. "f tnstec mar Itoatptttte .alt cif aU <br />w ~ 1~ wf tyw -iw*en19 b}• pirii'ir ;iwwwar~tYaaeW at rye titwe and place of nay Prerioasly scf+cy3nkd lair. I.entkr or <br />J.a~tat•.~ tlralpwt etaa<y ptrircltase fire Ftsperty tM awe ask. <br />L`pww!raeeipl wf prgareM erf tys price Alt. `IrraHre shalt tt; the pwrrbasrr Irttatrr"s decd c.xtttc»n>r: the I'rnpenv <br />twit. Tat rrrirt~t la list 3taw#n`s derrd si+w8 6e pr-tree Fartr rsideece +;f tilt trttlh ttf the statewirnts made !nr!ein. 'frttater <br />sfiaM ttp~fj lye prtiPSats ref li€t retie its iht tollowip~ tttdets f}at ttr all rsawwaWs ra€sts attA rsprn+t-. at the Bate. inclnAittR. bnt <br />tit titrMd fo. Trirerlsa'a fees wf wet ewwte tyaw i,' - ~~ `"~ of His itrorw sale prier. rrawfa5hir att!srnrv`a free and mats trf <br />tiMa strltirwce: tMi ice ad s?@aws ssrc artetM yt tyih Gerd of 7rmit amt le) the rxreas» if a!s1, to ttre prr:uan nr prru>res trgai4v entitled <br />. #wmesrar's Rt_gYt fw ~afiattwt, "»~'t+.ths; urrdang l.crsc+cr. -- ~r?era€ra ._. - - ..+: + . 6>erd rd 1 n:-l. <br />'Apur,-sea r#i~ii Tatvs tttt^ z4~ht to ":acs erg pr•.~eeStnga i'~},us, ht ltr~icr :, i ~~ c ? e- t3rcat -. t ~.. c;~,•^.i isu,r,,i ,;: <br />>r#sp . _ to ~~ err t.~.. ~+d r~! atas<- z± *h Say t,r.>_»rr the tale c-, tree i .. ~; -s: rs_ ,nt r~, ai,-- €+- ,a,-: -~t t -~:r.,,,rrd <br />:sr tfg!< i)rs:cf €x4 7~eew,t cv i ,rtras~' a>3 a #a!tiJXti'teRt tarf.`•rvtnyt tYrts 1}est4 ,:`€ 7 .~ i : r..t A *trr,xr . R . I r_. • € _ . ~+~n~ M h-.. ,r ++ ,. <br />br t+~.-:, alrsza+n€Prr thss I.fet:3 a.,~ Trsrra. site ~cxs .!sd r.rtr», wct;r:na #..;;=£e ka7 a-x.a~3. <; s -:i r r,z.~,.,r~ ,,:,•,a~,.I <br />tit"s 3t+3tr'crt~ ~;'>riss a?9 `-+te~rrles ,-4 ~FtS srtcr c»-°~.r~-~rnk_ - ,z-~,r~~ :r+3a~ .. }r%„r+~•<~- €.s,e~,x:.t ._, tM~rct I,v,r <br />its fh+s!rt+~'t~r t'a~~= ai? rcass:xvahl~r ts~: t;+es rn, rrr.^.. -r. . 1 c ,Hie, e..ttt - - .s ~::.•~s .. ,r-s. ::~,a.? - ~ a ..t;s ,-~~ <br />iirc€s:+t~,etC-~:><:>~r~,vai m t°,~s~ i7e«9c1 ~ (:r.a'a4.t,..~ ~t ~ ,.,P± }nia€_ ~tr...ra. ~:r~-.4r<-. a ,.--~.1 ,. ,.+g~-xi=s r, <br />c>.sf, r+-<„. :,. k :,r..!t r~tr 'mod ~~ s~-asf.~aP7+:t a-£..rc~ ~. .. .- .,^yf .~ _.e-n ..: ts,.. ,.+< --„ ~~ -.- _. ..,., ...,i:y+ <br />*nt<trs ~. r, f. ;s,.r ., ,F;,r; Carrel ..t '?r:-., ..,-ti.k,:a ... ., . :h_ ,;*c:so as ... ...,, .. .. <br />