ao- ~~
<br />t:xt~xrter,i CbvPxezwrs. Borrower and !.ender covenant aad agree as follows:
<br />L. Payment of Prlacipal atat Interest. Borrower shall pramptly pay when dui ehr prncrpai of and inte,ri ,.n the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by' the ?late, prepayment and late charges as provadtd to the Nate, and the pnncapal of and interest
<br />an strv FtiNSrC Adrances sc.,ared by this Reed of -Lion
<br />2. Btuds fa 7asa aad Irtsaraace. Subject to appiicabic favv nr ti: a tvrtiten waiver t,y ! nder. Borrower shah pay
<br />to E.endcr air the day monthly instaihnenis of pnnupal and interest are pay;nbte under the Note. unn! the tote as paid ua tali.
<br />a sum {heroin "Funds"} equal to ont•tu~eiYth .st the }~cur!}• taxes anti :use,sments which may ar[ain i>r,anty over this
<br />Deed o2 Trtrst, and ground rents oa the Prapcrtp, if any, phis ene-tu•etfth n[ yearly premu:m installments for hoard insurance.
<br />pies arre~twet€th ai yearly pteminm Installments for rnoctgng{ iosuraFtct', if anv. ail as reasanabl}° ctt,matetl iuttiall}• and from
<br />time to time by I_endcr on ttte. basis of as*esxments and htBs and reasanab#e csumatrs thereof.
<br />T3sE Ftu:ds clrai! be held ;n art tnstirutian the depavts or acrnoar_, of which are insured t+r guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency (including Lender ii Leader is ,uch an insniuuont. Lender shall apply the Funds u, pay said tav:es. assessmrnts.
<br />insurata;s: Premiums ant! €ra:nd tents. LrntLer may not >ha€.5 for sa balding and appiping thr Funds.:vialyztt:g said account
<br />.,r 4tei3'L'3ri1Ty ~.nd catttpititvg said axsessertents aad itr##s. ,;nlcas Lender pays L3L=rrawrr merest tan tht Ftsnds and anplieahte i:3w
<br />permitx t.tnder to tnah:e sash a charge. Barsowcr and !.ender may agree :n :vrttiag a! tare ume of execution of [his
<br />Gee,! of Trust filar in[ertst on the Pantie ,hat! he paid ;.? Borrrnser.:tnd unless such agreement ,s made or applicable law
<br />rrqutrts sctch interest a he paid, !.ender shag tae: t~ rrqusred to pap ttnrraucr anv mere.t car earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />s2saB give Fa'? $a~rroWer. wttlu?ur <hargt; an anncsa# aecattnitng of the FeantL; ;t:auang cted+ts and debits to the Funds rind the
<br />purpose !ar whi.:fih each debit to the Funds was mask:. Lhe Funds rue piedgtri as additit?aai security tar the sums secared
<br />by thtx 1?eed of 'Trust
<br />Lt the amount of tRu Fcads held ht L~:nd{r. togrtbcr wash the rFtar{ monthly irsta[iments of Furn ,~avatale prwr t=,
<br />the due darts of races. azsessmi•n:c, =ttsurance pr{miums and graunai rents. >haB excerd the :!mount reyt:ucd to pav said taxes.
<br />asstxxmeats, tnsuratxe premruina :tad s*rtsund :'ti'nts .+s t'.^,ev t:sli .iuc. .inch c«tss ,hail ^c. _et Borre;wrr~s opuan. either
<br />pnxnpity r{Laaiat t.? $armwer or credited t~ Actrrc•xer ;.n mtianthiv <nxta#lmeFrix of Funds. Ef the amauni oI the !='unds
<br />held br' i :ndtr ;hail nat M xu#iicrent .a nay taxes.:asscr-sments, ,nsurance preruutns and y*raurtd rants as they fail due.
<br />l3orrn;~rr 5hail pap to 1_cocter an4~ amount stiecesaera n• mats tap the daCr~senc°. „athtn 3iD days f rc>m thr date naticc ix marled
<br />tint tinder tta Aeurovees regtaextrug pagtaent thereat.
<br />Gptrn paynnent fin fu!! of all arms u:cused by t?;,, Bert! .=F -~rut.i. t .d{r shah pnuxFi,ti: rrf!end to Berrowrr any Func6'
<br />held try' !.ender. if under pa^tgrapb yj - r ~ -tic prztnenv- id -r r t r:,peat; s ncr>s, a,c#uired b}' Linder. t ender
<br />stag=! splstx. no l:xtcr r}xan :nznseriiateiy .-,s r ,_ chs sate ; ..hc 5, _;~t~ r - ;n ~.y t. r..,n ti- #-antler. ,nta Funds he}d hg•
<br />Linde[' at ahc txmt of appitcaiitrn as a crrdst against titre ;urns ,s:cured ht' thin t}ez:i crt I lust
<br />3, A~/iitatiew of Part~enEi. t'^€x-x ~ t : i rv ~~ atE avmerts ra~ eF c.t h': i ender under the
<br />?:ore and pasagraplis ! ancf ? F.reat` st;t,), nc. appu~d rn # vezcic.:t, ~. t, t yr t.t..rtt c i ~anrnunts p ty-ghtc tt• # cncier by 8armwcr
<br />;` t=a`a~.,un.: ,., .,,.e _ -. adn .,,. ,.~ ~ . _... .- _: - , s!•+ tioie- and thin ti, imerest and
<br />^. rtn.`rpa: on any Future rlr3v'aeu~'~ .•.•.~ - `- -
<br />t. ChsRpe,, gprrCw er shalt pati ail taec•- s4>e-smeisr ,,, .:nc. c?rarz.t= ^n<rs ,aai ;ntpt,,,ti~ts attri6u6a61e to
<br />tSie Pic+pctCq which may attain a grraran :?>=er ;;;-,:s dlrec! T r tst. - t u x5cfteid t'avmrnas n+ e~ound rents. tit an}•, in the
<br />maruser prmidszt ttadtr :tasagrspl: 2 ?screc,r :- .r roar ,:.,tit' .,• : , -.. ~d'Fn_F, ne tics ,. wtr maktn~= l:,aym~nt. u•hett due, vhrec[iy
<br />,ai
<br />to the area •„§srrxrf. Bur;fax-er shalt s remsxfy f,a;'teslt ; , ? crnrr> ,- :;~x=_, ;,i ameunis ct!:e trader tkux par.;g.raph.:usd in the
<br />et'esit t3ia:rnxrr slas3! trials pakt>xexFt ~arestrr $arrrrre,- shah .. F.s, ti}- .-rn -.i= t_> t _r~,rer rzc .n s F.ie_r ns tGh paxmtnts_
<br />E#Csr'rcxacer sk=aai p~t~tln d.-3. t*^^ge e¢.~ cc'3 n as ti _ :; t,s ik•cd - ~, fa t- nr?•. i - - .at N F - e ~ ,hall rot #>t
<br />r~txut:tnt _..+ drs~hartc am• su,.r %.{n ,~, i rt, -:as Br ~ {t ~ °satl t z ~ , -~ t smrr -,-t t-z. ht s,s - r. _t s..;.d 6;
<br />sscLr .ten an a trtatssscr aue'+iable t.'= t.>;aatr_ ~=r sh ;r ,_. ga:n: ...,. ,,.... - .,n - ... t,t= ~. ~=.:-ant .., ,.rth #,~n :r.
<br />:"mat ptcr~cdings whscs t+greratt ::-, > t° ea t !>r ,, t -r aaTirrr `,c -~ -r rr t ~ ;Fc t !ter ; a a r} t~:err rhYtv:,s?.
<br />S. H~n1l~raaer. f#crrouer-,a+iLeet',.,e.,at'Fr~._r;._ar-~,;; ,..,nrt:t,ne.!,~ t.t.,=y,uvPrtcrrrvmc,trea
<br />ag3:ansi it°-ss tr-a fsrt. ;;azatd4 tt>cttxdtd . t't r trc r^ -, F r a - r -~ r - ~ - r t r ~ t e i - t ~;,ac'r ^Fa. req!nrr
<br />ancL;si such ametsnax 2srd iex satin prr-ee,_ .,; t c,m.>et , ,a-, -,. -,..,t..,. .ta...-.:u. .a:l . c+t .~c~,!.,re drat :tire amalsoF ;,,
<br />st~h tarer;3~r caccstci ;hat stnctmt t:t cragv . y ~ ~a 4 e ;n -xi F?. i i
<br />"lAc trt3oraxtc~ ¢°.',.rr24r' j5.,- .., .;t$ =tar an, tz. a^~e --.a„ tin- ,z xt. , . flare szr +.,,hr...: : r.- r i ..xl;:r os`,dc.l,
<br />t9at sacit apprttval xhatit i3ai trr varara3"h#a ~cthhe4d .Yti prttruti:m, eta ei:z!Franca.~ t>4t.. ~s •,haH tic yard to the ~mannar
<br />pis::#t}dl onuar pq;'a)<tt}~t ~ °,rcr~t,:*r, ,.! afar ~aa ,ti auc'tt *rsrrnrtar. !;~} Eltarrc wc€ .ataldng pagn,: nt- uhen due, rf,rrcdy to sht
<br />:MfxTtlri4, Y CiIi7Cf.
<br />.~12 .;rzvrxac'e ~siscics a+-ad trrs4'+vais ;hire:*! s~.;an! s,e rz t„rm a.~rlr5atr9c t., t ender .rid;de a xiand~ard mort¢age
<br />attire ts: faxs-t: a# end au #.atx .:c:z-r;^t='`te r, t -.:;,tier i rraJe* :=3 a!! h.s.r n r;;rat '- A tsi tit i .?its:t:; :tad teFte+s.zis ttterrai.
<br />aad Bata rower slsait pre r..^€rtr .r nh : ~*dcr a a r e i - 2F<~,s s< z.t::s r;ti r intro: # ~s{ ..s Cn -t ins<.
<br />11txx'rttwtr shalt gt«r •r*rr+npt tacrtK:_ t+, :a{ ,.isutln;c _.,r.-,,...:.t: a _ ,act , _~aer ^ir msxe pr<,-.. ,r. '=.*s5 ~~...t t ..i;td . p.oniCt#}
<br />iy tktrrc^xrscr
<br />i.:,Less L.eadrr artxi tlryrrrwrr ,+csrtutx. ag::'r ,>:a-r. ~,ura:r,:c i,.~,st ecti:, - k. ix a; ! .t tit rattan=F t,: rccxor .,f
<br />rl`.c $rtspt:`tt dais •.,ttccu y - ;a,.,»ir -. - , ss- r--3r -: - - c -rte ri. s - -: t acF .-.c t .. t '' 'F-7,tst :.
<br />ttSTF £#fC.`~} srS2irv=•~".. l= --*; t:ata.: at..:ia c. -:t'~ -i=+- €.,.. c•~'Fa.vax,4 t~ r ..c ,_' f .ai 5..~tt i.y s S t,.e~s Lrt...2 : ~ : >. o~arfd
<br />be :tatpaircd, ri':~ insw;,t;b;c r-rxx~eczeYS sl~atir !*z t+, a t- ,- xz ,e - _a -r - { ; •tea -.. , r t r ~- .-i t^. i t at asti
<br />to tioncxcer- f#:.tine PrY.•*,`~ris ;, sbarxd:.rien, ,-o £t;s . e... .. - tit>.:: ,.ts .._ rr,p, nd :,..,r di, .. _. .tit ,~) uas, f,om rile
<br />xsf>t?.-e. n.,an~lct~ ;~' S_zM~fcx t,a S>.~€,~ucc ;t;;ii ht ~•r.~srsrla`c , crsrr -rrr~. i;• s tit-e ~. its:rn !.>r :.asr,a ~ n,::eeiin. i ender
<br />n rcutttcx:mod to Caicct send any t'rt rnssxrsts;:e ;=rc>Lrt+ds ,+s I..,.:?a:,ts : ,>s+t,n x..e!:cr tit :r^+tor,.xt:c=n : , , .. ~ ~ thr L'rc,perty
<br />to itr tht.sims ~xnrxd frig flute t'3te+± cxf 'TrFtsz, f Y .
<br />L'f.den t~sscr xip:! #;crreswcr aabeav+uc atrrt r. „-;e.rty,..:;ti. ,u,r .p~._.=,•.t;n : ,:cucz-us t; ;rr=r; r.a !;: n<ri cxtcn.!
<br />sw ~tpsxle riet due ,:aft u! ,he .^cuxi5-y ra~tailnrerst ~ste= ez. ~~. -,i , a ~ ~1 is :at-°; p{ ~ 4 - - -ltangt the "m unf o1
<br />sailr ttaxtatfanetrtx. !f ura3tx T+azagrapi#t S~ trerexrd .lir Y a~l3{st....,uu,,e~ , . __r;ct„r. r:; eht ~i.d ntrrwa u[ Barroaict
<br />erx and io aag~ it:aaet p!r±rcies ~d r:' - -,', :., a~ 74rz, esairv - ~ ~.i r{ a'a_ri: rt;~n auaT .gw . i .he t'rt>;~rrt: Lr-ic:r to tit:: •ealc
<br />csr atpsrxiao >hal. tw L. easiti tot .he ca.te-rat a>t thr ,eai:xs Scrut>~3 r, t=v.>~f:ired .-, t sus; :,:rruedaatc:) t -,~ , -~- ~+tv+.°b r:=ic at
<br />s~t3rifsits'pa_
<br />4, Pel+Mettaliaa and ~•ltiateiar<e csf !`r9yerty; £.ecxAsdd!:; f oudeiaulnin++ts; rlnaned trait thxrlopmtnlt. F3arrt,+vet
<br />;.lx~`xi' ~~ *.~ ~[,}c- *t. ~ ~ rt+ar[ .1 r; -; ~. - t p ,r - r _ 'ht t a`pert!
<br />:fslti s',#sat}!.'x~ttt+l±wsa`h#tttl,r:%tss,.._sc:T..rty ±raxt .f .tt.s t.?{eJ .. T~.-,.. =.:v~tn +,. ^#t•t`• tk.rf ,:~t L,rrst .. aru a'Sn:t ,^:t
<br />tx~rtt sir a ptsnr~ ,~t`•asatn~ #3s t rr +,:s ~i s 8: r n. r sa ,. er tote sc~ tr t-!!z
<br />i"~" ~:Cr3aiitf u`iCafart~ CB ~, t_r_ n,~ :~ ti.t`~i:r'atF`i.u ,] ,- _r=. ~ir+> .. ,SrYc;U pr iCn.. .:x ,arT :4d n< he
<br />i:iixlaAt'l i.~r }-'ti{ArkC`1i 4iit12 :'-fi'r'{4C'~[TS£:'t11, aRka wL;r1>i'i L'CFF 'i tAZ:`;:t5 !' :4 s r'- :TrniiiAittF` iaiaT'.i^,•ti a1t1:1 dt'4l'h,ntlTS: nS
<br />sixl~l' i~ ~,ca^n##7 by $~ ~n+{r and trtc~cs€stt,-r. *.i+,~ei§e7 w`e.,irs the 3'3ee?l r. ;tarsi, i;;e :a•.en.~n 3 a~az a~rec~rFrent*•- .+t suelr +•.ir•,
<br />sLtYli t!c tnG•c~ra,'3a3ts3 z?!rca atrxt,! sr~t! «rtxx~ ttzz au;spl2rr~ ~F tr.~ :..•> ia.:. -. --r -+asee-amts c:*..r:~s l3ecd i~ ' nst as ~# tttt r.,ret
<br />rtntst a Et9l,
<br />'. T_wrteclieaF of £,euiet`a Stxaerit+. 3f Iz,-~.rt'>•s4< :. ~ i •.a_i;~ nt =~ ~t°e :.a'ns an ~ .:gar_cFSent, r,rsta~reti rr, ;hi:.
<br />L~^[Sk't Trrst. -~ if ant >t..l ,'!Y i'z; y{:~r{tiilb~ -. i~ti:.'§'K?ktCL ,. n•4t? '. - c: E3~i4 sC~ls i iiye*i•• •. .' I_rt. ...t` !r!=,'.n'ri,,
<br />„~ n ,
<br />'` ~ -.:L,ui rw^.H-lsnrsi¢A tin, ez°rwr~aa s3,?m~tsa, .r.,s.;.;;st~:S, -w:St et ,r rnex t, .= z - ~r ,UCrc. -- m5 r -
<br />?~titaxsPr :» x~tes3eat. '.tsra :~=tales ~i t. - r a .3~i,.,a. ~pe*r ,.c e..s .1 L~ t +w;rr. ~t,c ,,,pa. s.:,i.c. . ; F , ~v • ;., h
<br />ti At~ SA4 i. c' ##R:~# d:PlYDrS 8L rx 7:3C~9.xaf'~ 3!+ ": :'XL'd:~Y L..C,RCLer A rnSetxst in4 `St4tTip. ~'UL t - n.ttct .. .tM hst ae :irflF
<br />rls~aah#t atttsrttev'-s iesa astd trntrr ttsa;:xi ttx 3~'r,>:^+c*3t tr mavr 'et a+;s !`. t. .cn yr t, atx ns ,i,.rrtt,;sb't :,,atria+,::c .;
<br />3rtxct,t.+ ,.t auttxRg ~tht ar,'a.rt srxcrt h,P t^-x Utc r ~,! l`ru t. tiarr«w~.t •~-:7a x ::v p•c.; u.-, ;a;rc. ,:i st,,, Fo+.,.r --..h
<br />i .r .,
<br />~S1EikTaCnC -: r?!ti', 3Sib>1tF S#,IS'}1 liirle as 4}xY~ r. 4!: _ tt214 ' .~+14 ¢- La: -t'r tit @. :-i ~ . ka . J1R5f ,;'i h~~ tiur+'a+,L CS
<br />tfitkkr t:tirn a~€Ke7rscixl s+s ~Ft ~oGatb3r `::+t i r. ss ah,.H a~F r#.c +a c. -r..r ear .. ! ,~.e •rt ,
<br />nspyttCfYLtY Cr ••-rte 4/49Gi1!`F ~Ti~ra.~9~'. E~3.
<br />AiFY'wirtS rttAf~rrs~{ by L-C1N1C.F ~1',iRitrAbfrF ~ P,x c za#tr;z yxh -.,-,~a .., -.c .:-.,t - sc r -t ~ - sv
<br />irt,3ct~ae,,ittc., ,~t £t~.:,,.ca i,r,: utesf t*;° this #?,et~i aF "T .t,:-. ?.' atizsa $ •.rrt at +Sid txridz r:rf#rcr. - ,..het tc , .,? li.,v nt tit. .~.r..=,
<br />a+ztt-~. ws ~.:s s rt~ ,,.,. sr`tie u't ?staiei= tztms 1,~.3cr t<: r'3tb,.rc -~rx see{rarsiFSig #^:n:c> zr, :.T;.ea-:ji { ,:sir twsai ,•itetrni - :: ;hc•
<br />3~t8 ~-+i t7~tt:+: aGn.rn, ~? :nr rai;r £t~ratesc~ frrx~a flirts to lutixe +,?.na ,.tit«,:a,.n; <,~ ,. -.:.,;.i*:. .,. r =%sa ,t,. :::x. ; :=t rxrni , ._ ., ..
<br />~. ;uir:h rxtrs tra n,r ,:•r ~ ti ap~3n;,-Yir's`c~ 2aa :s b - rCFaa 3` n; u r+ r . s rt" c-tie t tit at Tt.•
<br />;it+~r sPi -wat~!, ,:yc- '<ssYttsrg ~; ~t~ssrs~d .v .;as- , -~e~sar~tF+ t„~s. c L 4"~ttr t.~ _!;.u °,Y -~3prnse „+ °ak~
<br />f~ -~' z_•"xfi~d #.tixF't 'a`•etr~fi=.• !.ae~e- krx -•v_ r~ try €?3e-,- .. ,,,rn« f - . - . - ,-.r 1'r rrt- _ate•,.
<br />2rY~i %,3iF?lfr~~'.`5?Mdi tEtkR`.C' 1'~*tL {,'4zie lS- .tii£zk C. itiYSS`i ki:i .e:£}- -"..Atit'i :Yi'*sGk ~.{: -_ ';Y ~:k,; .•e z.t..4a:stk :, V. ,~,.r'f.•jr .9VCii <t., t4".• ,
<br />rr::rsira::{r :E~ 1'YcR3tttltt
<br />