<br />9. Condemnation. The picxteds of any award nr ciaim for damages, direct or consey uential. in contrrction with any
<br />candrmna[ion or other taking of the Property, or part thereof. or for conveyance u\ lieu of condemnation, are hereny resigned
<br />and shad be paid to Ixnder.
<br />in the event of s total taking of the Property, the proceeds shalt he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />with the exczss, rf any, paid w Aorrt~wer. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, Lhere shalt he applied sn tfie sums secured by this Cared of Trust such proporron of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proporficltt wh'seh the amount of the sums secured by this thed c+f Tn2st immediately prier to the date of
<br />taking Liars to the fair market value of the Prnpens ,mmediately prior to the riate of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />tf fire Pnlperty is ahattdoned tsy Borrower, nr if, after trotter he i_ender in Borrower that the condemner n3ers to make
<br />an award or Bettie a ciaim for damages, Borrower fails to respa: ntl to Fender avtthin 3() days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Fender is authorized to report and apply the proceeds, at Lender's apttnn, euher to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property err to the sums secured i±y this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lcnderand Borrower otherwise agree in wrung, anv such aop!rcatinn of prncreds to princinat shah not extend
<br />or postpone the due daft of the mtanthiy instat}2nems referred m +n paragraphs I and 2 hereof or ettange the amount of
<br />sac mstatimantr.
<br />Id. Aorrerr•er tier Retraced. Extension of the time for payment or modification oP amnnaation of the sums secured
<br />by ibis I:tetd of Trust granFed fry Lrndu to any sticccsxor m Interest a,t Bnrtnw°er shah not operatr tc+ release, in any manner,
<br />the iiabiiity of the nriginai Borrower and $crrrower's sucizssors m imcrest_ 1_ender shalt net be required to commence
<br />proceedings against such succrssarr or refuse to extend umz ter naymeni nr etttrrwtce modif:' amor•~~^tinn of the sums
<br />secured bq this Deed of Trust tt4 rras.'tn a?f anv demand made hr' the tar,c;nai Borrower and Berrawer's s..ccessors in interest.
<br />tl. ForleeaAnce by Lender \ot a K'ds•rr. .4n}~ fc=rhearsncr by t.~nder m excrcism¢ azl}^ right oc remedy hemunder, or
<br />cxherwiu afforded by applicable law, shalt not t+r a wa=vet of nr f.rr:ciude the cxerctse of an}' nch right nr remedy.
<br />The pmcurtnrant of iasuratu-e.ir the payment c,f taxes esr nthc: ;tone o: charges he tender shat! not be a waiver of tender's
<br />right to acre!orate the maturity of the :ndcfstedncss se:.urcct hti =hu f;)zed of Trust
<br />t3, Reaeedies Cnraahtisr. A8 it:me~`res prnv.aied ,= the. feed of 'Lnrst arc drsunct anti cz:muintive to any other nght
<br />ate remedy urtdu tt2is Decd of Trust or atlorded hti- '::u• ,.r equity, sad ;nay ire cxerrzsed concurrently, independently or
<br />stteceseivehr.
<br />t3. Strcesaswx and A.Bnared; lobo acrd Serrral t_fahilkyi (-aptinm. The revenants end agreements herein
<br />contained shad hind, and the rzgh:s hrreunuer she'! +na2rr t::.: he rrspr:tt\-c .uc<:es+e r, and ass:gas :\i tender and Borrower,
<br />sttbjoct to the provistaits iaf paragraph ~.' hrrea,r Aii -a~vensnts and ..ereemcnts .if Borroaa~cr ~haii be ioint and several
<br />t`ht captions atr<i headings of rite paragrapts c+t ts:cs Clreti .,t t rt.+t are t,?r ,nnvemenre .,nit et\d are not to be used to
<br />interptn or tfGfitn the prakixinns ttexr+ea~r#
<br />ls. Piaiice. e:x,:ept $atr arf+,' ticara~r ~uattrcv _ .,- spat:...- .. .~ ,' t.e htr anise., at n}' nceti.. ..
<br />Borrower provided fat in this Decd of Tract shalt `.+c cavc:\ by ~„a+ti'+na +u~h~i.a*tr~r hy~ rertrfiztt mart addre5srd to Borrower at
<br />the Pnaperty Addtt~a or at such caber ;rddress a+, iit?rrower r;laa cars:gnats by ixettcc '?o Lcndrr :rs prnvtdcd herein. and
<br />ibl any notice to Fendu shall l,e ~-tyrrt by rrrt:tsrd r..xti. return secerpt rrqucstrd. t:: Leader', address stated herran or to
<br />arch other address as !..ender :-nay destgnair hr .alter '_= Ror;;:u.rr n•: odcd herein :1ny notice provided for in this
<br />deed of Trvu shalt t*e dcer:xed so base ;,zee- even :: Ita,r~s%:x c; ,•r i.cndrr 'abet. gn•en in the manner drstgnated herein.
<br />IS. llrutorm Deed of Trams CNa.rrninR [s.r; .lrrrrsbfN[v , . €rceo ~>t t.arst cetnh;nes uatrorm covenants for
<br />nat~lrP1 ttaE and t1Cin-}{mfQ~ ±} t'X)tC•F1a3fiS Sb'3i}! t13P.:tr4~ '•.};,;rt,~^. !' ,~„^.c('iFCt:l3i: t,l ;:QnSi St42?r. l L't31t G=rt:l \CCUiitl' 1nSt{nn\Cnt
<br />cxttvenng rest ixeperts•. ~t-tsiy tk~ at T:vst a:ta!i tz >?nycrrvect ' ,: the :, w' ert t27c tnn.:frruc3n m ahtch ihr Pnxpert} a located.
<br />in the event that any' prawtston nr r:iattse rt ~t+.:k .~`rai .'? .l n:,t ,:r :?:r ti:,>, :anff;its a ~t^ appi~ca hie law. such :.oniTict shall
<br />sot a3e:7 other nravtsiatrs £~t t'sts t3cra. - t rust o, :hr i r t: s. -.x :zn~rrt rd~t warn,+ut the acnflt::t+ng , -nv~<,nn.
<br />attd to this end tkc pivtxista'tts rat ^he Ikea e>: T: act anal ;ht '<,_te .:rr ..ara.e~ !r seyerabie
<br />td, iMerowa's Cam- $asrsow=s shalt-ass Bur n,aierd n .-„naatmcti .arp} s': the ti rate and i this D~ ± i,t ~I r~a,t .r, the irmr
<br />of es_ecutron c?r a#ier recardituan itereot
<br />LT. Tr~ftr Ad tYe lappeRk: AwanpAiow. It a;t ,, aaS Ftsr2 at the pro~zt: ,,, .Its tntercy*_ nc~t coo ,. ,old .': transferred
<br />by $orsower wtthaut Lx2:dtr`s prior wt~tten .a:tttratt.:+v~i:2d:rag, +.. the ::-rat:rt;: <:+ r cncumt<^a.~cr *u*xlrcttnat: ts,
<br />tilts Deed J# Trust. +"b) tht,^.rtattsar, of a p:2rckasr r=:c:rr=q yctureta-=.:sttrrso to :,ctusnc~tJ appi;aav'.ra. ;:, a traa>ter by devise,
<br />descent ~ icy aperauon of law upon the de;;th <ti a rx•;nt trnanz .x ~ .
<br />;1
<br />(.ender r-?sy, .,2 f rndrr', .,pro, m. ;i...isrr ail the ':lets se-.u.*ral n+ ;x 1?roof :,i 'i'rtrtit t:, he
<br />rmtstedia:ttp due and payable. Lcnafer shat( ha.4a r:d;s~cd w;s: ,'+ptaAZn t,+ srcrizraie ~t. mar a:, ~hc .sic •'r trace>frr, 1-cadet
<br />amf the t~tw:ta to whtm,7.he PraapttYS- ss tat t_ . i3 - .;arl.-trned rca -\ ,yrrenrttt :.s xsatmX trial rile •rd~t a,i .\tah arson
<br />is satisfactory sat i.end,°r and that tftz ini_rrst ras~;thit .,, thr..um. , ti.urrd s~v Fi;,s Fy,-.rd : 1 cost +.'ra;t `,: :,: ,.;ch :ate a:
<br />ternder shalt requCSt- #f t;'sxitr has w'a:yed the :~;+r.r. .o a;:cc3trate moo.-=deal „ rh:+ parst;ra; 6 ; :,ed :` fs:,r rrwrt , succa~sor
<br />to rntet^tst Etas executed a ,+'r r[len xs.ump:.c^c: sgre; mc•€±t .,~.rptcat :,. ~~rrt;a\e ''+ l,c..aicr. i r:u?et ~-rr.:i:..craze 8.arrcawer stem
<br />ail ohii~t2aits under the t'ked -t -,rs -~3 ifk `-. e ..
<br />tf Ifmiet Cx erctsCS ~u.#- . faata .: Lx\ .tc~eirt.ta t: aaie h:,;. ..a,! Hc.: t,.aa r: !,a~t::e r s.c ra,,: 3 .,...=rcia:s.r wuh
<br />paragraph t-0 ix ea3S. f3uih ^s:tzcc ?halt ria~:dr 'e !+.>:. i z -_ s that ' dsy - iha r -he t-:r :2.uked wrihrn
<br />which Bosrowe may stay the sunla der.- rst :tut. t batzar cr .x s t ,!+ - °ll rn es Ct h€ .,p 2s[ - n t,f su~ii ;+rr,«d.
<br />(.ender may. wt,itasut 9uniter tsaxxce a3, dema,\u -,t ti€ -rasa a, r,. uts sr, ,c.t.eds. ;+rrn.rt.43 \ r;.tacr,ei h I X hrreet
<br />'.rif3N-t,-'vtt'ara;ra (~, ly`£~ti!tE:TS. KaK re,i4rer rind i.Ciit)tr :'UTt he-s a.?.'rttj_`!t ::,.ii 1,~~tti'C a: is+?Y,)aai,
<br />;tr. Aeceicratioet; RetaKdirr, kitetpt ~ pmsiritd in paraetapb #7 hrrtuf, uptm Borrawrr's breach at# am ca.roaat or
<br />;teercat set lorr+Qiser iw tie's 1)e+eti of tarot. uuladityt the atrrrtranU to par when afar any auma created by ihia Derd
<br />of Tracts !.coder prier to ar;crleratiaa ahaq mail trotter to Bttrrnwrr ar pruaidrd in paragraph li hrrrrtf' sprr##yitttt, il) the
<br />tireari; f2! the artieea reyirirc! to cure Boob beraeh: 1.31 s date, nut less lhan W days #rom the date the trotire n mai#ed tc
<br />~or'rtr»tr, bt whidt awrk lrreaah mY4t lrr creed; uad ti# that faiiarr to curt Bath breaSh ern nr before the abttr speetRed
<br />is rte nutize aaa} resell in aare:irratiaa ui the cants arrurty# h. this lkrd of 'Cant atH! lair a# fhe Property. The notice
<br />a!`ap f'aerher iafaxs ,~arrpwer :rf the sight tae reittSiate after accdrratioa acrd the right to bring a court actiarn ra asaer!
<br />ilre troaaexistcact ri[ a defaettt air ass atthrt +kfease arf Baxruwrr to accrirratian sad ,air. if the breath is trot cured
<br />ao or 6asa+r fir aial+r sp:rtrfted is the notice, txnrkr at [,tna#er's tcptioo mar drrlare atI rsf the ,urns secured by this rated
<br />d Trrst to !tr iaeroraliatek doe ar:d pag2thk without tunher drmared oral nor in.r tar the panar of Bait and rte} +sthrr rrwrdiea
<br />patcoiprd M ~ #ttw. I_csdrr shalt Ae rntiHed to rsdiert aft reasorra4de coats and rxprnses intoned in putsuink the
<br />raettdies pnasided in this ptulrRrap•k Eli. inr$udiatt, but cwt timiita# tu, rrasrauafde anortrr}'+ feea-
<br /># Net p:nxrr of Bair i5 inrrrked, 'itnatrr snail rrcarrd a nr2t#rr of drtauit in e:+rh errant} in which the Yrirprrty rr some
<br />part t#itereef is heated and shall tnsB crrpits asf such natirr in the manner prracri#xd fir appficabie taw to Aorruwer and to the
<br />ath~ pr.rwets ptasrri4d Erg aypilrahlr lair. ,a#rer the legit a# surer time as may tee required hr applirai# taw, i'rustee shall
<br />gift praiiir traatjsee at oak #e tier ptrseni turd in the rtranner grr=rri#eea# by applicatde taw. ~ Trustee. withrrut demand on
<br />)laeaoa•er> shay all the Property at prthlic aucreutt to the highrsi #addrr rat xhr time and pfarr and under tits lrrnta dtsiYnatrd
<br />is tit oofite of tak ue not or more parrtb acrd sin stab order as 1'rtaueti tray drtermiaz. irustrr may postpotrr salt ai ah
<br />ar aetp paresi of-tlte Praprrtyt b,! pnORe asauaoeearr-ea at the tirrrr and place ai any pteriaruaiy artreduird lair. t.ruafer err
<br />leader"x le.ssl lwr~Ytt.r iltt P!euprati3 Mrao}< sWe.
<br />L'poa receipt[ ssf pity'rapd of the price bld. Trostre chap ddiyrr to for purrhfr rr l rooter i decd canse}ing the Pmpett,r
<br />irl!= Tire t9rrcitatr is the 1'so4rx's deed shalt be prima facie raidenrr arf the truth at ttte st:ttrments atadr therein. 'I ruslre
<br />sW app(( !ht prutvre4c of the rate La the fo•Utt~i~ <xr#er: tai to :vii reaaotwhk .r»fs anal rxprusrs arf thes:+le, includirtlk, but
<br />true lltttifrid tt~ Trtwrr's Iee- of ~ raver thao ~-, „ ti ~ 1 "r a# the {tram; ssle irri<'r. reasnnat2#r an+rmry'a fees and rr»ta ni
<br />tllltt erritkatt ilFi to aY stuea ttrcnttyi br teals Cared aai irui; and tr. t the rxrttis, i£ ans. to the prrxsn err persons tepalit entitird
<br />f11t1afi-
<br />14 Arrawa~`a R~t 1a RtiliaYWr• 'tia8'~.iF:S.tYr:aiitj.' f.9natr?'-a ~c4i'r ht:a~+, . t the `; a:v.. c,.S he ,,. s Drcct ,., _
<br />icrwrr .trail isaa,r t}M, ri'fi to nai~ oat; a~rx><rra:r,=ge ':aeg:ra ;•s Ie;~.}cz t, r+rtarua t!2. i)ar.i ~:t i .,t .i ra ai .;
<br />say-tsmt pi acct tat rtx esriier tar cease +; fa) t~_:r ;etih Say brta,;e t8te rail the t'.„y ~r- , ,.r3ua-.t t„ aha , ,-o ~~~a.r --.u.a,uc.i
<br />rs this TSreri a:=i gust vie #iit s^ain ,?f a 3w;7gnscut rufuraarrg tYi= Ciecat r+f i r oat .} zn: €3nt rwxer s .v ~ . ci. , .. t a ~., ,,•'
<br />S'zt tars ~dur u,-:Srr tRra i?»Q t n'1 3-; t.ct. List *r Wit.:.'+rs; ;+,.rCe~. x.:. +,.,s• r ts.,:;c at d.*u t.c :r t !,ea: .,.. .:~],•r a,,,:t~ , . - _+i :..
<br />tl+1 Ass; t.rwctr catr'cs alt btu-.hy: rrt act-r •at hc^t .,,ar.rant>. --r agrv`en;c•zts tart; c,x-c+ . ~t 7a a,.k - iYtr_. -i ..., ,
<br />F4t Basrr•,cer pays sit rca~~m.hie ra~,•3wa+ =-tr..rr z:< Fs I e,t, U.r ~ S- . _ u s,r>~.+~ '+a .. :.,, zr,.. .:.saa.r+.-: _ .
<br />I~tts.: ras'.•. va.^.t~thcl ~_, thrs #.,1e>Pti -. r,e.ct ant ., ts.Ea,. Rtr;_t #r'•«.Sc~x-. x+? ..~,ta.- :tt.cv . --- .-,€ ,r ~ ,.
<br />t+a€fe. #- less€+r.~sr~ #'uz ~rvrR saaaie#i to. rasa aazsats}~~ art:>a ncF +. ~ t, ... ~ -i; e~s ~sl.cs ..... .n. i ~ su - ,. .,
<br />?rq+. ac i. as+m.,. rss3t if=r .•rT: r.j t?t~.t ['.Y+s,Ki .v, fntep, t rv,ttx. = •,s~e .. - c F.: ,~~r,~. ,., 7t, ..-.. . „x„ -. ,.
<br />