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8C1-- +~ m <br />Untenaxa Covi:,dnrrrs. Barrnwar and Lender cavcnant and agree as tollaws~ <br />1. Pay'uent caf Pripeipal soil IMCrese. Bnrmwer shall promptly pay when due the nnnctpa! „f and uucres; on the <br />indebtedness evidenced 6y the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the 'tiatc, and the principal cf and interest <br />an an}- Future Advances secured try this Ueed r,f ?~rta <br />2. Funds far Tsxes sail Itasurance. Subject [o applicable taw or tc ;t writttn waver by Lender. Borrower shall pay <br />w 1_ender on the. dap monthty instaiimrnis of prrnc7pai and interest are }sayable under the Nrtc. until ti:e \a,te is paid in full. <br />a sum therein "Funds'k egos! to one-twelfth . f the ccaris raves led assessmens rvhech may ar•,ain prutrity over this <br />L?eed cf "Geese, and ground rents on the Prnpctzy, :f env, plus nee-twelfth of yearly premmm instalimcnis for hoard insurance. <br />plus iritz-tweitth of yearly premium installments far mortgage insurance, iz any, ul} as reasonably esumatcd inntally and from <br />time ut time by Lender nn the basis of assessments sled hills and reasnnahte estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shat) be held m an ms[itutinn [he depa.its or accounts :rf which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agencp (including Lender if Lender is such an insntunnni. t..entler shall apply the Funcis to pay said taxes. assessments. <br />insurance premiums and gtaund rentx. ..ender may not charge for sa haldtng and :replying the Funds, analyzing said account <br />or verif}dng and eampihng said assessments and 'tsiiks. lmicss irndcr pay's fk,rrc+u=er interest r,n thz Funds and apphcabie Saw <br />permits Lender io make sttch ^ chargt-~ Borra+w~er and fender may agt's'<~ rn writing at the trine of extcutton of [his <br />geed-of `Crust that interest nn the Funds .haft ire peed to Btxrowcr. and unless Such agrecmcnt ;s made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be paid. Lender shat) not tx reyutrcd by pay Bornywer an}~ rnteresr or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shalt give is Harrower, u•ithnut .barge. an :.nnuai :lccotlntln£ at the Fonda ahow7ng c:'edits amt dcirits [a: the Funds and the <br />pltt'pase. far which each debit to the Fantle was made. The Funds are pledged as additinrat security for the sums secured <br />by this Deed at Trttst. <br />If the amtwnt of the Fends held F,v [s.nder. ta~~nthcr wnh the tuturr motuhl; tarsi}meets ni Fund , ay; prier to <br />the dot dates of taxes. assessments, rnstlrancu premiums and gmvnd rents, .hail rxcerd the amotmt required to pay sa7d razes, <br />rsxessmcrts, insurance ptcariums and 3mtmd rents as they tat} due, ,u:'r, en.ess .hall be..u Rorma•er's option, either <br />prompriy repaid to Borrower or -reditcd to Borrewcr nn monthly rnstafltnems ai Funds. tf the amount of the Flmds <br />hdd by Lender shad nai tae suffi;.ient in pay =,axas. assessmems. insurance prcmntms and ground Lets as they fall due. <br />Borntwer sha13 pay ro Lender anY amount neccssan• !a make up the de6etzn;t• -..~~thm ~rl days trom the u'ate notice is mai}eel <br />by Lender to Borrower regti~sting payment ihctro£. _ <br />L,`pnn pai'menY in fnfi of aft spins teCnrfd hk' IFcIS fJted c?I 1 TuSi. LcndCr shall pTnntptiy' icinnd ii) BO[R?Wfr i1nF' FnndS <br />held he Lxttder. if under paragraph t$ hcreaf rice Drupe rte :c .aid ,,r the Psoperv 15 cthcrw7se aca,uirad by Lender. I-ender <br />shall apply. rte faLtr than immcdiaiety poor to =.he sale r+t 'ire Prnpenv nr its cquisinon t•y C.emier. say Fends held by <br />Lendu at the Litrn of application as a credit against the alms ;ecurd bP th;s Lamed of i'risst- <br />3. Application of pavmeani. tinfecs apptrcahM 'a;* pr~ivrdcs „thrn.ise, alt payments reccisrai hr i.endcr under !fie. <br />Note amt paragrap4s ;anti '_ hereof sflaii !,c ap~ited Fry 1 ender first ;n pa}-ment .u amounts payable t., 1 ender by Rnr-.ower <br />settler patagralst .: hcr~s`sf, ttw-n , ~ =al=~,~~= pa,au.~ •.•, ,;;= `:..-. ti -..... `h" -"'='}'-=t ;:r ,h~":~ir- .led then t,, interest and <br />pnncigaf an any Future Advances. v . <br />>w- (:harLes; Dens. Borrower `hail pay ail ±ayes ssesments and ether citarces, fines ~1n.1 ~mpnuaan.ti atalitutahte to <br />the Ptnperty which may attain a pnattiy over rhea L?t.•ed .+f Trtut. and }easehaid payments or ground rents. i( any, in rite <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, it eat paid +n >ucta ntamter. by Hrrrawatr making payment, when due, alirec[ty <br />to the payee ihermf. Borrower shall promptly turmsh to i.endcr .all nta:acel of amoctnts due under this }aaragraph, and in the <br />eyena_ Borrower shaft make payment ditzztt}'. Cktrraw2r hsCi t.ramptly f:lrn:sh io Lender recc7pts endrrcitsg such payments. <br />Htsrroscer ~hhail pr~Pt}y discharge tatty lta:n wtturh Mss prlanty ,,.er i}ns iced or -lYust; ptay,dcu. that Bormact .hail not he <br />required to ,inehargc any such teen sn long as Harrower .htfi :,~tre til :t-rains to the pay-incnt t,f the crhi~gataon secured br <br />~i~ti Cicn aA a rmnmr aeaxptahle ze ~ ~nelCL ~ Shall In gSatt faith _on[cst s:ach iron hk• 1`r sltlenei cniarccn*et# .xi scab }=vn ;n. <br />regal ngs w}ticla operate to r:rvent the rntoreetrtkm :t the ', 7cn or forfrittsrr .,t ti;e Property or any }:art ;fmreot. <br />Ham fr+tn~[e. Harrower shah ka'Ep .hc. ;mpravettxnts sac.. csrsfarta ,u hetea?ter ere.tcd .>n the PropCtt~~ ensured <br />against k_>,ss by fire, hazards included wtahm-tlre term ".^-,cteYSaie ~ -us crags -rzd ,+ .~ ,,riser i+aLard. 1, t ndcr may reguur <br />seal to stta.'tt amours seed far a'tsch periods ~ ?.cnoer easy :rqu.. C. Lrvvrded..n;,t i.end r .hall aa,t segi~rr teat s:^.c amount r,i <br />stick-coverage exceed that attiauni let cvs°etagc ~ryu~_t-d ,e. 1 ar t;:k ,.lint x~c:red by ih,> t)ees3 of l rv,.t <br />The insurance ~rrtez prodding rho in_,ar-rrnce iaali t>C .hosen t±p Borrower sub}ect u, .,?>rn~,.rt t,y i antler. pnry+dect. <br />drat such approval shall rust tae unreauanabfy ~.lthh.°id. Al's pTemturns on -rlsurance poi;car, •.itail ^e: peed nt the mancer <br />ptcn'it~d under pu'aQaph 2 hereof cr.-, :f eat peed =n stlv3 manner, h,; Borrower rrak:ng payment, •a-hen r1uc. ,ftrecdy to the <br />imuranc~ earria. <br />Ali stiurartee ptaficits seed rxaew~ais ifxt'c,.rt shah i±c ut term ' ~ _prabtc t ~ ;-cn ter ;and .itslE u~~'udc a standard mortgage <br />clauss in ;aver as# and to form atceptabte to S_-rriex !_ender tt..ii nee rh . ns;ht ~ hoC:f the p< hctee: and renaw;3C> ±hereot <br />and Harrower shall promptly furnish to i_cndri aCi retxw-ai rYt~.rv ar,+i .:;i rc.esCtn l,t cas.1 prem7um,. in the ::vine of loss. <br />HCinYeyveY strati gene prompt taattt'e to ihr ursuran:'e .arzeet wed ? zndct. Leerier m.ty mai.e prcx,t or leis, :; .^.oe rr.:ide promptly. <br />by Hotrow3er. <br />Uniats I~rttlL"T and ,ai',ICYw;SC ak+rcr lr. >s rte nYg, =rax,tanca [=rescaxts :iii hr appetui t„ r.v,=i atx n c,r repair o. <br />aht Proptny damaged, pra.'tted -:u }: rntoxaftirie t e rx ,+ - - l+ t. a. tale 33 the ua -l[y - 'i,.s L)er.i „t -t else ., <br />teat thcrrkav img3tred, li stn... tr:ri7t-.3tts3n =>r reHelr .s + ., if .ally ,cra+~ie '.s i the yccuru. ,„ th., t)ee,i n} i rlrst uouid <br />be tmpatred, the _murance prccet;lg stixil t~ app+7eu a, ,fix * tn: Ccurret by nt` t:'c<d l~rus kttia the yc +1 at3L. },alai <br />2C1 ~trawgr, if riot Proptet}' is atasndoesei by l3urtouc3, ,.r .t tli,rtn:aa:r la +- t • [espa.nd to f a7.cis;r xtttt er Ct .tat, tram the <br />-,dam te'a ~ gs,i kry 7_vrtai;r.[ to & that t?zt =usurnnca ratser ~`Sfet< cr.: trti}e a ciasnt tar ~asu; aet`= ne7tcfih. Lender <br />is astthortteci tcv s:a•d2tci seed apply tree ensutatxt t.etie.eeds at Ltnaiet~> a,ptao.a _ '.her w =eetaratrott a,r ,n t.~e }'ropes} <br />or to the cunt; etecurcd by Yh:s Deed of Tt~3si. , <br />Litilaat Lender and Hatrc,rer otPtcr»s~e agree sn ,s re;=.nCt, any ~in'S .lprsiacaua,7t ~,t i>il><ceds tc, prircl f,:ri -t:al1 nut eytenn <br />ter pnstpune iht due date of the rnonihiy ensaa;lmtnta retcLrrlt > rr para$iupit> s d ' !tcrutf r chatage the anwunt of <br />sac.Et Ff+siaiEmrrus. tf tatxier paragra}~ h ~t~:nt t;,e P*ealuats -_e n.yuirc~ y 1 i -_eht ate aril rrarrest at Ba r, <br />in asxi-tea aRY i>ssutst>,'~ psi =act an sad rata the prixeesis heteot re>ulc,ng traza ~ al rage icr she Prnpen~ p: mz i r ttxe. sate <br />ar aa~t}uisitian shall peen ru h.etxdtt tit teat c~ient c+i tfu: suiu> secured by '.fus C)eed 1 ruvt =mettdlatel pnot to such sale r,. <br />acyuisitiatt. <br />~, py~•~aslt,a read ~laiteature cif Pwpert~; LersehuidaL t:'npiutmiwi+twes: I'Itmtxd L.:ait LlexelaptuetWa. Bcxllaur:r <br />titarti~~k,3„.'2Y?}} `_ttC Prl,'r}"K't21-'i~33 j`, Y 7 'C't't-i3x Sit -ft3tii R I - t1'r•r S iY ." 'i'- .F lit -. ~ 34 ;37 [1 "-t tYIC fi S<SpCrit <br />.1~~,~a.~y~aaa k'Cllrl•j3ty' w'tr~~}4.,ckh any i5ti71ffi +)t dti} fL°a'A g lilil t~C{'lt a-3 1 ,11-.i to _t .~gM1~;d ~t i t7Yt ~'YL ;`t ~ 1 i .' a' Il J IfTlll .n it <br />CStNtYitfitrrn ar 2 pLamxecr [tint tf.^s C'iC-rr'yttlrL`,n't. H&rfCM`irr SsT3 i pa:I'.3aPn1 ,i.t .{t t3Q r YA CFS , !_-i ~,i2h. n4 11 .t3id ShC +SLlt lie. ttii33 <br />tx ¢cvenanrs creaittig or gaverni g tits .i~ttdatnan.aum ~r piaaes:>d ;ita~. dtytlopmt-it. the i,y law and :t-gutt7t;.ln, .,t the <br />rvg3amiuasrp or }r3antstd arse a'h:a~lnptnerr3.and cans[+*.,>er,t dxussn'rcnt a,_axtamtnsua _ t Dana+cd pelt de ~ } pm2m <br />ridrt ~ esr.~-utad :+g $Svrerw-.,r a.ac1 :~,i+tdzf together rah ahr 7ecc1 vt -n>±st~ the - »~ `nano [}o rgrie trcnt a`t u' h ~;tter <br />slsalf be ina'trparatetf lets aril strait general aril stxppierntnt the c ++rnarlt 1tit. agieu nts <+f this i)Ced ca, 1', us, as :i the rider <br />were a part herea#. <br />7. Trtlaetisss of l.a",siv'.s !• if StatT Sirs ii Cxlfcum t~ - i~ rat :a an..1 xgte~mentt to as esJ - .hr, <br />Dtxti of Trust, o[ if ao} action or pt^;~aaeF:itg l c.j'-atnencuf xh7t}; r.a:ltcsia+lv ?rt.ts t..^n er4 r,:icreai 71r hr 3' cpr•rtc. <br />irzZfj, !aiki nai 7itni;,e+d Le, c`fn.+tbCrai dont'4iu. ,it~rr~}, '- c~n lft.: .ears. t. ,13 rauta},~naelts ~r -~scne i,nti. , i » - nk .. <br />tti9lGrts}tt ar ~, ttttn I+C£idet at +i~ i nom. iri, ur :a rn.:tce Ca IWrI >+s<.,, rttaa .=arc su i+ -at. }tea 3 a,,, .i:>~ -3 v. ,u:'~ <br />sutra arn7 tr<ke stre~#t actusti as as xsecessaty xa esoittY 3.,i<raders interest ,~xiudm~ ',ut nuf ttirrii=d t' .iisbur m ut <br />=C;'~*3t=~C` !~}S ~` ta31?~4 Dart e~lt~ ~1`c3?1CYr1~ Su fterYk-C ;ePUSr~ 3~! f.~'II+~€ i'c:,}eat Gil ttr'x[t }{7},t neurart,tl ..- ,: <br />EsxNditi;~ oI lug nc~ }cwn se~rred f;y fha5 1?teci ad T'n>sE. Hc~rourr khan ]xay ,hr , ren,au.nts reytruc<i a- s5rr,taar <br />eat+ce set ~tBeocr ~Lil SUCh.~ine. as t'ne r~uirenuru for set..'h trxs+t[.utu .tea rouaat,Ca ;n a <.~rdxncw v«;th 4trrrra -. rS <br />l.~nder`s tirit#xxt aercesttwr ar a~;.a bLe lase. lJx±tr'uwer strati i,as lies :mour;t t•i , t •twrt;u e sy l~at' e p ervu , <br />rttat:tatr presvsded lender pat~t~ta~hsrecsf. <br />tne+ttrruwttts disblerit$ 2y` 1~rrid~Ci pat3uatst ar [fns ;tatagtspli w+alr nittcae 7tiet~ r, d.rl i lxttc ra.ire ~3, <br />iptyC of HCnr+ts+Fact stcttrad try thix !White: ae# Trux%, L'nl~i Bexrayas>4r .rrd lxnder agrer~ c iftct •etr , f pa}-nt + a udh <br />axniiesni.'e =iba'.3 ht pns-tt.L:ic a,~tan t+vti:.e.itxz .z L.t:'at+~et tee 1Ytarxa:w r reyt+=<st nt; tr;trt» errs: e~ri, 7 c sr+- -.'r t s,ic: t•,t it ,the <br />daa+e c+f 6intauMemert at ahrc ire. ,psysbit frean limn to tutee 1,t3 citrdSGzl~iin~ ¢ ins 31="ai virrcarz the ~~e .=,v s },aytn~-nr i (u y.~a <br />al 'nub Ystt winild ire cae!raras:- t:a app~34a-ble iaa. .t M:n:c.s` ~v-etat ~~ ~ ~tra-:sat i:y. ~ r •arr,• ~ •. ire h },F t • ate <br />I ~' xx_ 'acrthtr+g wxx+ratnt~t tt, tree {~ra.gra~ ,, rcyt--tc t,e+7a2r5t ...recur nn} cvpcnse err lake <br />anly'.a4~itiRt iittLiJtltltr. . <br />a. i~ICdiat, L.~xtder rr=ay ttigi:c -r ::'ii~r 1€ C*e ensile '~ea!.t ;sic tt e -f~> 3 : n r 1- 7 -7 - t .* d 71a:rt y 3 t <br />tt~t 1.eixlet shrill ~tive He?rruxeu iet'ir~e err-ys tv :.nt +at•:h i:aa~.t•a r, s.;ry.- ,ea.. rwt,iz ,. ate,s. rns.tazar ,i,a.a`il :. E ~.i ss; ~' <br />rrdtrrsi in #hsr ;?'e:tp~iY. <br />