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<br />S. Tf he fails to pa3- any sum or keep any covenant prodded for in this mortgage, the ;ylortgagee, st <br />its option, may pay nr perform the same, and all expenditures so made stsa11 be added to the principal sum <br />ow;rtg on t}te above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest unfit p.tid at the rate provided <br />for in the grincipalindebteclness. <br />2. upon request of t;ne Diortgagee, I4fortgagor shall execute and deiiver a supplemental note or notes <br />for the ,sum. oe stuns advanced by ~iortg-agee for the alteration, modernization, or improvement made at <br />the 3iot•tgagor's request; ar fur maintenance +>£ said premises, or foe taxes or assessments against the <br />same, and for- anY other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note or Hates steal} be secured <br />hereby on a parity kith and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the note first <br />deseribeci a'aove. S:tid supplemental cote or notes shalt bear interest at the rate prodded .for in the prin- <br />czpal indebt~~ciHess and shall be payah}e in uggraximateiy egos! monthly pztyments for such period a9 may <br />tee agreed upon by the llortgag«~ and 3fartgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the whole of the sum <br />or sums so advanced sltait i~~ ,iue and payabtu thirty {30j days after demari! by the ~4fortgagee. to no <br />event shat! the maturity €:xteac} beyond the ultimate maturity of the not.; first described above. <br />8. He hereby assigns, transfers and sew ever to the liartgagee, to be applied toward th~a payment of <br />the, note and all ssutts sc•currd 'Hereby in ease of a default in the performance of anc of the term ..nd condi- <br />` tfions of this mortgage ar the said ttote, all the rents, revenues and income to be clerivesl £rom the mort- <br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indzhteciness shaI! remair, unpaid; a.nd Lha Diortgagee <br />shat} have power to appoint and- agent ar agents it may desire tar the purpose a£ renting the satne and eol- <br />Iecting the rezt~, trrenues and inc'iame, and it ma.y pay out of said incomes a!1 rzeccssary commissions and <br />expenses inenrred in renting and managing the same and of cal!•~cting rE>rtals tltc:refrom; the balance <br />rentaiaing, if any. to F`~ applied toward the discharge of said moz-tga~re indebtecinesa <br />9. He ;viA cuzttintsousl maitatain harard insurance, of such type or L~< pes and amounts as liot-tgagee <br />mar from time to rim+~ : f~~~::ire. on the. improvements now or hi°reafter an ,aid pretntses and ~=scept when <br />payment fc:r all such prtn'i;uzns has the.mtetora inn made t:n.ier iui cif paragraph's hereof, will pay <br />gromptle c+hen dnr:tnk~ premiums therefor. {'pan default t}aereof. :•t{>rti*agre .Hat- par the same. All <br />ittesuranct: steal! be rarrie_,i in rcuztpanics approver{ hY the ~tartgagce and the pr>licies :and rf:ne++~als thereof <br />shit}} be^ heid by the Y#ifrtgagee and have attachi~i thes'eto loss payable ciatt;e=s =.n favnr of and in form <br />aueptabie to else 3tertgagt~. in event of lass 3tcertgak~r will give imn;ediat~ s;oticc by matt tct the Mort- <br />gagee, wlto may mai;e }Sr+x,€ a€ toss if a=st mado pnsmp±i} t>.• ~iartg-agor, zrn+# ~aeh insttranc€ cotnpany con- <br />cerned is ttereiax- authort2c•ci anc} .iir,•etc~si to mairt~ px~-*nent for such lass aiir+~+•tl; to the turtRaget~ iststead <br />:,f to the 3#vt~g-agar _tzkc? the ~Is;rtgagea jointls°, ar:<! the it:suritzce {>rt~-t~~ds. c=r .tnv_ {~zzrt thereof, <br />may be:~p{~a:e=d i~F- L`z~ ~iflrtg-a},a~ at tic op;.i:~n rithe€ Lt: Fite reductizrn of iPae ssarl<=htevires.. h+trebY ae~-nrs'd <br />or io the resttsratiott yr t rigger o£ the presgsrtg damaged. in event of forcwlosszrc~ ,sf tit is mortgage. or other <br />iris.^=sfer c,f ', ,° *._> t3:=_> .<.<.s-f}~,xgc^ci pr;5p..a't5' in t:xti:~g-,t;si;ineat €,f the :r;:ie'tzt;~rinc_.s .YCUrr:t i.erehy, all <br />right, titre anrl; inierest'o ti;t ltvrtgagc~r in anti to ens insstr.tnt~e p„lirs,~; ;h< t: !e: i'.=ice shsti pass to the <br />putrhas+er+3r grantee- <br />lit. ~+ addii~:aai <tnz; ~ =llatcral ac-c:trit ;s;r ehtr l,zttment ui ate ,x,te iii--; s ;,a z3. :.a=3 s!i gums to tsceonte <br />du: under this rrtt;rtgxag:>, t'ak 3tortgagoz• nervdtt~ as.Yttras to the llartga~~e• all ?,.,zss:• kxtnuse~s, profits, reve- <br />nues, rr#y'aits•~, t:ghtY, zees:. e?thrr besse#its aecr}sing t+t tize \toriga;<re!r uncles :tzt;• anc3 ail asii and gas teases <br />now, or duavnr~ ttse itit> ,_£ ':s mortgage, ti=xecutc d on said }sztrnli_~sFS. ~°ith tit.- rs~ht to t~•,~•eiv°~ and ;-~eipt <br />far ;hr same and apf ? ti+ect tr, sasd tn,i~ittr.itt~s as ~°ei} i.u~fc,re ~ a£ttr =~+.t itsa iH th,~ c~ndikions u€ tfiis <br />titctttgsge, :end the tle=,tgrRr4> mar <ie=roan:~, su~• fear ::r::i recuk='r a?t=• sactz }?a^•mes;ts ,•;.l,en .iue and pay- <br />abir, brat s;tali n,~ ~= s~i~}gas:-~.i u, *a ~dia- 1'Izs a~;igttat+Tritt,:.,: termznate a*si i~c~rzsme t~uil .rnti void upon <br />rel~a_~e of this zzttrrigztge- <br />##- ##o sha'i sae>t csenutsit cat- f~rrtat c4asia~ _ azi±; .halt tiu~intair the pr~tp.-r-a• :n :zs trx?d ac>ndition ;rs at <br />prc-sent, re~twr=atzt• Near a*s:: ?zar s=xeYpt~ci. L'p=?n any astur~ za scr ma=ntan. ',turtgagee, at it3 option. <br />teas cause rwx.~>tt3t,e :tu,i:tt=w;zan,~ ~~or~ to b~ p~rforrred at the s.-~~t of !t*,rtrtag~tr. .~n~• attzounts paid <br />thK re€c;r by tiuxtgaek~ :ihaU tsar inte€caf at the rate pravtdcxi for in the arst:r,ltttt istdetatt~riness, shad <br />th~reupsan bexarHe a part of She inzl~tstedness se^uut-eed br thi3 isxstrument, rata`vt> a?ui ,gin a parity u•it.h all <br />otlt~ isnh;#att*dzsc:+~s .t«ieured h,~TMe=}zs. and;~taii be Izati~afUe t±t:r*,y° [ 34s] days a.fti~r ,3tmazar3, <br />t`~ tf ~e prett3?,-et?. c=r :-ttxy cart ihin=vf, be .vndemar~i under the l3u>;..=r ui ~~min~nt deamain. or <br />ax:yctized for a ptata;i~; tt~, he ;Ix:nag~ axarded, ti;r grace+~ls f,kr the taesit?g :s£, i~r rte:~:~onsi:?iraticaa far <br />sues{ ai'<IUt3it=use, tez tlt;; rat=.e=t ref tl3e fuli az:zctctttt ,~>` :hr r..`;zaintrg ut:yu:; t rx+-i;'.~ t .==ws x~:.u;~~c{ t}y thus <br />rte~rt-g~sg~', ter hrr~y av~sigtae t n t=sY '_4tortg:~g~, •~ra shad %w , a:•d fc,rcn ..... - .i ~I~>rlga~e, to `tie <br />applixu' cttt :-scca~tst u3 il~r test s;t.}tu. ~ctg :z->aIS`mctnts of saeh =niEebte.ine::~-- <br />iu_ tf Y{te ~taatgz}~,~ £aiis ~ rrsaae at:.+' ~,ynsrnts -urs+?n un~. >tr to ciYn3'„az;t t~ antes c+~Htply vrttlz anY <br />of the .•ctn,ditxast:,+ s,r agre+~t;z£tats c-€ttt~ins~al to :his °nc~rtgage, c+r rite nvil- :~ r:es, it :serum,-s, t}zett the <br />~r~uiz'i'~e pr{r:y~t} art «,. 3r1 ires-t°u_-u :ttt.r=~t ~;asa ss .,rs.~ N:,.°+,a-,e .:tom and 4>-,e,var~iir', :€t tics eiects,n of the <br />',~+1,rtg~: and tats m+:,;~tgagu *zvan° thet~ttpc+n >s, f?,rr4:i+3s~9 :noire:-,iiatrri fur titcs ~hc,l~* „r the indebter~- <br />haxeks} s~,:-ur= ~.~ittdiztt~ tle- ~rFt „i rs'cn,3>rcg itt~ skt4traz~ :=f titFe i:c;m rise ci;atx~ zrY tktis mctrt- <br />gag~ tc+t tints Sri comsrs-ncang stcrh aster, tr reas+rnai}lo attt:rzz~5~'s r.~r. geed gear -u;~ts ,>,ra:<a b4 tlta \'t~tr?rans <br />~3±ui?xistion +.*tt au°a>itzt ~~I Lh~ g',mrarty ar sr>~tirart,r>~a3 L3t~ i•s4i.rl? ~'3r ~,<u,rr.ti rs.=r.~t,;~. alt o€ which <br />stwU rte tntfucle~d ;rt ens cs,~nta~ zit ffireclwsxtrr. <br />l~. If t3~ tt'id~elt set°ut~td harw$ty tae gtgsttasal.~-st - , .rs.zre~ci uttsi~r 7'i#tc• :?K, l'+.sit~d .`;tatx~ t`fxi+*, <br />h ~ a3td l:rrtuuiaticrtta i^atu~3 dhXtra+l+rr ans3 tn>.~rt'~•c t Fin tia~• ~iat~ hz*r~ of shah ~-e>, f*tnt tixc-rights{, dunes <br />egad. tur+aalit±t•v •,' tree parties , and wary" ttxa,s' irarss ~>f this 3sr =?tlza=r anstrttmrtsts +4x+w-utexl itt c~tHnt•+:tion <br />r#; its},'-eKr s~ltielt ~e ins~erraictani. pith €aid `t5tle "r Fie~*ulatt+>ns ,,rr l:era~ttY :rnt:~ndeti to <br />c#rstfs~ttt't Ytt~re¢sa. <br />;!'ittt:astts heretic cxttt3t.n~.i snail itsts:i, geed tltsK t*eHeta~ a.~d advantc^~ shall fmtr" to. ttz+* <br />