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80-.. il~u~4~ <br />To IIAYE axa To Hot.a the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided. Mortgagor represents to, <br />and covenants with, the Martgagee, that the i4lortgagor bars goad right to sell and convey saki premises; <br />that they are free from encumbrance, except as hereinathersvise recited; that the Mortgagor will warrant <br />and defend the same against the lascful elairns of all personas svhom.4oever. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes <br />all rfghts of homestead, a}] marittrl righL~, either in lain or in equity, and ai{ other contingent interests of <br />t=ie Mortgagor in and to the above-descriix~c} premises. <br />PRQetaEld e'tL~ nts, and these presents are exeeut.~tl and delivered upon the following conditions, to <br />wit: <br />Mortgag•nr agrees tts #>ay to the Mortgagee, or order, the aforesaid principak sum with interest from date <br />at t}te rate of 't'hirteen per eentunt (13. ~%.) gee annum on the unpaid ba}ance unfit paid. <br />The said principal and interest sha€1 be pavab}e at the office rsf Mortgage Plus Incorporated <br />~ Englewood, Colorapa , or at such other glace as the holder of the note may des}gnat.: in <br />writing deliverer} or mailExsi to the Bior#stagrsr, in manth}v instalinrants of °aur xtmdred xinety Sight and 15, <br />Ijoll~ ~$ 498.15 ), commencing on the first clay of July , 19 80 ,and continuing on <br />the first day of each month therearfter until said note is fully nail, except that, if not sooner paid, the final <br />paymertt of prirupat anel inLerast shall be due lac-abie on the tint clay of June , 201() ;all <br />according to tha terms of a certain, promisor-}- n~ste of even date herewith executed by the said biortgagar. <br />The Mortgagor fua~tlser agrr=es: <br />I. He will pay the: irulebtedrtess, as here inlsefore provide=r. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any <br />time. svithon# premium or fecr. the t•ntire indebteclcsess .;e an part thereof not teas than the amount of one <br />installment, or one hundred da}lars (S3rJQ-Qt]}, whichever is 3ess. Prepayment in full shall be crec}ited on <br />ttse date received. Paxtial prepayment, other than on an installment due date, need not be credited until <br />tlse neat. following installment due date ar thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is eazlier. <br />~. Trsgether :vitas:, and :n additinn to, rite manthly payments of principal and interest payable under <br />the tertns of the note secured hereby, Mortgagar rs itl lsay to liortgagc~, au Lnrstee, !under the terms of this <br />trust as here}nafter stated? on the ftrst day of each month until said note is fully paid : <br />{rr} A sum rxlua} tr, Lttc ground renLe. if actn~, ne~x! =I:ae, plus fire gremiums that a•ili nest become due <br />and ~a~;b}e }r~ticies of lire and xsthra- haurrd irsuranee covering the mortgaged property, <br />plus ta.Xec and N.<saYssm<;.rtts next dear +,n ; ls<• :-rsrtgageri gYtpert_v {all as estimated by the Mort- <br />gagee, anr} ,>f trhici2 t:ha- ?Nartga(,~r ::= ieYS all sums :already paid therefor divided by <br />t}te ttut^.i+r•r of months trs c•iarp~ kx~i<,rr rs~rr uttisnth pri,?r to the ~}ale when such ground rents, <br />premiums, tasks and snare xt+~rrLS ss~ril 1x~c,-mc ,fr=earl±,rsent, such sums tts be held by Mortgagee <br />isS trust to pa,y said g-rt,arcd r=ants, tsrr,n.a,ert. taws an=1 special ~xsessments. <br />(b} The agg'retr e.f t}:c^ a.:;<>ua;ts ;n-ti;aixlr lnrrsuant is subpxirsgragh i~t-3 and these payab}P on the <br />note star:ura-rd kr,~a;r=sS'. Tlts31 }v lute;: m ca :~ing'z naytn•nt ~•a:kt month, to be applied to the follow- <br />ing itsdss ins the ~,rder stated <br />iIJ grvurrd rents, taxc";, sP:3c--;SSments x{re arui e>=heir hazard :usurance premiums; <br />ttt} interesio:t t}srt :rote sc~:urc•i} her~-br ;and <br />dtltl 3 ntt,rt"czatinn .~f t}te ta-iucipal of uaiil nut«=- <br />Ans- tie#:~i xnc~ ins the a.^ai,t:et ;,€ arc} such :rg~-~•k~ate tns:ct}rly #xt} meat steal}. unless made good <br />by the :ticstalagvr l~•ior to t>at burs ante =.f #t;e ?text sue s gayment, constitute x event of defauli <br />under ;}ti; rei.~rtgay;e. <\t 1i4ttl,*agr~` a}stian, ~is>rtKaitur sill }say a "late charge'. aot eaceed- <br />ing four l"°`;- x e-r'stum t ~l`.='-) csf Nns= icr~.x;il meat 4ri;>_=tr ;,aid mote t}tan fsfteen (15} days after the <br />due date thrrc+rsf Yet rt,xer the extra exp~trse iars.~lced in handlingrielinque:nt payments, btrt such <br />""late eitar•' sha}} n+as tx p~:;,~„ably ~;,., ;_= uts~ ;:a.;~~:}_ ::i y :tali made t<s satisfy the indeb*_t+d- <br />rress sncnred hereby, unless surer grnrt~~ls acre suiticit~nt t,,s disr:harge flee r>.ntirn indebtedness and <br />1-}! gr+uper rests azsd ezp.:nses sc~curc~d t}tereby. <br />S. If the total of the pa~•rnents made by the Mortgagor umter (rsJ of garagraph 2 preceding shalt <br />ezaeed the amount srf payments sueitrxllp made by the ~Inrtgasgee. as trust, for ground rentrg, fazes and <br />aasesataenia or inauzartrc premiums, as the s`>ue may 1'is, such excess shall be err ditx r} by the Mortgagee <br />on st+heseaissestt pa;aseata to be made bg the Mortgagor for sne,h items or, at Mortgagee's option. as trustee, <br />shall }re refutsded to ?gartgsQor. If, lxuwevet•< anch mrxttlt}.~ pay°menfis shall nut 1>ti sufficient to pay such <br />itenes wrhea t}te same shall becsssrxr due anti payable, thsrn the 5iurtgagor shall pay ter the lioc-tgaagee, as <br />trststee, any atnoant ttiaeessary to tinalse up the defceiency within thirty t3c3) days after svrittt°sr notit:e frrxn <br />the ]lor##agee sixting the amsount of else detlcieuey, wtricl: > ance flay be given by alai}, If at any time <br />~ ltortg#rgor shall lender }o the :tlartgagee, in accarr}ancr. sith the pros°rsions of the Hate secured <br />}, fuIl ga}aneat of the entirn indebtedness represented thereby. tike Mortgagee, as tntstxr<, steal}, <br />in ctnnputitsg flee asmwnt +3€ aunt indehtc~.#nesa, rn-,}ii to tl'ie ac~unt of the Mortgagor xny credit balance <br />accssmulsta~si under the proviaiorta of {a) of paragraph '2 hetxof. If there shall be a default under any <br />of the prgviaivna of this ~ resuliing in a public sale of the premises cocererl hereby, ar if the <br />;t[m"te acquirta ilre praperCy otherwise after default, the ~iartgagr~e, as trusi.~t, shall app}y, at the <br />time rf atwn~s!m~rtt of soh proceHilinga, ar at the lime the pn>perty is otherwise ati~yuirnd, the <br />aAR4unt then ren+*ining to credit the Mortgagor under (:n) r=f paragraph 2 peeceding, as a cresiit on the <br />itster~t sc`cr»ed stare unpaid and else balance to the principal than remaining unpaid on said note, <br />4. T~ lieu +~€ #}tiis itastrutrrcnt slraell amain in full force and .:ffrrrt during arap• }xrstponement or exten- <br />aian exi'ttre titter of paynar nt raf t}trz indc~lsterlttess ar any part thet•e~rtf sar:urr~3 hrrrrby- <br />~. Ile svii3 prrY al} grrsurid rents. taxes, a3sesssnerstrt, wfitk=r r'ate,, ar=d other grs°rrnmr=nta9 or tetunici- <br />pal Ali rrgxv-. fines, err impdtrsi#io€ars, levies? upssrt said pr~trrisea and that hP wild pay all tzt-sex levis~d uprm thins <br />9F<"', Ur else=erbt sat~r:urr~i};knra4~y, txrg€:thrr w ittt alt} otter-.r taiaGs rsr atatsesstnetrts which may iw levied <br />nr?r}rz tl,r #aw'i~.I~l$Isrua;isagaattasttise'~iortgag~.s,r thse tea} `•;iai..icr+st said c'-ras3rrparl naste~. on a:cri.wnt of <br />Llzia ircdviltevtfai, Nareept s~ht=n l~ymeatt frr rill such ;tetra bore tha+rettsft?re lu'•r•rr ma<}r* uusler io} ref para- <br />graplr ':. #rrrt~+f. ~-rd hr wall f>rarmpt,}}• r}~}iv.~r the: ~>€}lerrri _,., „rl~'s r),.,rc.f«r to ih:= ;,ic>rt,gagt~ra. In d„fault <br />tr~sf t1t+i* AAortgxgw~ Hasa paS~ Utt tsxatar. <br />