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~so_ ~~ <br />Lettrkr'r written a;rcrrnenl or applicuittc Inw. Ilorrawer shell pay thz am„unr of all mnnttngc insurmtre prcmiuns in the <br />manner provided under psragraph 2 htreof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest tbere:+n, sha0 become additional <br />inrkbtcdness of Borrower seturcd hq this Mnrteage, Unless Aorrowzr marl i.ender agr~c to other terms of payment, cuch <br />nmonnts shah be payable ^pnn notice Rr,m l ender to Aarrowcr r^qucuing raymc=u thzrcnf. and shat} 6carrntcrest from the <br />dale of dishurxmcnt at the rate ptyntslc imm time to tlmc nn ornszanding principal ,order the Note unless payment of <br />intereat at such rate would be rnntrary t+t applicable lain. in which rvcnt such am,,nnts shall t?rar inicrest rat the highest rate <br />perntissihle under applicable law. Nothing contained to this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense nr take <br />any action hereutder. <br />3. (espect{oa. Lender may make or cause to i:e made rtnsnnahle entries ripen and inspections of the Prnpe rly, prnvidtd <br />that Lender shalt give Borrower entice prior to :eny such insprcttnn spccift~ing re•nnanable cansr therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. Cosdemttatlon, The proceeds of any award or claim inr damages, direr[ nr cnnsequcntiat, in connection with : ray <br />condemnation ar other inking of the Property, nr part rhercnf, nr for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. arc hereby assigned <br />and shaft bt paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the prcxctds shall he applied to the sums secured by this ~lortgaGC. <br />with the caress, if any, paid en Borrnw: r in the r+•eet ~f a partial tai;rne of the property, unless Anrrowzr and I-ender <br />othcrsvist agree in writing, there shah he applied to the sums sccnred by this Morteage cuch propnrtin . ,,f the. proceeds <br />as~is equal fo that proportion which the amount of the sum. secured hr this ~lnrtgaFe immediately prior «, iht date nF <br />talon; bears to the fair market vahte of the I'rnperty :mmediatety prnr to the date ++j tad:ing, with the balance of the proceeds <br />pafd ro Brxrovrer. <br />(f the PropMy is abandoned by $orroucr, nr if. after notice by f end: r to t~nrrnwer that the condemnor often !n make <br />an award nr settle a claim for damages, Borrower faits to respraou to i.endcr ~+::bin 3Q days after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Linder is authoriud to c. ikct and ap,^.ly the prckerds. at i-ender's option. either to restoration nr repair of the <br />property rn to the Berets secured hs~ this Mnrteage. <br />Unless t_tnder and Borrower otherwise agree .n writing. any such applica;inn of proceeds to principal ';hall not esttnd <br />or postpone the due date of the rnrnrthl.~ metafimzn[s referred to in paraeraphc t and ' hereof nr change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />1!, Borrataer IVat Released Ectensinn r:f the time ter navmtrt „r modification of amnr±t7auun of the vtms secured <br />by this b(nngage granted by Ltndtr to any successor to interest of Aorrower sisal) nn! operate to refense, in any manner, <br />the liability of the on;final Harrower and Borntwte's successors in imerest. 1 ender sha?! not he required to commence <br />prxeedin;s against such 3uccessnr nr refuse to estcnd time for pavmrn+, or nthenvtst modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by this Mort;age by ttasnn ni .tor" demo.^..i :;tale b} the „ricrnat Aorr;:uer and A„rrmatr's successors in interest. <br />it. Ferbeaneee by Lender'tiat a Waiver. Ant fnnc~aran,r h~ t coder in c+ercis:rg anv right or remedy hereunder.. or <br />nthetwi a afforded by applieahlt law, shah not far :: waiver ;-.. „r preclude the esrrcisc r+i ana such right nr rerncdy. <br />Tht pracurcmrnt of insurance or the j+apmtnt r*f tone+:,r ether':cns =,r charges by 3 erdtr chaii not lac a waiver of i en<ier's <br />right to A-referate the maturity of rest mdehttdne=s stcsrr-d by the. Aiortgagt <br />Ait rtmedtrs ;?n' r3 •d :n ffis-- ~iarigage : re distmci anJ cumuiativt to am ether right or <br />•MtC{~~ttdlr this Morl;a;C Ar• ?rded ''c law .:r yr.t:y.:,mt mzy he tarrz,u-d i.,:,c r:rrrnti} mdependcnt#v nr snicccsiaetY <br />_~L..~e[traertE... Bound: tutee and Se+cral Frahi ih: Captions iTc : and agvremrnts hcrem <br />contained shall 1»nd, and the rights hereunder shah inrrrr to, ;hc resf+rct:+r .rice. s,+n and~asutns of !-trader and Borrower. <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph i7 htrcol. rail c.:venants and ,:erccmtnrs of Burr,+wcr s?,ali ht },rant a:td several. <br />77te captious atsd headitys et !ht paragraphs of this Mnrtyage arc inr st+nvcntrnce only" and att: nc+t t. . s used to <br />interpret or de5rte the provisions ttucnf. <br />11. Naha, Except for any entice rcquirrd under applitahie !raw- ;.+ he given ;n an+,thtr manner. tat any notice In <br />Hnrrnwer prnvidtd for in this Mnrtgapc shall a.c gtw:n by reading such notice h+ c:rtrfted otad ;:ddrtxsrd to Bar«,ucr rat <br />the Property Address tit at stx:lt =;?her :+ddrrs, as llerrnwtr may des:}*n ere tx- nr,aicc to tender as prsnideri herein. noel <br />jb) any aotixx to Lender shall he given 6y certified malt- rctrrm tretrpt rcyucstr+9 :n I en<iet's .addres. orated beerier .,r to <br />arch otisct address as t-tsttkr may eitsdgnasc h] nsstitt tc, Bitrroaer a ,^.rc:+:dc:4 totem rtes- r~?ice (+ruvtdeS form !hu' <br />',s(txtga;e shad be deemed tit #tavt been g.:cn t;? Bart»ur: ;?t t rode[ ~atrcn g,.en in tttr mxnntt :{tsrGr.attei #ettcin. <br />IS. Uwi(ora iMoei;r;e: Gavrruing Sevrnbiiity. T'hrs fo,'r=, :~r rnnrtevy,e .,,mbirers :mi#orm ,,,ven:,nts for uau=~na1 <br />we and ssaFUUifomt car+enants uirh iimi22;t v:*_;iat~'ns by iarr,s,ttir:e,n ., :.azvts,+'r a vntferm kcetriep in~inrrsrnt covcang <br />teal ~'npetty. This Morljage shai7 hr ga=creed fip ttsc law of the sutn.i:rts,n .rt w•hith the Proprrtc :: t„rated In the <br />etiYn( dhaI any pravisxsn ~ ciat.F:. f titi; ~tc*rigar :. tha 'yore coaxtl;.t. ++teh . pitcat±k tau, }„ch -_or.#ir.i s':.,il not a`ftct <br />other provisions isf :his Mardgagt or tits '~s~tc wh,sh :~ : bt gevtn tr~tct wuh„rr t?tt :onilitrra t,ro:..;.+:: sr;d t.: chi, <br />cud the pravisiuns of the Mrangagt a~ ihr 'v.+rt :are dntartti tsa ?,e =rser;ri?It- <br />14 ilwtewtr's Co+y. Borrower shai3 #ne furn.s#rtxf :: ~,*nf.,r:tacd ;c~pt ,,f t`:c tiotc .:nci a,f this '.torte.: ~r „t tl,r inr_• <br />of execution or after rrxordatiost hereof. <br />l7, firatda of the tenperty: Aasunsptian- it nat..=r ana; past of tier Prr,pcrtg' ur .rn rnterc,t thrret« is s..ld „r trars+,frared <br />by Boriourer without Leader's wriucn cnn,csrl, exctcsding aa: rite crc.ttinn <,t a ?ten or t°n>;umhran:e suhordrn.,ts• t,a <br />this Alixi;a;t,. {b} tt~ creation of a p+:ra!tast money secotit} rntcrast far #,.+„ss.#x+id appiranees. jcf a transfer k`p dt+rst. <br />descYnti or by aperauon a( taw upsus the dearth cif a ,slim ttrand or ' <br />- - Lrndtr msy- ar Lender'; option, dt:tare :iii the sums secured t?}~ this ~tartgaee r ~ t+t <br />itM4e+(3ately dUe AMf ~payabiE. Lentttr shalt ?ta.t w:,rcgi s:?ch option t+, accetrr,,re ::, prix; t:a ;ht ..,It o: transfer. i cndci <br />aairhe j1CrsOn to wheats else Prtyx:.} i, era hr x,Ytt€ or transferred reach a cccrnz,at ,n wrung teen; t#?e c.r.iat ._, c,ach ~r•<,r: <br />i# fa~aia€gStdy to l.;t#der a.nd that ti?t iatrra°*<r ; a}"ahft ru: tilt xtams secured by chi: hisrtgaj,~ shalt he at s:rah r:,rr a. t ender <br />strati rcr(trtai. If L.ettclet has waivSd ihr t3pti,us to acctltratt provsdtd ::? this ,r.,gr.aph .rut :t isurr.:wrr , ,u+c~_.sor ,,, <br />itttert"3t has cctcutrd a wrrdttu astSSmiNicrt, ai[rtcmtnr accepted in +ritrng by t ender. I ender xixal# ref?rase Borrower r rum ail <br />rions tinder this diOxt;a;t aad the '.Mott. <br />if t,er~u t:xercises such aptiasn to a:ct5eratt- i ender s}xafi mail linrrouer '< of accele; art,+n tr, :,::. rr6•znce w*ti, <br />tsaragt'7ipls i1 httirCO(. Such notice '.'tail provdt a ptrn?tI of izo; firs: than ip class fr:+m tier daze the n+>ticc ss tootled +n ssh:-^ <br />wltiCk-{3"I~Y ilK stuns,~pi.xrzil :#ax. [i &rrrtrucr €rtii ?c+ p.,5 'rr•', ,,:ru, ;,r:ur t., rht c+I>rrat:,--, ~-; ..r.i. , .:u,. <br />i..ende{ t^iy, wsehout fortirtr rwtrce or .tcsrtarsd :tit Bntraiastt. ,n+fei.t arg rtnxdm. pc-t m+t:tcf ht n3rsgt;rf?t, tic i?ereof. G <br />A(Q*t-i,Itat>cOaM Cbrexwzdts. BntrsavSt nsrit i..tts:.r'r fusatxs euvcnanr and agree as tottnws- <br />(1. Attatiwttliei: Remedies. Earrpi us proaided is pattrtRrapb t7 lrrraf, upon B~sron.rr's Meacb srf my tnvenant ur <br />~resttas'ai ~~ b: lids wtlurttEaRt, irscitrriin; rbt tavrroats la pas when doe an. +uuw arenred hr thin 1(orlttagr. <br />(.aYMt Mier M-~ sta4 twat rattler to itsrrorrea let pro.rdtd in puaxraph ti hereYS( aperif}isrR: {ti the hrr,u-h; <br />fI! the aelietu iMafllN N Sort stacb beeac(t: f3) a Ante. once lean -bau 34 days fruus for date the nutter is nraiird to i{nrrowtr, <br />~ _xrhiicl ittrelt brebtlr tit Jti-tweet:-nod ill Fbai fdyart to rate Barth breach ao tae befart the date sperlfitd iw the nusice <br />tttt~! rasttil iitfcctLpttrll_sls a(fist straw s~csrred by' this 1lwrteadf. (area k.+urt by jYniicial P+"rcrYiirsg and safe ref the Property. <br />- 1"1se ttelkt sb~ (tNHe1 in[trrtti of riK r;~bt 10 refnMatt e(iti acttkrarian amt tbC rrgbt to risen in the iarar~tsnure <br />PrsreaaiMia* e11rr natYelitiltaa a(e drfsrdf or awy other drltnse rd Mrcras+tr to sccrkratw.n and fortcfY}suit, if the bn'.tcb <br />is real rarrttd en tt1 rehw~s Ibe-alate yacMitd iw tbt nWirr, i,tnder at i.rtsder's opskrn ma; atrtlare ail r?i rht !xuass .reared b> <br />lblr litrrlp;,s N. tN imnriiatety dot and gaynitlr r.itbrwt further demand and nraY f+.rrrtsne by jsrdiriat Pra?crrdine• f crater <br />tdr~ll6t ew(blrs>i 1+s taMeci fir! taSb pearerstircg trY taprnsts of rnrrctrnarr. inadudhty. bus nor tintgrd ta, r; tats Y.f datuuwatasy <br />exiieate, Ysbstrnthnisi tkie reports, <br />f~. 1iN'rotYtlr! iO i(tirMiltn. 'to!'wstlTatantaasg t tmfe? , .,.. r.rrat «. va =~, 'o-:r +u s e sr<..n:d '`tr '. ru,. `vt.,+er' :zr:: <br />+r}C1i'rY11e'g-f ~h#II f11Y17 tfla r7~,i1t tFf ~tSV;. .YYSf 3'rEh~*.Y3Yf4ik~F ~+C-~i+€'t den P'tndfir 9~~ i=,, ~:>i-e afysM S#t,3fh.ryjE" ctP,~„14t:ni~<a5 .~' Jr,: ~r:z~a <br />