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3~`~.u. ~33"~ <br />UKtFatent CoveNStirs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />Y. Payment of P[incipal aed bnleeest. F3grrgwcr shall promptly pay ++fien due the principal of and antcrest ion the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Nq[e. prepayment and late .:harges as provided in the Nnre, and the principal of and interest <br />qn any Palace Advances secured by this \]ortgage. <br />1. Funds for'Cattei sad Iaanraace. Su6iec: to applicable taw qr tq a written waiver by Censer. Borrower shat} pay <br />to Lender qn theday-mgntttly instal{trtants of princtpat and interest are payatate unser ihz Note, until the Note i5 paid is fu~h <br />a snm (itercin "Funds"} equal to one-tweffah of the }early rases and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mgrigage. and ground rents on the Property, i f any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments fur hazard mst:rance, <br />pitisone-twelfth of yearly premium installments f€:r mortgage msurarzce. it any, atf as reasonably zstimated initiat{y and from <br />lime to titnt by Gender q6 the ita.sis of assessments and hills and reasonable zstimatr_s thereof. <br />Ths Funds she![ t±ahetd cn alt institution the deposits or accottnt> of which are insured or guaranteed by a Fedora! or <br />state agency tincttiding Sender of Lender is such an irts;ituzion }. tender shat! apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and grqurtd czars. Lender may not charge for so holsing and applying `he Funds, analyting said account, <br />or vetif;ing and compiling said assessments and bills. unless lender pays Borrower interest nn the Funds and applicable taw <br />permiar Lender t.a meta sttab s ctsarge. Borrower attd Ceaaier :,ar° s~aree .n wnung at ttte time of zxecution of this <br />]tgrtgage that interest ca the Funds shat tx Patti to Borrower, ans unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />rrgaires streh interest tax be paid, l..enscr ;hall nos t~ required ter pay Borrower am intetvst or entning5 an the Fonds. Ixnder <br />shalt give to Borrower, a°ithout charge, an annnat ;cecvt:ntiag of the F=unds showing rresits and dzbits tq the and the <br />purpcrsz for which ractt debit ice the Funds wa, `?lade. -lhe f=ords are pledged as addt[ionat security for '.ht ,ums secured <br />bp, this Mgrtgigt. <br />If the amgttnt of the Funrts he#d by Sender. togcttszr with the future monthly tnstattments of Funss payable prtgr te. <br />tht:due bates of taxes, assessments, ttuurance ;sremtums and ground rents, shalt exceed ihz amount requires tq pay said taxes. <br />asstsstaents. insttraace grerniums and ground rents as .t};ey fall due. ?:.uch exca.~ss shaft be: at Bnrrowzr'a gption, either <br />promptly re, ajd to Borrower or credited us Borrower qn mgnthly :nsta[tments of Funds. !f the amount of the Funds <br />field by Seadcr iltail nqt ce sufficient eq pay lazes. assessments, insurance premium. and ground ants as they fall due. <br />Bcttmwer shall pay rw C.eader any amgtmt tce~xsart !:~ mafie np the dc6taenev within 3l dayr; from the date notice is ntai{ed <br />try C-ender to l~rmt>rer rtcgitestmg paycneni thennf <br />Upon pag'taettt an tali of alt stuns scrt:rzd 6y fix?= h]origage. t_cnder shall , romptiy .^<lund to Borrower aav Funcs <br />t~ ~ [__,ende~r- L under pazagrapl: it; hcreot the Property s „ald or she prop.^rty ,x otherwrse acquarzd by Cornier, Larder <br />shah apply, nu lacer than immediately pngr to ¢ae *ata: of the propertp : r six acqutstnan b? i ender. any Funds held oy <br />i-enckr at the tune of spplit~riua ss a credit against the sums secured hs [has Mortgage. <br />3, Apptatioa o[ 1l'~yateate. Cinless appbcah[c law prervtdzs othercri,e. all pavmznts rcervcd by I_rnder under t'te <br />:tiena sad paragt;~its t and Z heregt slut!! bZ appusxi by Lender ittst ,n pagmcnt ai amatxnts pava6te to Lrniler by Borrower <br />ttndet pa+'aBtaFh y hereof, =heat aq in:emt tayabtz can the `:otr, rh.n ?o the sx?nctpal of the Nrte, and then ti, interest and <br />pancipal ats anq Fuuuc Advances. <br />;- [,Iles. Borrawcr kha7i pay` all tares, an.a.ssmer:t> ;:nd other charees, fires gnat serpostuons attrabutahle tc. <br />the Pr,;pertg whia:ft may asiain a prtxt4t}- t=4r~r the ~leriga~=e, and i~~hastu payme.rts tar ,roans ants. if stn}', ;n t'te manner <br />gmvided-oasts paragfaplt ~ tleteuf ar, ,t rot pae.i dr. ^.uc:b utanrt..r. hg $orros+rr m~ltnS payment. +r~hen 3ur..isrectly to the <br />payee alicreo[. Horrcwer sita3l promptly -iurmsh t,,, C.cnder ail sagcacc, art am•«nts due. under tt?er paragraph, and ir. ttrz event <br />l3grrgstr Matt male peyrncnt dose[!}: Btnrra,+ier .hsll .pramptt+ iurtxs;t t„ [.cncirr recetptx vvadznc?ng Such Pa}°ntent:. <br />BwrL+war s!w[I prcrm}Nl'ty ii'tsahargc aztp San ~+axta has {areutaiv sec this RS.rrtgagr; ,~navic;cd. ^,het Gorrower ,hxii act tx <br />~guised tq dssehat~ ans= nw:`h uzn ~.> lanb s Brlrreaer +ttalt asz'ee ? ~+,i ~ t to pa}roes? . -~ ~ -[ayanc n -cured by <br /> ilea in a manner sc<-eptab[z ,c. t..rndet, -a ?°tt, :,. ~cxw fa?trs a ntc-a ,a;h ,tc., t r--, .r ctrn.t ct i r r.nrn. ,: t s..i:h tics tn, <br />iCga7 ptcxee~ngs which aape3ata to ptr<zrti t*,e en;uz.-cmr~t?t ct the ;rc.. ,ter tatYZOtut. _{ ,..c Fr.,fe,.tj- or ,ray part thereat. <br />t Bawd ilarrraaee. Bi,truwer >nais `arxp ttze ,mpr+r+curent. r..ues,r.:. r:g .,r 4':ore:d ter cse.tcd on fix ['to}xrtr tnsuted <br />agattzst Gc\si by fitx. #aaartiz tncludcs r.:il+:t a?x tear. ~ ertendrs# +.crai'c~- and such .unet !?asatds a: !-:.odor ma)' reyutre <br />sac! m such amesunts sad fear °'r t'~FZ~",. =-. ts~r=.uct ayuir ~=rdrt, a°:3t [ efta,rr Wait n<ri rcyuae that the amount c~, <br />Such co=^etatje tcc~~si =oat amr-rout -~ ,5a.ce5.~tt e<adu,. ed is r.:+v f .e ;ism „e ~-runt a~ s Sit ' £;ti,r <br />The titsttranie eartxrt ;suvxdu b -rte n--~'ao ~ -h--- r~ ~~?x ~ h - He• z ~ -atk.c ~~ .rppr~n e t*y [ender: nrovsdzd. <br />[Rat such approval sbasi[ nsrt ire -tue3=":7ab~r -atnha.3st ~ti ;ate.asutcr'+x ?sx "near ruse rr.irucs +hat 't :_ .+ •t [ne manner <br />pr+acnied uiN3it paragraph , t!e cv. r_r, -: n~ pa d x=` a.~~ rtranate -ry E3+.arc_wtir mafian~ , aymcm, -hen ill ..lard. ty t.r tlx <br />ittsurgtt~ carr~s. <br />.411 insurance +rotKae3 and rc~aesaas therec^! srai,i ~ a::orm lets} t,xbk. to S_rtr,M1r .znu shalt :acludt .: rtastdaril mt7=.tgage <br />Citit3ot>-t~n #3 ~s'.t •>3 sSd ~. f,?rm ~ceptahie t.> i_etx.:,c't. £_~rttitt :.,.:it ::a,c it?c :,yrni ?a+ `,aid ih+• n,iaeEC -and renewals thrreot. <br />ygd w+ri.l~ >ha.`.'- pi~s[ati}= tu,TSh t-. Sis.~;..aS£ r --? ?. ~. asl "- f ,t f _d rep us t Z , a+?e c°:eni at iorti. <br />&an-,~>fxr' ~,z,. gt:~t. vtirmltt t'sott~~ i.. -tic :rtwr<sue .:,rr:cr sat Lt.a ile - C_r•n F, r ,?:s± ,t sa,e ns.~ , .: Itss i= ne•t male [n'ampt}} <br />by Bnsrawfir. <br />U ien~x aia] $rsrrav~et tlhesr,~±,c emcee .t'a eat%ttg. anr.usuce {a,;~etit, a;aaii br nptaiaed to rv,ter Utin ,ar rcpatt a,f <br />tilt Proper[;' datrtaged, provided sutih rat rkurrn ,:•r ~p_ r G-- - r t s t a s b .r;ia ter. ^.,. t - ,f tht \]ortgage , <br />ra.3t?4tereb. impairtd It stn:h reSiasraFx?n of repa,t t tar sir a,te i,; ,., ha c.u s ni. 'tlrrty~ Sr .+uiiid <br />be ttttparrad, t2fe insar-un.t pta7.zx"~tY ;ttedi be app3re+t ., sum: -r-utr. ten \] tg,as ..,.e? tht ~. 'f .,t,y, ;'aid <br />to Hs7rtovrat If t~ Prvp~-t+ n #ba~sor ~ .-. aksruurl. ~ . H.~s:.+c7 ?e„+ . ~ :.~ ,aS .-. r +i:der within: lu dayn ;coin tree <br />date rNatix as nxat3ed by C.cnder t . rSq >:sar 'rat the > s r -;: ,arr,tr ~•ttc c ~ ~+. _ ~ a u -u,-e i,enelate, i.. ;:der <br />as aut3tgritad ts~ :irt[tr:.t and app,,, the ,..+ut~..~.. a.~rtx. _...s, +>fet ~ .-pt.r.?, z:~nt. t., --r .rp~at: ; , the t~r€ t,enr <br />u Lt3 t3tc soots secir-ad np iluir '~! r ~', <br />f:tutac Leataicr atis3 Sat r..wc, .-tltrr;r t,;e :zee .;a x,:t:ng ar , -xh apl,.>..,t:ar. ,: pr:keed.t . t:; >n~.{aa ,aFi sss.t r mend <br />ir1' p3RpLlai2 trio dtlt ddte;a, t?te 'tt ust',tx att-Stautneu .'+i : PataG of , ., a '~t h' ;~, - ,, is nt _'3 <br />such instaittnetxts. St undo paragtapn etc bc.aof ttte : t,.kr..:r .:~y,,.fest y s.utue. a°; rtglta, : ire :,rent ,. t~n,t , B:,rr;..aer <br />in arti] tq alil to sitrarice }~(3ita'3ES aPw` 1'n 3itd `:e 3 K .. 1> t`x?e e ti. g to to tot th r re De, i, r -r t:, ,?tc r i,c <br />>~=:.r;~433aers l ~~ to 1-r ~ '~ atzs~'.'t ::f .~fa= ,,,;-rcr ,.tea; eu ' _ hm ~.]c ;-base :.~antit?at ey arras a,,:.ia ,.rle yr <br />a.:qu~itio„. <br />6. lawerv'atiaa and hiri~isamaw";r ~' Fnt@'erty Lr~eAwi+~'; t'ar~omrniaas+: i'ianned L'~nit De+rtnpatenis ei~v'a'act <br />sttaii lr~ap tlst Prspert.y in ' ' repair atxsl shall lti:i - <:e per n,t ~t[ai loon, .+t dztcriuratiart -t isc~ 1'ropertt' <br />~,,l,T.ttaii CrZriYPly wS~i ifpe pagtYs4Clii> r34 sxv ia~.a5e . th . 4it?rtgage rr ,rst ., ..asEfoal+- t: -hsn ~]a,riLar'~C " a aFi .r , <br />cr_=r4is_?tntst~sIIt ae a ~7aunes~ pmt, ;:#Criiupiiatn.., Fi.xtrarwa_a rhai? r>cri, rat al:.aY t3a3tt,air a , ;,mod Y . ,.cc-.xt..c,.au <br />cr c~os~ettagt's ,restrajl or gev"crnrgg site -:'ts.l~rrst:;t::aa: c•r pz„naea:d „era deceits,pment, the by-taw~+ xrtat see au rn rf the <br />wit&t~ m €s~ng,~~ ssm ~ceiggrt~r, t ' ca=ruts uent ,r ~.+t rr~- rt s - usd.,nnmatn rt ptaunzd ~ _ r-;' to<at <br />ru4er 4S CX.eti:t3tiYCl iky` aVlriTYii knd :Cit3riita5 Ts ja+CFhL7 ~* Y't itf 1S.+rt~a1te ,tie 'ttre,"AarHm i5ftxi -~rrcltiCri ? 4i i+<I+ ;=;t%t <br />*hafl ~ trcatpciratrxl i]31U anal shale eiuttu# as:rt .ufap:rmtrz. itrx r; c. ztfan3s and agrcarics.[s tst thin til crrigad _r ,t [tic later <br />w4n@rC a part.lict'ta~. <br />~, fi~'#,-.#tallia'-s ~c~[M~. l~f tks~~ -~, #a;~i°, ,~ ,'k-r€r*raa she tir,rr>rnatas .,n~; lac ~uc.its t i_.ncC n tFuc <br />M~rrt~,sgc, or if lay it+tarari ru prsrxedtryl as uxttuxak d . nr r •ra •~ t i saw .c-r ctcs€ r:s l*r:ar,t*.. <br />:~&tuhrt7l. taxi !:salted sat, zrtt.aest somata, azs,:.+Js[c,..v. t:,.le ao- :*r;.ertyaa t. qtr c y.:,txsrst r pr *iesritna!+ "~rvr.{ r g n <br />tl~sii,;.zi7t Get zIICr'nt#Wld, i$KZS]sx at Latit'~era a¢t~s, r~c,n e•.~o t- Biaar a.c ~ a .r - Ee Wuti ~lix.arar,c+- :.h,as ci! <br />SWRS sad tape ''€uCh ~tinr9 ar i5 ta~raasiti t,, jYr.X.esi [. etwizrs :nxcre><t . >~,srdr,7g.. t*;a n.,u ii.nrx;:ci t,> hslr. ta.etr ~.a a . . <br />st~nu'i3~4 ait~DYdeyt3 cares attn7 ernTy, tips.. the ~Pr:?peaty in nwkr t_ i"e:r~•~r tey+.rar-- r.L=5gaa2 . suz~<eyr a -~ <br />~stets3diird f~i tthsiKinr ihF te#ast sa~trr~i by tttt>,< M-.~ galtr. .ice H -- - t -~ ..~ r c r a -. _, q Cc<` t er -a ^€a .- - ~._+t <br />imatraaeax -in ti€esr.t €enfil ittsaa titge a».zk~ ,tom su..,., n'~s,-a.,c« .as.east . , , a,,. tdva,.,, ~.3; N rrrar _~sd <br />