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r- <br />89-- WJfiV»~ ° <br />6. If he sails tit pay- anp sum or keep any cuvecant provided for in this mor•tgaRe, the Mortgagee, at <br />i#R option. easy pay cr perform the came, xnd all expenditures so made shall ire xddrd to the principal vum <br />oa-ing on the above note, :hall to secured hereby, xnd shall bear intarest until pairs at the= rate provided <br />for in the principal indebtedness. <br />i. ['pop request of the Mortgagee. Mortgagor shall <xecute and deliver a .upplFmentxi note nr notes <br />for the sum or awms itdvxnead b} Mortgagee far ±he alteration, rnodenaizxtion. or improvement made at <br />the Mortgagor's re=c,uest; or for maintenanc~• ,+':' .,aid premises. or for ?axes „r assessments against ',he <br />same, and for any ether purpose eLaewhere authorized hereunder. Said ruatk i+r n,:f<=c shall be secured <br />hereby on a pacify n•iih ani3 :mac fulip as if the advance evidenced thereby feces ;neluded in the note first <br />deerribea! atwve. Saizi saaylpl:•mentai nnttr or etc>tes shall bear Interest at the rate prnvtdf=c1 for in the prin- <br />capal indebtedtte~c and :hall 'ere payab7r in apprrrxtmxtely ertwai monthly' {zvyments fete such perirxt as map <br />be agreed upon by ilze Alortga~ xnd Mr:rtkag~r. FxllinK Sn agnw nn the matt[rrty : the ;thole of Use sum <br />or suns so advxac~t shall br cttae and payable thirty ti`t+) days after pie=mend by the JfortgaRee. fn no <br />a•vent snail t'tte maturity -•xtend txpa-rrad the ultimate ntxturrty ref the note= first•ribed above, <br />ti. Its herrhp assttZ?zs, transfers and sr^u cn.'r to the 3iort~agee, t<r M apnlreat toward the= ^vyment of <br />t3ar notes and aII surfs seeiart~3 h:=rte} ;n ra,~ of a default : n thN pPrfczrntany= of :en< <:f t.hP term.. xnd candi- <br />ticaxs uf• this mortgage sae t;:e satd tirz£e, all the rrnt~ rcveszues and :a=-c,nnte t;, ix• derat'ad :*rom the n£ort- <br />Aa)Ttrd pisrs daring surii ttnx^ as the moa'TiT,ag+e ;ndebtedttrss shall remxtal unpaad; and the. Mortgagee <br />stall bars power.;e appe3ant air agc•tit str agr'nts zt mar drslre for the pnrpnse ~f renting the same and col- <br />Izrctan( tltc rents. tt•;t ntat-c and rnrd-rtne, 2nd tt :ray pay ,+ut ,! sa,d :n.vrntes all ttf=crssau-y cantmissaotts and <br />axpt•^n.'ttw incnrc~=d :n ~3ta~ng :anc3 rn:azagtrag ?he .eras :cteci „f ~,71ert-ing re;ttvi3 tRr.r•r^frnm: the balance <br />rc~naan;itg, :f anr, !.~ Yk- .appi:«a+, io;;:ex~d the dtsa-har~~ .>f satd raortgal;c ~tirir=btc-,inters. <br />9- lie te'lI tin?>uar..=a,ey :ilaisxtaasa 'v+3arci avsuraraca^. „f :;urh tvpr a,r tt pt•, aatti :amount? as Mortgagee <br />EnR{" i?'CxZ!! t.lalfe ti:+ Cal4.te ,~r•€iTY, t.n t.laE` +F32gr't,i`rTneatt„s nt. s\- „r Sat°Ya^after ;+n tixk# 2!Y'~'m :3e9 aTrV .'xcepl when <br />psy-tn€:izt fur als ~u.:b p: • ,ta.~a^te sass t2aaretufLrrt= tarn rrxtl<• ;n.i:>r . a ! „i - : ag'rnl: , ' ::t.rer.;. t. z:l <br />~.~. „ iaay <br />pront~;fr m#tr*.t ri;xe arse zrxvtvuz xa tlaen~fzar t'~rn ,t~tauFt thera^cef. Mart~ayr`e• 'naa {;xt~ the :+ame. A-i <br />;.:.}:tran'a~= s!'aaL' tar ,aa~rat~,1 rn ca~axpariaeaa .xpl',iy+e,xi ixy fife 1lt,rtga~t•t• a~r2 the :w+tt<:: ~, ;xn+i r.•rarttxis thereof <br />whaii t~ hs•~#c-i is;- z?x• 3I•m•t~agit•t• ara~ad R~cee xxtachxt3 f#aere•ta, ;;res Taxayais},• , Zau~rn ^ ':¢;,.r ,•f ant 3a fterm <br />:~.~eptc tr3 tSre ;~3xx-,y,*3}*E•e .n et'ent =~; ~ 3Qrrrtg~a;,t+,Y ., ai yirty. trsmteciaatr r„rte,.~ !n' tnazt to the Mort- <br />~s~e•_ -ate,, tease rrva,~ r- _,._ .:t :tic ,: rs:_t -narie rextn t;a • , <br />-a' ' p p '_llftr*a~r an;i ,st.r +,>,.r=.ncr ~.+mpuay oon- <br />cx=rrt as sat=rr~g au 'ta.r~: a_f-~a a=t,i ;.:rs>x a-ci ;.v, make ;zstym. . _,r sv.., :,ras ,i:ra^a ::t • r ;•.<° 1Sf,i2~r{-rr :nett^ati <br />cRS t9 t~ak^ ~l'?Lf"~t'{?r ;,??ice ti=_ sFYS~'~"~~~PY `a.-~';1. .x7117 "iti• .rl SS.$•IiSH'F' 3fYfK~f41~S ,!- :ill t' !'bxrt i1.1PRili. <br />tx=.asg' tar apS=tam ~3 tf;r ?fie=s~^y~gpv~ ... i•e ,rpL=..~: -„ .taf= ra=~ucix~=n ,tf ?.h.- ~ra.4rt.3swat:<-s tarrt^t;>~ str:ars',3 <br />t~s 4~ti res,:>YA23U4S -=r .,=~~t=. z ?nr f+rr=ya, rsg _5amaaf~t ; r,-set=n..•f Y„[*v~l.3,attre :.v t}jaa, na„rx~.ttk,•. ,3r ,+Lller <br />f..T'aa xfer ~*4 'aim :., ttt~t• ,. t~t:3,arr9 ; ,«i' ,n .e:itn~=.a:a#a rxrni ,. !hr .rxsrt,+..~:in.. :.°. .w-ur+°=a .rr.•tet. .Iii <br />*-t*,ts3, titer .;3=n'i =,t;t~ts*<r': 4t+~rtatat[xr ..a s ;S ;.-c azty ~naur~.ncx jxaias~a..ri •r;, ;. , . .htati {.;sas to the <br />iaaiart'ar rr ~?s'atmtPr. <br />3a~ :ae ~Sxdezts;uai ia~u :. dL~Eea-rxi ~a ur rt3 ° „r' `hr i'a+}'meat i,t the xa.Lr ~:r> ,. ,_ ,.: ~ isrn~ ?,= trt•ome <br />tklae u>.~et t~xac a"~~CS~~". tt~^ M€utj?~tysr. ~es+r4§g aasag exs io Lki: Atrrt?;apav- ~a t, uc,.• +w.uasrK•., l.a-r.rSts, revf+- <br />n?t~x, rsn:aita ~:, r°ats, ,.xai eait"~•r iseam*htle at -rxarng +,r t;re 'it3=r?~a~~t}r _=,c;ur . - . .,..,. „il :., <br />.,. :and ~~ teasteat <br />'.H-x~, 4br t$difi»~ flat .r 'a ~aT't {6*,7aet• ,. ~~v-!~:x^+i „sY sa 1 t,a~+-r*tes:*. x-+:t!; th ks t- •a vt<- anf3 :'+ac<~t pt <br />°xz- atar^ +sr.t'r,ar 3Ia4 ~,Fq, a -is,~, tt+ ~~:ei .Ama#[°,eale-a?saa-~s ss ~r~tl ~K fore =s_ = ! 3i, t= _rt .?tr- r i ,, :rta~ xa this <br />laattaaty~tg+ sod she ~ t,*,~Y~~t.=• ,sae s'te>et3aTte9, ram 1c.r .airs ;'ez,rva•v ank welt =t •n. _,,. ,_,.,, .rr atad t~yy- <br />&~aa-zy *3kui ^.Qaaiii s3a::i ;ir ~.; - • .a .:.ka, '~aaa +~i}-iiik'.ti£ .~ `„ .x*#'ixionx?e~ .u f~,a ,,.: .. ,xnt9 tci:d upon <br />r~sa:~ xx3 23ltri : rti<;e~. <br />It_ I~+r ~!€ ~:.X :e:~rattr:; ~tr !.w^rrrzsi ;~~a€:-r . ~i~ !.in&i, =xaaas:taarr ttya• ?trfstse's,j ., ..4 a.,.,.i ,..-Yt;i:?=ssaa sax a[ <br />+c~.tast. t~?.rcr, at c'~5 :.,..:a -fir ._~`;.+-~-~- Y •", tax a;aa'e ; <br />-- ~ -r .:rat tIt ; t~ aag,~t ai vEa trpta+m, <br />Eii~a a~at~y'~...~iti it~±<at ~xx~.^~..~xr~~t t.~ `e "~a~ -z-r~=+1 ,a th~r• .~i ;4t-s ttg;~-kt t Sett :a5nvsiri#ii iwx~ <br />t.'~'Aiii~-I£,S 1'f`k x!#335 `:l tea' v.E':3d 'ae'+~ 3'f#iY: al ,~Sr tzt~nC I*S`C•. i~.i'+w etT .il .:?1k ~f ~.t./.R.t ?:ciY°t)t4't~T34`~, ~},i74!! <br />•dY.ii~A3.Nt a ~Iwttri .~ tine rr~£is,^.+~ ±c~'ttre~ ny tt;~ .ra,~trtxrrac rat, ra?:~e~l. n.ara ..+o a ~arait tt ath all <br />G ~~~.txr'.•ss e+x<r<sxrs~ isrs'epy. aiaat +.aha11 Ise }~ua~ra{:a'f.: t.i£i3';}' t t)6 ,ta$_a :afta•r :a~na~cuii. <br />h. If ttta j+r~sL_e«mx, t.r yr,} p~rire t~Rra't.n#. .rt. ; >:~e7#:rsevh ;:rst}rr thw ;nrux°.' .. ,s'n3r:c^7at ,Sestnactn, a.r <br />atc~,?sssrc•~I St~T a t~x~a-a =.a~•, ±~. ,3~1'~sasr~;t•-tn aw3uaal '.Il.~ i.rta+a~a*.aia fr.,r ,f;r .rxttca „3, "r tr^F• .,,t+.s.,:r*ai:rn fz3r <br />r~aa:tt .ii[$lita«23:3isY3, £c ?izr ,cats ssa ,rF t3a~ fia;_I :z=saa~+:s,i .:.# liar :,f~nxarn:ng :aa,{~xa;i ~n 4 r.s=.,-r ~,,.; „r}wi t=3~ tta.fs <br />s>acart~tt~e, err tl~:Fe~ss Targxseai s -~: ia1>5zigee, ~z#,! ~xzail t;e rya t f.r5t= .., _,,,=1 S~c,rSrs„saee•. tiz [>e• <br />'#~Y "--t# 4~.'cYttfn'! :.v k~'Lt- 334'>C .F:ta~-:v.] xiF~ iY~:.=2.ti 1. F[ . ~a:s+ .+t , a3t3S .!',tGE•t#4 c^flitkaS. <br />~xl. Ia ?:t¢C 4tx 4~,,;uejta:.r 'dials tL+ StiYl:l..+r .his: :ea'4'aa3. .RC #laYx3 Y£tt• ~ 3 1? v*rii••r atf •, r3 i1•i ,r.7n{a4 ~ uat-tt aUy <br />tip tli~ ncv{atl3t#st€xK <T ~#~r+nr.&St~S.k t~i,r~c, 3rr ~±,,; .-.ivrf.}ia~t•~< ~,a r,har ,. ,r;, , f,,, Er . „r=-:+a, `. fit=#t <br />i~st38x*€-~ °tias ty#r»j &i'-ti3x 8,&,3 ias.3:t'axf!ael a~£@3-t.~gt aai'an~ ;Yt :,.z~'er ?te<.t.+~ier .# K' -~eTe.S~ r+ <br />Im3 311 ~- ,.t „~i't..a +`f f)'x <br />M*-~~. aim i*e ~ .z+~rtgw ~irh *?xtavz:?trt.,as ran ,r-~iczsexa ,iatrxewiaates;+ t r +r ,; i t?a.• ,n.lettter!- <br />?~ ^:&t'~rft -p .rir.+t-~a-rra'i, •arc:a std~xag f~ _a.ssa. <-a:,e:. 3 rj? t.tsr alrs;.r~,.t c,t ..tFc• ..-.,r - ,.s1c „7 ?hrs ;uurE- <br />,r <br />~#~ SiY~r :»f +'_~uTxtzirr<•;,aa:,r:ttt#c~a sstst, m a+easaT:ataic .:xtt~srrrry->z ..>. xtsea xa - ,r;ae. t:ar.E ` • 1-..ta-ra»n <br />a#ilpi,a.,it • .e~;s .:## Kax3tbi +rf 3~is';~4ii#'xeA3r ire rftaa{'ii{;q-*. aj a,aq• ,:.,c.r.j,~a+t4#rr-a ~.=rslx^t3 t.a a,f~y?#i7i.+t t1+blC)t <br />+~ #rt .aw a=xrl+.i to tZ~a ~avr~ ~~ f~rr~;.lx„ <br />t~. ;? it+n :~i~t=~i t:~ tats <br />"{'#-"i?A ' if~aYilxx7~':c~.! - z .6a~txt.*tl vr#~.`.urr l-ti.da' ,''>?i• ! `}, :•itrsris a3 {'ractt•, <br />+a:A 3'tu^ •tati. ~}~,-~,~;~.E.~it tt~tra~t3~tx,~rX tr.Rit #33 rrtt~~ t t-xs ;3~ar arair kr,n,.xafF +rla$a yLf.rr~-t rr the r r~hfs. fSUtt~we. <br />.~H.1 taatalatar• ~~ the I'~ herPrGa, rued xtny ~ta'a~:aaxtas .,f t3~e t~: +.:a- ,:its+a :n>rf.rt,aasencs rx+^a~tais•;i rn.•crrti-rfx^tr+,er <br /> iaz~+i <att3tdryq~ w,h ar,:a atfC~t3it a+tsth scat: •I'Eiic '=r fS <br />r.f,t#ra, 9tir~trZia. +Y=IpkuSigtx,ra. tar FstsrrLy rsrrarTZdPd tar <br />~l'xRJti ip,~ 1~2Y[s# e-'.~~`#~:T~d 9Ii trxtarj„ slid tats; :~>ntzt iat3c~t advAeci~r~ <1:,~31 :near.- tU, t!'rr <br />