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r <br />80-=~1"~2i. <br />To HavE aNn To }lot,D the same unto the Mortgagee, as hrreir, prncided. Ntorigagor r.~presenls to, <br />and covenants with, the blorigage~r. that the 4fortiraP*or has ~;a,d nQht to .!^II and ctmvec said premises; <br />that they are frrw from encnmbratmr, except ,i~ hetrinotbrru ise rx~rited; that the illortgagor will warrant <br />and defent! the same aRaina-t the !a?vful et.aims.~f aril ~ rsona ss~horn..cxcvrr. Al:a'tAsgor herahy relinquishes <br />a!1 rights of homestead, slI merits! rights. Tither r:: late nr rn <Ktwh', and a!I other contingent interests of <br />tlxe i[ortgagexr in and to the sbrrvr-clrsc,-itx•d pn^mises. <br />P'lERYtD€ix At,wa!-s, and these lxresents are executed and ieltt-erect upon the following conditions, to <br />rrjtt <br />hlnrtgagor agtties to ~qy tc~ the 3lortgagee_ a>r t,r7-3rr. the ;tfnre.;ald rrrinctnal suns <•.!t}t interest from date <br />at thz rate of 2~a & 3luez ~vartea ter renit,r tl{t. '•-5-) pier :,rnum on the unpa~ balance until paid. <br />The said {arlaripsl sod interest .hail t?r lxaf-atxlr at the otiicr of `Sortgaae plus ir.: orrox-ared <br />iII f~aale~ood, z_olcsradc , <,r at ..uctt ,atttrr !?lsce as the holder of the note Wray designate! in <br />wrtznt[ delicerrd c;x• nta,:r~af ,.-. the ltcsrtx;a#;:,r.:n rtt„nt#,1: inst.tlfineni. r,f 19:r~e ttu:xdred Twenty five and <br />97/1CaF1~'~oilar•s !3 325.97 ). c•raretnrneing <;n the 15rst ,lay' ,xf Ju? y . !tt t3t~ ,and continuing on <br />the la=st day colt rsci: rn,}nt#t ;lsrtraftrr :.nt,i .at.i r,;,te ,s fuii> }+euct, exec pt that, ;f rot stxaner - :d the tins! <br />~rment of priracipa# nr! art:4;,,~:rt shall t~ due aatsi tuh±a!?lY on the ±irrt ,ray- nfiure Zs710 ; at! <br />acc,ordi~ to ~:e cirtn~e caf A Terra-ta pr+,ma:,~x~~ nt,te• :,f r+'r;; date h.-resvtth rxecutatii bs' the said Mortga~r- <br />The 3lortttagcxr furirrr agrc~rv: <br />2_ FFe?~ill pa}` tti,° ~rt<3rt-fstaklr*..~-;.:~ tarrx:ntr~f;,:=. I.rt,?:cisai. l'rirt3cyte is nset•wrd to prepay at anc <br />Ltnie, without pmnt,atxn ,ar fde•- the r,3t;rx• :n<le,e,:.x~:istx~,,: „r sus pa:? the•rt~.xi nut i.~.s tltsn the amount of one <br />aatxallrneni_ €rr erne 3ttutdred dollars tSlt~.tlt3l, witt,:#ar+°rr as I<~. Prepayment .n ,ttil shall he crrefited on <br />the due narrrrd !'ar_tat faepnytnetxt, uftter titan c?n stt ;ttstalltneat due dste, need not be t redited uaiil <br />the seat trallotartrag utrialltxxeat due date :xr ttxtrtc ritzy°s aitYr ~ua•h t?ar}wyment, whtr~hevrr !s ,~autier. <br />~. Txr w * g _i ::: ~.,ry, .. ttx :~:r,thtt ;s,tyatxn,.~ .. lira .~~~! art ~., :-r;-st pav-abie ¢nder <br />the tentu of rise nea,;. ~aru~rx>xi hrrr*bb'. dhxrtytagrsl will !>ay to Utxa-tl,xgaw, set trea3te.•. i antler tt;e terms of this <br />trust xs lxerct#iaflrr mated! cat itie t3ntt day caf :,ach :txh-at#; untii ;sad taotr to fully patd <br />ta! A xuxn rgtaan *r, t+~ 1,=.-,zesty t~°nt~, :*,- sa;r. ;?, x; a:rtr. ni;;; ?3tr ,+rwmnams that ,s'til nest !x^cnxtle dw: <br />ate! ~atxf,, ~ , ~»a,eu•r-~r :xd l:rr ,sbls,.. .W_ . .aurarx^w rnrrrtng the mortgat{ed property, <br />plus *.atu°s xa:,i :x.~~~~trs:ria nx:xt •iu; ,r, '.. ...,rtyzar;e.r iers,3n-rti i.+li :,s «~.t:matc*d bti the lNort- <br />g. atad ...j•..~.'; t#tr tNax-*.~;al,*c,r , . , . t:,v= s „•~s ,x11 Burns :tima.:~ Itata.i therefor +iiwtdcti t?v <br />aasu~r+ : , ~~.=xt v< t„ .-aa,*._~- .~ . ,.r3, ,as„nt= a,rar,r ,,, +he• .xte srhetx such gn?und tz nts, <br />ptexzat'~ ?a~.w a:~ n-~~,~raa~~;t- .. ... .• ....,, ,, :; r;c;ta, sums :~ x #artcs Pxv Ddort~tKee <br />'art t3xtst wo #sa+. +s.r` ~F.„},r.; rn=nt.x. ;,,=.nn. ~.:rn=,, faze + xaay .pe<-rte} as_w,cs,xtr•uts_ <br />#h} -~~ ~~xYgrye.r.--.,: °_~~ «aa°,,u~nt t~rxu~l;},- i,t~r>ti,:at,t t„ ~ulrtxarsa;raph ,si end tttuee r+a~'aizle on the <br />~ttaat>z ++r-c~ct~abwk :a-ax ts_ s4.ual~] t~ #:,Ar= w a a„glr {vs?.ns.;r•t .~axz ~•~ ,t?rxxtLti- t+, £=r a;,nlae'fl to the follow- <br />tniL atx`tit~ i3t €^,,-.+2xie^r s,",aii°+i <br />tie g'x~xta~sl ?^e,zta> t~raar~ ss~y~-•'!, '.+t~ a,:,,i ,.t.t•_ r i;a,eax31 =n.urasaur pmm,ums; <br />t tt 9 ~sat.~vy-.xt :,ei !hc- r~f+- ~,<ai'r,.i t,e=t-s-ka: _ ~;a3 <br />t ti;; .~zr::,-:+. t:.Ata-nr, ; , t;.,r g+s:x,x xlxa! ~ ' -,at.i mrir. <br />Aa?a° ,r,it`.<.::,., .,: tia= .xr*;xu,=! „f a,;, 4;h=±s .xy;yt's•s~g*stt+- r; r.=:=tilt lwyrrarut niaxsl, uniase made gtxrd <br />t3 ti3c~ yl~~g;+:a ,a:f-~ c_, tlzx- c3t;;• ,;,ata +,r tr,: , r-x: ,s:ah •,~3 tret~ret.. <ac;ststuir a~: <~ecknt c?f Alrfau9t <br />ttik~F~ La ~h et.--i 4.y!g~~r. :fit }fretRt'AFtrr ~ .,~.? i~3n, 'slv=rd i', u,~vr a a# l3a3 m c},s1'Ke., net e]tce0d- <br />aS~ 'saga #,+<: =.~xFluera <d", a ,>± a..rtg ia,at; ~ .rtxi sti It=.aa lz~ nca,rr there tlftr,:•tt ! l ~ 1 aayy after fhr <br />sfll~• .,:„t+x- i!?rs~-:~;3 :ca a<,*-cam tf~- <~ ,t.a erg;~s~r:~• ~, t. •. .,;.z~a3 ;n !a.~,z:.33ina .iriitsUzarnt paS~azenta, hui xuClt <br />"}str ~:.t'ra~rg~ :izu:.3 txai 'r.~ latcy attlc• :.+ut ,-3 ;,-- ;=r-v:~+:>..,.is .=i aar:,3 s.;tizf 1±~ t~ ~ttrr:4 tt~ ;aaz~ <br />-ra~'"%! any-t::'r~~ ~..t~. ,.':~ ~-,.~ l~-?-,, --~~. .~ -- ~ii3f`zt-.s?a: ie~, :i,,rxr:.l~ar~,ve ti:r rtaiiTtr itsvebtCllaea8 iknd <br />a#~ ~ c~~3tiia6 &3i? +~i~ 3ai.~r ,~~rj t~~~'r~a,? . <br />~ 1f Llle ttGiLSI Gf L1Le p~'lWEais s»ade by idxe Nort,~crc etrxde^r +a! ref paragraph z3 txrat~.ciin; ahail <br />ettcxttad'~te asaaet ~ pgymrstsa actutEily t+>,adr !xy the ~a?rtg(tYrr-, truster, f'or gresund rcnis, taxt.:aa ataz# <br />its 9sr trtat-tr~sxr Ta"taaiwnra, as the rsac rifay %,,; .;;uc#t ratv,~ sltal! t,e >vr>~ixtod Gy the lNor•t <br />•va aictiwtq+IrrsL pRy-^awatta to !ie t<e~sde t-lc the .llartir far ?aatcc}r at,~xr-ti ate, :it alortq»~.~'s optioe.. an trurtee, <br />tiMttFl >5ta 3!dRirw3ed tY 9dtrr3ga~ar, l#, hrataevwer, aurr°h mn+~;:ihly pa3-txi~zata _;ttall nit tar auttictrnt w pay stk:h <br />i>tl~ w'#FSO rile tilfta steal! 9~ + attxd lxtti}7tttxir, tTcr-rx :irt• :Stt}x'tr.,r srr:.i! ;~r;y us ttte 11s~rtlL'ageat, sx <br />'tom aim tnf r?r~vctitrs ?+~ =e u;p the d~i~r~s ~ ct3;tn ',h,rt• ':itP) dr,3°s mftr: u rtt..:, r-,utsre= frrrar <br />~ ~ '&~, amtuat of tttrg deiic,trtt~y, ~ti'ltacix n+.rt;;~r txxsy' !rr gtwen by xaul. if at soy ttnte <br />f~a ~ {} tabndCr tta the ~+-x't~iYr~. ;n ~~ssx'ctAriK~Ya w,tlt the pruotstuns ,rf tttc= rtr~ atreurrri <br />'. iYFi paw o! the easttrre ,~ r~Pa^t~tntrr3 t3trr~s3', rite :41orKgal~:, =av trugLetr. ;hill, <br />is ewstapntait~ tits aawt~axrxt a~P ac-cii t~neaa, rrar~i;;t try tit€r atctxuxnt of the tJtttrtgagcar riu}' cn+Aiti t-a1an+.-.Y <br />aocyaetti~iaaei usriv ~ p~,°ati yaa rst ixx! rat paragralxlt 2 h+ere~f. I; there xlrall ter a drztault under any <br />o[ fire ~r ett tFtia ~ rtraitltiaiig art a lxuulic ~al,e t}f the lrrwrtxtsrn s~awerr.l hardGy, r=r of tha+ <br />aRyYitKi Ali trxs'ior at`t+:r defaaali„ the Slrrt2y~a~ix, as Erttste!r, rlasl! rrpla(y, at t}te <br />tFl~tt of rite - ~ truck #taaga, aar at t2te t•imei the prexprriy ;s t,thrrw tae acqulr+t+ei, the <br />allrtMtMtt ~ t[r audit l~rt,ip~xxr ur ia! caf ltaragrat~tx ~' pratt~~itryl, sa a credit ten the <br />l~Iseast a4'rlttaati atad wrid and ih,e tt~ is tlar l?rirxcifxal then tYepaiuirtg atxtawd zsn staid nvie. <br />1, T'1te `class rt( this iffiitrrNrxaa:23t ,sDsata# rrarta~xt ,tn full irtz°c-st aiui etttrt aiurtrr~ gray :usip+,rAnarr•;nt t>r eaterr- <br />xa}t}i- xl[ tke oaf {~yiacitt stt rive stxr3etrt:<t+•3rxrt <,r say laatt°t t itrirtw3f scr ttarrsx! hettriay. <br />~~? ~ ~ !Matta, a-x+si, ar~a~attaatatt8, ;*a[<;r ratasrr, srrci erther g,.?•„rtttearxxta# ur munxa- <br />~ ~ >M~at. or iac.irsaxrv, lr~tid # rrrs~ f*i+~rnrrsea attd that he t+'ttl ltaap :tli ta:[z.`5 1x•4 aaai rrpern that <br />ar t#a'e m`ledas ateurr~ taxaaassy, fxa~isihvr w ttla airy ,at;Ra:r sexes ~r asse¢suxxtrx,tar `a<3t,ra, rna? !xr tr3vxrd <br />3i111.1~FIPL~Fa~a'~antkRatttattx~-t,~„tea t#rs x.t;,ai calrlrr e,f aatd pr;:n.,{xaJ n,.tr. ;:n ut:,csrwaxt of <br />skis tiatd~lttW, ~7Gtatat stt;€x; last;mc?~az €fsr ! ncce#:t iir~ane °.a~ i~+r,F4af, latex .reza. r anJr~r ts) trf pwrn- <br />i}}ra~tlta «~tf. a~ he +xtl# yrt~gdiy efeiivt±r tom, iai ~ :-~ r, if~.ef~r x€, +•~ +t kaa'"r' !n tlefsetlt <br />t#+mx-x~ tlto i4w'jaa rttt,y [?+t} t3;r aaat: <br />