<br />7. Condemnation. in thserentthe Pmprny, ur an} pan thereof, shall tae taken by eminent domain,the Mortgagee
<br />h empowrred to rofEect and reF:rtve ail compensation which may Ex oaid fnr any property taken or fur damages to properly
<br />rtrrt taken, and ifinrtgager =halt apFly such compensation, at it. option, either to a reduction of the indebtedness secured
<br />hereby or to reptlt aad restore tine property so danaged.
<br />8, hrfonnanee by MoAgee. ~fiortpagee may , but .Bolt hate ac obtigatlon, to do any act which the Afiortiagor
<br />has agLeed Met faik to de, and ~'rl~Rer' may also dry anK art it deems necrssarq to protect the lien hentof. Mortgltgor
<br />r{tees to repay, upon damared, any carats se expended bf the Mortia(;er for the above purposes, and anp aunts so expended
<br />by Lhe ? shah he atide+3 [a the indebtcdnvs°% eecatrd Eaerehy and become subject to the Tien hsveot Mart¢pes
<br />thaN not inert any peYSnnd littbifitg because of anything it mac dta or omit to do heteunder.
<br />9. [lrfaalt; .luripunant of Rents Tome is of the essersce hereof, aad upon Morepgtrr's defaWE in any eoceaattt
<br />or tRteettientot this iilottgedr, Eaeludirttcovenants to pay warn due the some secured by this Mnrtga/e, the Dlottpyes shall
<br />be tattitt+'d at its sok opitttan and Kitd wt aotic*a~, to dedire sit sums secured I;Y this \fiattp~e to ba i[nnasediately due aUd
<br />payable and tnay aornotrrxr forwetar.txr of this ~kartg-air b} Eudirtat pnKrrdinRs: and, Rrorided further, that upon such
<br />debult tilt 7Wstt~er, or a rreetarr appointrat try a r^tatt:t, may at its option and wttbaut retard to the adequacy of the
<br />:avutty, rttte~r apna aad take posaesssaa of the Pttrperty and ctrticrt the teats, assurs and profits therefrom and apply them
<br />Rest to the ansf, of cotirctirra aad operatic a of the [?erpem- and then upna tfie indebtedness aeevnzd by t' ~ Ndtgges;
<br />srid rents, itaues and pmftis ben; assigttrd to ttze '.tiart{tabwe as further srcuuttity for the iwsment at the mdrbtadhara
<br />seuttd beteb9.
<br />li 1lastafar d Ropwsg- if alt rr any pars of the Nraperty zs sold w itansferred zcitlrout the rrcpteaa written eaa-
<br />amt xrfi tYe lftrtpgtx. ' roes at xis sole optumr. dreiare alt Burns xerxtred by tbu tdart~ge [o be imaedfaaly-due
<br />trot pay-aiic~
<br />11~ Fysppie Metseeea. Upon regtu~er of kiruttQtitor, talanisiae mss matte sddiuottai aad future adtraeoea to
<br />tiien~t~ee_ Suctt a6vaatxt, rrt?. astrrra:[ theme Win. +:hat; t~ secured b+, shtc Mottp~ when esidenced by petmtitsoty nolas
<br />tAaa :std narten ate ;arztrrd lnrrres ,ta nu :ama ~tcaEt !hr pntac~pat amount of the artdebttdttess seeuredhy Chia
<br />txt ~. ~ -- a ~ ~,., ~z,,_.e ~~,... ~.,,td _.t ~~ 3lattiatir, exceed the axlitnal Note.
<br />L2. llirariiaaaaars itirvssrotn.
<br />tat .~tty casettrutaaee m s~•rn-saa~ ra±> zzgttt gat rrmrdr ctuit pax tx a aazerr tltreeof.
<br />ib; Ail aenae~Yrs parcewdrd'herezn Bar dtsr»art anei t-~.,xnuiauvr to any Whrr rz;ht affocdrd by tar oregritY,
<br />aad away' tl +ettsr'~ord vaarstrmtx~y~. zadeprtadrn;a•t ax :rcca:ac3~rty-
<br />lea 4br eta aad a~nee•3tw~va+~r. ~s~aazd tzrran azraf? trend.. and zAe rr~tis znuae ta, Lha reapretira
<br />seaxarnw~ota aad asu~ ~~ adze ~tzrrz~gai.:zr and ta,w itartps.~
<br />,1U esrsanaal+ aced ;ryLrr-w~az-ttrs asf tt~r AtatzsasZ~k arw ycamt snA :wz:rzai
<br />te.a TAt llnad»yc of ta. ~ v! :ban. 3tcxt~ath' ara~ 1ue crraaamtaarraer xxrii stud shalt not tee eater U3 ttNaas-
<br />part tlf deFeae the pr4tawzratn'S'UISf.
<br />tR, fitNsrar. t:?pns pat•trtroL ,~f sat aa~ wK-ur.~s# ;.,, fnr, u:}rt,iat*e^ M~rrgai..,. ,rsail n.sr°hargr rhos ttforsiade aad
<br />tiMril eaesr~ttr ur3 dedtvrr a satlW.faCtzah, attnatr curt=x
<br />drt 3k'd`'d';v.' Aliliti~]t'° ~ roar etsv°-~teir+r3 i#sx. .~~ ..a ;.are i4~i rd '-~.-.~I_.. _._ _r . 1 h .~. .
<br />~~ t,:'.
<br />J r'Z ,'='~s ' .~,t
<br />,, 3 ,
<br />.t~......c.
<br />Lla 1I1111f _..._~,...°....+~ ~' - .~,}_ =ii:~ ztr-Eczr xne. skate uxad~, a ',riMary iAtbhc
<br />i]av1t3 ~. P1ti.li~i attd NtxtlttL E.
<br />Haiti ~ soot sNpishfstrt fair .ssd s~mu~. Ra*~,aaitt +s ~._ ..._.---
<br />. 1,._._,....- -- _ ,era too tttaurn to he the
<br />p.,C,iswtfi~.M,.tya. aaasetp} site ~ .~ tbs iusrg ,xcsuuzaw~zat and ;»r3ttxo-r~iedgrd Lbe roeetriitra theeeaf
<br />t• 4 .: ..-~s..:~tea _, ...wibattat!r tXrt ax~t d~na.
<br />a~.iNM~; aA~li;t+alt _ .7.~d... ._ ._. _ zs+ sard nwatti, the
<br />darratiaaaa~.
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