<br />$0! ~~i MORTGAGE
<br />'Ibis ~4orttage is entered into ttettcten ~±~~ _ E. PKLLIPPI _OIId I•F1.1dI L. PHI7.IPPI1~
<br />_.-_~___.._ ~f ~.,_- _-- -____.-,.----(herein "Mort~tt{or")end
<br />~_ NRTT~IL E;AHIC ~ Q2"t8) ISLA[5ID. G2-tsnd Islands Nebraskcl (herein "Mort tee").
<br />?fiottsaEaa issadebud }to~ltu~t;apee in rite pnacipei sum of ~ 8 r 2A0. QD , ecidetrced bg Mori~a~nr't nok
<br />datad Ihy ~' I9 'y3ote"} providini for ptrymeats o€ pevtivpal and iateeest, with the beferue of tha
<br />iodebtedaess, it aot sooner ptsid, due and pagab6e on~_.._ _ Jt81e 14. 1980 ,
<br />2brrettr- the pavmeet of the Nolr, acids toterrst as prosided therein. thr pnrtrtent of all other rasa, with inteteat,
<br />adweneA bq liiortty~e to protaca the setvrity at skis Mort~ttgie, and the perforntattce of the cowenttnta and epeementl a[
<br />me YttilpRrrr cattained ttra~t, Alort;a;cr dnr, hereby mtxtgaie and rnnsey to MotiMgee the tollowinE described
<br />}sapertls tapted is ~ H6I1 -_ Gaffney, tiebreska_
<br />3!'! E~t~!'S'~"111~h~*~^~i9Y1r -~2Q`~, t]f 713t fi1ft8P11 (15) In }310C~C 121I'E@ {3) lA
<br />~ ~1t1Qt tD ~Io~ a 5 ~+3t~b' IiC7ltes 5171)dlvi.91a1 in the Dbi't2l9aSt
<br />{~r11Tt#~ t)f t21@ it1OZ'f~IBa$t 'Qt73['t~ }e) Of S'BCk1dR 'IUl@21C1f F.Lght {~$~
<br />E.Jet?ttst {ii) 8btt33, Range 2virie (9) , West of the 6th P.M. r and Lot
<br />3it#aaet {l53 in Blatjc Y2>ra+e {3) is Setansd Addition bo tblmrnh's Hi¢rwey
<br />ties 9ttbdivisirst, bt:i>als in the Noz`t~east Quarter of the Nox'tteBaai
<br />Qar0~' ~) of Section Slalettty E~gltt (28), 'Il71tRlsttlp £levst tll) Iittrth.
<br />Faerge l~le {4) West of the 6th P.A!_, u3 Ral3 ~Yatatt)r, !~Casita
<br />7'ndrsttcr'iiA ail lofidisrga. terprow•sswefft.. 1"txtarrr:;, s+•r'rt~, atirw>, paW~rwn~a, r~artrar+tta. tst~. petxtie{es attd
<br />ianatatd tlrerr.~ra qr ar am-wzrr peruetts[ag ttirn•ter ,..^d t#r.~ rre:~+ xs_wr} arrd praf"tts, tevrrr-vwe acd reaaaiadus
<br />tirearat: tan fwt t~utrd taa. Iteatxug and txxtfmg .~~a:rgmeat and ss~ prrmutal property tlsai ie atfarheai to the
<br />t~eegeea..is yss ar tta t7earttsrttr a fistart<, ats xtf +rtsn+cA_ srxuduag repte+ea•mrttta and addrttttnr therettr, is hereby deeleeed
<br />t~ tar a Mrii of tit td ertsaw sersrra•d e9 thr i+ap eat tn,. ltaan atad at! eaf th.• furrgrrtng t>.-,ag xfermd to hetann ae Wr
<br />~~
<br />tstrttrre tgaraeaarrts aad a~,er.*-. watt, ]lctre~yt~e~, a. dariir,-,.,,
<br />1- pa5s+~ 7"a~r lMy ~ d~ stra crx:,~e^.; ".hrtra~ra ae p~aat~ x& ttxn lttaiY~r' and tits Nnfe.
<br />!. 7Yliem ~ r. tare tz#^~rar+ +rf tRe ±TaFtrre> . iuw, tta«~ r,gRS ono aut#saartsx r+a moria7gtr site P'rraprrly, and
<br />~11~wntstlE#,~Iras for :few csesaed lttw~Dy ~ a iit+t ara ixn.tr ;st3 .+tt eser 1'sY~.~.r.k ,~r:v~yw as creak uthrc.w M~ +rt ftuth tteretn.
<br />'as. llw ptttprr~' is an Y t,.u a - w;trawx: ~'iTSt Pladex'3I a~dY1IfQS 3 Loan AS94Cldiifw22
<br />tti~Rtttt~. 'i6-t~dD1151 - _..__~..._._.~
<br />ia01e#l+eyaese, ar.csalietl _~_.----- ,a! c.a• ~Hsrla+sta iirn xai ~d2.1 _,_ Caanty,
<br />~Y1411r~i. teisici e i ~t+r pra:.r t.~ sip .~:_.'^.i ~t
<br />3 t'!{atre Mia iirrrte ar ~ . - _ --
<br />1 7+IIISSS Alta. 7'c #e3 wiert >srr ~ saxre. ~irxva6 aaxa~s4:rr-tais and a;3 rrtaer +rsaarira. aipatwrt s.he Prapeny
<br />anti„ ~M snesart draYa! hry ~, t,r add to sAr 'pay qtr arrfdtrest u>.drr tfte lusr reared M~rriry, aareit anrnasnt as
<br />~!in 1ar*ie tie YvA Miy '+~` taa~e5. aFSr%}3{ar'RT,4 tar cletli!: aMaar~ra a} riar# neroloc ~W
<br />J, leaaleearrs• Yat hae~ tart ~~ era c*r tweaetrt lttcasrd crt? fife teyi rstsir tb;aecrtbrd eereta tnwrrd
<br />~iM deilesie ~` frrtr aeri aatea adMV' aaaae~ ! ~` na~a re• +» atxwtnta aed sad„n e~c.trtpsettrt,. atrrptatrir to the
<br />~, Isllai wtittt tae irMyilair tti rate ltkrrygrt~taa. Sm e,Jr+F oaf ita~n unzA^t :::ta•n prtAtcta:. for Attaa'taapve es iwthataed to
<br />'aa aa~ae't asd , .itY+ ~ Win, aii r`ittztea. a'ae.+s~~a=*r at ire s.,ir ce{rrc~,. atesitcrrar«d r~,.ttnwr apWt th;'
<br />i! tYe at air !liaM~r ~e ~ :he tAE-~~-~:::~°~ ti 1=r~fs . ~ti pa>•mr~es hr+s~erdar zbai? c~san-
<br />tiewe aaittit tiro arteaesssaetiaaaAey sort Mgt an ttdt.
<br />iuenr last 7a~rea aM baeesaae, tierdr~ arrstArog rrrotatrti.d xo tw?aVa~i~ 3 and ~ b«rr~trf h~ thr
<br />a>wdae~=w >dawdsearaiaria~ tw fir ~ as tier tnarc td prttgt afar arrtstirly i+4eatalinrrrnit, rrf prlac~tpei a.d rn~test.
<br />IIIIk~lhwt~l--a# tMr ~ s~rr~ e~ertMarus_ 3erssrar+r 1r~~, +~ iP~ttd reutx gtf saaYl stash taay attaisr a
<br />y trt,.r dws a~ ~iw ~~ and t+,er ter titres ~ ttwe ~~. 't'be a~wsk sra paid stun be
<br />s4a llae~e ataiuslt ieraataat set a~i3ed tta thr t>krrnrat trf tLe itans to nex eta wktirb wctt arerwtata wrue
<br />11~,. 'fie lMlllt.~'tr-, ~eaeaewtet are ~ ag ~ re~rslrit*~ ftrr fire indrturdaxxta aerauad by thw
<br />{„ Nes+~teeelltail Md 1! ~ tiae artroant talt awy tiefir.r=,f betwrrea for aettsai taarw wrsaun+rnta. uraaraacr
<br />~e~llrsha +IM+Eie~tsell atri tJss ~ areeaawrsrir wrttt~, .fd tia}~ after deesarM >s, n•edk upaa 1ltortMgsx nw~+~lt
<br />,,
<br />~ ~I/Mti, ~iilMrfe~illrlslMl~ i+sR 't'P lttarlyrt~ en'paEt. ~c ar €riA awy bt~idrsxgr, ur rmpru.rmentr n.rw ru
<br />~!Mi~es ark #~rr ~°; art 1rA tie lkrtrryw er. dwaMli tr~rwt and ttrpa; . wttktwt warty, asad frrr fetrirt mxxltaoac`a err
<br />a!4eoaee~iari~ ssissrfrgeat tt. ttr trm igr+ar;9tri tc ttsatirr 'Xes ear ptrmut an= aaisam,.ru to rte.@. uur ru Mruisr
<br />. irf a~liilltr lirs 4rS- tia . #nw area ac( fry ssmlw',tttta :xa 3se. amei ata ~oropis' ^sth sil rnr{iuurtrr,vts of loot rarth
<br />ass/iNCt iwp the ~+.
<br />