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80-- p0-22o44 <br />6. It he fans to pay any sum or keep any cotenant provides for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, a< <br />its option, may pay ar perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum <br />awing on the above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided <br />for in the principal indebtedness. <br />i. Cpon negttest of the Aortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes <br />for the sum ar sums adtancexi 6p Mortgagee far the alteration, modernisation, ar improvement made at <br />the Mortgagor"s request; or far maintenance of said premises, or for taxes or assc.saments against the <br />same, and far any atlrer purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said Hate rr Hates shall be secured <br />hercdty on a parity $~iih and ac fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the note first <br />described shave. Said supplemental note or natt~s shall bear interest at the rate prodded for in the prin- <br />cipal indebtedness and shall be payable in approximately equal monthly payments for such period as tray <br />tae agraed upon by the afartgaX~ee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree an the maturity, the whole of the sum <br />ar sums sa adt°anced shall tre due and payable Lhirty (3t}l da}-s afUer demand by the Mortgagee. !n no <br />event shall the maturr*.}• extenri heyatad the altimate maturity of the note first described above. <br />$~ Ile hereby assigtas, transfers and sets aver to the Mortgagee, to 6e applied toward the payment of <br />the Hatt: sad all sums secut~xt hereby in cage of a default an the perfarmancx of .xnc of the tetras sad condi- <br />tiotts of this taortQage or the said not,+ all the rants retinues and ant~me to lac derived from the mort- <br />iiaged premises dur^:tag such tithe as the mortgage indebtedness sha11 amain unpaid: and the 1liartgagee <br />shalt have patirer to appraant any agent or amts :t may desire Cot the purpa~te of tinting the same and col- <br />Irctinr the rents, mvezsttea anti tacum~ and it =nay pay cwt „I said aneame s al! ncreaary commission; and <br />rspeitses irrta7e,d ,n ;s•ntetag and managing tam same and of call:tang a~~ntals thcrefram: the balance <br />rc~raittittg; if any, to t« ;:pnli,~at traward the thsm•laarge cif saaci tmartgaRr andc•bt.inesc. <br />9. He stall cuzatantscrusi> maintaSn hazard atasurataec, :at such tppr or t}^pes and amnetuLS as 3lortptag~ee <br />mob- frnm time to t*.nae ~ r;a:r[r, ara tlae cmpravrtnezat, note ar hereafter c,n saa.l nr,~mases sad except icltc>; <br />pa}-tntmt fzxr all vucvh pa+^v:attnss has theretofore t,eeza made under (o) of laarttgraph . heroof, will pay <br />protnptl~i° cvhci3 sine and pt=t~ntSUatr thwrefor. I`pan :lefault theet r+f, a.Hartgat~~• matt}' pap the same. Alt <br />atsRUranzas= shall Sxr carra+-.3 eta <s~tttpan:aa apprevc~i i>y ilti '11x:rtga~tcar grad the lu,trc•ar~; azat! rs'aewals thermf <br />staall tm taetd b}- ERe ~~=:-tgt~tm and #kase atts<rhaed thereh, Ii>ss pa}-ahle clatt~ae+ ,n favor ce2 and an farm <br />at~.nle ;-u tl:ae !ticart~~attc+r_ l.n .:t~ettt caf lcas'i lartgagnr °.s~.ll gate tmn:e*d;atr. nc,tacr bs~ maa3 to the liart- <br />gsYt+e, k-3t. mats' asucse faaxa»3 ,sf laasx }f not made pn=tnpil} hp Alortgagx r, aad eac;::ntsuranre compatay cun- <br />~r ~ 3~,g~ az2z~~:~~! ~-~ lhrtr~d =~ ter ytayrnent Snr ~c~ :ess ,1:rcr;sg~ to tt;~ .'drartt,agee az±siesd <br />~xf trs :}ar ?ak,rt~s.~•+ar .•:e•.,; ?ise llrartgayter ,..,wi.ty, rtasd 'ne insur~snce ;>n~rc~ts. ,~r ttn}~ isyrt themxl, <br />~~~ ttt a# t+a~ Sits abiar2ttagce~ at :ta captson ,-attars :+a th,n re.lurttan s,f thc• :ea<i.•},tr~#ra+~,v hety-ta}' sr*rured <br />~z tsa t r~„;~ratztttt:xrr~rasr a+f tl~ tarrape,rtp damaa°~ la: r•+°ent of f?:r+'c7cxsx:nA ..f :#::; *=ac,rtgaat~ , s.r „Ilaer <br />trazza3tr zaf titAr Let thts .~^asar*iCed prt~t•i}- :n rxtltrytaxstttttent aF t#xe :ndr~lo-tcYin,•=. 5w uar~»3 hemUt. all <br />t'S, trt3e ~ cF ~.tcre»st , i ?nt~ ~1;~.c:r .n ttntt tsa nnD' tnaur~tnec: paltrtrs ?h,•~n :., ::rr-r sltxJi I,a..~w tc~ the <br />paat~laaer .:ar a C _t~rK!.. <br />lS}. As . - . ~--. ~- .~~,i ~e-*t1B~..~ex'al ~rtt3.t°lg• t'ar !tcr r-~+.uSmr-sat aI t4tr rn+SA ,ir.-- r-in<,a si? 4cr l~wrt~me <br />ttttr ttade:r +12xs "!ems"„ =, hr dlurtga~~. tns~r,-~xt° a*tsugtas to :ham 3tat~taa~.+c: jai! 'rean»• ts~ttrs,~a. }tra4ELs, rrti~r~ <br />tttttea. r~'tcltaz"-, rtglatt, ~tss ,:att~t• brttcttrt ~~rT.astty to the Ali rtgagatr uSac#t * $n} rid tall r,al std has lwasrx <br />Aia+~+.', e~i' x°iac~ time .~, t.~t„~ tneat3~itaR;, ~xa^~~tr~zl ah rl smLxe'3 r r~.^tai;&et1. u~ath thr rai;fat to ;•,~v-n,- gnus rrtrrpt <br />far R$r ~ axacl aRpls t:zra~s ?s, :.sell 3stdc¢tatc'~affiaarsx as st'cil tx+frstr tts :aSr .lafs~talt a.a thr cund.t;+.ans of this <br />tta=z'tgage, axxxzl µ!te LI ~a'tg3sg»r anae ?-.nsanci. ~:ae f<sr. an<ri t~a,t~ar anp sorb ;aa}'tnc^atts rTarn ,iur an*1 pay- <br />ala~•, ttu# t,ltall rmrt t„r :~u+=,~1 sacs t.x, , 1'?ata ra:a,sgnr;t as +n3 trsrnaaztattc ttnd tt~ came ^ull toad ttrtd upon <br />rtr3eaatc~S ttxsx Qn??tTfgagr- <br />7I_ lie shyr~ ttrst xxxtrtart c~ rxsrzsfzt u-ast+r = aui si?tli trxaa_rs~a ?b~ ttert5' ::. ~? gx~;i s 1nd;t;;~n as at <br />prxtt, a atracr ari'i *.t~tr rs~~+ad_ 7_' au}, fa.t3uta= *:: ~ rrtaxnt~x~ Alui•€}'za3tF'ti. ai ;ta rapt,un, <br />.v L~ttiFe +w~;=,~ic~ rsaatat=•s^zatxcxc+c work zs, ka~ prr9~3S-rza~ as thr c-zrst ,>i' ~rtxatt4sr. :1ny atntrnnta paid <br />t;nrrl'+tt[' tss ~~,t'tyESayt~ shall :.. ,.r antmxratt at ttts~ rite pt~sastdt=tl fc>r arx ttte tnranc:pai ;n:tz•tatrdnrsa, shall <br />t~kEr~ttltuaa a ma-1 ra: tme -t~flea'ta stacttt'e+d 'a?' this ttzstruatcnt, zatta.t,l>• a:ati aza a pant}• wtth alJ <br />tMbs:r ash a,. ,ems taek~#+y, aAd shall tme p~vattle tfurty tt~t)) days aftrr ,irmxrtd. <br />Imo. !f tK g,..a,:Mt>.~ .r a€ty gtart R3rra'ti33, t}r t~rtdemtttstvi u:ader the b+c,atrr ,>f eminent dutttain, ar <br />air~rmi,~+d "„+ a :,ua,:ar ilk d~ attardatl tlt~» pets fir tti±r Eaakiata.; sal. ,er tlve cratsadc~ata>~tt for <br />sarlt tau ~.,, .a, tzt -~xr ~+tz;xt r." t?,~ fvli aatuaat ae{ tta~ r~tttaatn;tal2 a;nlwssi {rai~ts?.,c~artr<=.~5 ^.~-uard by !hta <br />twkttt c^tr l+trr assa~nrra7 ter ttrr lalcartgag+t+r, aaad s3ta?7 lac ltxmd fcrk~tisu atlt t„ ax}s9 Atzrt-tgagea, to ltr <br />apt ~'~ a.~cxgu:at x{ #~?:t NSas=.n-.r~ ~w-~,a1:.~n.uis .af ..~#e srsezeista+im~ca. <br />t3. If ikimr A1t+3tikcr i`tttls t p ~ star >Y;?H~:sti vita eixt~, tsar to .-,.a,att,ran u> and cc+z-tritF .ciUt utly <br />tt+ae ~Ixnt:tvats sxmtaaxtst+d .n tizu; rtartr4~aitr, ~~ ttta, rsstra: aitoc#a it s~-u:•c-s. t#xett the <br />rarer PeF'ter€;agwsl .stmatx atuz aaxtts,tt~ atttct~ard st>al at t,tac,r i.>tsr:raxtac due stoat l+a)alxie, at the ,~:i^+. s_aan ,if tttw? <br />A#+at^#~,s; t ni~~ = tlaetrett,p::n ~ fa7r,esltx~tt t sn~.,utte3y tt,r tltr whrcle ,rf the ittdetttett- <br />R1f 77IV ~ ,£ar`,ILe3ttaj tlto t caf ea:,.rctru: ng tfx>s attsSrtt+'. t,1 title frtatzx the. e3atr sat' thxs tnart- <br />gaagtr r` tic tigrm t~ atYCls scrtt,. a txwY..,,,rtik attarr,~y's ~.~ , azxi asi} suutat I~txd Fry tlrr t'e#,sraru <br />kdwt+n:aut-tr»etk sta ssa~mk3xtst tat tlse g.iyst~. »:r ,,,u a.. : ai t_ ;^ !.~etlteas. airrS 1 r>s•l.a}, alit <rf whteh <br />=~i in 3hr t~+aa ' fettaacltts, <br />1i_ !t bilk ~~ haet+kti~ him t~+arsuat:teal '=c ata.aus.~s3 xsul~r `I'E#Ir :i'ri. { an9tt+a9 ~ltattst t'ta3r. <br />mur ii TtUr atrwd >a~>NapiM iaa ratawtlns atad to r^t7~et .ran lase ,tats htr+t+rrf sltrll #tr+^«»rn th.: r:t,lrts. duttkr <br />'~ ltlat•titt~s 'J~II. G ~ltli~'~~alk l~tlRi~h ~&t(i+~~ 3ut~w~t~rttt tlit~;~r c,ts`h~?r 3'nKtfi3rna~ut# c&e~t'.Yrl~ an c^~natrrlaon <br />wstii *a+i~ t4~ are i#r~Itaitstsg9st attb twdt '7"ttle rgt twk+ula}th, ssN h»rcla} xatrsrtxtlecl to <br />',cwt tom: <br />' ~ ~a ts~tlatiniad shall 1's~i, awti the iwts+e{ttr and aclvxa;tagtes shall antzrr ta, th:~ <br />