80- Q0~244
<br />To NAVE AND To HOLD the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided. Mortgagor represents Lo,
<br />and cocenanta with, the 'Mortgagee, that the Mortgagor has goc±d right to sell and convey said premises;
<br />that they are ftre from encumbrance, except as hereinothertvise recited ;that the Mortgagor trill warrant
<br />and defend the same against the iaty€u- claims o€ aft }x~rsons wturmsctevc=r, ltiortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />all rigfiits of homestead. all merits! rights, either in iaty or in equit}, and al! other contingent interests of
<br />the Mortgagor in and to the above-describers p!-~misc'c.
<br />PRDVtD» e1LWAY5, and these pre~ent_e are executedi and delivered upon the follow=ing coaditiona, to
<br />vrit:
<br />'Mortgagor agrees ta. pay to the Mortgagee, or order, t he aforesaid principal sum with interest from date
<br />at the rate of 7`hirteer. per rentunt i 2 3, aril per annum on the uu}>.tid balance until paid.
<br />'!~! said principal attd interest shall 1?e pat~sehle at the orTee of :aforigage Pius Zncornorated
<br />ia~sgleroad, Co2cradts , tar at sorb sitter place zss t he holder of the note may designate to
<br />writing delivered or maita~t tzt the ~Sortgagx,r, !n rn:anthfr iastatltnents of rive Hundred Thirty Fight and
<br />a~l~:3ts?i>hllars t j 538. a~ ). e~eaztsmeneing on the tint der of July , l9 Rv' .and coniinzting on
<br />Lhe fuel day of each month thereafter until said hate is €ufl~ paid, except Usat, if rot saxaner paid, the final
<br />• payment of principal and irirresl ?hail he clue and }sayable an the tint day of June 010 ;all
<br />atamrdint W the terms of a ~-clean pmmzs_~r}- stot~ z,f rren dale t,wrrtvith executed by the said Nortgag»r.
<br />14tc YartQagcsr €urther s)trees:
<br />2. He w°ill pity the n?a3a,tste*clnv~ss. as ttc>t,tntk a++ar 1?rov!dcd. t'z•tvi3.yte is reserved to prnpay a+t any
<br />tithe, w-ithcwt premat:ns nr ite~, the rntirr :rzdrbt<~airn•ss ..r anc gsc.rt thereof not lesv than the cunoun' of one
<br />zstetallmeai, or otse htntdted dollaes t¢li)il_t?Ol, whts:hever is lei. 1'tet>ayment m full shall he ernitited ott
<br />the datr nxeeaaed- I`artal Itepeyment. other than axz sn snstallmeni due data, nand not tae credited until
<br />tlae nest ftaIIawtnq tnstailcnenl due date ar thsrts° slays stye*r ;ugh prepuytnent. wltzchevrt is earlier.
<br />;t Ta~,!eii!ter ~:Ih, zn aiti~ ?n, trx ~~n,~`e' 4'a.:-tni nls :;+' ;;r;tn•tpa3 anti intet•~t ~5~bte under
<br />the tNr+ats of thr notes srrumd #sera?by, aiuriyatrnr wti7 t>,~1 *.ar 4iortgaga~. ;sa Yttigte'e, . under ttte terms of tl;is
<br />dte~ as ~iaaPOer stated) art the feat day atf awch mouth unit! sand note is lolly }vttd:
<br />$a) 1 guma~;ei tr*tl*egrcwrtzd z•a~nts„f az,>, na-xt ,i.!r. ;'slug rise premiums riser wits, z?ext txa:cttne due
<br />and pit?=at~'~e ~,n ;ttliasc~c saf t;rr si-td ,,;h~•r :;x; rar;1 !nstte-anc~ : crvenng the mortlLaB'ed pmlM'rtY.
<br />ydus ta~tce.sz:si :c;srssm>'nL next dsz.• ,w tt<~ rr. ,,rtfi;~;rci nrn;x~rty 1 all as.•stintaird by the Mort-
<br />ipl~e, as>t ._€ ,c hzct the talrrttgaytctr :~ !?,,=tabs-:: i is~ss ~i sun?s a!rnadc taati therefor diviated by
<br />thr nszmzaer+~t cnasealt~ :t;.•lap.•'s~-.x,r:~.=n,• -z,;rstta pr!.,r tc> the ,1aLa tvhen ;aucta artsuod t'trntx,
<br />pre[rta taxes. attd a,~~~na.--ait+ ~s :i3 ice; rWn.• ,#rhue}ua=nL, aorta sums ies br held by Itlortgagee
<br />itt !rest ts~ p8~ sas=3 graraarasi a~.sst€, ,7av-mcrrttsa, tear-r ux;d:!prct8l ntrsavsntenis_
<br />if%I 'i9~ n'trs3r ,s€ t3n-= s,S`ic utsa_c }~~ ass;~r t~:z-r;;ant tar subl~ragra~ i o e tai thaws payable un the
<br />ztot!e x9t+i•t;r:*~il fx,.nrr#,x}. steal bar ¢asss~si !n a st~rgir ;s8t~taza^nt sear#z *na,ittit, to t,r applte*ti to Ilte €ollOK'-
<br />axsr strra+s sn i t'r a~#-r stat~t
<br />i t l }[S^t~itnai ' aura. Laveu*, lc~warle:aaturnts, trort° szzzai ,.ther lt:a28n1 :n8uratsc5r premswtgi;
<br />(t?I rxtlz^~re^:r! x,,n the ri^,le a~irura-,.i ha~rr-faa . Snri
<br />;. tat t atrzcfrt t~tilatn ~# ?#~ee ;s~tn•r z.i .,; :Tatra 32a£te_
<br />tlt~r sir!3ar€.:~za t !a a~ ~;.,a.~st Fi :~F, ~uees r.~a3r nta.aszh~F i4srt'nt~nt sshaiL oniewo snide 6'~d
<br />ttF 33rs M~~•t~;,e }~ss~ ta, tie d~tr ~u~t,.. „! • ha, :.,r=s, ~t~c?s pay,ts'-cvat.: canskitut~e un recut of tlelluit
<br />ttttder Lfiaa rise.*. .it ~iariEaA~~''~ ~,t#t.arr. 11,,=t-tga}ts.ar raid Y38.t It "late' cluiri<e~'~'not eaceard-
<br />i'tt~' f•YUr Fat:,;' s:rt.2gifl§ 1 d`a i .af :UA4 :n~t~il'-x5er:t Yc }!,rn }AAbat ittEare tlRan flft+re~t t !~) dean after the
<br />dt1~ daze. tis~t~s«.€ tza SauR'y"r'~aa! .~Xtra .-~~-,;may a".Et~as~~:i cn §satlsn~tiratnqututt pa~•mettta, but such
<br />"late thruty'r" FisxaS raeak itv psF-ab~ t,-st <,i ilse- :aa'uct~+,,tis ,ai" acs; rte?., tnadt* a±, ~LtaafY t.±~e s4ttleiited=
<br />pie=~°,a•"=3 a=ir, a.~;la. :3; ~t:~~;~ m ~, ~.;`€`~-s~:s`~a ts3aiea!~srr~r iheraSt+ rye tncietttnt3aata~ud
<br />a~ ~r s~ a ez~ as~i ~ ~~~ .
<br />3, i! tYc taMtfi rtt tfke p~stta ne+ade l~ the 'lrf~rts• under is3 of I>araYr+tAlt . Dtn+reditag shall
<br />aul0l~e~ flle altafllHlt ett Vttta > aelltirr by 1t~ar-t~.trg~s.!, .8a Lrte+a, €czr iuttd r~nta. tatn+~ and
<br />or itlwrirs+wtt+e pe+iceetet~er, as rite ~eae m+tt #, such ~xss:rrw shall tae a iwditatd by rite l/uel~sgaxr
<br />alt ~ MyfEargt tit 1-e mieds ~ llle ~r far autft t3retait or, at llor'tpg+nr's option, as tritat~d+,
<br />tiin~ hie tttdwetlMed i1a ,Tdtas~tr7r, lf, #tux~t~r; surds ~ati;ly= pa~'txtaatla arse!! ta,~t txr ssu^'tir:ient na pay such
<br />ilelr sleeet t~z stlMt :tl-ai~ dtar aed r~atzahie. tlxeas Lsa,r JAtsrtcr steal! pa; to the Mortcat=, a»
<br />+el~ te~traat~r to Tnzq~ t#ilr d+t~cie^y ts,;is:r, therty ; ~t-I d~-s:€trr xr,itcrz nvttce from
<br />iiti a'[ t~ aross~aett o[ tote 3aft[.itmrv, svtkicis nots+e~ mag• ttc gzven isy mail. If at say time
<br />1iM al1AAIi 1~1! t'9 tIS! ~, :n ar~t~sstdatar~ a tt.h the: ;?resvtistaras „f the note gax.ured
<br />1YM1i~M Zay'ir#tt at rite esltTt i~ei~C!ederats t•~ara~.+itted ttte:rrshy, the flilctt'tsage'a}a an ttnrler, shat,
<br />lira n['tiik atwa~ a~f r+trk ~ €rtdtl to the acint asf tJ3e ]lortgagrrr arty credit balara~
<br />` ~€ 'pe±~€uicaa ~ tai ctf A~ L' ~f. if tt~re tall 6e a deSauit ueidra any
<br />ai lfta #~ ~ thin tetart~e~e t9elgt~f~ iA a l~hite Tale Rf t#ut prwnraae av>va%red h~r+sby. or if rite
<br />a~ntews pear ciisttrtwiaie after dsfattit, tttc Firnr~~. s!s t?v+t~, shall air, ztk the
<br />tii~t+ tact Hue ~t ni suttA pea~dia~a, er sit the tines thtt psu~parls is othersriae acquired, the
<br />+f!g ~ btr rite ~ uadar tu) of parttdrapit ~ pretaling, as a eraxlit akt the
<br />~ ~ ram ~ arld tlMe hi-tae to tf~e T~r'incipal LAsrt r+rlnairtitar: zrn[rtul ran said nflte.
<br />#. ~ i ~ tl tat site!! x~wtait? in foil ftrtrar rued rtTect doting arts pe+rtputret'r~nt ore aten-
<br />~tN nt flhtt't~11s nt` l~wyt s it!l~tetlr crt anp art kharrs+f s+newti-d hrk~b*,
<br />etl rata, tetras, ~~ wsct+sr a!, amt fft+t<enurt~fek+ti or tnunict-
<br />~ ~~ htiss~s, 'itsvied t an+d iurtgaiti~ apcd that he will #.tip all taxs.+at iev red upon thin
<br />itr!,irtpMfc, w tl}a slei0it aa~utaed ~, ~' with say +xt3ter taxes rsr qs~+wrrnesstrz what°h trsyU' tw iz~Vtwzd
<br />rH~+ttUkL.ryui'~ellMwaaltil#i4ise~rwtar the i„aci!!ri$er saf said prtttwrtpx) us.,tr^. s>n acccwwnt of
<br />til!~s iatiitrWa.a~ cttr~t whcte lea3~-. €'ar all su~z itsa 2tas t.r~toforirr t?trarz made tttsda=r ta) of para-
<br />#t~ ;f lsrt+c.f, aqd -~ wil7 ~~ ,li~ert the ~ rx~ r~,a'nr to she ~srtg~riv. In defau3t
<br />tira'+ard elite tic rbtty Pttl' tb!e anent,„
<br />