8f3- p(~2~i
<br />leader's wrRten agtet:meat or appiicabr: law. Borrotser shall pay the amount of all mortgage inxurance premiums ir. the
<br />taawrter pet*vided urdrr paragrapr 2 Itateaif.
<br />Aar arealms dsMustd by I.eadet purstunt to this paragraph 7, with mtetrsr khermn. shall _ome additionrl
<br />i of Horra+er secured by this Mortgage. C;nMs ilorrawer and Lcndev agree to ather terms of payment, sucA
<br />autaaras shalt ire prYahk itptan rstxice frsast i_etdcr to 8ernwcer reyueanng payment thertof, and shalt hear interest from the
<br />dale of d6branwtwru Y the rttR parable from time to filet m wttstandieg prmtipal under the Nate unless payttsewt of
<br />inareaR at saa~t late rtaaid rte .oltuary m applicahu law. ,u which tweet[ such amounts shalt hear interest at the highest me
<br />paewwaihk tinder apiplicabk late. 'tizKMg trorttained in thtc paragraph 7 shall rcqutre tender to incur any expense or take
<br />aar agiaw lteta®Ar.
<br />~ ~ Lender may matt ar cause to he made tpstaghle enttrts upon and inspectiarts of the Property, provided
<br />ttsa; Lender shag give Ikrrurer nntitr prior m any sitelt mspac-non spectfiing •esactstah's cause th~refnr reiared to Lender's
<br />`td~aa =$ the Propaety.
<br />M. (:aadwaaafiaa 7bc pracecd: of anp award u claim for damages. direct or cottsequertial, in s:anrtectian with any
<br />aroeitatnatiew ar atlter tn~iegl of the Property, er tart thereaf. or for conveyarhx in lieu of oondenznanan. arc hereby assigned
<br />and alai[ he paid ro !.ceder.
<br />is the evsstt ,< a talal takiry of the Property, ihr presoteds stall he applied ta, the ums s¢tuted hr this Mortgage.
<br />seibt the +rataew, if my, pawl ze )lor:c•~cr In the r °ntt :=f a partial taking of the Prt)r+erty, untesx Httrrotver and Lender
<br />cxhersris agree i9 +rrinng. atrere shad ise applied to the Hums secueed fry this Marigage stmh proptrrtinet ~f the proceeds
<br />~ a agaat to that la.,pprtion ta^lti.-h t}te amount czf rite u:m~ soured by tltis \longafte irnmedia:rly prror to the date of
<br />taiiag laara to the fur raaetes vahr of ttte Prolterrt unmecttarriv pnt+r tc, the daft „f taking, with the hatarm cd [he gtircr_ds
<br />paid to Daetutree"
<br />!7 the lkaparry is abwdaasd C+y bnrruoer. x f. after tmtitz t,v t ender tr. Parmarer that the caodemaor sitters to make
<br />tw award cx tank a rlwm flu .iamaie-. Rarratrer faits to rrxpond :t. I coder ^a.,thin alt gals after tht dare each native tx
<br />ttaaeW, t..ewder is aaereelaast na coser.•t and appll° the pntcettds. at 1.tYtder's option. other to testnranott or repair of the
<br />~' ~tn ar. the soar aetatrod tw ib: Norgwlee
<br />l;xrar Leader std Sortoaez oascrvtar ague an writ:nE, errs such acrgiacatxan :.t ptctceeds to print ital shall nn! exttstd
<br />u` pawt~a~ee the dre date at t1e astxxldc attrattntextts :rrt~d +c, to patacrar~lts i :rod ~ hennaf at change the amount of
<br />st-"!t aasaa9raeaa.
<br />!i, faasawar PW Itakaamd, F~ctcrstr,*n <,# the tutee ! v pacrttant .,. •n,?3tll:atx+n «t smorttzatu,.~t :d the sums secared
<br />Ctr tlm gttuasd try tawder to stn sta>"cssax~ an ,nterem .mot Bom:acr chat! naAt „t+erare to rtcaao. sn any manner.
<br />tits tiabaiitp art fht s,tlgtM! and lkarmer~', strrtsxw~c ~n tnterest l coder ,halt ~t,t he tcyuired tc, cnmmeate
<br />twttwedmp aEattaa stlcr rscceratr cu refette to rxtend rivet for pat^ment .x ,>{herwwce maxiifc arnostazatxan ,,f the soma
<br />stctrrad h~ this ~hlr ttarra of say demand snadt t., ihr ,~rrgtaa3 Ron,saer and Hs++rrnwer'x cuc:rsars m intartst
<br />!!_ /tat~aata.ee ~! fsadn ~Iwt a ~. +lm-`i rttarsxr tst 1 ergdrr .n a=_rt~snng sin +-:gA• ,x remedy hemsndtr.:,r
<br />aheewswe a~caid fay appbka`aide Sits, tali rw•+e ?re m aarvaer .=t ;•r ;~-r_-3rade she escrrue of sn.~ ,u.l+ nght ,7r remedy
<br />'71st lrtacsaewteste d iratnetx ar f!r payretevr of testa :x .,ahcr :sets ~,; ,~1arRea lea t xadr: chat! ant ix a ,+after ,~f 1 trader's
<br />t1*!t tta as,s<xkrale the rwttaw'itq d the sadt~baedtseas se~'arrrd tcv stns N<=-t€mrt'
<br />!Z iWtri C]~ae, Ag ttaaedias ;ur sdcd ,n thte \lartgaee zrr ff#arrlAC2 sin) .um;[tan,=r to env ~,ilxr rreht ,,:
<br />nowexifr aadee liars car a>lfsvtlnd !rv 2as ,~vr rrtn~ s~ .may .r rsrrx-serer ..tra-urrt~ntdv mdtpcndensty air au,.cessivt~e•
<br />1!. laaratana toad ..Mtipa iastdc lair cad 4esraal t,kali!•t Capiaa- ilx .c~.rnanta sod agrrtmenrs hertm
<br />1iA.ta~ iratl !lard. std the ttgitta t+ltlrnrdrR "vRall 'i$i-R t T, *.'t2t 't'ipCrtlf'r YIA`traatlrx and 3f~x3t~31t ,s; t l'ndtf 2nd tlaTltlwei,
<br />ratriara to z'he pt4wnaoaa :+f t+iragr-}r+ !' hetss€it •t3 ~osersarxis .sn,7 +racetx „t llurrrsw:cr xhakl t,t t.,x*et sod srsrnl.
<br />'t#ia caikparasr sad !!sagely! c4 'bee earrynM* .•~ crs. Morrr~r srr fcAr .canvtxsneat~c ,wh ,end ;err ,>:xt te5 frc „cal to
<br />sir galas rise pa,ttrrtwaes ia~saatt.
<br />!l '.raaYss. fat ttaR tsessar r~txs+td :ttssier apfr#1r.•atNt law ;~, Ar gsvex :a aa:wtzer saaetrur. ,at any suutee to
<br />ltrrt'rar priovtdW far ?o ttsia Motpyt :hail :,r Irc^en Sss nxasianE stK3s Meters `*v .rrtaNed msa's sddreaeawi eo givrmw-rr at
<br />tAt !mss !lddtras ~ xr tiles: addtssss as tfsgx~svtr max det~tnare he sw#rex aa+ l.rrairr as grra.°aied herrin. aced
<br />dl,l awa' lsaat+ot to Lta,dr altaSi !re gssven try crxt'tlits3 ;aek. rTia~rtt ;rte retiuratect. x, i sedtr'c asl~Mtrss stated hrreia +rr to
<br />fasCr esiait adieas s t.asrits anav ditaataatc by ^f~xx~s *-•~* littrrrower a la^in*tded herein any tavrs:~r „^rc>nded far .n Phis
<br />avail to daaard itr hasr arse tz"~+ zr Iltvrrerr.rr iv l rttdet wtren gams to tste tttrnttet deugttarod herein.
<br />Ig. Weliaata gl~le !'.rsrsriag lsr='+leseraii!!- 'thza 'tit ~~ inr~r =ixttDnncs zxafatran :r>a~nan., ? u ostwnat
<br />Halt real tatalraa tt llaillffia aY.aEh %+°<t/at'1 i'sraallaas irM- r'aiurnln.:h3a t cxaestarrae a erea$afrm SR,CtA991 inatrtrrxernl .~ovenrog
<br />seal i'stvogtet!!° 71tr aiarilaye t3usd zr ~ !+c sir ~w :.± .A :-te+a~slsct~te :a ~?tict etso Petattrnq :. Eaesied trs tl+e
<br />aeraaa dart atw lastwrw,ar rtr ci;asare ,d ibr idet+~tryt .-r t!r >ws+tc cncedlffits »u6 xp}~israblt tatF- taNCA ~aatrlittx shall asst aAtrt
<br />~tMut[ prasfwwr :# ilse liaesgrgt isx tlr Nsrat trlm:h .mot Est krsea rtlce ithraut rlst s-tastdirtstig #xrmttion sad to this
<br />raisin lralsil9ar ~ tike kisalgayr std the Vets are iw^darsd t? !e setsssalalt
<br />iL Mw's ~, sltt~ ®t rasa=i~a s __T__~_' =_~y e? t_hc ?~rrao rod ~,' r~ ?Mtxs;ais :u ?as ~„at
<br />d raan#taw ;x arw rrcattltrsw harwaF. - .
<br />!T. lklitrfla 1'i~ib»,Aa~t~tl~,, tf tsW or levy Qart taf zlr rrt,#elxy :v as rtaarew thereto n wad ar trattafarrs+d
<br />r!' #mwrw^ aVllaat iswir?a prtar ~aansen as watt. cautydiea *+u the rreNna of a taco or eadtraaae s'u~tshoric to
<br />tllt- , gs! tra c:#sletaaa4 of a itrttdlatr aatrlrt sasstrav awlearat i~ tsesuwtltdd attpdulrtees. set a araaalrr devise.
<br />deeteta air !tl' tl~walia z# lsrs apse t!a drank of a usnu txwaat ax ,°3t [tat great of errs traaaraid t:atttea et three )a'alts sx iew
<br />aek x,tettsitslat! ~ ~ ra prttdltea, Lcsdr mal;, to l.~tsiar~"a xfttarlq, dessert ail the rums sactarcd lty tits alartgatr rxz he
<br />trlataii'aaaltrget seed Ilrlaria. I..aaaiet ttitaii !tree serval ata~t aytirfa ua atrne cf, per+r ac, the salt ar traarAcr. L.crsder
<br />altttra.~ w a~aw trr tllegatry is tto kt aaW ttr sraarlcssnsfl rtacit agrttesdet an rsrr!tag xltat the t-cedir rte sf>th pfrrxat
<br />Jaatifelateaatr oa I+aadt sad Art Ste 4artrrtax l+alwrkr sale tir..tbea stttarrtd t>t -shat t.!>artygr sisal! iv ax atrb rate as L-adex
<br />sal tttleatt. ~ Iaular tat aatsali ire ~ya~ss as nraralatate ix~'*dad .ca trxi ltarayra7ls F', and of Bartowcr"a sae[ealsar to
<br />illMtt1144dM11 waaaatlai a ustlpaa a~ alrMata y;nppssd ur +rntag irv 1 Lcwrlet tIYA velaate Borrvaer tram sit
<br />iti~fialatr Ott l/~at~r~r1*l lla ~arR.
<br />fn swceltraee. i..f^dex ,.hall matt liarrotrer outer of y zcieratteet ;n aa',savrdapte srth
<br />~r 'l1 llasaad" lktsit wtittaa +rali I~+A' a preitvd of sat k~ :haa aft days fruit t~F a derv the urttire a rtta0ed wtthrn
<br />seiedt atals l tlr wwla r ails- ti llatsastts tads xo gay arif'ti :teas prusr in the axttiratmn €r# arch txr+ud.
<br />~alailr fa~• +rratlttatt taaliar ~arrlta Y7f ~nlatad Ott fi+tkrark~a~..1t+Yite aM~ rlmtrlrra partr~tttni tit' aril I g ltts~eof.
<br />Itatsraaiw awl Lawdw large: raa* aral sane a itsilrttra:
<br />^Mt~!-~gatweiiti rt y~aytstglt !1 Waal. spa taswwae4 rawer sf ~ tysaaaaa K
<br />Mater ieti~i~ rlar ,tr!^uraat i lei aliaw dtr atkr r raaaead b slti Maetgll~r.
<br />twli~twfita as >•rwttsetr as /swriAi i t~ l# cereal sRaaitrigt fll the rtaasrt
<br />k Ir.atltUl Ai w t4a, aaNi r. tWt JMi lase reset ire dttr ire tsallta ka raaiYi M Aaaaww.
<br />take ~ idi Mtli Litw- ra *ttar rapt Itkaaaai as M hNaaa /la 1ia1t rpaiiad is Ills uaY1M
<br />rrRrliarkat#!l+MIM aiititt~at ietaaiaaaaa b' isalildti ltd wad stir rg tra leaMaal}.
<br />ttlawaatllatr+~lii as wlatltae sire wtwiwailaw sad tra eiMM tr rtawe i tic !.war...
<br />• attg allies ib~ of Mlaaaaa M awiwatiaa aM faeadwn. Y ire Wdl
<br />+l~latiMitai~a alMwk. I.aaita r i,aaaiar'w ayi4a twq titalatr +i r tra raaM asttrwad rit
<br />~ ttttl ppib at~kawt rwlrtw aMtaeti aai aay lraaclar rt iaditlai /awsraiiM [.radar
<br />~Mnt~.aii rltleewat a/ iwariaaesa, faalad~, rat sal ilatyd M atttb a1 daealatalatt
<br />w/- ~i i1k1. ~~- !'krtasillrRaaiey lrtstdat's ac~xkexawxrtr :rl ttr swan altunrd lrrr tlsn Maxytaat.
<br />ik~sa tMl +~t iIa lrata.aa~r tstgila tA% teeikr t. rsstesrca ;tss lNatigait -aatrauerl at tnv taut
<br />~~.
<br />