8Q-. ~~~
<br />Liaeratsa Cavexanrrs. 8orrosrer and Leader covernet and apse as follawa:
<br />t. ftpatari of ~ W Irietrat. Borrower shaft promptly pay when dire the principal of and interest on the
<br />iadebeadteaa evidtrsrsd 6y the Note, prepayment aad lam charges as provided in the Nae, and the principal of and interest
<br />m away Fttare Advawees seared Ay this Mortlye.
<br />t l1~ia lYir 7Lo tatti I~ae. Sltbjra~t ro applicabk law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />ao Lardr oe the day meatliy ittstallmenes of prirterpai and tatetest are payrtlsk under the Note, until the Note is paid in fuU,
<br />a arty flatsiw "Fords"? equt:i to nne~tweKth at the vtarly taxes and assesutteots which may attain priority over this
<br />ifoet/ye, woad Emtrd rtatna utt the Fropert4, if any. plus ureatwelfth of yearly premium inaralhnents far hazard inwratrce,
<br />pitta settdwd[th d yaady peatnnra inntdlmcata far mane snwrartce. of any, all as reafonall,Y estimated ioitiagy and from
<br />ti.a m tiwc by Lacier or tle ixaas ref aoeanttan and h!Ih and rsasonabk estimates tltetsof.
<br />7tie Frisch stmB fx itWd in as sauittrion the deptren er accrwnts ni which ors irtstred ur guaramrsed by a Federal or
<br />uaas alaacy t'irtdr~ Lender if Lender ss sstch sn itahtittNRr f . t.erder shall apply the Pottle to pay said taxes. assesmrerts,
<br />~aap: pumirtra std lttrord tarts Lender may acN charge for so hstafitag aad appl}ing the Funds, atutYring said acaaunt,
<br />ar vttr~ teal rxaapilinl sad aarnatrmo and bi1-s, uaka Leader pays Botrorwrr mrerat oa the Furls std applicable law
<br />pretnin Leader ro make srsch a c6arpe. Aurrosrsr wad LtarfB tnas agree ut wriuaL at the time of execrttian of this
<br />llfoelBeBe W irttetest w [ire Petrels shall tx pad to 8orrowst. assd unless snob alsrsemmt rs resale or applip6le law
<br />tatlttiles trtxh ialKdt to be pad, Leader shall oat he rsqunred ns pay Burrower any mtereat or carmap} nn the Furls. Lettdsr
<br />sitM fly to florraa~. witbat char E- as annual ace:ouaant csf :he Futxb shrrvrttg crrrtlia and dehid to the Furls and the
<br />' prprae for ttthich earl delis w the Foods was made. lice Fu;tds am plsdled as additional secttnty for the surtrs emoted
<br />~~-
<br />If tit aslrrtta ed the Ftaar~ held ~ i.eader, tr>tether xuh the future mon~hiy tnstatlmenri of Ftsnds payalk prwr to
<br />t!e dre grass ttf ram, awarttNb, saaurattce iaersauars aad ground renn, sha!} exceed the atttswnt reyuusd to pay said taxes,
<br />aa~atm, rastrawes ptaatrtrss and gsautd rrmrs as t!xt tali due. such eccrss ahai! he at tkrrrower's upho0. either
<br />t~Nly R1W ~' ~arrb+sK c* xsedisael era Barrottrsu un attvr:fsly rnsuifinenu of Femds Ff sfte amount of the Frtnds
<br />irli l! Lalist shall ant he sxYicieat to pas taxis. aatetssmexu, amvrancc prentaraas and grrntrrad eeaax as they fat! lets,
<br />-latergwar aitatf py tr;r lswder aay attrattnt errsasary t.. ma.e up rbr deacrcaci r,thnn 3t? .fats tram the date notice es tttatled
<br />Ly L+aiv m l~aerawer tegtss.rnl pasmrnr Tlterestf
<br />t.ipott paytwest sa fuB N afi atana s,lutvxf ity titre Af ertgag~e. 1 cstdre utail grnmpUp~ rotund to Borrower any Funds
<br />bell ly i.,etndar. If aaiR prttaQaph it} 6easat tree t'rogertt :. ksgf ;,r me Prezper:t es .afferwxse a4rfturcd ht' [ erWtr. Lrnder
<br />rJrii apt~v_ ap latm trtaa >• ~ ?-"~ sak <- rte f'""s~"-? :_ _. e~;~ut:,m i,# ! r:~+t-r. vns S~M~ ~d by
<br />lawrler at She rotas c3 appicappia as a ::raga alarast the sums ,stored rev ttfts PAfantalt
<br />#, A~trlal r frlaerl- taksx appiscai4aia ia+ y rx+.-clew : atsertvrvr. ati paymtms rt.~etecd by ! cmfer wader the
<br />'hole wad pwrttlaapht i a~ . haeot shaft f.e app!scd ley ! eager tins .n i'~+as-mcat cif amenaats t*a»aie :x, Lerscler by Borrurrr
<br />saltfar p 2 itatttat, tlta to enrereat paasabfe am tat loots then r,~ the pnn:.tpal ¢>a the Nrec. and then to rntercat anzi
<br />pcsrnpll a aaty Fumes ldsawac>.
<br />•. ~ f!~ BWTYwKr chaff tsar all saxes. arxiarsmetnts 3rzu :Teher ,taargcs, titre; saw ~mprnnxms attr,buta6lt to
<br />tlrt 14aps*tP wine! llrs araaa a petntity ~ '.Ears M~g~• weal kaaca:etd ps;means ~ grortmd rears. tf any , m the manner
<br />ps+aisd rack pacta~raptt . faer~ast ~..x mar paxi m .::x~t+ ntanmrc=. ^+x Borra.vsr matutifi paYxoeat, w+aat due_ .ittaetiy m :M
<br />padre rlesrnL..nreowar tita# proaaptly fuearra taw fxader ail aora.es ,~: aatuztms du eetrfkr thrx paragraph wad ra the treat
<br />Batrcaaeer '~ malt prvmettt rfvccit;. $¢r r'c~rr chaff pr°aratpth r;srarsia tc. icstdea rrcrrpn rvdtnzng such p;a n:ents
<br />ltaoorr slat pa!oayaiy dteciarlt awy !sin :sthn.~i` Etas r°srwu'zry ,,Art the. AlrsrtEage, pmvndcd, that Borrrsrer ~.hafl eta be
<br />~r ~' R any stt$ #sera sn ~>al xt Efarssaarrr shatf a~tct m „rsttatg to the pa>mcat o3 the :zt~Jcgatnm ,~r^r~txrf by
<br />wsai in ra a tartars axneptaiie ts, i..ettder. air sraa3 ¢, ~:ncrf faun .:rotate+t xx.ca tarn ay, ter drfertaf cnrarrr:txscar x+t such [xea tn.
<br />prtsaraitaaps wianh eper:syr as ptexras :ise cxrt~~x'rettxat ar cat lino xxr itttrsxturc ;ri the Pretptertl .,c any part atverarf.
<br />i fiord lYeeeeoroe. pCerawxs shoal seep tfsc x'rasyacats ~ n. car+urttg .u Serssfrer extaxrn <.n rite P=.tperiY rresured
<br />~ ktas tr!r ire, fraftatria aadJttdad asHsm the tt^rm etrctwtfea am.cra•;e and ouch :vhrx naratds s t.ssdcr taay regsrTrr
<br />and m ltaci atesaraia wad i;x xr-ir prrsTais <. 3.tadei r=xaf r:::iarsr~. pros-eded. } f tadrr ,frail tkx restcrste that rise amouaa of
<br />sasia ~xsserttpr esxaaed ifs amarp~ ~f :grade tx~rretf r~ pas the ,=urrss sr a: es~ tsz '}acs Mcutgagt
<br />7ti arwaawar carasat prossltrtl rite atstrr~e sfsaff foe cfixnsea #» ffasrrsracz t,nrf!tna r, apptm~ai t»~ f emicr. provded.
<br />that atadt appta+reai tint ant be careats+tratsly wzsrF,hdd Aft prrrrtttrtm test smwarwm px~•rs"0.s sisail t+e patr± ':~ ', iae rnanarer
<br />orier : hers..aY ~x zi ~ paid to rttatmer. '+.~ R.u'revxr axa[~taf paymem, whrn afcst, o,aeaafij" ten rx
<br />tlttaraR caAfa'.
<br />V Lirarsle paaiteaas erect Taaewrds ttxsa:.f a§ a:f t>c. an f aw-zy+va}`iic tin f :.,~.srr weal shaf) taeiude a tuaaixrcf en ~nsagt
<br />~Ml d fwar of awl sea feats a-xtppaahit ua Lends" itadrr aaaii hoar sfre rsjbt :t• Tsrxld efts paltrts and zrnr+ats tftezax4.
<br />all ~ltsatawr Werth praiwpdy faattrit # Lealhv ark rcatwai ~xtsxa weal ail rss+esi+n ~xf frog {~aaenrr;:tn> is tae r~rrnt <Yt fuss.
<br />lldrfMwie rrit>s f~ ft~ wnsscr ru me ctaarrattue carrret assi Ltarder i,eratiet Wray resale prwx stf fuss d stcu made proratptft
<br />~ ~.
<br />i~#iMr aril iiorr.rwrr aRtas tc wrath, "air ~a sita€i foe appircd ta: rtstiaraiaua .rr repast x~t
<br />'~ ~~i proms ! is sort :r~i' rs tw~x>nues trmtvic and efts seacvrsY of thu Mortii'alt cx
<br />aril #ilti}r a~tatarrl.. if writ retaaereaor at repot w east ec~.rrami~afiy fcaaatgr sat tt tat stetuntty xrf cRas Afz+tt*axe wnuisi
<br />lee aatiiiliaatt rte amtstlrea peaittais siraB la arhritwf ta* ttvr atrsn secaued i+t tftss tt~rt;tria >xuh tr+r cscess, of aa), pad
<br />inSMt's+if~rr.. iY flee f'Aliatas ;a aiaotsiartaa hsi itwttxraret. c» >i fiexraw+w fasfs t, txrspuucf iu f.:tuder aEathsn iii days irtun rho
<br />Ilia lllrlpt Y aaaiiW t1y Lail' to ~ t3sat tine sraawir,otcte t~rrrsrr sHhCS to rdersie a ckaxm fur eastuarae t+naefib, f. eager
<br />tit aaf!lnritr0 ae a~riian taxi arlplt~ tilt seasRittsx p~traoad- as Lisrrftr s nptk-tn tatffer ro rrrtta:nan v rt}ru ut slr i'rapem
<br />ur s Hiatt areas aarstli tiMts ~Vli/t.
<br />f.:`~Irt latuftr awl iiasa~ eyes s+Alasrr.•s.e ,tae m vc~rrtrrB, an+ sucsa app!rcarzson cn presc~rk w pi~xacaywf .watt rr.3t ectesd
<br />ar' it~r lea dlit d =7ae eswealsfiY ~ rseratd tit fa parairapls ? aasi I fasrenf or : ftaagt tbx azns5unt ut
<br />rtra7artlrfirtrlll, if ttlsier papapapit ifs htaetif ~c P`?tt}rrtr} rs atxrsuarf try i.esirr, all ts~t. trek and T^.teresl ,+! B:trrxrwrer
<br />sat atlli Yt lap tsartrawr'r ptrisaats weal to wear to gar fststcsrir thtaxsaert cearxt[at{ tte.rtr danralc tax efts prnperrv pnor to tae suit
<br />aR aollWw`aa tiratl ps b laaadaC ter rite paean vRf rive aware ses'~ttresl Hs thss M:u't#a;t :axuaad:rrefY prrvr e;, =_uz~t merit cr
<br />#- 1~elw~sw~tt aui'~lllimrisar at ~ i.+nniitiie t;wiamiwitorac f'LrrA L~i1 Uerdysetsaa R#+3rrnwr"r
<br />~: a! tie ~' • Mal nectar read Wtaaif twit sagrrarat rsaaae xw pmattn tats or deturstraauu c-+f she Property
<br />all titril aaai~ilf aal4 ale l set way fats zf that ft4;sere rz crt ar ',~a~A. fi tuts Mcale es rrtn a .raw ut a
<br />~t s`Irr a }illrnrd nor tft+etat~llllL larrtatr~ s#faff peric+rm afi at lerrr._.wer's cstxk#hdatuats :t>afer tltt dtrafatausra
<br />qtr 'rJyarlllr qtr -1 trite ~ xst p+aaaad oar dewsWprsoat. Tae ity-laws ardf regtsiatsatss gut the
<br />qt pitlrtlri rail tlwrrit~irwtaat. sad cxrattiaavatet dosttrtmts. if a sxnttrirra'a>tustai tae nlaatttst ants trs~r-±+- ~ -real
<br />tairi~r fN!ertatttli it! Relrtnae aai rttrarerfrti *stts rhss tdart)Ealt, the c'<*sgsssnn acrd agttxareatt s.t sur:tr r,drr
<br />'I~f~"~ ilMld'aril ari half aa~twi turf ~ tfar saa'*-ersttats swat art'teawatats sd r!r» MuE;g~e as >t the ruler
<br />atMl! l •
<br />'~ ~B~ aft: ~+~Y ~• p{ ~mxerttet fatb t++ pertnrra t3se catnsaawta wad arpsertenrrr c-..+rtrTSrned :rt rftn
<br />or ~ aryr ralitaa ter praraaiilaR rs x9ntaaaasat~ts «fasefr arstwrrtaBy aHes-a Istsrkr"s uxterrxt ra efts P+.+pert,.
<br />"lllR Srlt ll #~ i'iMllerrr iwasw, srsaolaz+M«wv-. x::n„de enls3rs•.sattsnt, ca arraulrtveats our prtsceardialx errsofx~rtrt a
<br />~it'*Ita~1a. filth faltiw at. fataiar`s w}asaa. tt7~*n xra sr. fk~rrosner..:naaf~ axatiet srtt,kt appeararsees. x#ertursr such
<br />trrlR llr~.~Mrg1A ifw ra M mAMlrry ~ yinraaaa9 d,es~r's ++mrt. rnr,~,r.9sag. L+at. eta }arnated tc . i~aursc-nrcart .,i
<br />a~'~a f~ "~ et~/X ~ tfal ~ff` tM'> rant t#pa,eY= }f f.T.•i'r'Jer FLq'~itfECrf T-tTt~;alC aY11#3 ~FYY aM A
<br />~a~ ttl~ieaE llw/ larlrt aturvta -~ir tMittall, 9ttrRawtr srral.l ,^tet "#ttt Cresannrar itslurrt+d ae:* araratasa ra,t-h
<br />f•1/IIIIMrf Tilt! atl~tw talii tta* rift as the tattfrntatlttwt for srsi- itaartraarrc tertnsrsases ,n duct ss:ra Br}e-+rws=.i wad
<br />