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80, .5 <br />Lender's wtitttns agreement or applicatsk law. tltmower sha0 pay the amswnt of all mortgage insuranx premiums in the <br />taaenu prtArridcd order paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by [.ender pursuant ta this parafnph ', wtih interest thereon, shall become additional <br />irdehrtdttess of Burrower soctrred by this Montage.. Unlesa tinrrewer and l.ent~r agree to other terms n# isaytnent, such <br />ataraaMa shill 6e payable upon ncatice from t_rndrr to Natmwxr requesting payment thereof, soil shall hear interest from the <br />date of disbtsrantteM u the ore payable from time to rime oA autnandlnf prrnapal under the Note unless psvmatt of <br />i!taeteY at such taM srostld be rastrrarq to applicable lass .n which esxnt such amounts shall !tear €ntetttat at the hittseN rare <br />permi~Tle trtder applicable fav !tFothing cotttetitstd to this paragraph ?shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />au} acsiaa hetruadar. <br />tt. Im/redaa i_egder may make cv:atsnc to be madr reasomble entries upon and insptxzewtu of for [•sn,perty, provided <br />that Larder shall live Yorra~var notice praor to any su4-h inttltrrunn speciftint rrasonabk cause therefor related M Lender's <br />m1ercN to LhC Prlppe!!p. <br />it. C.attreasaaYaa, The prs=~ tat any award M claim for damages, din*ct or ~newequentiai, in canrtection with any <br />~sertarrauinn r# nitlsrr taking ~ the Prcyserry, ar part thettrf. ix far canaxyarux in lieu of cottdemnattone arc heteAsp auifned <br />sail shag Isr paid tla Lender. <br />In the eveer ;~ a total takieg as# the Prcgeeriv, thr rrceeds chail be applied to the auras seceecd ter this Mattfafe. <br />wgb for ertxsa. tf ant, ;aid tra Sarn~rwer !n the cs2xtt rx# a partial raking of ttse Propettx•, unltra fbrtnwtr and Larder <br />eslanas';se after i» writrnf, there ahal! tse applied to else stores sec-,reed by thrs Marttatt such propesrtiwt of the prtsereds <br />as n equal tz: that prepaxriast whack the amtsrmr :rf rtre suns secured by thin M.rtgagr imrttediamty ptitar to the dare of <br />`akief bears to the talc rnartet s~aiax of ;ter Pnrperrs• Rxmediatciv pru,r a, the ;}ate c,f takitrt. with the tralancr of the proceeds <br />acrid ro <br />n the tarapasy is :~~~ ht )~ rrir^:er. ar ,f. after }scstire tsv Linder tt, Bormwer that the rcandemnor ol-ers to mane <br />an atratd axe ssltle a ;.him for damafts. Bone~wer faals sa resiYand so Lender wrthin ttl daa3 after the date sttdt notice is <br />tstatled, t.eerdrr rs arst~ard to collect sed apple the peneeeds, a: l..crader`s :,p;inn, ritlter m testsuation or repair nt t[a <br />Tns/cm ar to die suttts sacstred bt ekes 1NtmgaiR <br />(.3aless t.ent4.r and !r*rc+aet atbeiovse aftee art a:riting,. anv such applarannn of prarce~ to nrinripal shalt net estatd <br />or laostps,ae zEse d9t dasr r_1 ttrr twotzeldt arsstaierrsrrrs r;^=`rrred tr= rn t+aragraptax !and _ hereof u change [he amswat of <br />saa,-e ansailtstturtx <br />K ~awwa yiae Wr. Fuexsune r,t the t+mr i.u oavrnerrr i,r nrc,difiratron rf ates+*-..atrnn of the sums secured <br />",ra-' taus Motrfttle fratttrd ?w• Letsdm t, anv srssi-csnxv ,;r :nertrst .rt Ek=rrc+..a•r ,tali nca r,prrate ts~ rclra~sr. in any ttwnner, <br />y "-" ~E '' ==r~---~.• ;~ tR°ns~c ~3 s~.-rn•ors :h nrter+ma i.ertdrr sAai€ riot he rrymrril m uomteent,r <br />`'~t+°d>af- afa"ASt such sua'rsu+r rTr st#lxsr e;, ncatsxt trmr t.xr ;.avanrav ~xr ;,rherwKata mndih amonixanon of the arms <br />sacucred LT t!rn 3/sxttfa fe €st ieas~oar .rt .ant dttmanl rrrade t+t vhr ,+azg;snal &•xrmvver acrd Hntttrtr~er's snrccxeen an inttrcst. <br />ti_ alaiwse by Ltta~r Wa • fiaNw. lax #csrtsearar..r its t rrtder rn eser+t~seng nor right nr rensedv hereunder. su <br />~meAerwaa riled let ap;dttrat+3e tnr xiaaW cant 'se . rrarv~e7 •+r ., ~ the rsaranr of anc Bach mkt rv rcntrdy. <br />7?se pretessleseat ant =Awtsaax ar else pa;tasrnn .,! canes ,,r :9laer r:cas..u :!arcs.. t+a itmder shall r,>rt ht a u-aro-er of 1 endar4 <br />~ to acceles~ase the ~ of ttx ~s ~-u~ hr rhr.. M xtfagc' <br />lt. 1`aiaa ~a Ad :etrrer3res rrrrrFS ~:dai ~n ttx~ s'rsst,Sage xrr ,first nrc°: aru'i •vrmsrlarivr in anv tether tight or <br />ready ;aat~r ttdr ~ arcettlttd t>n ;aa ,~,r egs~a3x ant ~sa,~ `e rsrr: s+~est csrrw.zuresrt#x• msleperrdenrtr er s;tecensiaelt <br />13. 3aaat~ tar ~ tiaaa/; !arise anti S~saeal i iNiN; Cafia TAe ~es-enanes atxt altrrrmettts hrrctn <br />acteitaiaed s1U8 hn~d. atsd *.Ise r4~t> 'rrsc^uadt;• ni-a.t ;men m, afrr restarceae~c sa>n.csk ra and anyrns :,t t.rneia and Borran'ar. <br />satbtecr tp fhr pt~tsasxwts ckt ra1m 1' :>3sexst \t7 ,;s~senasra arasi agreeaeaeatts .~,t rcrrsa,a-rY mall tae font and cex•rsi. <br />7Le capsaana sail 3sardrpfs set =fee !yt-aRnptax .! t`in ?N 3rtgafr arm t:rr ~;aatvrtx+•sc ,*nh nrss! .rrc nos ,o he ~xve;€ :o <br />aNet7ars to define ere protaars>aes tatrns£ <br />~' '~" F.irept fesr cuts asteam nagtasrd undo apphrab3e lac to t~- grrr~n :n atK,thrr marmrt. tao ant ruxtace n•s <br />tiMrexawer pa'a++3ekd :au an vlns kio~egafe slaa€3 !+r ~r.xer ttir masfiaa sxrc~h mmar hs .rrtt$s~i marl addresaei :o Horrtwrr at <br />else f+sispr:ry tsireaa sec ax cork :xAer addresx ax i!t>!rrrre^r zxar tfesrgnatr r+a noauz tea € crtfirr as prcrvidad! herein. ant! <br />fttrt car araucs ra L.rasdar sha#i €et ;smeta tnq ;srtxlled arcs:! rsswn rcrc•.>rrt rrguestrd- ^n i eaa;ier'S address stated herein nr to <br />salt aMtat ttrdtaa as Leader scar dm~nau to seer-cam taY licass,+acr ar. tsrn.rode,# '.>Frrxra 4.rr,~ n;atic.~ Fee-r>ded ix m tAia <br />s#d! #tr da:raar tt; tra.e traces tf+vx^n t~ Bixree+scr gar I carder cheat grtesa m for reunner dessfaated °x:. <br />If. lhia~ ~eMa: !.~-wraia f tit SwaettbMte. 7?aes farm .,f rmmfaae ..artstxtres cmrftvm <cssxnarrt: fc r ^sruuntl <br />'_ at8 ~'~~ ~s '*'~+ lid rastxttataa~ ter rw-,erSs.-ssrsn era t aasyaa-sc a unsferm savrxtt• trrstrwrrreu :ovesrrtf <br />saai ttest!>atn' Oats klettspfr +~#! tsr goecrrAaf :^w <he ;ar ,d rice :c€rassrcr ;a aatrs~#+, rtu Prapene +, Itarared !n the <br />swot ~ act}' lgrrtra,,zm tar Crete art ttru Me+txrayte :v ztte iu2e .-cxtatise~ se=rfh aprs3cc~hu taw. such r.vrfiirt shall our aflen <br />alMaa ~ at' tttA+fafe : r ttrr R ar ,ahroJa .at+ er gzry~n e:TeLr webmsa =let ccxttltrtmg prcrrrston. Sad to this <br />asr it p~ x~€ filer .Meese and tAr 'svate ~ :Seelarsrd tss Lae revea•atale <br />~ Cap . hr ;!~.-" ; c=zar€.armcd ea.,rn :.+! tier V<atr am€ ex zlras Startgafr at the tetsae <br />=af aaat:~ttiaa at ,attar rttc~rdaaieis . <br />~ ZltttstlMltrat#allatt~`a ~. ;i tirl,,x sass part =',t tlsr t'ttapartg c,~ an ra>«sest theme is a,ld nr transferred <br />4 tfeasoaw wtNtare fsearir's peat ~atsea r:ransemt. xaiiiyt rat cite ctstttxre cxrl a tun .u eu:-s.•taktrancs xub~rdrnare to <br />~M ttfaeis~fa, tle caaaesaa .±f a t+msrtssrr rtsnxre aas^nrtrr •a%newt fe-s ~ apptaatmes ±ct a rtuntet b+s clevnt~. <br />ttlsassaa as 1+,-:fwapna sal lass ~m ttte «italtb ref a lam trnam :er =sts sere fraen eu stet iraasfrnid t=zaeten >7f three x`ettrs ur less <br />'~~~ as r+lMtte a't~ubtttss° !°r'air'aaa3„ at t,:rnrlrs~s t~~tr~ern. ;fssc3uc +d# rttr ratter sa-narrd M errs hiurtxafr tc+ he <br />~ 1s err ta-aMe- i,.rerer saaiii has+r r.aiawad static ='petete t:o scarier'®te it. ItrarR ta, ttsr sale vrr tratnfer. t.rmfer <br />tedtlra ltaaaea su wrraa rile f4epttrxv rs ~ tar s[aad ~ ataaastiazzss3 =each atErc'eserot arc wrnxnf chat ?ur c7aht rr! ,tarp prtxtn <br />as atbracaae. le Lratrir atsr tiq; tlet rstaca,est rayaMe uer tic t,artra aecaased ?~ a'.ru M~onfa/e shall tat a# aua~r rate as i_rtsder <br />alni satisaae. ~ f..talir tear sartat} air ~tac~e t. a~a$erats fm:»raied Ee xh» puaftaph l? acrd :! &rrruwara staCa'eaanf m <br />iahlat flan aslecarar a atrt!tlaa aasuatppass yrfitaratpk a-t<epult ar, .~rtta„f ht t. a;ler.:-enaeer shay, reirase 8arraaaser trams all <br />ai~rietati.aarta ~, ttfat•ap car t-a'ttata. <br />1_#Mltc eaasar~sss amt a aGteirrse.:.c..atast s3aw`3 tread ~Orx~r+etr xwrtttsz ~d »cacirranun m aacu.'+rdancx v~rtD <br />trttilalb 44 Itaeatti SaseR aaleroe trut4 prswrsre a pe:ser# of tasr Ire t3tatt .Zf says irase rear date the ncaicr rs mat7rd withrn <br />~iri~ ~e~rar awb ' ~a ~r~a ~clawi 3ne. ~ tfatserrrcr taa'ss .o ~' ~:A •+.rnn pr~~ tc the nxDS-auau of ruete i,d, <br />pert <br />- >~ ~ fart~ar ttttdsae oe deatetai tfctsaewer.:nsaiie gas rraerdrs pt~~=er# >M,. panffaph t S hersasf. <br />qtr C~orat~tax ti~nwa astd i.aadtrr fuatlsex cxrraani and aar~ as frzr`fews <br />~r tit ~liwlalsE ~~ ~i i ~ ~ ~ f y ~~, 'man taetwtq''s bwrlt !f aat~ tma11rs1 ar <br />1~ #~ r ~ti~t! 1iit~~rtaasl/ wads! M ~r war~~le r ~ +siaar rtes all sMm aarswi rf NY `whttNt, <br />'~~+1rAtsaitiltiatllaattatt4aaatte ~ a Iola. alai ice t~ at! ~ p~~~ rr baswi tRaeilfittfi ffl tla kaaasia <br />~' aMY tiwi- stalk mitt Iw aatalr cat i4 tbnt hive r a7w antis fteaatelt .~ ar resists tka laee~ale is ataitM r Mswtas. <br />~aM~tislwtllplttiatitrlnl~nteatsati#t~ sbis wr~s fwirrMt lye ~eisd ~'~d 4 He tr~lisst <br />fwtwrittf car ale ar errs PtafttMy. <br />~Rr~lat#~~~I~tlarill~Ml~-Mwtsar ai tea+~t1 r wfatalr aAar ata'slastMiaa aM t4 tMMtt M sews iw Na fwaefiwwa <br />/IArt~-~ s r r tltfM ae alp setae Iirwr at tiaaaawr r amaWaa4ea car /awtiaaasa. M rtlr !cacti <br />Y+IalkaiMtat.w•kiilar4llla aPertt! r eels tanliea, l•aarsa a t.aetttr`a afaiaa oral raeisea i M tan aasaa aeerear tp <br />tfii-flilit~-rfiaitlaat>rreyritsatrfittfaifs ~ilsar ttataiw tisa~r V atw tattrartasa b issrleid #wsaaiYrf, !carat <br />Ikrrlrtr~lr r attrM da taei i~a~ r aatlaanrs of haetsiaaw. ia~e/arkt f, Aa wM liar to caW ai Mcrattyary <br />ttritiaara airraaa,ttar .~... <br />~ ~ ~'.~ f..aerer's sca:.e&x atta'+n =st rlte e,rrna speared M rlrr!1 Mn,raaar <br />a rte #l7a„Y seer faMStCietretra tayae ~+a• i-es~tlra aK= entca;z t~s ManrrgaYc .tts:.~n;nu+ni 3r a+ex trnx <br />.y,, .. <br />