Laserfiche WebLink
$~~- 025 <br />Urmoaas CovEr+atrts Borrower and Lender rnvenani aAd agree as follows: <br />/. IMAM a>t ~ tai laitaer. Bottnwu shalt promptly pay when dtte the priniipal of and intrrea; aA the <br />indatsadeas tsvideraed by the Nate, prrpayttxAt and !ate charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of std intetteat <br />ttn tray Fttmre Advttaces secured by tbu Mttrtga>ye. <br />Z R~r lilt Taw tai daiase. Subject to appficabk !aw or to a written waiver by Letsder, Borrawu s1aH pay <br />to Leader ra the day monthly tnstallaenu of pnrsctpal and sntcrest arc payahk under the Nato, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a ata ?> "Pronto") cgtal to one-twelfth of the vcarll° to:es and assrsstttmts which tttay attain ptioriry aver this <br />Morse. and ;ratod rteab on the property, if any. plus ame-[weftth of >earty promium imtaihttetsts far hazard tnstuance, <br />Alm an:-tsdlM of }wry praan® iaWihmrtts for emmltalte rASUnnce. tf say, all as reasonably estimated initiailY attd from <br />t1nIG M tisa! by I~ On the basis 6f a~6amerlis and biih std TrssOalbk lshtna[6 [IIEreOf. <br />Tie Funds rbaU !s bNd an an snstittttion the rfttpamts or accauots of ,trltich are tttstlrod ar guuantced by a Fedenf Or <br />atfte a;ttwty (iacfadin; Leader of Let+dcr is such an ttsstttutionl. !,ender shall apply the Finds to pay said taxes, aaKattxuts, <br />YaaAaee pteaisam sold ltOlad R7S7A Leader may not cliar;e tar so lsoiding and applying the Funds, analyifog said acsrount, <br />ar .srityin; sad rompiitn; saw ataassmmts std loth, ttnkas !,ender pays Borrower interpt an the Flttds and applieabia law <br />pwmiRa Lender to make sac6 a dsu;e atw Lender rttay agree an wrihn; at rise time of exectuiaa of this <br />Mnrtaye slut retmsXi on the Fctnds shall fx pa:d to Barrarer, and unirss suck a;reetrlalt n trade nr applicable IoM <br />~ rill itaecest to tre pad, Laxst4r shalt not !+c trquthxi sa pas Borrotrrr any sAtetrrst or eattunp an the Funds. lender <br />stall ps°e m Bomtwer, ,+~tbew clucpe. an amttaai a.^asuntxng of file Futsds shows; ctedid and dt:bia to the Funds std the <br />ptiyeae far wil~1 aat~ dtebu to zic FuAds way ttsaaic- The F€etstL art pted;otd as addsatonal secutits far the stutts seettted <br />by ilhs Maryye.. <br />Lr toe aao®t of the Fua~ htdd by Lassdcr, toltethr, with rise ivttsrx tacnsth#y mstailteeap of Fonds layabk Attar to <br />tie dts doss of taae-. vratunewal, etttuurance ptetnlums acrd gtaatttd rrnes. shall rxaxod rise amount tegtuerd to pay said ttsaa, <br />ante teas, aateaact preaiuas std ;ra;urd trnts xs lists laic dtse_ stash excess shall be. at &trnswer's cyf[tan, tither <br />pttttaF+tly tepafd to liorrass+a ar uedlted to Best-awer un ,aaaathiy +nstailmems .f Futtds. if the amatnt of the Ftttds <br />btti4 by Linter staff nos tae ssdiratst €o pay sales, asessnscrta. rnsurarstr prrmtums and ground rents as thap fall due, <br />iarrasaer stall lay ro !.coder any ax/trnu rsececsan ::, r?uic up t!se aeticxstc, wethtn +0 days tram the data rtatne re rnailt:d <br />ffK I~afar in Baneawer ttt?.tistatag Ifal"twenS InArea.1 <br />Upoe pasarsem :n fall of all slams r..°nrrcd h tt}z+ Mar€gagt i cndr± s3ufi prantiu3v refund ro fkwrawer any Ftttda <br />htetd 9y Lrndrr ff under Isaa/r+PA :t+ tte:re,t ttx t'xc+pets..s .old .x stte f rPprrt,~ sa ~ftens~+sr arqustsd by l.ettdttt. Ltnd[t <br />tiaB appfg. rsa 2ato than ~ °tcta tanx .<, zhe aok ,=t one Fropcrts nr ,ts arquwhan by 'xalcr, say Funds held by <br />Iaraer n ;#le ¢>aDe sv agpdaattoe~ :.;'cdxt a~at°s €tsr cats ~."r.r.i is; tistss ~fnrtgage <br />1 A~rttalaa aj ~ i.-nksa aytptr.'atafc 3as prix-sales ,.afxrwase. st3 Ivsmau ra^ttsrd by Lander under list <br />None sad , ara;rapAs ; sad 3 nema~ strati hr a~tanl ±nv Ltsxsdcr first ~A pa.menr „t att€a+tents psyaf+ie to ixnckr by fkxrtawer <br />strict ptsrttQapts ? m entrrru payrcMk .:m x`ae `.wz ='.~;cn :,.: tits prts~.tpal nt ttte Ncae. aAd :bra to interest std <br />pntacspY tas say` Future Wsaxxi <br />~. ~ae Liter Baaercalses staat3 ~p st? t.aea. a~»n .: ;sd .~tRrr .'rouges. fines and tmpabtt.,r+s httntnatahk to <br />tie P:apRi wtsrh slay atlas a latsxst?t t*ssa !it>+ \#rage-, arnf ~avch>x3.f ;+aymenn ^t grnuntt rents. tf 3ny, lA the manner <br />petsv+ded !alder panprapis ~ httoes{ cu.:; ;oat ; aFi rr cucis r~nr•--a hs Fiw-x,:nwea matsn; payment. wrhee due, dittx:tfs M ttx <br />plays dserwnt stall prcaptCr fz_~-;c~sh ,. ;-srwita r~ r:cn_~ tt atm-n:,~ty d# a:rrdtr tats pars;raph, and in tfrc rv~ant <br />t4sntstssr s!a£i agate pastrtsxst darxartis tk-~r¢wer 4hafi nrnaa,ftse !um+sis t.+ Le~lskr rtx~tlzta cYSakt~:ng web payments. <br />tteetataa stiff peasptfs dfacisugr any tsen = a.,;ts his pt>an,t. ,,ix-r ttx~ Niml(aac. pro+,:iccf. that & rra+wcr .ilaH !tall fte <br />tel(jtWtl$ to dsachar;e ata{' +iM~t tarn r-: ipng of E'3orra w.p aisati parer tP :.fxtir}; 1t+ tiM y?ayriirnt ,.! tt1C :,trio;atlt,n SC>tlred by <br />+wcL irra an a twanttas acs;cg+sattfc an t.rnt#r. , r +,Eaai na ;taaci iaatG . ,Ate>wt sactta SrrA Av. ~ :#rfiend rnic,n~rmcAt of suet trot s0. <br />pror+eeOtnp a9wch gate t~? parnent ihx c^ntauz~eatcras .x1 stet teem , x i xtsctsur +,i rix f'rmettt .a anq part thertaf. <br />~. Yintrd /aaaasew< tksrraassxx .•..s :sue trx rtstfare+vsxnentn *zcas a:sss••tt; .*r rrrrraftcr rrectaM xn: one ik,.pxrtY +nsuted <br />a«arR hiw ~ 1lre. haraesit atc3uafed satttua ttsr ;ern rasesadod ..ns-ra;r a»cS „a:h :utr~ M~arards as 1 txtdcr ma~+ rcquere <br />aid sn atr.Ka aruauAta and Txst san",i ,ssxxt as 1 a~a+* a xtras ,rgasxrc. prr*sadcat. ;hrxr ! cmt~-k .itai9 sou sryuatr toot the arnesunt of <br />> :'rmeR'a(tlr L?i."Y1!'d Tnai 9iTSfe~54 ;3# +.<2v~i'~r er+jwatL'+d ;t, t*a! itue w;anS xeat~r"caai t+t tdAn '.M11Y.rt5~a~,`r <br />tfe aaisaas :ostler ;+st;sa$ax; €ie nts~ras;r *,RaL 'te ~Asasett tsf tk-srraw.~t axtyta'-a t.+ apprtsra; ns i etsttleer, pray*ded. <br />HYIt arch appirorai sAi@i asst is :rrr:artrtaas#x s~sthhe:ki ~1i: }srcma.ce~ ~ Brous aaacc lwdw,ea >ttat9 t,.e c~s.w :n itae maAner <br />ptwrsdpl tatsits lara/raPR 3 hansat .sz ass Wt paid tst ws~ maaAU. Pm 9cssrs,s+st xtzal=nz; 4'as'attcan. wtrn cf;xr..tnratfY to iiu <br />aiaaint i9arrar. <br />~ taasaiasx ystftel® araY raietaais :tuersG.B *etat+ ±.c a. *atm a;.wrt°tattic t::: ~=p;xr ana9 stoat! -n.:iude > etanafard mssrtga;e <br />~alaat as tas^etr st star to lotto armrgpdtlt mc+ itnd,cs izssdrr wsa:i As~c t:tr xapht ., heed the ata5 tcne+als therntt, <br />ail ttirafl yratgpaiy sstwi tst f.rsadet sdi nr.rttza asx:3 ail trx.~:pns .rsr f aw ecancutua !ra tine at iw~. <br />tlpltralsli silo};. ~# pttsoapt ntattrte is tic ~iacaatr>rz .arrrxs +ar;Yt i.ersafxr Lrn4ra rAa; exsa->: {tt':r?3 ,}4 leer et n;si aszadr p*amptf} <br />>1d' Ba:rsiiar, <br />1.:ii l.aariw aa>a Borrswtm ctrier,+xst aa'ttc =e; »rr:rsll., enauranx ~ x~+:fs coati #se appfslxt *.s-~+ rrsnaratsan .,r txpan nl <br />tit ~ si7rrrarad it"nt"~ _x+ txs~:rat~~= .r .yfssa:r ~_ ~saesss.~7s ;essx as~# :ix ±ssctrrt^r ttt tftrs }tcartga;c is <br />salt slaMiss' it each rt:saata<ststtn a.>r sx;sssr es au: r ,tnxa5it tiastR?tr ,x =" =tax ssv-urn4 ~i the W wt;atte w.<,uid <br />!le t tie ataraaaa prssoeiir saoata tse rlg+iacd ten zthe sasnrs srs~nred :,t silts Mnrtgattc, :a.:tn ~!~. xaarsa, st aAY. pard <br />to ttastrerirtr if tilt t'FyRrfi a atssuak.tasn3 txt ffcsxcrsrr .u ,? Bt~ext>wser laxts v :,•+,4trauai t r i caaLCr rathan it! dabs !rrtn tttx <br />datle iaps~ :s nsastad bt i.tsnsita t,> Bssrxragasrr t~ else ctssaaa~aars .arraxt „r?taa rza +rsttc ~ 4tacsaa rra? +nssaratw.e taersetsu. t.amies <br />w alafrttraai wt caiBasy salt s#+p0> titer anwraA.x pstrrtr+tba ~t t eassrct s aptmm cathrr to rssucsrussurt .+s repay c,F cit. Frrt+leret <br /># !e tie soot aecatsltt 7~ tiAi, fMe:79p;a <br />Lfiiiatn lastint arlai iitrt¢wex c#f#wrv.rsc ayjtut =:rs ,rra3:n~, acs+ aur:3n appltaaaa7a Ott p;x,:,ecds sz, pr;ruxpai ,fiat! sr.,t €~atend <br />err y+ttssf;lasfe lie tea :irlse t~ the rsaa~£V* z~tetraxt la ,.,, patsatapfss aa,d ~ rsrr>«ut :.: .han;e snc ana,.a,nt .+t <br />aY~Slfpp?fAlatlls. 'ri t~ :3€ lii~~.~ Yea. c €tx~ai; :s a~,s7::a3nf T^!a I..t'7s~isea. ail r;~fsi.::E~ sin? ::~trmt ><t i3~tr,•wtr <br />a a~ t@ ~ ~iaick laif+if;':rw said sn aiatY tc5 Y'Gr ptta:cpit t3lt~tW xesss$tsse Crsnxa ~+>2sic txs 3ht Pr+apcr,s maau tv the sale <br />air Yfaii Alta k:. Lra~sa t+J ittc rRtt:m ~ the xaitLS uG-~Ui`xat Cj ittit ~t.;r tgags ,:':;ntxdNtet'. ('Caart sort; •.rale .=r <br />i. I~tfiilstt ail ~rara sti thal*aaay; I.araitaltk t~gdnw~wits; lllawtstoi l,dt Dnria~aroM- 13crrn>scr <br />ttiiY ~! silt inrj a;ttad t atad aiaN :tea ,r+aste u. le.s+ss ...ira~ralcs:; alt :1rta :stn€:,~a t+i .'tx i't<~rre <br />airs slat .~°nsapa;° ^ :s+fs 'dsR s'+t+u'+!~na +# astir tsrrr cf r~s **!seta;alhrr +z .+A z r ki !t fi,w '.fcxa<gagt< ,3 + , ..ttst a:t <br />_iadatratatatta :at a ytiarww0 tarn desvsi~naww.. lfarrnrrr =!asati ~.=~,snt a4e .:? fk-aa rx*+.-c± n ..rfxit~,cta+w•a :ansica .hc r~'rax asxz>rr <br />a! diliaaaWa i'stiis~ # ;st,sarwtly thtt crtaa3ccrexu,m ctr pe`a+stax6 .rotas steytr;s?prsscztq, c!'sc+ hY~LSw~ csit3 sc;r+;attarns a~4 tine <br />ors- $ialaMd aaiM ~. sold c~tvstststtscast ;dra~.=attsratsa st >~,_q..a€`savAUtsain ;sue ~~+asnrxd ==r„e .tcseicgssran:s <br />rt~! tY ttalataMad ~ and tasatnsied G~CShrtt w-acn nttae tsf.'digaaa t±a>. .-a++rorratxfn :uai y~n~ensenta .,3 ,e~.'n s,drt <br />tli~.~ ~ rtrle awl stall aiaaad arsd z~tg~ title .w^:attta ,.xx2 a;treenersts si ono;sax ~, ,t sae ~ t,t><s <br />solo a pf/1 ilarna~, <br />T, ~ l+IlaiaYi It i9asar•aawrr tans ~+ irxrtextus afse .avvssaan+t, ,oeW . r+ntunrr.:a! .c, shx. <br />14elleBltBe. air ~ arty aslaaa tat f~ rs .ziafttra>: w•ASa:~ «.tsn `a rsa~rr:atf^f W>!aea+ i crwer $ :,trt ers ,u true f•=,,lt•r•, <br />Ilai nta mttaiifarl t4. criuttara ~d,atiaal~ °=Yth;S ;sKia nlem.;!':rtrtc~+t ~rs xccasf~xt:rrnt~ e:re~ccxd.rsgs, ,,•-x~rs, +:rr a <br />it VA~tr +k. flaw 13aXiEt at f-tMlsfar's 4 Allots.. xjs4m sr~+t~ -, ~s•st~wsr~sr !ssa2 a+vraae sFre:ie alstscarmas,~x,,. .lrsa.+ star =,r-, n <br />sltfaa slid alalts a~tte#s ac#saw as ~ atlry : ~ !x 3.~-~.aer:. ,rte=:. --.. ~-uc=,;: ''ter, r.~x st;n+tesi s. .t,tr ,r.r:rs,+ . , <br />aailfieiia t+ntwaa!'i lair saast mrr7y arissln 'fw i°a+nlscrt; txx rnaie +~#assss =t* asa#rr r~»++rr«t .,,~,s tengc ~.+u +,rs nA .. <br />#snstfllnfi tdl tie dawn aa6-rttd Et!, €ltas li~ttjss~e. fie: rrzr.~a r3ssi; 4-at~r Brae ~arie,:mxr-.rxrm rcrrsx,rrz3 ;. enacrt:ar,~ .,its <br />wtistFtitiM kl tl>~F3 ratfd std tsrie as the swrs7Wtatatt6n! $itt xstrft sisss:Y aru..e +x•yaxsasvatse ,n ,a.xxxrsfa+a~c ws:±z Ntr+n.war , a.u~~i <br />