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80; ~~i8 <br />Lender's xrrrtten agteetrtent or applicable law. Horrtwrer shat! pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />mtmmer prnvtded under paragraph ?hereof. <br />My amounts disburaod by Lender putwant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />:rnieixedness of &xrosver secured by this Mongage. Unls4s Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall he payalsk upon notice from Lender to Bom,wer req«esting payment thereof, and shall hear intemt from the <br />date of d<sbsutrerttent at the rate payable from time u, erne nn rnvtstandfng principal undo the Note unless ptytrtent of <br />irtlereat N ranch rate reottid !te contrary- to applit~ble law .n whta:h went such amounts shall bear ;nterest at the highest rate <br />permiuabie treader applicable law. Nothing rnntairtw in this paragraph 'shall require Lender to incur any es'pensD or take <br />arty actiaw fsnetreder. <br />!< iaapaetyaa Lander may matt nr cause tc tx made reaccnsaMc entries upon and inspections of the Popeny, prosided <br />that Lender shaft give !lorrstraer rtaice prier to any such mspecnnn s;ta:ify~ng rrasnnabk cause therefor relattd to Lender's <br />rrtterest :n rise Properly. <br />~. Caaaeataaliaa 71se pnxmLa oI ant' aas~ard nr :farm far dama¢~es, dirc..t or cortsegttential, in connection with any <br />cartdemrution t+r ether taking of tfte Property, nr pan thereof. oa fnr cnmryance in lieu of cnodemnation, arc herehy assigned <br />and steal! be paid to Lender. <br />In the even! cd a ttstat taking of the Property. s!s_ pr~.-teds .ha?I ht appiircl to nc~ 'sums securttd by this Mortgage, <br />rriih the escess, :Y any. patd in 8orar?wer In rise es~em of a panic! taking of the Propem~, unless Bnrrower std Lender <br />after..•iar ague in s-nnrrg, there shall tx appttect to the nuns secstred M then Mongage such pmpnnion of the proeeedf <br />at o; equal to that propcsrtis:n sahaGA the amcwm of :he sums secured M• tfits Nnnga+e immediately prior to the dale of <br />raking hears to ttse tart marts value of tRe Prapem~ tmrttediatety peer to the dolt of taking, with the ttalance of the proceeds <br />tsaid n [rrnstt. <br />if tlt Property is alsandtxted M ~irrewer. nr ;f. after natix~e by Lender [n Bnrmwer that the condemnor othn to make <br />an atsard nr settle a eLrm for damage. &xrrosaer forte t=~ rtspr+ixf m t ertder within SQ days after the date stwit notice is <br />mar-ltd, l.etsder k autltritad m cnikcr and appt,<• the ptcxeeds_ at t-ender'x nptioa. either to restoration or repair of tlee <br />Propratw.. x m tAe sums centred f.v Mix Mortgage <br />L`aleas Lendes and Ilom,sver o[herwix agree en writit:g, at»' strrh application of prxx-eeds to principal shill not extend <br />or peesty¢:ne the doe dace ci st+e ~nthlx uuta3?menu rrferrrtf to m ;,arag:aF.hs ?sad ? haea,f nr .flange the amount of <br />suet aatailanetstx- <br />1~. irrwwe NaM Rattwtai Fattens-rsn of ehe t:mr f ~r pacmen:.,s mcdifkanao of atnorrizatenn of the sums secured <br />by alts ltnrrgage grutted by Isaciet ro any xancesssyr in tnteres7 ;n` & mower shall not nperate rn release, in any manner <br />tfie Win. ~ afar ~Vttr"*al ~3 ss.:i &'w;E,+i-r~: °- T ~n ;;,trr~ : etrtrr aF.a;: r-; 4+e :t~v-it~cJ ?n <br />p-ome~i'sr~s agarmi sueir sucirn+:r x refuse rn retrn+i nine !ter pavman: ar .whersstsc ntndif+• arn..ntxanon s,f the Bunn <br />aer:urtaf My this llQcxitgigt i+y reasr,n n! ern demassd maele h, tfsr ,xt,}enal Bnrrc.wee and &rmwtr's sttcerttscars to irtteret. <br />11. l~eitae~er fl- i.eatlte i1 a a1'ai.aY. {m f;+rtaearan.e '~, ? et>Aea rn eartc:smp am~ right .,r remrdv hereuntkr. nr <br />aaisss-ue atfx+edet9 fly apptrcaMe tav s}sa>'3 eat he a va err :,t ~, nrccfude the exercix of ana~ ,ttch right or rcntedv. <br />72te gre.'•anerrdu cd iasaaazttt ar the pay^wsettr .+# lasts ,,r ,-thtr `lens .,t .Ratites M I eredta clot? ntx !x a wasvtr of i.ender's <br />r6gln to attierax tfr truturity :d tax mdet+iritstas ~cx-arrd hx rhn Nc,rgaae <br />12 ~Cfttttaillrn .{?1 remedua pre°+~drd vn rR:i Ais,~rtgage air dzstmct a+td .umuianvr to any niher right nr <br />ttaaest- Made'. ties S~tnttgage t+r alf~,r4~'.r, la+s ,~ y~s;,ti and ens: 4 tsrr~:stsS crt~urrrntty. ;ndspendentlt c r setc.~cssively <br />f1 Lataetta~a a~a Ada r~ .ieirre aw Snell iialaiy; Gtgrata. ]Tx c;+srr~nts arni agrertttents herein <br />caearasts+i drag hied. send the tigius htsenttdcr ::rsat7 ;Hurt :o, t;x respntn~r sax-crsr-vtr, std asstgna ;,£ ! rndrr atx! &arrower. <br />aul}txt to ttae pn+x~isarats ~ paragraph t' ?xxa:a:t {;! ;t„vrnarrts any agtrrmenas at Bormwrr shall tx ,.=;n[ and seaeral. <br />71lt captu+as sail flndmg~ ~ tnle paragraphs of tRtx Mnrigagc src fns ;oavtntcru'e .xxiv ,n;i asr not to t*c .tsed to <br />ava}un [sr dente xlrr prw~ssioea hcm:f <br />i< '.litisat £acept f°~a anp" aat¢.^r nx,}rxtrrd esncier a{ysiieanie fa. rt. be green ;n stn 7hrr manner ~a! am eerier to <br />!on»wer prr~,~xitd tsar ua this lic+rtgagr ,;ha72 tr fie+•en hs mat3ing .eel: ;x,atzr by :tntfted rna<i addrrxxd to B:wm+ser ai <br />lire Reprrty {ddlESS cu at such whrr add: ex. ea &,rrs, mac drrttgaatr hi ~trY ta, trader as pee,viiicd herein, arui <br />tial ate aspttx ^a i.raStr shaft fir gasxn fsa .xnxftn± mae9 return tee refit rtyueattd to I rndrt's rddr>eda stated he; tin of to <br />aucl tstfsea +eeidse+~ u i ctsdcs rosy desrarsarc hs >vcaxe a* IS~n»rs as pmrsdce3 heaetn 4ns nun~r pmrtaircf t;w to this <br />t~twtyf,e alai tae dttettsad =±- Ra+s tseert gr+en ts~ Barmstr nt 3 ender .w Ma fixa~en m [tat monster deaignattd '+erein <br />13. t'a/arm mat Ga•eaaiig Lw: Snerttiift. Tfir, f.+rm of tmsngagr o;?mlttttes e.n;tarm .sx~enants for natturaat <br />uac artd aPtr•§atrifisl'm ~+octsatsta .,ash ttrriried 4~aavaits~rx !+x ~unsxtrcrmm+ t. c;mstrtxstt a artu{orm stcut°itx resit-sinter ~JClnttg <br />ttttd prt>lasty 'iitea ataxr=..gaar straw ttc gc+svrvsed "=y t.+tr ta,. nr .3+r +tsnxh~~t~ ~m +a~lsrch ttte Pratxriv ;s Saats$ !n the <br />evaatt tla2 a~ ¢rt+v+an+r. or <~la~usr .?f thu t1+.rrtgage ;n t?ae \,,ae ..,.ntl7rta +xh appfu:ahie taw, s+~h :teaC?aci stroll not ar7ecs <br />collar straw-taansss id t:Rrs laortgaae w rfsr Vs~r .fira.-i+ :an lsc grsexx etirai r~trh;,ta the cuailtctrrtg pms~tsion. sad to this <br />~ rite Pesxvnrvwa csf tlr a!,'~tjage and tie `sr3se arc +~a+d sc i+e scvera!# <br />K 1~ f.~a. ~127sitiipi Misr hr z`m"a~as~iEai S ~i.:at' ~~e a.'a ttiE '+'f~iC a."R'. e.f tfiT Ma~Ft*,#~E a_ :i>f nmE <br />rift ekartAM it! araet rK°k'f(aaOlip fteras[ <br />i?= >ttaadw ~ tie ~/aM3+ ~. f= aft ~ env €'st°t et tlsc Prt,periv . r sn :t~xerest lteetsan is s'~tt er rransfcrred <br />ir! ifitrivvreer taatitt+ati Leadn's }x'su meatte t xxosctat., racltrOing gar t#tc .sraiu+n H a Ixn v emmuteFnit4s suf+urdmata to <br />tiro 1Wiryttgc,, {iu tie :araiaaw ;sf a psu~:itare eaor+rv sr-urttx ;ascre~t fssr tu>staehxvid appttaxwxs. t.-i a tramfer by devise. <br />aaataftt ar 5y ~arsae .at ias open tfse dawtlt .ei a izxitst settaot to .,9r the gaauat cif any l+etsehedd aatcseat of ttsree x°cars or lest <br />esn civaoiaiag ae ctlaiwa tea p,sra^Itaae. Lcwa t~iy, at i.sewier . 'fi~sn. ~ :xlaro ail tAe Worsts by rho Murtgayc to be <br />srataaslewety stet awe Payalk i ~a sival7 have nrtxgl aiv:-rs ~uvnle t.+ ac>:eieratr t#. prim to tfie sale w tranafrr, i.ender <br />aril lAa gcnG~it m wieat t9se Prtpearv tx ~. tin at'~.9 w trsmi~rrtd ttach agrxxtssrttt nn wrtnng [Rat ehe crtvkt id snxh petsoa <br />>< aaantacai+rv !e lewder anti 4lat afar utttts*aa rttt-aixk on tttc xtrtms rec.-utrd trj =irz~. Mnng+tre sRat1 ce at swcft rife as Lender <br />sill tat~aa ii Crater let >.at+aasi tlc :yarnis ts, asxk¢~~aie prtaraviad ;n rile parai{ta=at 1? atsd ~# Borrorrr i stw'.caaor m <br />aeaaraY lr resat-rttltE i ~r>,t[s aaativagtaun a~r+tatteturt a~.-sftted en +rfl. t~, ~ :.::ails _ i ett~r ;ttal3 ultra-r Besrrower ;tom a:; <br />aigi~ttttiws sealer Zia !/aYagpra sell lAe ?-cwe. <br />Lf Latwtiar eamtitea tonsil opt+twt t°a aiz~itrata isartct stsai3 nsasi &rrrxwcr ntxrC+r e-i aarkratron ;n ,sisardarke «ttft <br />paattt/altl 3f iatetot Swdt tsabae viol provaic a pt7xad z+f Hatt kn than ~ days tress rite date rht ntxtce a autikd wuhtn <br />selteit ~wrrrr,+ea mar pat t;lse warn dwctarad >ttrc ii lasts .u pay stxrh wins prxrr [:., the tsprnurx: at such prrtsrt, <br />Lawir sty.. sr>t!t@art ftttfiax wrftcr ot -dawawd e n Bs+raxwr-a.:oa-~tte an> rrtrzedses i+ernn,e:esl tw araEraph 1 S her+cof <br />!tFisW-t~lwalrr C~tat~lwFwvts ftitltroK' amt S.stMitr tttraite+ izreaan9 ;uxf rrgra ra E ~af#t+vs <br />li laaeiaiaaf Att•tiw. 6afp a gtraatlaa fw gaa~ 17 iwaw, tgeta larwwda ietaett alt awlr rwawawt sv <br />a~~r atf ~wrwaR ill tli llitt4~tl~r irAtt!tif~ rite a,w~tttir b pry ~ftut erne nN~ r~tt wtcw~i i~S IYftt lftrlpgt• <br />lalair flit to safiat~wa fits troll aattw to Mrww i gawiisi i gwwtpryi it itewl spsilylttg: t 1l tla Irsasi: <br />i~fie aa~aw aat~eti tr swat ftaai iataatif 619 a ia. alt aer tint M ~ trot far era tilt wwn i rwaael to Mrrw.ea. <br />4 aMtitt- soli taaaai ftaailt w +aaa/t oaf FN alt itiate N caw .ac# latwcl ant +r idaaa f4 leee +la~lal i• rite eatite <br />!aIIR wplll i atattti~aNata at aia ataaa ratial !y its Nwlrytal. A..aclatms iry itateid w~aa~l ad rte ai ale Mfgertr. <br />'AaaratMlia atiawAa~lae ta/tallt err al ale ~ ate faltaara ttf9w aaetiwaaiaw aa/ air rfatA t. arrrf V tie twadataa <br />IAMaa~ fit at a ataatM rr aeag .IY. tlegrwaa al Mwwr fa tacxaYrriew aai httacfrwfra. M ele lratA <br />11 affil etaatd oat rr il/ate r~ ar. apaliti r. slat watYre, lair sM iawir`a araiar want aariaea ai et tit aaaw aeerd l~ <br />trrt.llitwAgrt ga la U~t/rrlr alai ad gftaaila wiglttw taeritae laat~f taw rraLti i.wci.aa fte !}elrnl Pw+~.a+4tg. f ratlsr <br />fits 4 rtlMai to fa4w in rtes paaaa.llalg A •agarw fl, wawirG, ttaw .r lrYati ra. cart sd laaterwtare <br />aaf/t~rr~es trttt#/t fgaer. <br />~. ~wlstA ~ w ~!, {"~itrg t-c+st6et » ~u,,.ssreu.+m .d tt;a sores scs.+n~c,3 M atsta Mnrtgagc <br />1it~ ltwla >Mt r~ [G laN awy prsaWasaaaga tt5 i ettlcr ::r cniaa•ve ttt.s ?1/csrtfage +1rss~a.rntrtxutd at an} gene <br />