<br />L'fvtrotst Cose3,i snits. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as iotlow•s:
<br />1, if>•aM at 1h1ne1pi air Io/aest. Horra<ver shalt promptly pay when due the primipal of and interest en the
<br />iadebtedrreas evidenced by the Note, prcpayttxot and fate charges as provided m the Note, and the principal of and intetsst
<br />txr any Future Advaooes strctued by this Mortgage.
<br />1 Rmmi far Tomas ad taattm~se. Shb}ect to applicabte law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower sha11 pay
<br />to (.ender as the day rtranthfy irotailments of pnncepa! and ?trtetest arc payable under the Nate, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a twin t7tesein 'Fttads"t egtwl to one-twelfth at thr Fra:fy cases noel asgrssntentc which may attain priority over this
<br />fMas'tppe, and gratmrd rcnta axe tlse Property, it any. plus ant-twelfth of )early premium installments for harard insurance,
<br />phss aaat~Nfth of yearly premium mstallmeats for mortgage ansurairce. if any, alI ac reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Leader ap fire basis of assessments aid hi1Lc acrd reasenabk estimates thereof.
<br />ilre Foods shaft lie bttd in an rnstittrtion the deprrsits or a~ccwnb of which are insured ar guaranteed by a Federal w
<br />state agen."y fitrcludittg Leader if herder a sircii an tiutitutian3. Lender shat( apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assmsmeots,
<br />tttwrt~ee premiums and groutd trru:. Lrnder may not rhuge far x, holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said acawni,
<br />or verifying and ceanpitittg said assessments and hats, unless lrrider pa)g Horrawer interest an the Funds aad applfcahk law
<br />paorits Gender to mate Brach a clurge fbrtotver std Yoder ma) agree m writing at the time of execution of thin
<br />Alortp/e that inteest on Uri Fronds shall tx pisd to fkrnaiwer, and unless such agreettieot rs made or applicable law
<br />ragmites ouch interest to be pai4 (.ender shaft not fx required to pay Harrower an)° interest w- tarttings on fire Fltnds. Lender
<br />sWl Ove to larrtmr, witiatrt charge, an anneal a.~c>untang of the Rinds sho?amg ctaLts aid debits to tlu Funds and tine
<br />.ptYp-sae for whrch eye![ debts to the Funds was ntaslt•. The Fatsds are pledged as addausnat seventy far the sotto secured
<br />by chap M~PF-
<br />If the atatattre of the Fonds ttdd by (.ender, tagetfua wren the future trwnthh' instatlmentc of Funds payable poor to
<br />tie doe dais ,f taut, atscautteori. aanrtaitx prcmtums aid ground rents, shalt excesd the amount rrquin3 to pay slid taxes,
<br />rasaaoeats. emarance premiums and ground rrnu as Nre< tats due, such esters chap ire, at Borrower's apuon, either
<br />paamrptly repaid to Borstawer ar crodited to Borrasrrr m rtwsnttth :rrstaNatents of Funds. If the aaioiuit of the Fins
<br />>t~d its Leadn shall not t+c sta6cimt to pay razes. aaseasnrents. x[nurarkx prtwta:ums and gmuad rrnts u they fall dtte,
<br />Bcxriswes ~ Sl pay is (.ender nay arrtautii na~a.~ to make np aM defiaencv wrtluo ?6 days linen the dots notice is mailed
<br />by fr„er b lortetrrer teq•.iesnt[g payment thczea 3
<br />Ltpaa paytseat ra fu#! of ail Burns se4vred b) croon. hior•.gage. 1 ender shalt promptly refund to Harti wet amp Panels
<br />held by !-ender. If under parragraph t ti fterrat rise Pn,pe:t, .. sNd ;>r the Prapem a xheru•isc acqurred b) Lender. Leader
<br />stall apply, m inter than :tamediattl. prxx to tlse ..ale .V +far Prapeny „r a[s acgwsi[ton by tender. any Funds held by
<br />l.anAe* at ttte tone ~ appalacataan ~ a ztsdrt agatrsst rite s;uas +ecsared br tors N.ut>~agr
<br />~. A/~oliaa 1 fapraaere ialess appl>caMr tau pzv,<:des .,tfrsru~iar. a{3 payments rccaivsd by Lendsr under t!te
<br />Vote and paragraphs t amd . heressi shall Oc app{rssf bs Lsridcr first :n paymear .,: amounts payable to Lender by Bprrower
<br />opener }rarapaplt ? fresnoi, then io stnrass+ ,ayarblr r;n rile Nair Inca n, the pnnctpal of ttic Nots, and etren to interest and
<br />pnacipal m am Fuetm Advances
<br />i. ~ Lays, Bast<iucr tai3 pa. rT3 sas,rt n>s~rscmrnt., .+rxi .,trier ~ttszpes. fitter and :mprxnwns aitrthutable to
<br />tit Auparty isliicb ayy auapr a prx?rmY aver iftac yortgage. and tsaseho{d pay'monts oz ground rents, i[ any. m the maraixr
<br />pmssded :Wrier paraRapb 2 tremtt oa. zf tau pond .rt sus3t manor>. he &xrouer malting paytnrnt. whes{ due, directly to the
<br />payR .ieimf Risen $at7 preawcpct} f uraish to 1 ernic* at{ nivx-~.:;3 amat:ats due under thu patagtapb, aad is fhe event
<br />ttart~.+a shat,' mate paytoent dsrsctAy. Sarn,urr ,trail pzatnpzs, tumuli to Lender rrcetpts e,rderw:ng such paymcntc
<br />ionvwes shag( paawtplty deeharge nay Brea ~!+-.ctr lira t+tx,nty .,,rr cols \tartgags. prav,ded, that Harrower shall ao¢ he
<br />te[ittesd &'t docharse any sur-3t teen a> totrg au &•irrorver shat! agree m ,.rnartg to ire payinrm .mot t;ic „bhgatn:n vecutad by
<br />swcJb lean rn a unamaer awceg>tab{s to Lender. ;ar shall .n gctcd fa:ffi :.anus, su~~h tics b), or defrnd tnior+tema+t[ at such tiro t4
<br />kpi prtraot$mgs •ILCh +.apesaaz ?o pre<car t9c aniasza.'ratrent of ±irc iron oz torte:turn of tree Prupcrz) .v am pan thereat.
<br />3. I~ ~~rtm. }3intaiwer shalt -aep ttse impn vcmeat+ ~ ,. csrstrnp xx hereafter crr~trvl on ttrr Pmpsrty insured
<br />~ loss !» Ste, t[aratds ua-lu.kd wa'tllns rile tenor ~~exisadesf ~crserage' and su,.h aeher ltaaarsLc as 1 ceder may rrgwrc
<br />awd m ssa^ir atn+wata and 4tv star#e perxsds as leasM• ma} ;eyuue. pta„~rdea. ;list f ender 4f[atl rn i rc~urzr that the am.runt <,t
<br />suc~i saovcaa~e siresad i2sa,i am+aawri at ~<<~a/e rev}axt>sd ra ptv trx .ones Bra-urea ha ?hr; Mxmgagc
<br />11e anpacsi•'e a-arrsw pr;3vaftag elan iarss[ranv~s shalt ft .trcrsesn !: fkxrc+Wer wL+lt~t 3n appmrat by t zarder. pravadesl.
<br />tiY aaeia 'd siaB ni+t ae unnaaasx+at>7) wnfsieid :411 prcmrrrrns em tnsurxtsce }x*3niea silafl t,e paw n the tnanrw
<br />psassisd reorder paratt•yrb ,'. hsmc?t ix a3 oat pool ua sia:ir inmuer, 3>y &>rrarrx rook xag payment, w3un due .Irttxtly' m ttte
<br />aiasramae tartar.
<br />AB aaartrancc ppoem amt [s:aei xis thMSa,3 +lrat+ ire m f atta a. ~cptat>le ?n i rtx#rz and s!?a1i ~ncludc a standard mortgage
<br />~Mne m faw~r t~ aad :a forts ac~epta3aie eo (,carter I. cndea sfut3 rea+x ttu rzght :., ttcN[1 the pu3icrss std reticu ai, thcrvxri-
<br />arilnnttpa~ s#rdi pr"t~ly furaph ~ l.r~lca a#1 renc+al arxk-es sod a31 resxry>ts a3 p+rd prenuacm In ihr e~:nt c,f toy.
<br />lrsssaas eiia#1 ~{se pR`rrrlt a.,noe to itae ratwr avic*e 4atrsrr aad l.sra.tct lt~srtea :na) ::.xis preu*3 <~# kps :5 airs made pn,mptfy
<br />!ty iascaaeer.
<br />llmimw t,.siet Gard R1cn,rut artier.ass ogres ar uriteag. mxuaax g+:ar,.'erds coati tc applied to restoraturn .,r rspau z>f
<br />tin! ~ dsiagmd• prxdad ratc{ta rc+isxatteae ar r<:parr zs er>z~>at..zlly t~asrrfrtr a.°ni .ire ,acurrtx :.q tit:a 4tortgagc :,
<br />aeet tissaiy tmtpmai if sarAf rsstorat~m cx teyrart A rot ztiaawamacat3) feasitrie sv ,t She secwit) ti this Mcaat;tge wswltf
<br />it ~ tic ~•awwraws y>wa'a~rtk tat ap{dutr} eK t3[c soup +tacaueci by thrs 44onpags_ Wxfn ttse ascs~es, {4 any, pod
<br />iA t If xis huplavtS a ata~i'xsed ern iimt~+xa, .vr ,3 Borrt~st iacr`a to ru,{a,m1 trs Isadet +~ihin 3U days retort the
<br />date seispte zs fantod fry lreaetra is li.~rxnaca meat tAe urwrancr carter a+:{aa ru static a cioim fur iasuraucs txi[efits. 1 xrader
<br />a atttiasasad m cxtBa-t card apply rite rirsaraax presusesL as lrea4;r a opta.,o rrnc~i t.> isatcvau{wt or rcpau „t tree Pr>psn)
<br />ur at: cola ttmsr tartzrard 63 rim
<br />i'Wims (anion aratll alhers•ase ~a co wrxixg any Beach sppiraauoe wzf prr,ssedu +x, prtnapai ,hnP nW e+tsnd
<br />nr pasris lien drre dMe cif the mttnthhl. nWalteerenta refsttexl to :s, para{r+ptrs ! and . trorecss ;v _hatrgc one amu.,n{ w
<br />sttt~tasatiiitliamat. ft Wrist prapraapis 1! fasamrrf tare erupt;aS is ar.;,luua.i 1sy Lechler, a[{ regbt, a•iter uni antcresi of furr,•.cs
<br />sin amt stn ~3' ~tirrr'~ro peiaer aaC xri t~ tt+c iyrra-st resutieng fpm i:ama~ to the Prafeeny poor to the sate
<br />ae a!ertmatwoa atoll plow is Limier to tic c*sc©a :;i sbt Bastin sex~utsa'{ h} itxt: Mor~tgagc ~smataealake.{b prtar a.± .,ttih s,aSe ~H
<br />L ptmrasi r Arta ~ ftampwa: f,aaiiiaiilr: CwMrWimiostc ((mined l w [kvtda(aprepp. ticu raver
<br />i~ +losapr Eire 1"tuitmr3g a Horst rrfsau aad NraB ;arrt : +asts n permrt -u°npat.°aeax{ ar deterrcru.rosa ;=t ittc Prt<{icr4}
<br />amt airriH axilsyiy rsati tie peavirasllrms at ants lease at tttn Mentgape xs s>n ~ tcaae3re,ld. I1 tots ~ts>+tgage t, •;n a ~~a:2 i+a a
<br />asmtiamrtirsimt ec a pitmri zaaa dessca~ert. Brass~zrwxr s5a#i 3+crt€.~m all c,3 fiorro.cr s ,.~rNagat+ru;a urds:t itaC 1e~{arat a>n
<br />it twsmmaatis xT ~nraareg dre ;:c?odnartnum ar piauatrrd vnt3 desct+. }wncari, tnc h?-raves and inguiatrrrte .+( the
<br />a'+spiaaldmptsli at piismmatll tiara dez;iaprarem, .rei F~oatrteaem d<-w.vnterutr ft a d:+n,tant»niuat .>r pi,.rracd +~nr, .3e.rk,pnxat
<br />~ A tafuntrtt tti llmswpta' awl isrcavvrdid ss,+eshen waits rn» Maretgapa the +awvrranta and :iges.!ntrnis .,t ~i, it r+,kr
<br />~~ IV nlaaapemtalai anMS Gird vira~W atsperi xisd ssit`ynesareat L3?s cvvarrants atuf agtccnren[a cri tires Mart{{ag< a:,. at the redez
<br />asasa # polo ~~-
<br />4, ff~!Mrllam ~ immrwala tJpsa[I1i)f, li floret+w•ct ia+tt iu pea icarare tt[t covsnasttt+ an.7 atuswxzrtn ,;,ntaswed in ih:e
<br />vii ~ amy as'aMar ssr ps+acfidnrg er .~:s=d wfrrw#a marsnall) af!',xfs t Wexler s +znsrest rn the P•.>peny
<br />'lts iiA two lisraiai aa, trssartisrt dexaaps, rRaa;vcraG~- -rxrdc calimrueartwnr_ tar sr~'ar;aeracnts ~ rr<>~m3rnas ,nr.r3„ns s
<br />#!MlVll~l air iswiislr-'tisn Lastiic as I..aasfef's z,pu::•nn. selrrnt nr,~ytivc ra* Wnt_*rwrr, maiv nsiske suite app~rar arx.~. J~v.~srx su<A
<br />soars aY tali! itatkir at°tiao n. n oa.~t~ar3 ~: p~.t l.erd~r=°s int~sss. ~tYScri; t„at rcit noes as~3 tz> ,t~ahs,rarn,e:st .
<br />rtMMlta111a ~ 1'aw aitd l71tt)' tigara clan Pnupcrap ~ s repsirv r I{ ttx ,.tee et+,.,t,rtrcz3 ro.n3ar,ac u,.u~arar en .,
<br />var~iMasp a+f isratirrp !tin teener s!ses+radl isy tfsw Mrnt#prys, fksxt€w4a she#; ;=a< ttsc peesn:enrtrs segia,rc,f ±.. marista:n <.,.fl
<br />iamsattaar r timMi sore! cola m tree *asliratailaraMt for 5'dr:ti Ltttttaxe ^rrar:efva4r^e :n as3,a*nfar r with H.x+rx.rcr , un.1
<br />. t'
<br />