�,, ��, -M .�:�.:..��w���9r?�� ,��,�.,�y�4� Y - _ r.
<br /> . .�,, ' ' '7'l°iY�!� �.'7�.Ttm' 1�^-"�_-
<br /> �i, .. ....�i►�.. . .$��.�ti.�t`�x3l�•3,5:. i. ...:.:y�1,�
<br /> a�. . -
<br /> J '�� � _' `_.�.36r.s.�_..,._��_. _�...��...— '__"" '"" �.���...�.TL�,:a__,�,.-�.. -
<br /> �
<br /> ��SF__ _—
<br /> 92 2 0066�
<br /> - " ' ' �7.Prot�cNa�d L�m1W'� Rl�hb In tM Poop�rl�l. M eoROw.r lds ToTp�ioen+uw oo,r�na�nd�prMnwnu oontih.d --
<br /> ' c
<br /> �' � .. In thM S�aNMy Instnrn�M.a tA�n M�MoM pooMdnO��Y�M►�1No1 Lwb��dpht�In th�Propr1Y(woh w�prooNdirq ,
<br /> . � . • ., �" b brbupfay, prob�h, for oond�uYon or forNipin or W wdo�w Mwi a npulNfoiql. th� Lw� mnl do�nd p�y lor wlwtni�r M �'' �.
<br /> ' •n,:"..e :: •.,....r ° n�pwy�y b prol�o!NI�1�kN d MI�Raprly r►d LM1dN'�Ilphft 1111h� PropMly. Luldr9l�oYo11�ary kldud�P�Y�O�Y M+� �� [`�`_ : `-
<br /> .,, .. , py a Mn whkh hw P�y ovr Wt 8�ouiNy In�aumml. �PP�inp In aourt. P�YMp �+a� m�Y'� Nn �nd �nt�in0 on th�
<br /> � ' ProqAy to m�k.r.p.r�.. ANhouph L«�►m�r ak.aa�on und�r u,�.p.�pr.pn Y,l.nd.r ao.s na hav.a do w. - .---_.
<br /> �► .��a ara...a �r �«a.. �a.� ua. p.r.onpn � .nw c.�w,,. .aauo�w a.� a aoROw« ..�.a br u�. s.a,�+�r �s '�„Y�r-,-.:
<br /> � �M. uN.as sortow.► ana �..na.r .pr.. ro ahu c.ma af paynMnt, un.. .moum. .ha� b..r ht.ra� lrom th. da. d F�;:•:-.`�=-�._.���_—
<br /> d�bunrmnt�t lh�Nob raU�nd�hM b�p�y�bN�wilh bt�t.upa�noYo�kom Lwdw W Ba►owu nquntlnp WY���• v. - —
<br /> _ 8. MOrtqa�In�u►�. H Lmdor roquirad mortpapo inwnna as a ca�llon of mddnp tht lo�n �ecured by thie tiea+rllY x--°i.:_--� _
<br /> Inw+.e.M, eoROw.s�a� av uN a•� r•v�•d a m�riu�n ui. ma�9.p� In.uano. in .Il.ot. n� �a .ny r«.on. ui. mono�a �''-p��' :�''"e
<br /> bW1i110�OOVif�� 1�1�� bY �.Mldr IIp�M Or CNiM f0 � IT1 M�CI, BOfrOWQ �� �I�N pfMllfllllM �M�Ik�d 10 0�1�1 OOY/�Yqi = -- — - _ _
<br /> .° .,,as�.nu.ry .quwaw� a uN morty�y�Inwana pr�rlouey�In MNd� at� oost wb�nlWY �qulvW^t to tlw eon to 8arow�r d tM -'_'�"__�
<br />- rooisaw� Nsu►�nco vr.Nouslr in .n.al. lrom an .a«nw mo�tO.p�inwr.► �pprowd b�► wia.r. n .ubwnU�Mr puNal�M mort�a ��'w1�c:-�..<..,r
<br /> .r r�u+ieae-�
<br /> rrn•..�-..
<br /> Insuranc�oov��Y not av�YabM� Bartaw��IW p�y to lir►dK Meh month�wm�qwl to on►twNllh d th�yMrly matp��inwana tic:x=--
<br /> P����W P�bY BarrowK wh�n ih�imwana eov�Mps�d or ce�s�d to M in Ml�at. Undw wiA�oc�pt,us��nd rNatn thau � `". ,--__-
<br /> �.. `��:_:,S�,wS.�-.-
<br /> p�yrtMnta u a bss rarv�in iMu ol matqays Inrwanw. Las naw�p�ym�nb mry no lonpu b�nquk�d��t th�option of Lwider.N - --
<br /> moApq�inwranc�oov�(fn tM�maint and ta th�p�lod th�t L�nder reqWns) P�ovid�d bY�n Inwru�pprovod by Lw���In - <~w�u-. _
<br /> W�
<br /> e.com.s rv.w.a. .�a a onarn�a. ao�row«•n.r P.y u�. � nnur.d w m.rudn morto.�.r+sur.na�n .n.a. « �o p�cs.. -__- --
<br /> b..n..n•. w�dl M.r.quw�«nam ar nwrtp�w„w�.ne.«w�In.00ad�nw wuh.ny wda.n aOr.«mnt b.tw.«, eortoww.ne l.ne..« �_-
<br /> . . �ppYo�bM I�w. --
<br /> " 9. In�p�CtiOf1. l� a its apeM m�y m�k� �sonabM enbbs upon and Intp�ctiont ol th� Proparty. landw �hY �ive �.�� --�
<br /> �.._°�--...�:-
<br /> �.r' � M� ��_.
<br /> BOROW�f IIOUC!�t iM 1�11�0}OI�[O�t1 MqpYC1�011 S�1Q rMW11�WIIM IOf UI!Yltp9f.M�Dl1. !
<br /> 10. Condomn�tion. � proc.oas ot u�y ,�wa�d a cwm �or dampa, dk«a a consayuant�, m connaction wUh any r�-�i .°T;;=,-�_-
<br /> , ca,aemn.tlon or otn.r Wdrq ct my p.n a u,. Provanr. «to► com.y.nc. m wu a cond«m.uoo. .r.nx.by.ssqnoa .na .n� b� , _;� ..:�~--
<br /> • ' piid to Lmder. : `�, 5�-
<br /> � � In tM avent of�toW Wdn9 of ih�Propafy,th�proceeds shaA bs�pplied to lhe aums socured by tMs Securiry Instrument, whetha y:� ': �--
<br /> � . . a not then due,wNh amr�occsss pdd to Borrow�r. In ihe aant o}� pWial Wdny oi th�ProNaty h wl�ich the t�ir m�rket vtlue of th� '�.;�i:_`�.:,..:�_
<br /> � ° Propsty fnniedletaly befaro Ihe WJnp is equal to a gre�ta thui the�mount of lhs wnn �ewnd by thla Sacuriry Instrument Nnm�taly �'����'�'�::-
<br /> I���tu::�_
<br /> .. 6dore th�Wdnp, unNst Bartowr and I.�nder otherwis�ayrN In wrltlny.Ihs sums aeund by tl�la SecwNy Imtrument shaY b� nduc�d �C..=-�-._--�-
<br /> by the amourn o1 th�procKds muldpA�d by the toYowiny hacUon: (�)the tot�l�nwunt ol the wma aecured Imma�iaiery befon th�Wdnp. x'�" �_-�_
<br /> , ..,,;'' dlvlded bY(b)ths hir mukM vaiue ot the Property Ym�Aetey beforo the takkip.My bwnes shall bs pNd to Borrower. In th�eveM of�
<br /> h
<br /> „ •.• p�udtl 4ddnp oi the Prap�Ay In whbh th�Iair maiicel vNw of ths Roperly knmediat�ly bNon ths Wdnq Is kes than the�rnount W th� r. .1 ;�..
<br /> �ums s�ound Inrn�ditqly bdon th�Wdn�, unlea� Borrown and Lander olha�wias apre� in wrltMiy a unless applic�bb law oth�wiN 4.
<br /> . provld�R,the proce�ds�ha16e appG�d to ihe wms secund by lhls 8aeurity MsWm�nt whelh�r or nat ihe�uma ue Ihen du�.
<br /> - _--=-_- N ih�Prop�iy is ab.ndonwi by 8orrowar,ar H,anar naika by LzndCr to 8acroucr lhitt thc condenutor oMde to make en ew�c! a ��?�''�,�s��
<br /> � • � sdtle a cWrn(a d�p�s. Bortower 1�Ns to reapnnd ro Lende►wrihN 30 daya�fler the d�te the noUce Is given. Lander la aulhaited lo '...:r.�".' . �
<br /> ,:
<br /> eoYect �nd appy lM proaeds,at qs aptlan, eith�r to r�storation or np�ir ot Ih� Propetty a to th� wms socund by lhis 9�curUy ,� �-,, -',;.,...
<br /> InsLunMn�whether or not then due. ���,�r._.,°.�.'' �
<br /> ' '•�, ,. ,. Unkae Le�de��nd Bartower otheiwiae ayree In writinp. ony appYcatlon of proceeds to prNicipol aha8 not axland a pottpone th� due , �. �
<br /> ���� ' d�to of the monihy paymenb refared to in paaprepha t �nd 2 or ch�nye the�mount ol wch paynMnts• :��� ! �
<br /> `•� ' ��`,,`;:•�,i ` 11.Borrowor Nd Roloasod: Forb�ar�nc�By L�nd��Not a Walvor. 6a�nabn ot th• t�nw ta p.ym� or ;�';.` • �'
<br /> • �y�;,.;t- mod�AeaUon of�moNraUon o1 1M sums secursd by tht�3ea�rity InMrunNnt yranted by Unda►to�ny wee�asa In intereat of Barowr k;��,•�•,.�...� �
<br /> ehal not opaate to nie�se the ItabWty o1 ths o�fyk�al Barower or Borrower's suooasors in interoat. Lendw shatl not be requked to ,. �
<br /> ,' comrnmp proceadinps�y�hst my wcc�saor fn Interest or re(use to mclend tYiw lor paynwnt a olhawise modily amaAUitlon of 1he ` ` �"�
<br /> � aums s�cured by thl� 3scurity Inatrument by rea�on ot my dertwnd made by the aiykwt BortowK w Baroww's succeasora in intwat. � � -
<br /> ,. ..V f; =
<br /> • ' My fo�bwrance by Lsnda N exacisiny�ny ripht a remedy ahaA not be�waNer of ar predude tha ex�rclae of�ny dyht or romedy. fa,. :
<br /> . ''�,� 12.Succosaon and Assipos Bound; Jolnt and Sovor�l Uabllity; Co-st�non. Th.eov�nann and•praenw►ts a �-,,,;,: �, ___
<br /> � � �'� ' this S�eurily Imirum�nt ehal bkid�nd bendR ih� eueeeasors�nd �etipnt W lendx and 8orroww,wbJeet to th�provislons o}p�npnph ;'� ' _ _ _
<br /> 17. Borrow�►'s covawntt �nd apreanants shali be jolnt�nd sevenl. My Borrower who co-�lpn� ihis S�ou�ily IneWment lwt das not �;'. -
<br /> aceaite ths Nott: (�) h eo-si�niny thla 3acurity Inatrument only to morlpaqe, yrant, and conrey th�t Borrower's Interest in ihe Propwry �
<br /> under th�t�ma of ihis Security Inswment; (b) is not personaQy oblpated to p�y the auma s�eured by thls SecurNy Instrument; md (c) j
<br /> ' '� epratt lhat Lender md any other 8orrower m�y aq�ee to wd�nd, modiy,torbear ar mda�ny�aonxnod�tions with rapud to t�ms ol =__-_
<br /> 'Q�_,.�
<br /> ihls 8earlly In6trument or the Note wilhout ih�t Bortower's coneent. �:�;
<br /> 13. Loan Ch��ges. If ihe Iwn aecured by this Security Instrument la sub�eet to�ww wh�h aels m�xWnum lo�n chargea, and "'�''-`�'"y:,�
<br /> tha!�w Is ftm InlwprMQd so th�t the Intercat w olher loan charyea coAected a to be collected In connecUon wqh the ban exa�d 1M L----..-
<br /> :.�.,-��
<br /> • , pamilted ArNte,th�n; (�) �ny auch loan ch�ryes ahatl be reduced by lhe amount n�sauy to reduce the elwye to the permitled limll: � . . � �
<br /> , �nd(b) �ny aums �re�dy coNectad hom Borrower whkh exceeded pwmitted ifrtYta wql be relundad to Bortower. Lende►may choose to
<br /> mak�thb refund by ndudnq the prindpd owed under the Note or by m�king a dkect p�yrnent to Bonowa. II�rehmd roducas principtl. �
<br /> tha nduclbn wW be traled Aa a paA1N prepayment without any p►ep�yment charqe under 1he Note, ��
<br /> 14. NOtIC6�. My noUce lo Bortower pro�ided fa In this Seairity InsWmeni ahaM be qiven by delhre�iny ft a by mafNny il by firot �
<br /> d�at mr9 unloaa �ppYable law requkes uae of onother method. The notice shaY be directed lo the P►operty Addresa or any other
<br /> y�.'• • rddnss 8ortower desiqn�tes by noUce to lender. My�otlee to Lander nh�N be yiven by firrat d�as mail to Lender'a�ddress a►�tad herNn
<br /> '�:' � a any ather addrers Undu designatea by notice to Bortowe►. My notice providad for In 1Ms S�curity Innwment sluN b�dan»d to
<br /> hava be�n yhren b Bortower or Lender when phren�a provided In Ihb puagraph.
<br /> 18.Qovar�inp Law; Sovorabllity. This 3ecurity Instrument ahall be yovamed by lederal law�nd the law of the Jurlsdktlon In •
<br /> wh�h the Property is bated. In the event that any provlslon w douse ot Ihis Securiry MaWment or the Note eon8icts wNh appYdble
<br /> � � yw,auch conAlct �h�Q not�fled other provialona ol this Security Inaln,ment a the Note whlch can be gNen effect without the eordliettny
<br /> proviabn. To ihia end ihe provislons of this Secu�ty Insirument end Ihe Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> � 18.BOrrOWi�'i COpy. 8orrower shall be given one conlomied copy of the Noto and of lhis Securily Insirument.
<br /> . ;`" J 17.Transfa�oi tt� Proportyl o►s Bonaiictal intera4t tn Bor�owor. n ar a my part o1 the Propeny w.ny ti�erost
<br /> � fn it Is wld a tranNared (or Y a beneflcfel Interest in 8ortowe► la sold or tranaferted �nd Bortower la not � natural penon)wlthout
<br /> � 1 ��..w..�..,.i.....,.cN.w..n......� �r.d....,.0 N ea nMinn ra.vJrn Imn.ritau rwvmant In(utl el aY s�xna searad Av IhLs 3ecurHv InnWmeni. _
<br /> � - .�.��..�. ......�.. �.._�... __.__. .._ _...- - -�. �- - - ---- �
<br /> Howevar.this option sh�N not be exerci�ed by Lender If exerelse is pro��bited by lederal I�w ae oi ihe dale of ihis Security InaWment.
<br /> M Lender exerdtes this opibn. Lende► shatl glve Bortower notice of acceleratbn.The noUce ah�Y provldQ�period of not leaa Ihan 90
<br /> deye hom lhe deite th�noUc� Is deNvered or mafted within whkh Iha 6ortower must pay�N sums aecured by thla Securiry InaVument.II
<br /> Bortower faAs lo p�y theae auma prior to Ihe erpiretian of this period. Lender may Invoke any remedies permitled by thfs Security
<br /> Inahumant wilhout tuAha nWk:a a de�rw►d on Borrower.
<br /> P�pt 3 ot 5 Porm 3028 9A0
<br /> F1029.LM6(9ID11
<br /> �9pt�
<br />