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<br /> Y2. � ' �/.
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<br /> Q�t „a, }�r� �s.
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<br /> . . • , _
<br /> 't• — —r...�a'-- ----
<br /> 92- 10066� ------ -
<br /> b _ ,. . Fund�N�n�nnount not b�roMd tlw n�rn�nwunl �irbr lor�MdwMr�hd�atpr0�lo�n n+ry n�k�/a Borrowls aaaw
<br /> � f;���.r,"1 :� ." ^ . • �ooO�MM u�dw tIN MdIr111 Rrl CWN�MIIM�wq Proo�dwM Aol W tY74 p�rirnd�d Uo�MiM b YIM�1�U.9.C.2�01 M Nq.('REdPA��
<br /> - .���� � unlMS o�o1hM Mw tlrl�pplw Oo 11w�und�ats�INw amaxM. M so.Wndw n�r.�MY tlnM. ooNc1�nd Aotd Funda N�n�n�ouq �•'-�•.��
<br /> . �.':�t�'���'� no1 b Ma�d tM Maw►rnounl. l�ndw n�►�1M anwunl d lir�d�dw an IM b�N�d ain�N dro and r�on�0i�WInrW d
<br /> °�;.;`'t=�`� • .�ndNur«a wK.Bsarow M.n�.a ahwwl.•h.000rdnw wfU+�pplo.a.�.w.
<br /> • " . ' . TM Fund� �l�Y b�hMd In�n bslMuYoe whow d�po�ks w Yuund bY�Ndr�pMaN�inq�un�ntally.a rMity(NaM+diq Lw�du,M
<br /> ; . •.�:. ��� ` L��dn N�uoA r►YIqlWlbnl a►In q►F�d�rr Han�lo�n E1r*. LM�d�r�hY�ppl�l tIN Fw�d�to p�y tM Hsorow RMns. L��d�►nry nol _�
<br /> '''1� Ar'�''�:!:�'' . ct�Ba►ow�r lo►hot�p�nd ipplykq tM Fwid�� ntw�My�ty�n0 tM�sorow a000u�M�a wrN'M�tM��aow p�nr. unN��Lwid�r
<br /> - - - - pay�Barow�r MtKat on ih�Fundr�nd�pplo�bls I�w p«mits L«�d�►to�wah�dMrO�. HourNK,L�nd�►mrY���r�O r-= - ___•„_,
<br /> : ��:_ ,;� '�1. P�I►�onttlm�chr041of�n MKMP«� �I���po�1M�p twvio�w�d by L��d1►In oon��MiNA 1Nh lom,unl�t�PP��
<br /> � '� Uw praklM a�he�wM�. Il���n qwnwN Is m�a�pplc�bMi I�w nqWns Int�!to b�pid.L��h.r nat b�nQAnd to o�!► �_---�� _
<br />�,;-='i a :.., .� r�y 8aaow�r�nY inbnq o►MmMps an tM Funda. Bortoww�nd L�ndw m�Y�pn�N +�MYp, ho�K� thtl Intw�t stW b�p�ld on Uw -_
<br />; r , • Fw�ds. LM��hY plv�b Boaoww.w11AO�d ch�rp�,�n�rrrLl�tin0 0l tM Fund�. �howBO ar�s�nd d�bMs to dw Funds�nd .
<br /> • th�p�rpos�1a whiol► roh d�bN b the Funds was m�d�. 7M Funds w PM�a�ddtlo�W waxMY ta �A suna wow�d b'Y W+ ��"-� -
<br /> S�awMY�- -_ _ . -
<br /> ' M tIM fundt h�id by Lw�d�r aoMd IM amounts prnlatbd to b� hMd bY �PP�� �• Und�► sh� eeeounl W 8ortoww ior th� —_--�°�=.`�
<br /> ucc�s Funds h �000►�nw with th� �qdr�nts ol �pp�a�bM Mw. If th��nwuM W tM Fu�baW b!► l�nder at ary tNn�is not
<br /> , ;' sulAatent to PaY tM Hsaow Ilrms whm dw, Und�r na�Y w no1MY Ba►oww b r+iNYq,�nd.b weh eas�Barowr shv py W L�nda �^�4�Z�-
<br />,: , . � th��mo1M1t n�cess�7 to m�k�uP dw d�Adr�Y. BoROwu tIW mra uP 1M d�olwwY b eo nlon th�n urMi� monU�lY P�r�nu�a ---
<br /> . �---- --
<br /> ' �.. d�•a _ LM�s soM dtor�llon. —
<br /> ; � Upon p�ym�nt M�uA of M sums ��d 6Y lhb S�ewih in�an�b Unda ahY pt�a�pUlr nAnd lo Bonow�r anl► Fw�ds hMd by __._.-
<br /> . ,, . L�nd�r. p,undr prs�nph 21. Unda sh�Y �in or wY Uw Rap�Ay. L�nd�►.f'tior to the �tftion a sd� W Ih� Proprty. �IW �_ _,
<br /> '�"�'.` +�PaY�Y Fund�hNd by Und�r at th�WrM o1 aequlaltlon a uN u�ayd'il ay�insl th�surta s�wnd bY Ihf+S�eudlY InstnNn�nL F ��;•„
<br /> �� �; � � , 3.ApPno.tia+ a Paym.na. unt�ss.ppAc.bl. �.w prorld� oth«wls�, .�paym�nu r.ah►.a b,►�.oaa►wia..pvaRapn. � ��;�,a�-
<br /> , ? , � �nd 2 shd be y�tf: 1Rt. to �ny pnpaymmt chuqes du�und�r lha Not�: s�d.to �nounts p�y�bls under paapraph 2:ihkd to _---
<br /> ' �, btwaa dur,lourth.b prhdpd dw:and I�st.W�ny Nte ehvpa du�umMr th�Not�.
<br /> �'• twa
<br /> , , •;�:�;.:' � 4. Ch�►�s: U�n�. Bortow�r ahall pay aA t�xes��ss�sam�nts. ehup�s.In�s and Ynpotkians tltribuhbb to 1h� RopMty wMch =_=__-
<br /> � ��;..:., -
<br /> . msy�qin prio�ly owr Ws S�curNy Ins4wmnt,�t►d INaehotd p�ym�nb ar gound r�nri� M�rry. 8ortow�r sh�N p�y thes�abNp�tlon�b __---
<br /> � ' th��prald�d in P�9nPh 2, a H not patd In that monner,Bartow�shd pay ih�m an tYn�dr�r to th�pertan ow�d p�ym�n4 e,��-__....:---
<br /> � . Ba►owr iIW pro+riplly Mrmbh to L�nd�r al notices ot mounts to bt p�id undu iNs parapiaph. It Bortowr nWcK thw p�ym�nts =
<br /> ." dfnctly.Bartower shY pmmpUy tumish to I.aider nc�te wid�ndn0 the p�yrtwnb. =:-- --
<br /> , ,. gwrowK ahaN porrpty daetqr��ny IMn whkh h�s Prlaih owr thb S�aMty Instrum�M unMss Bortow�: (�)a�a In w�tinp to ihQ =►,�.rs.ar .
<br /> - _ - • .. - p.ym.nt oi u,.ob�ip�iion w�ra�s cy tna 9cn tr�a ss�cr ac�co Lenee►: (b?r?9M..ts in good�.wn th•wn br�a d�l«�d,.�Ynst �_�-,�.-_�� .
<br /> � � .moro.n�n of u�•wn �n.lep�l P►oce�n0s whkh in th�Lendw's o�inlon operab W pnv�nt tM rMorc�nant ol tM Mn: a�e�s.av.s `..:��":`�:_.`
<br /> � trom tM hotdar or 1M Wn�n.��d s�dstactay to l�r►dv wbordln�Unp th�INn to tha S�cwMY N:uument. n lwidu dM.�rrtrna th�t �.-..�.-
<br /> . �ny p�A of th�PropxtY b wbjocf to a Yan wh�h m�y�tfain prlo�ity ovx thls S�auUy InWwmnl,Lendw m�y qhr�Bortowa� nodce ,,,..s
<br /> Id�ntityinp fh� Aan. Bartowr shN ratley th�Yen a Wn on� a mon of iM�apons at IoMh �bov�wMhin /0 daye ol tht ylvYip of �._,._„+ _'_
<br /> ' notloo. �"•'�-
<br /> . � 5. Hasard or Proparly Insuanc�. Bortoww ahal kaep th�Mnprovemena now.�aauny or h.re�rt.r e.ec�ed on the P►op.rty �'""T�:��•=-
<br /> �. ,J'�:.,r;�=�
<br /> < � Insurod�qdnst losa by An. hazards induded wphin the term 'extendad wreraye'md�ny otha M=rd��Indudinp flooda a Iloodlnp,tor , f,_.
<br /> � ��'..,' wldch Lander roquk�s inwrance. Thle Ineurance shW b� m�N�Wned in th� arnountt �nd tor the palods tFwt Lendar nqukea. Ths .. - -
<br /> , Ineurane� eanUr prov{dhp th� tnauranoa aha4 be choaen by 8arower eubJeet to lmdK'a approwl wh�M sh�N not b�unn�son�by .. ` . -�-
<br /> wilhhNd. If BoRaw�r fals to msNtaln covuaye detetib�d abov�. Undar may.at Und�r's oplion.ob�N eov���to prot�et Und�r's �::-..�
<br /> • �ipMa In th�Prop�rty in��nce wNh PuaynPh 7. '� �_ _
<br /> �� . q1 Inwrance poYclaa�nd renewala shall be�ceeptabte to lendar and ahall Includa a atandard morty�ye cLuse. Lendar sh� h�ve ..
<br /> ' • � th�riqht to hdd th�poYdes�nd renwvals. If Lender nqukei, Borrower�had promPl�Y phr�to Lendar d reeeipls of pdd premiuma�nd
<br /> ' ronewal nWices. In tht�vant of loas,BortowK�h�1 yhe prompt noUca to the hw�pr�kr�nd LaMw. Undw m�y mda prooi o1 __--
<br /> ' " � • bss k not made promptly by Borroww. :,v"'".�''""�
<br /> � k.�. ...
<br /> , . . lN�less Lender�nd Bortower olh�wis�ayrce in writlny, Insur�nce procaeds ah�p be �ppli�d to rottoratfon or rep�ir of the Property .`,.•.,. ._:�-_
<br /> '.''' , � ., dmwyed. B th� rertoraUon a repak k economicapy fea�ible and Lender's cocurity ia not Isssanad, q ihe reatoraUon or rep�Y is not � ._ -- �--
<br /> .�r�y
<br /> �,;r`°.: .,� oeona�Nc�Ny 1MSibM or Lander's �acurity wouW be lassened. the Nsuranca procaeds sh�N b� rpplled to the sumt s�curod by this � :_- - -
<br /> ` �``'�''.i::.;.: 3ec�My Intlrumant,whMM►a not th�n du�,wqh any acess paid io Bortowa. It Barow�r�bu�dons th�Prop�rty,or dats not�ntwK .
<br /> � � '' wqhin gp d�yt � notip han Lender thld ihe Insuranca c�nier hae oflered to eMW a dakn, thm LMtdK m�y coMct lhe Inwranc�
<br /> � • proee�ds. Lande►mry us�the procwds to reprk or reaton the Ropaly or to pay wms s�curad by thb 3�curity Inatrurtw�t, whalhw or � -
<br /> , ' nol than du�. The 30-d�y pa�iod wWl bepin when th�nodce Is qhren. '
<br /> " UnlQas Lender and Borrower othervviae syree fn writinp, any appYatlon ot procceda to prindp�l ahad not exund a poatpon�the due
<br /> • date of tho monlhly peymenta rderred to in parayraphe 1 and 2 or chanpe ihe amount ol the p�ymenis. If under parayraph 21 the •
<br /> Propely ia�cqukE►d by Lander. 8ortower's rlyht to�ny Maunnce potkies�nd proceeds reaupiny hom dem�ye to the PropMy prlor to 1he �
<br /> �cqulaqbn th�N paas to lender to the extant of the sums aecured by this Securiry In�inMncnt Mrr�ed��eN Prior to the ocquisNion. j'
<br /> 6. Occupancy. Proa�rvatton. Maintenanae and PrMection of tha Property: Borrowar's Loan •
<br /> , AppllCatlOn; Laasohold�.Borrower ahaq oceupy. eslabllah,and uue the propEYty aa Bortower'a princlpal residenee withi�elxly days �
<br /> ;�;;r
<br /> • �her Ihe exeCUtbn d tMs 3ecuriry Insuument and shell conllnue to occupy the PropeAy as Bortowera prinGpel residence lar at teasl one
<br /> � ye�r�rier ihe dete of occupency.unteas Lende►otherwise ayrees in w►itlnq, rrhich cansent ehall nat be unreaaonably withheld,a unlesa
<br /> exl�nwtlny draimatanoes axist whlch�re bQyond Barowor's wnUOl. Borrowar ah�N not d�stroy,danay�a NnPoir iha PropMy.�Yow the
<br /> . ., � prq�ty to dalabnte, a eommfl waate on the PropcAy. Bortower shall be in defauh H�ny fafeiture�ctbn or proceediny.whelhe►chY or
<br /> pUnind, la bepun th�t In Lender'a qood IaHh �udgment could reeuR in lorfeilure of the PropMy ar otherwise rruleri�Ny Mnp�k the Yan
<br /> _�
<br /> � �� � craoted by thia 3ecurity Inskument or Lendo►'a securHy interost. Bortower moy cure sucn a deisun ano rwnsi.ie,:o rir:7.:a.:.�w�Y�r��
<br /> 18, by c�uslnq the�ction or proceeding to be dismfssed wlth a ruGng that. In Lender's qood faAh delemdnatlan.precludes lorteilur�ol Ihe .
<br /> Borrower's Interest In th�Property or other matariel Nnpakment of the Ilen eraated by thla Security Instrument or Lender'a aawriry interest.
<br /> 8orrowx thaN also be in delaull H Bortower. dudng the loan appNcaUon process, qave materi�ly klaa or Inaccurate informaUon or
<br /> afelernent� to Lender (or IWed to provlde lender wNh any maleNel �IortnaUon) In conneetlon wNh Ihe loan evldenced by the Note,
<br /> IIndudhq. but not Wr�tQd to, repraenatlona conceming Borrower'a occupaney ol the P►opery as� pdncfpal reaideoce. If thls Sewrity
<br /> , Inatrument is on r le�aehold.Bo►rower shal compty with�II the provlsbna ol the lease. II Bomowar acqukes lee title to the Property.lhe
<br /> � IwsQhotd�nd the t�tkle shaU not merye unleas the lender agrees to the merger In wdling.
<br /> - qq� Wpt 7 01 5 Form 3U28 9/90
<br /> p Pt029.1M0(9A�1
<br /> N 49812
<br /> � I
<br /> !
<br /> �
<br /> • , i _ - --
<br />