<br />Lender's written asreematt w appficaiik law. Barrnwer shall pay the umattnr of aiS mortgage insurance prtmiumx in the
<br />mtrr#er Provided uadcr pttrattnph 2 irateof.
<br />Any amoutra disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, wish interest thercrrtt, shall became athiitianal
<br />Fndehttdneu crf Borrower rK#Ilred hY this ilnrtltagt. Untecs liorcower and I entkr agree to other terms of payment; xach
<br />tl/trounta shall bs payable npaur txuitx from Lender to &arrawrr rtq##esting naymrm sherrnf, and shall hear intrrc+! from the
<br />date of disht#rsen#tnt Mthe rat payahk from time to time an cuuxtanding principal under the Nee unless payttplttt of
<br />interest a such me xretdd he convoy ux applicable law in which event such nmrnlntx shall hear interest at the hilhgt rate
<br />pertelisaible under ttppliwbk law. Nothing contained •n this paragraph ?shall reeautrc ! ender to irtcnr any o+cpelue tx fake
<br />any action heeutdsf.
<br />R ~ Gender may make w caruae tax he made rraaynaMe enrrits n~ and artspertir+nx trf the Pmpeny, ptOVideof
<br />the Casrdat snap give Dmrorer antics prier to any such ;aspectar,n cliecriy^ing rtasrrnabk cause thtreftx related in tattler's
<br />rtitcreN in the !'roporilr.
<br />~ Gaiat~raMaR The prnrteds of •rnc award nr claim far damaeex, liens ur cansr~urntial. in artnectiun with ary
<br />nostdetewation err abler talon! al the prapeny. <u part tixrexrf, or far mnvr>,°ancc an Situ sit :nndtmnatian, arc hercDy assigned
<br />and strap )k ptsid to Leader.
<br />IA the C'eNri Of a nYal rakitgt c f the Property. the prnccedx xhall re a;+#+licc*. to ahe arms s~etured by thi+ h/art=a)!e.
<br />wrlbt the taLlf. if awy. paid to Bormvrr In th• r+•eat :,f a paraiai tatrng of the F"mperty, unlCn Borrower and Lender
<br />otiret+riae tutee in eiriting, there shaft t+e appitrd trx the cams x..urrd ;+} this Mntvgalte ouch prapartian t+f the prncexda
<br />ax as etprai ip tfxit proprtian x ~tirh the anrrutra of iM sumo cecrtrevf by thss ~irrngage immtdiatdy prior en the daft ttl
<br />iakitlg beat M the fair Aaarkd eah#C cd tM Fisipert3 imrredtately peter to the d.ur rxf Sating, with the balance :aF Eht proeetdx
<br />#yaid #ry sontarer.
<br />[f dte P/t#~eny b alrndolted by Bournacrr. zu if. after nraice t*y I.cnder m Borrower the the candeatno+r odltn M mate
<br />sn award et ttttk a claim feu dama~,rs. &xrmw~ fails ro respntad ir+ 1 ender ++:tirrn JO days after the date such trritt ix
<br />mailed, Ge#du is a#+t3wiad m rNlect and aplrfy :he prc+eetds st f tnrler's rrption, rnhtr to rcstrxatitet or repair of tltC
<br />~olN+y ear ra tJte signs t h4• r3tis lfavtgage
<br />lJaietrx l.tadtr aad lcrricrwer suherwasr agree rn v.riasnf. aay such a;+;d._ errors of prrcctds to principal chat! ntM cereal
<br />car priaparre lire drat dau c,f rho mnnthh izrral4trxnri rrtern.d txs in raraa'at+A+ ! and ? Sxlmf or change the alncxrae ctf
<br />+sa:h ranaBsrRtter.
<br />K plaaawse ~ltat Rdaaed. f•'-atrnsavx .,;' the i:nrr ttu pa+incnt ,,r nvsdificatron of amostlratsem c+f tree ,+rms arc#ared
<br />by ties ldtrt;ape prattled by t.tltdrr Ic+ any srzrsrrsysu .n ratrtrV of tk^rr;.u•rr chart n:u ,,.peratt to rclra><e. in any manner.
<br />ehe halef#tir d rise arlprm2 Boar+nrrr aiaa! N+,rrnvc.'+ sawrrxam :n rnaerrst 1 ender 4hai1 ntu ire teWoin~ Sr+ e#tmnxntt
<br />prxs-oadnlps atBattes tech ua-i^evs,~+r :v rrar»r t.+ rs#m+i tame leer pavmrnt ru +,aher++-ice modify amartizaac+n ut the xurns
<br />sss~#ated Sty tlsia )Aa'asBapa !zy tra4c+n r,s ens sfrn+axs,-t rnads hs tfre .,nc<nal Rnraa,rer aF#d Nnrrnwrti sncresxxrs rn imtrrst.
<br />!!. Fae`t~oe 1y Leader !-sy a Waiter. hrs. t Rl;tar •.z Fn t cr:drr :a rxrm+crnR arse right nr m#rdy htrt+mder. ru
<br />.9sbssasat apicrrdM tt$ apliirablr Les. sfsaH :a.: txr :, w•aFCrr .,. .;r t*rrrirtdr the cxcrrrsr of any such right of remedy.
<br />The of itnwattQ:r #ht 7oysrxr'1t ,+l t:asr* :u ;unri eves ru :har}ns hr t cadre chaN arts trt a waiver of Itnskr'x
<br />right to at#SSlrraae the taaurity ref tot inatehtrctrsccs .rzzrrcd ha ~:a„ \kutgagr
<br />1 rat, ;4tf nemtrlaes nrr.rdreS ,n ;h:c \lrmgsr~ec arc dlstirrct and cumastatix to any' caber rsrht nr
<br />.,.-. _
<br />te~~~~a~lilta ~y[ ta~r~rdrC h,- la ~ .~r c.#«ts-.:.reel -nay !rc rspra cord .: <xnrurrctrr4v ,tl iependnrtly or xaccYCSieelY.
<br />read Ada lasa~ tlwat awl ~evet>i I.iaAiiy: CapriMS 1 Ter ; osrnans: grad agrrrttrcnta htrr:an
<br />'+eslsal~'~~:"!10`!lf!'-1'I(lf!*'etax:'ae:ti4e~r rife!! xnurr ir, =?zr 2.Zr..,se.~r ,.rr..a~s.nr+ auci asttgn+ rn: i ender az+d fSrrmwer.
<br />sab}s[t ~ dae peswisiona #d ~aaagra;rb t' 'seer ~f ~1S cv+~zsamx a:ln# „g:~rr ~nena..*r A:.; a.rwrr stxa4i ht t<,rnz and ,terra!
<br />Ttae ~rtttta lad haFditlSlt d the pea=s spiac ,~f stele Neynfagr are tcxa :,s rrF:,rncr •=ni+ a.t,aS are rte+t r,= M rayed to
<br />saalx;ret Q deLtc t11e prsattasxx#s fxrtwyf
<br />!L Niaahe. Ea'tY}I far aay ttari#rt rrrfrurrd ..;ndrr apl+tiratde Sae ::. tK rs ar.n ,n nrs.,shrr manrrtr as :nr nectars to
<br />1•nrra++ea pr~ww°rd[rd fear ate dsia 1-1iu7pgt shah ?+r t:¢+~r'aj Ay reast£r+tg su.l, :r,vrsc h+ , rrF+ttn? mast addrtsstd t,; Buttnwct a
<br />ahs Prs7ycrty :keldreta ix ai x#tris >'rhtr x+.l:lte4, as Bxxrrmrtr may dtvpnate hs -=r+=:ce ta+ i cadet as pea vi+Ilx3 k:rrein, end
<br />3iy! 7a! leerier to t ets3tr xitaU ere ges,ra# h± crx,¢!bt3 ,»sr~ rctarras rect,~i ,r+lut+tnS +, I r,=:ks , addrex; statr+d F:c+tan rv to
<br />1~ Cnf~r addles ri a.e3tdet rir#l ~R7g,~a~a#t h} aJri'7:h:C €an ~yel K4'M;'F a! :,J+s3 r3tit "rrlA ~n1 ~ f)tarr j+r:ji'iail,~ itar :n '. t'ii4
<br />thaB lie demtstd acs have teeter tr+rn sex 6S+a,rrx+w~tr nr 1 r9drr .v #+ta y;.rn to rest rnanr+er ~3trrrnattd taerrrn
<br />if. (,++r~asa Moshe: (.eeeeaUg I.a.: Seveetdtiittr- P.stc t~rr+; set raxxr#ragr .<xrtatr#ratr a+nrfnr n+ . •~rnanr. ir;F naaa ~nai
<br />rss sad ~rrMYialaa r'alRnr~'s wrth iia#stet'- roars#rx#rx hs ;=erayr?ri#reY+ zr :t~nstet,;rc s +anr'r+rm srnrr;t? rnxtrsament cosenrg
<br />steel praltaty. 1Rrs ftlrrtgage shstl 2se gr,+.rr mrd hr ttxr tai .+t stet iutxuii.rtxart ,n w-#arc:r r"x f"rrxprras ;. t.ti recd to the
<br />4'rlMM siril asy lric+v'f10e err cAau+m txf tha+, Mm4g:~c c+r the !Vine rzus,~ts.'t, .. rrh ~iyl+ta-ah# taw ur:#z .een*ls;.-a 43ait resat atttlY
<br />utttat prta.sians eat rhea 37{#+rrpart ra r3rr ".rue w}#a`fi ian t+t gretsa rdcca >-ratx*+et she ,.snslsr-srag prm rsr.an an,i ti` ztris
<br />xtsd bra Wavrsixsas asf its fN~t>~t end -„re a~ :toir:t;A ; ht rte: a';':-
<br />!~. Mtarwett 1L1a~#. pxyrarrraer si'rait l,r facrttr{#+t~ a i~. ISTe*rtnrxl .swt'+s~ .,F F++r 'y.xza .+r+.i s,i tiw. ~la,r#aa~- =; z'u ;,rot
<br />bf WC~ sY alter recesiaao #sCal'trfi
<br />!!. Tf~R~Ilbs ~ Aft f? net su a#rlr' pzs# wn ahr I';Ycg.errt ,,• an •++tr=c•ss Ihrrran ax s.:xtrl ;,r transferred
<br />i? dianraater vrlhinrt Garlier't pros ws###:<n .{e^atdrtt reel}erdinK !aa ztyc .ra•.xam,x+ ,=t a leers rn m.,rurtuan>_r ,+rrxrrauaatr to
<br />tiux ~ fly the cfeal#on ai a pvr*.t+ase sassrrc> LRitrity =n#tas•st t::xr t,..,.~c#eraida{~s;.„,r.~rt tci a 3raas#s; key ;irvzst,
<br />+iastrlMtal6~ ~ctdetatiMl~f law wpar#t the atearA ~f a acaruu ~ .
<br />!.cadre may, at I tnde!'s asptayza wex'raxr .<i zhr. ,#ann ,r4+rrtd fry tts+x x:lrxrtgags' t., tae
<br />~'~ ~ ~, l:ryxde#' sha#€ kxrvr wgra'rtd szac#r al(rirC.n a. _..rlcrsic A ;+n,n ;,, inc vfv .~+ iraiasftr I ender
<br />altttie i}wntr W .Itstloi{hR Praps~a~ as xir hr st#h3 its tratrsitrrrrl zcs.h .,~rr•xmri+r ;; er,,,nu char riat .rratra ,•r .~,:h t+rrsaxr
<br />~~t Gttrrdaf atvd sleet eta itrrrra payaiaee eon tree ssrarr. r..^+arrnC tx r. s, \l..•i~at^. •ha3t r+t st x.rYh +a/t as 1 r«ader
<br />il~.r~nq[. ~~ Latitiv tree +i'aiVt+: tkt x,y`ass'aa ".i'a a'.~+.i~tirr.v#e pmsv7lr'.7 .' !• 3;. .-~.?.; ~ss•~ ~' ii,.rrx..,r.r , .x.4- .-.a :.:
<br />+YIAet~lN ~i+d~N11p/1 saY4Mlp;.+r~ ~tr~na atxspted ire wrn~g few i rra.a-^s i rn.5r.i .halo rtkeas ~•rsr*wrr ,r',+~ ai}
<br />!1liRt1M tndlr Ullis acrd 14he "-'~~+st
<br />!S t.tM1~- /ataai7l~ 1tt['.17 r_aptirs¢t tr, aa:+rlrrsrt. f t~n>irr a'sa3t tviar! &var.,.cr rr , <-ii :.ri;~rlrt azn=n :n n. nrxtantr ~.s tit
<br />$~ itNtlal. ~ /saYltt sIs#iSt y'r~zxvtdr a pesrnd ref next ies4 tlsa.sa 7~ d»x • 'z:~rc: rho dart t4sr err+trcr' rc ma#tezi ~ ~•h.r.
<br />itil!'a'#~INr'fia~r #gs~tlre~ms'sS~..~-dye i. 1kesc~ --. xx s, ~a u.,.a -. ~ ,=~,r ~„ rnc e-.g.,;r.,t -, ,.! .. ,,,h ~-., ..a
<br />~:elt~ . asillMts/ fslfMher' ~arak't :rr +.tC7raand sea Brr°teyyvea Berke any ~ r'ilr-, t~.a+"-a,uea'1 rp tara{,raPh i ~ t,ertrN
<br />ltlpxty#tttpgtaet~as- flMrrriarra.arsd lfwdt+$wMe# cewrtas:u a+ri ~r~arex a> ?axtk+rrs.
<br />~' ~ as twislds;A in i7 reseed, *rMr SB.rerrrirsq'a !rest! .,t asr rrarsluwr err
<br />!/"~slolanf bl! ~i1s R f\s twrewaMM- M ps wMlrw der else s#rsss wscrlsel M tlr~ lfaaetpp''•
<br />/atstlae /sllR'it-t#ts~ ^ta~ #sasist M plrrtsw as Pnssi4d is paraaerph ti heated speityiyt: #f! the Mrw'ir:
<br />ls/t~a ~IMsi#~R4ii-s+!!-MMi~ItsMS'~ ~l/ifMli+ai lttls /kiM iw tl#ars imr xir dlMr its rtlte is rwrlstl #a IkNruwcr.
<br />~!' ~tllti 7~4 bwgtti.M~tliiSa•rtrwril satd'tdtt tkai!lapslse M xtsta tarcir lrsasit sw w llstwrt ire ruse r(pcihed it Iby arNMe
<br />earl Ini-nlliaM~aed eta tatllts ss+.`rlasd Ira ibis + (airar#w+r-e ~n ftN1i['NI /7rw'renli#rd aNi sale ni the Ptsrprrl?.
<br />t~1lllM~'~~1-l~~1*apaiaiilf a! #t t~l M tRlarlale elan artelrratirw wed .Yr riaY! W seat Nc the treeeYs~wr
<br />~ik~~MMIiR#14~#~ritstilt w aa!! wllatr As1#MS al Sllasrseur m atrstssNiaa asst! isreaisrrtr. U the bleach
<br />;M!'11Mf itl~' ~Ilif t~I~r~tiA ~i111is trnifistt, l.~rs#dK M i ash's <rysinw agrsy dtrisn aM d the sees +aar+reA b..
<br />t~Yfg~eaMt~rgia ~ Ma altd }lan4Q willsrrtM ttrtlhe irfFSrlf Ned earn t<uraire N Nrdkat prw`et+•Irtk. t twJrr
<br />~t~~a~ai~~lE:a~~ai+siMrirslls el 1asearhsrwrr, iwr9+yythtR• seep srl #iwrisrl ta, cwsrr ui rtrw~arrwnleer
<br />t~M# ~ ~ elrMnlar.
<br />~: p~laaraltr gI~! ~ 'r7ass'+w#IltiNrtndr+#R sander y a.. r=rr:at.=x, r,t rice w,xxas sstirert~d +*y ;nr. t+t .=rr
<br />il1FR~~lM'~!' ~s $IIYaE ieriT lyre ~-'r ~' { ~° ''' ~nl..w ,.e rbn: Mru r~ygr a:rxw cnaY;rrr~+i ,. a ~. rr,.
<br />