<br />L'xtcou~r CnveH+.+rrs. Borrower and L,mder mreaant and agree as fellows:
<br />I. tiyaMat a! Ps'fallrat rr itrpent. Borrower shat! pmmptiy pay when dire the principal of and iatereat on the
<br />todebtedetess evidenced by the A!att, prepavtneni and late charges as provided in the vote, and the principal of and interest
<br />orr anp Future Advance secured by rhos Mortga(!e.
<br />2 Irtsnis lt.r ltitw aai ~w Sabjoct to applicable iaw err to a wntiea waiver by tinder. Borrower shall pay
<br />to t.arrAc as the day raoathly imtdhttents of pnna~pal :ut:f serenest arc payable amder thz tints, anti! tht Vale is psM in full,
<br />a stmt {herein "Funds"? tqua) to eras-twelfth a,f the nearly razes and afi5tssnrrJtts which may attain priority aver this
<br />lsirutpr{e, and ground rents an the Pmpetty, It any. plus ancrwefhh of .^early pmmurm insutlittents for hazard irrstrrattce,
<br />phrt twtptw;lfth of Yeartp prcmitan irota!ttrtenes for tnartga6e ,nsurance.:f any. all a< reir+anahh estimated irritiatly arrd ftean
<br />tithe m time !tY Leader ear the hosts d aatmsmcnis aril b+#Is and reasamable esrittw:es thereof.
<br />71re Funds shsll be Mild sn an 5tastaAttion the 3epttssts err acc~aunts o£ wfiich ate inserted or pyttaranteed by a Ftderal err
<br />state apertc}' t itteltding Tinder if Ltnder is steel; an lnsterurtan 1. Lendu .halt apply' the F3snels tc+ pay said taxes, asseasmants,
<br />iotunaae premiums sad groaad teats. t..etider stay nett :,laargc tar sa balding and applying, the Funds, analyring said arxotmt,
<br />err vetif;irtt and mmpdies said assescrtatts and ittlls, unless Isndcr payer Btttnswer imetest an the Funds and applicable law
<br />peranxs Lerrdtr to mate stsdt a chard &rrmsvex and L.~dcr ;Wa} sgrrz aW wnang at the time of ccecufion of this
<br />ldorip/e llsai enttnat ear the Ftatis shall br paid za Barn wtr. and unless such agrtemrnt is made ar applicable taw
<br />re~gtairea such interest to tse pond. l.crider shall not lze ttquzrcd to pan &uras+rYr shy rnttterl err casings an the Ftrntb. l:datiar
<br />shall pse rte Bcimtweer, rytlwwt :.#targe, so anaasrtl aa°caumang .,f the Fumis shaweng c.-edits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />parpttse Stsr whrcf^ cash debrt ats the Farads was ;Wade.. lbc Faxtsds arc ptniged as additiorsal sri:aritr far ilu sums secured
<br />by thu Martpt,c-
<br />if the amea/at ai the Funds hrdd !ty !.eerier. to wtlh the futaut taaaothly rnstalimcnts aif Fauuds payable prior to
<br />the dta: dpa of lases,. araeosrtrxtts. tiwuarue prcrruorm ami grtwrnd rettli shah exceed the amount requited to pay said laid.
<br />arlnaaus. aaurtaaee prmuaaas sod grannd rears as they iai2 due, weir ctcas shall he, at lirxrpsrer's optitMe either
<br />prutt~tt!}• repaid to Ypraavurer ar ,~edtted za Barnwrer an mtt:ttlily ussra!ttncWts of Funds. If the amirirnt of the 6unds
<br />htsld by i.caAet shtrLt eat !se su~rr to pay ?axes, asaawsmtats satsurance premnuas and grtwrid rents as they faU due,
<br />leax+oeer shag pay m I..eader aetp amount rtcccxsarz :rr malt up z!r deiicxrsicr wirhtn ?i} dsyc !n*m the dare italics is tttailed
<br />lry Leader to Rarrew,ar dal! }n>~rtrnt rtttrn.,a
<br />i:`prtia paz'raesn .n fail! err ate sairat stL•utec: f,i .ti:. ~/,~rrlgagr l rnalrr .taatt ptnmpdt~ rotund zo Bnrrawer ,thy Funds
<br />held by Leadr. It seeder paraaaph 73t he:rixt trot l' aapem + x?!d a: *. hr Pe~,pesas ,s .uher+vrst acquetcd by Ltnder, Lsttder
<br />lieu aACi!y- Wo iatc s~,sar =:asJy -per,,-._ __ : _ _ .,: ,x- .~~ts;x: •, .::Y~-'tea..... #_i:, eery F:mds held !+y
<br />1-itder ai the liras at a}plscatrstrt as a csCdYt ;r~a.mst thr suaRs sta'satsxl trr ztre.~Alx,ngattC
<br />1 AAirai td ~tsam. L;nit+s apfiiashlc Ears pre•r.ies a>ahs:+s t*c at! paT.racn3s rrztived by f..cnder ua:ier tltt
<br />Vctre sad parsartrptn I and '_ tser~rt sitaa.{l l.e apttfxctf let #.,.-xtier nna ,a pa~rme~txz ,*t rmanntt payable to l_rncier Ay Btatrttwer
<br />under patrrBta{+h ' !rayt3ot, rhea to ntatraxt a,syab.'e .s=a tllr. 's.,te ,t+c- r,• nc~ -, ruiczpai „t 3t3r ?:tsre. and then ;u imertsr and
<br />;zacaFa! am any Future :-dvat+u-ea.
<br />1 OtasBsa: 13sa 31k+rranstr ..^.>r:1 3.ar atS :asr., ~i~asrnce,as ..sad nslscr .hax>;rs. 5nc. inC ,napc+.au.+ris attrrhutah!e to
<br />she Prrpetty whic^~ map azrast s prxzrxtp cs>rr zlxas A.f:a,^tgata2. exact :csscctrs§d pavmcWts :,• crauWd trnte, tf say. m the trranzacr
<br />psraaaded easier parapatph = #trteatri ,s- :i out ~m wct3 >i~r tsr Bcsreocr tsxaimC !rayttieet. wifrat due. !!reel!}' m the
<br />P'!>~ ihrrsecu. )totrtstter sibtd prore#rtiy turLrs~}: ax, l >nrtud a!3 =tauatrs :s7 :rmaasstitn rue ~ndrr the?, paragraph, sad is the tvtnz
<br />•arres~ea sitar rotate gsa}matt direr;t9s. H..a=i,agx sha#1 fttrntyair lUtYasili t,* Lrndrr rea;etpis r,~a~drax:aop sw:fr pay`nxnis.
<br />iorazwer s:+ra!l'~%' :recbsrgr aav 1scrr >~rih >;ar t=r+nr+n ..,ter eSrxa 3laartgagc. !*acsvxa!tc!. z'A:xz Iaa=Trr+srer ,lush out lte
<br />M1£1! dpts-Aar~e :ra} 5ticlt leer, >aa haag ~i, Brur~zwrs 4tra2# aatxr ,>r :*rs4:xrg it t!xe i,avtncnt .+3 t?ar .,hlrgate.,n kc..:ared by
<br />sash tzn am a artauaer acrrpt:i~+c aa* t.,trtdcr- ,u -iza#'s ;a~ gckt. 3mnh .at=tr,l ,;.>:h +arra Fr :x .3eicn,! ra+a,~r:crncaa of +::.:r, iten tn,
<br />p[sieoaittys wtuc~t ..~retatt ic+ prt+tt>, t!x rza1.:<ccnsr..rt ~z ;hs :sae ,,r !arte,autr :,t ;hr !sr>zpoatr .u ant part *.hereatf
<br />S. itaerad trasee. 8aati,.tet itlrl; s~ ;„r ,raper,^Yetttcnts rs,w esara~•ra =n nc<eat zet rrx~~tnt .,W thr f'rapcrrv :ztsnted
<br />a~rlmtlr };tut t+r~ tint, hxarJratis ux.^ludsot .7latn x#tc ?crt-t :aeetsea .z,wcra~' at3d .eah .rztu.e tsnzattA a3 1 eiati^,r mat rrquerr.
<br />sad to tllC'rs r~,stttatss eat i>u s~?a }tcxa3n xt i:raxiRc ?tti r~u,xxc- 7 r.,. s3t+.3. ~'ti cv t rn.te; ,nsla rs<..t rzrgsrare that ahc amawnt r,t
<br />tusk :xr.~aac rxarav tort ~t .,t =e,+.-rs~spe tcv.}uev~ ., R.R'* °M. :cr...c: rc=3 rra t9rs ~4> r+eag:
<br />T>te sawaaiosc ...am pct atr the cvasatratxr sYxa ttc .iXxstn ^tiz Barsr rcanpec' lE, apprciraE try T rWdcr: pmvaticd.
<br />Fit1a ststA app~s-al ~ ~ .nttrras,,na;.~y ~t:tr~sn ~.~ prrtaaa~utt5 .ate :aas:r-,m~e ~=ASaa .Lta33 zrc pant +, tttx manxies
<br />psantdsil :3pita 'P~alFrsVth . rse;.t =>z -r era pa.aa ,~ r.=sa, r:sa:7aee E*?, 3cs: r~:=++.et rsa:rzzg px>~nscest. utsen dun ltrri'th• k s rlsc
<br />asaaaace ~crstr.
<br />?-;~ .--•+..•~~ ~:"~ earl atmsr,a.s1* vytcre:~; Ali !err as: ?titm .:~.: zt*r attic rr+ 3 c,s,a:~, shah +,nslY r::e~le s *tanJar-,t mxnt~rage
<br />a"tiMnC an fittiu t,i shit +a tstxn .r'ccl1aa4hr tv t..rx'se3ct ! rtrir-? +hi,rt rxr,•r• nix• ;a~g,fs: ', ,a.sad slat lr,ai,:a^~, aaxd tcnt*sals t#ir:t~,t.
<br />sad Ilart¢++ttr sties= uraalpsh f.srrratlt tit t.fiYtail^ aaa traTeMxt rrarsx.~-. ar.~Y ~,i rr_cr;xs .~, ;aat+3 t,ina?ts,u:tr Sn :sfr crens „2 ;rrm~.
<br />!'.ale! shat! ~=f T"~.._,}.4 ~--+ '".'c s, '-?s a~s~aaa~s =~z?c' i ~?x?'?t= i~tr,~-~ ==.sas r+>ns.r tvah,: ,,I ka'ars ,: t;ari nxauc ir7i,azpt8r
<br />lztisaa l.taaltt ase3 tlara~~ eta 3ta',i„ac rte rrs ~arrteig- :rx„rrrataz: +r,c,cara hru+; x ~,;,#,trati t,. teatssiuasa .rr erpaer a.t
<br />isle ~' "~ ~.Si~E HlL~ mr,tas~3sa.n ~ w'laata •, c anati%s -Gb c^~?c ussd °ht +a.urtaa .at that #tarigogu rm
<br />asxtilale/ly'slalpua,l, !f srwh sestt~9r,i°teaka to ;~,aarr .s ~t,t ..xrwn+rtts.u:t :°r,ssrTr: .+ lnq ,+„a!,ir: .,t +hx. ~fcuigutr^r wc,ulrt
<br />bs.~surad., tlrt mlitvractt ~l raaf3 fte ~p~~tea °.., alit .gnu ~,utad .,. .nvn Ras3ttga€c ~. *tk~ nc~ csvc+s, ,a ~,r- prxi
<br />~» I! phc ~ ~ xls~t+rx1 :ra ST~;;~v~ .> .r 9+srr~ca tkL-a :., :~Yx,sul '„ i axxl.#cs w_t'next ,u Jaya Er>,c.. trs
<br />riatflt• ncsa+wae xs maa3rXl rig' f:catarr =zn #tizrrzas.ta ±tasa t!tc ;astaraxatac .,rrr+e.^ „a':oz,.:., ,cxr.sr ., .:,xnr Y,*e ,na+exctas t,enxIttx, i s€edes
<br />ate Y-r~ attd '- ¢hO uatcrar~: asatstJs ere !»€.s s .~.aa.u, cm'sxca ci, re:t~:,tatri,e, ,~ ,egtur ,=s x,~r isn~per~lr
<br />ra ate stara- iretitrratl #*y thts ttlrvt~x
<br />'l.`f$nin Iecai~tler' wd lrai'r ~tvts l?€iscrs-;~c ar,~a~uc ;e; a.;-s?€r.~, :e.T.e. m:s.~ a;i -u.arza,x, ,v ;v:.>vreda '-,• ~x acy;:,pat allot! r„N crteaa3
<br />rAS pueyi~me the tAst dolt stf rite trt3 snlsa;laWraari ,met:~ :. _:-. ~ arai:gw^sr, w-nu ~ racirx^3 .. , n5,~f~ ~3ae aaa,.w,rrl .,t
<br />list!! ~. it 'rmiiR p114'+Illr iki tlerect rhr 'rv~tx~ r_ auetus~rr: ^-, Ltealrl .._ natter. •~tht kc:3 .nt>vrs>st +*d #lar*aw c,
<br />Al alld oral. °"~ - •" puh.'ass dr`~$ td araf ea: stir ;rra8.~¢ts t:4rr±-e",.!t ecaa:izt;s,~ ~tc,rtn .9:rt aK= ac, ;he p >~cr;': t,, ,.=r i.> tf,i• ,ale
<br />aC alrgl~icta tbTt~ prs- tutr 3•tCx ~+' af1C eaia:na su ~. beano >x~.atit:-+S -^-?, :<'tsn At..nsaa~r =xvatcs's*.att:, pr:rrt ~„ .ante „ale ,,.
<br />aL. 1lttlatrtsa~aa ate i~aiaaaaaatae +i tha~eatys i,aa~altiac ~t Pbtttwai i.tra Ur.tiapaesls. !icrree,.t;
<br />ithltLt 1'aall! rite i5napaMfi at 11`~ "el',+ar; eenc! r4tai3 ae~, a~Aaasn ,x-spwc .+? perm,~t :xnlw,rrracxnl .er ~fetarxtratux+ ,if ztr_ Pr:rpr:tr
<br />arlli t ~ '-stt tht ~ xd aat* !aorta a3 tttsa !stcs•~age :. .>si ::raac~rian»a? .. _.±,:+ !4iast};axc ,......, ., :,ntt re, ,
<br />as r ydaasail dtr.#fariill'Ya, [6srrt-•:+.w-er *;:a29 l.att..~m a=.;' .-t 3.ten's=rw.a; ae.,~a ~s:.=1..ras .:cis +~ .i:-,<t~z atx.,rr
<br />Ott traaafWalh "t+it&ittr 'at tat+~t'etni tf+r citadat~3rr~na :'n ;uurs3,c~ :Melee sSrk+;~.rarygaarst :r~: t«y~tawm aexaY ta^g:.xtat+a:o-r „t ,nc
<br />~F ~ rraait ~'$MiMr'at, .~. c:K~z ,i:xtr-.etx. tt a _a=r.~~~a:r:.3:~., ._! ,riiaxsred ,,,,t ac, c•1<np+xscnt
<br />alb- is ~ iwskttaci aai ~ taat~cths' .* ,a~tSs ffau ~/esxga~c, ztt ~c,+tirs~t}M.ra1 a{;resmtr~~na3 .,t ~.w:3, rr.iz*
<br />s11~ Ira ttlasrl~ Nrea itMl > aaatsraal rnJ u she 4,as,rtuats a~ aft'csrttierrt> ch ahsa giuregartr >tn ;t !tie rtalr'a
<br />treYa a ptw lttaaalt•
<br />!+ ~ ~ai t~la'YeM~iM'• ik5rsiavaea' fra3s rs, icuxa aloe ct~eaanzs crrak .:~neuactsts , unaxarr:erf to rh,e
<br />tla ~ air aliilM~ .a'1r ~ ~ <t~r1 w~{te.`rn t~#~r'u3l, r-t1~3~s i.c~:3tr s ,ntcavex ,ts the Frrs~xar
<br />9lti'{Iltiyhf•, trill era! ~ 6.ti. ~ dtatWatt; trot:*iaar~':~; :xtir ertiasr2ra, ;.rr exrarstt~+'ea „r 5 rrcc~fir.~s ;-t}v,;`r:f;xry; ~:
<br />n. t ~.d1ar~IR ild ~.A"a taiea's. ~4¢n ~titit set ii~rx`crw^t~a. maa~ `+u+i+e .,w~ sp~rax*ssn-ee..icatmt~fx ,=r.-ir
<br />stoma era/ tteta amt it"liars Rs ti ~'2~ ~•'a 1.aatsdFl''c attcrrt. :rncaat°#azae„ trans r.+w ttma4cfl t,,. zarsn:tr•stnse:>c . ,
<br />tee abtrelry~t !earl stall rtfszYl' i~t rite ~ tcv rnalk£ c't~kixrn if 3 snttier !'eY,jaax3Cr1 :ts<,~rrgaac amur:,raa;c .,•
<br />{Y'IW'law rl: ataafaal)1 4Y_a taae tracaarwi .t1y tiers ~ BElrtrxawer staacc7 ~a) t:aa iritlrxuans avyt:-,n~= c,: caatsxs hart ems. r,
<br />iaaWKelralis ro s'~asi laser! slrsdM titsra ats alrt r'srtiaitaaMaatl far trat~a rasa +~ataa,~~ aa^a tixx,aaSes sa: =rarvlasi.r; ,-.-rite 8:.+=r„sr-x,s ~ .::,a
<br />