°230- it~(r2'iB1
<br />Lender's wntt:n aQteetetettt or applrcabk law itorraw~er sltali pay the ar.t<ums .+( all ms,rtgagc inauranct !tnrnn;ms ;n !ht
<br />manner pravrded under p!tnlraph ?hereof.
<br />Any atnorsnta dishuraed hp Lrnder pursream to !hies paragraph with ;merest thetr.,n. shat! tu:nmc addnt<mal
<br />rrttehtednep of Ifarrawer aewrtxl by thtc 'rlonyale liniecs 8nrrawer a•td ! en.±er .~grec !o+ rxhrr termc rd payment, loch
<br />amounts shop be payahie upnn :rain fmtn !ruder n, 8orr:nacr reyuecnng ^.+rrnent ;hrte.,f, and shat! hear inicred fmm the
<br />Jate of d~terteitaent W tree raft payahlt fis:• n rime u, hme on outstandeng pr~nCtpa! render the Note unless payment of
<br />irtittot u arch rate would ttt ctintnr}• u, applrcahie '~.-r>a ~n which event wch, ame+;:rtta shall hear ;ntercst at the highest rate
<br />permitsiile ttttder applreaik iaar Nothing cattained :n :fin paragraph ' chali • -outre !ender to ;ncur env expense or take
<br />ativ aetKen hetxttader_
<br />•. ~~• [.ender may make or CaliSt n, ht made reasrnahlc crones rrp,tn and <ncpect u,nc of the Pmpcrty. txoviJed
<br />thaf [.ender shall jeaT $orriewer ztatice prn,r to am su-^tt rnspecitr+n cpcc,fvtng rrac.,nable cause thcrcfor related n, Lender's
<br />rnterest in tt+e P~operty-
<br />1t. G~tiettsttira Tx ?rtxtrds r,i alas' a„ard .u .farm for Jamacrs .irrri-t „r :+-ncryucnt;a$. rr, ronnerttt,n wuh any
<br />candemriarion ar offers takirr~ of she Progeny ,u +srt thrrtoi. <,r frvr rom~ca-an~r ~n !rcu ,+: ,::+ndemnatran. xrc hemfiv as<+gred
<br />anti shat; be ~'d ro I.etrder.
<br />!n rtie evtM taf a rota! takuig of the Pn,pe: av t!ee prrocteds chaff tr api,lnr: t., :he ',ttmc cecrrred by thee ,yartgage.
<br />x~as75 the ecteas.:1 ar,}'. pa+d to 8nrrow ~, in t#it rvenr ,,f a parita$ tni,rnc .•f the Pr.,ir rev. nnSccc Bottnw•er and Lender
<br />:~herr=is:, a~ret in ~nizny then sliaEi M apnlrtv.t •+, the actors Krnr:ct ha :firs \fa,.rgagc ,urh nnpartit+n of the pmrcrds
<br />as ae egaszl tt% tau] prc+pautbx+ ,s~hirt+ ttar xm.~unt rvt the sums acc~ond +,a' th;. \!,=rtgat,~ tntmrtiiamly prtc,r '.., rite date of
<br />aakinA hears ro the Farr market v.aiix ,:a! t$x Pnafirm ;rtmrt3ratdv prer,r an :!x .i.rre rd ~aA,rg, ~~+,th the halance .,f the , rv:rads
<br />paid tx, ltasroorrtt.
<br />if floe Pto}rerrg is slraoda+tet3 t+a Hc,rrs,acr ,ar .f after nmtcr by !ender to At=rmirrr that the rnndetnnor aftut to make
<br />a~ aasard or settle a ttatm far damages 9.,rr,~vcr #sr3s to rralw,nd t., t ruler >, :1,n "2 etava afeM the Sate stash nnerrt is
<br />~aarkd IsirlC is atYiariaei to rt+ilert and apn#v the prt+cctds. xt 1_ettdrr'a ,,;then, other to resaaratrtm ar repair of t11e
<br />t'r~'rry M nu tlt sums strvred h: rhrs ~irrt~ge
<br />Cattt%LteriCt snd tioaraiir <varrx.se agent +n -+ntrflg am s:>zh .ipni.. xt.,.n .*f ;+rrrredc to principal silo!! nest cxtrrtd
<br />,g wtrsip'+rte tlit dtte dart ,.! ter; Wean; nt, -nst;.lin±e nra .femd toes to ^ar xgrxt+lao '~ .nd `_ hrret,f err change the amatuu of
<br />aucli atata94nttMS.
<br />!!. ~ Nat Ildt~ri. i`xtr .ti;,n ,•i rase t,nu for ryaamrrt r+r •n,tclnc~annn „f amnrtrratton +,f the ,rims xecurcd
<br />!~ lt..., ~ =s9tefl ~' i„,ems ._ `--- -._•_..__ _ .. ,_'~ •x .. itt.r-. r_ . 3tt ... yrri<tr ,,. retesat. re any .-`--finer.
<br />tliE gaaltalia} Pf the aari~tnal 9iarri. ,rer~a,.:*lii. rr:w,~~ c:a=:: t:aa~a n ,na~••>., o• $ r'aiier `~.ha;: n.+I he rc,}ttu'zit t.+ ::imnrrtare
<br />pTetXtrtTn;s aRa»eau st+rrlt stwk'rsnot ~ retina ;n caxrgd t.rir `:v ~ s.+rx•ar .., .,t`rrt-a,ar ;xt.nlif.' amutrzant,o „4 the crrins
<br />tQ-~•yyred laY this l[fatt~ye }.ty reasi"vz a,t .:m Jtmanat made ht rho •r ig•nal ~ir,'t,w•cr a.,:d il.w r,iwre's ar. crsctara rn Imertat
<br />it_ Ratie~ra~te ~ Littler iriwt a t~aiser. fin. •,.rlics:„n,., n, ! enter ~e . •cn:<~r;{, ., n, r,gn; .,r remedy hrnundtt, or
<br />.xlr~sue a}lortled ffy aplitralsir *a,s shat3 nor !+r ., uan~rr ~ . r pre~inti+r 'h• r:t,~~nr ;•t an, .urlt r+gh[ cx remedy
<br />Tar ~e of iaewanss :rr tfst vsra%tns :+t <s,.. ,,. „rhs: ~' n ..:hare,-, h+ .:rc+rr ,halt ,,.; nr ~ u,taarr •,f I rr:rtei c
<br />+s}lit ax ~ a~x•~ t11e txraruriav .,d tree ensitfit.drr• ...::.zrf h, rn:. 'tlrnca;,n
<br />! -_. ~ '~ . r. ,s+a^t.:~ ,fin 3:v-tCx~• +n-rn.r a:eJ ,-imta', arias rc, :n: .vher ;refit or
<br />:rctrtttig- s ~ ta. -, rt?u is ,t+t ~ - #+c e,r . ar~d atr+ru: ,ent!a ,7~t t+rrden": ,,, sc:.:esiiaely
<br />!~ last awl +w real ! faNYwt Tyr . n.rnan sd atv-, mentc tav~rean
<br />aiaa3as ..^,stt ~a.,..r ~nr re.{*r. t,.r .+a.cc„•.;. a. , ~a.egr,. , r !. rnatrs .rod 4,xrm.-er
<br />[vi-letet tti the ~ a# ~a'aR;aFah " 'ntrcaf i?! ,n ~n>s[ns nn.3 .,t;rroiearna. ,a ties,,,,... rr ,`ra,i hr .. .n; arxd .exrsl
<br />L1e 'raptaawtt atad llttr~at~ A€ tree fiataY' !ttsia ,zf that -1cHr ega4tr a.r { •• .:,ass en:rz"+ZY r „ a , err n, . , ^e r:^Vrt! ties
<br />ireayrm ar de[ne cAc ptxsvuiutis t;ezxas$
<br />it hltaiet. £atxla 1tw as}^ taaxr real+°xrd :ender ahrntele la,~ r., '"c g,.rr. ;n »:,,rhrs marnncr ; . :na nntrrr to
<br />3aerrs_wrea' psast!Iexl #+ar ter sltia Ma+rr~aitc sc+atl "e ~ «rr by tn.aurti~ +...,. n.:,atrr ^, ..r' ~ticd era:, a,idsratcd ;,, rJ.xrr+wrt at
<br />the 1':~%gicr~+ .~ s^rr a¢ write 4ahex =dds;rs* >s A.trr+•wm rnxi dta=vnate h. ,:r.:=cr • , ! rnalr^ .st ~z,vaaerc! }trrrin and
<br />c'~! etas nea'zz to l.Lasitr a#aA hr gssrn !+a "r:tasMc~f ~+arl ~.:m ~ ,,r•t •r~.estarr.:.?. ~, , ,......, zd•}rcx. star€d lxrrtn .. ;a
<br />Sal;`lt e:>:t3w r~etls i l..et>,fe: a;.s J.,-ate tom, nr,;..e r,r AEU:>,:.r. , :,,'~: .,,--r~•. Yrva r:.,t etc t•r.-a;.1r.! rase ,n •his
<br />linntls~r ritlt eye dyat~aetl t.t+ e,ar'-.aeeii 1•-~tt., ,+ At,rr:tovr* .,, ! c=+dtr ,.non ~<r,r n: „ , ,ar:-rr .+r,.:ti"s•;il htrrtn
<br />!SI- L~1! "^"!~G r~vrra6t Gsw: 1r++rxaiflNv- ?-A:. , _r. , . mx^,rt,a~age .,.o,harus n~V.x nr ~- ant, :,. asst r,+naE
<br />tit a>atl n~•ala~ftaa LYanTb ,~~;t't'• sZC.'S.!#t _` -. d'r;2V 4'~Ca tri +,:'rwciK i+r9f f,, ,t+n T't'i.:: s ,r:t+Laii'si1 N'ti t'l:ti ^n..i F;*n.rnt'.;.Y,~Crrrt~
<br />zeal r'}^ T3sn ~art*a~c v.4a,9 tae t°r^.r raes9 nv .~ .~» tivx .. .,+o,r,v, ~ .a tr<r: r~x Pr yrn• w.-r•,e ir. the
<br />~Yt aiat atey p+u+'~7es ear raaerxtt c~ xn.rr "tic-,3 ,- :+ua ~.~ase ~m~~s ~: .~'a .v*z;x, ~w?sc~ sa ,.c?, .,tioi3:cr >. a!$ r.,a aiin.t
<br />a`r°.4Mt ~ .d Ylus lisle . t ttu "~c;ris +rzc~}t >=a~ f,+c g'+.c~ r43zca nh.'rrs tot , rend=.~uxt ,,,,. .a~i sa tlrts
<br />tai rie lws%svsttrttr cif t!a lilceraga{t and :'x '.,~z .>,^e sle.?:, ~^xl ::, lac st+rtral'vre
<br />K ~1~~"t~~. '~[eaatr+rt n',,a£7 ^EC tumrwr°smx" a ,t,nf.*.r~a$ ., ,"•a ,t i^r •„ ri -ntl .=t th=, yi.,rtgnvx- -rt tt,c :rme
<br />of tast!cntinte set a}aer ~ teereeid
<br />al lit ~~t riawwl~tra. tf a-Fi st ~g ;ar. a9 r~r Pr, tntri•..,r an rues€rr+' 'fiectesn ~ v,id ,=r ±tanater ^c;i
<br />h1! lOerewrtR trvtllornt L~fl+de-f4 prwn +a~x+a2e, ,.w~~ c%..-hn;3aa~a ,s~ rr+e .r. a?-r„:, .t r .., at crx~*mmbran.c „+r«•rafrnare to
<br />~..
<br />flue llt/t~t, €!ai 1iMC ::1taCrtre+ a1 a pur::taait nx:,rtmca ~u:s.. ,rxasr c-st ;.,, •:. ,. ,..,,,$ tp{,l r~a:.r, i._, ~ trw^.c, * hs sic. arse
<br />dewatt ~t fry apnaawt d far WQaiPA tK ,ICatl4 .sf a lasetct e~zaut t~ . - ~ - -. _~ .•.-- --- -- '-`
<br />l.iaier Zaa% 3t i taadt* x i~%tT'+Ef ,lLYL.r!': s!1 ,nr wii'rF acrt•=sd i+4 "hig 1t,•f*~',d}°t i., ht
<br />+at~ttlrl+elr ltta atd p1t+JaiiC. !„enitr .ha#t 'twat wan+rs: a+ah etjatacan ,, a..Y?c* •;- • ; ,err*: . , .~. ,.... ., ra„ester t c:tJez
<br />aM7iR1lAM tdt+rtlRlgtlltR}$'Efiperiy „ ts: tit +aa$zt w tran,.trr'Cd ratty . *ernsc •; ..re,:nr; ;~,sr :hcL.:z=~ t . , ..h ~trvt,r,
<br />37iY1f~Cltrt'!r ~ Laraler aryl that cite sr,cs•cva :.air`a$iJt em the aa,m; sra~a+, ezl !,+ .t ;. itw'.,rt~a~_e. ~hist '•t at s.:c r+ role ra Fender
<br />iiM)< ~„ ~ L.tttder Yea %Ira]a~#l dye s>prsx'%tt t,'i .at:•ticrrtt *,?asis~ide f -.. :rsra _ ,fir alit; ., riJ . H.,rrt,.sr+ ,,... ,~r1 r ,.
<br />lei t9M!raMal i irrrpr# stn aatrtr a=`>'`:'t~#l %'+ eera:^~ t*a $ rr~$c•r $ ^mSc, ,#i~!$ rrlea~ As+r*,w~rr 'r,.rn a'!
<br />t~i ttlt~t 4ilt llftt'twt to1~'!!t(' '-.-~3#q
<br />lL Latarin tnas±vltls ateCle .'~tiatt yxi as"thsade t :-aiCr s~+;ai7 nsasi R„tr r..uc -: .. :>E ..err ar,: n ,r. .. ,.:ilmer ,.rte,
<br />~ la - StRlt ~at~e -ctt1~! ~+er~t a ~ar~f n# nyn 5r~~c~ e;~-~r; t?i ?aE: u;m+ r'rr date t~ ~r„ta o ,t marled >r •++- ,
<br />ariMLil I~ SMl' I~tlt LTMt StttAg dst.Wrt,.t tts+s tl ~e'~'cxwi: rsr ;_- , ..., .,... ., . , ~#:c ...#nr.,.,. ... Y ,,...
<br />Ia1111~ foray', arillllitt IAttllltr aotsrt z!a tlrrri,atrol ,in gar' a%.Sa' rnv~t zn. nrarder^~ ~rm.taee+ '+a~ pxm~agraph - % I,ert^t>t ' V
<br />'Slatrz,jl(stistOtAtsllrastla- iixt+eearei~ anrf l.twaler #sactbte-r c~vs~ats and .:~rtc a E:aa>-ors
<br />N. ~ #t~~ ~"#~/t w /tw~ltd i ~ A? r..+.rt, atptt tiamrawar's tintci a( tur% castarM ar
<br />i~tlif ar l•Utflt!t1Af Ill flt>i G itslti~ lit a~w~tatac err fws altrtr A4r at% .wws rwftsM -. tii tlartt!iK.
<br />~Mt1~-~fiRtitattll~si~ A~ tltsii ttt!Msts tt wtt!rtttartt w t/~~ to pri*aRi to -etea/ ynifyittA: $l1 tie Steele;
<br />~f~ ia11lWttw~tfifllr'!trlt attttl, iwtttilt ifi t MR: tom! lens tier l! Myt lrws Mee isle rate wwtirt is atttliei h W+se+isir.
<br />!~` ~MlMI +~~ ~itaMM ~ 4 t~ttit ltd ti fief I(~tw M tM- Ne! Yreari iiw tt iatM'a 1r Mee s~et'atied iw err wnik~a
<br />+~tllawrMil~taMtt~ttlfir.tlirt...(~tt(t last wi. !-tatl~!t, tttraY•fraar• ir! xttirial r.~~.ii.i .net sat,' ,.t tr. Pr.,ysnr'
<br />'Rif#It~lll!tt1~1rI11MrrMNfr~ttMer Mt lie .iAltf r.ei.MA. .If.. .r.~Irrrw. a.r t-t ryeia a arwer+ «t tae fw.rtir...tre
<br />~!fitM~ ill alf~tls$tll ~ f itA/ttlf w ~! Min ito.t ! w.r..r as atcrleratlsw awl fa.rrlrwsKr. a Met ltnte6
<br />r Mttl fowl w # it>I$!i!n !rlt MU +tl r ttt aall(tr, Laain M i.tain"t, r~tir nrr Usalua aM ai tAe ssrn veesrei h•
<br />fll- /~ la 4 ittl~t/M) carat!/ 1lrrtlle aitYnt frtetlttt itswwi aa+f rna% trieeritra h lwiixui! prr-reittt. 1 rrtdrr
<br />i~-i!•tt~ It aaiwl tw t~A rtr+t~~ ar +ng!twrnr wt fattat[larsarrr_ rwrlwNwwll. AtM war 15rtripri tu. eni(w W( is-wwtretar%
<br />.rriiftfrwtrll~tfl!nlrttt!Yl~llt rgta(1-
<br />lily 1~'fl~I It tlit(~. "*+i~r'w~ilharaaQtext +rrraltrr* ._-err xa :, v+ .:r •t.r ~.+,nta kez ~4rd t*r r.,«, •t, ..=,ar
<br />ttirtarttttetr situ ewes Mr (i~!t rte rrw aaq nrs~sryts a+';tea txa. E amp tt .,, •t,,, 3a.,, ru«se ,t,,..nrr:,,,..;,a ,,,. ,r
<br />