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<br />L~ntFOaMebvE~ vrs".~nrrawrr and Linder coa=enant and agree as follows: .. <br />(, Hseeet of ~ oral laferxat. Borewrr shun prompt!v pay when due the pnncipal of and uuerest on the <br />andeLVtdness evidenced by the Note, pregsy-'men[ and late charges a> pmvu?ed to the Note. and the pnn.°tpal of and tnterest <br />rxt any Future Advances secutd by ihas Nnrtgage. _ <br />2 PLNte ter Taw aa/ Ieaaaeeae. Sub}ect to apphcshle isw or to a nvntren waaver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to [loder oa the day tnanthly rttstallettents of pntacap:u and ,merest ere payahk under the Note, anal the Note rs paid in full, <br />a sum therein 'Frwds"I cxiual m one-[weiftfi c*: *.he ~eari}~ taus and as.cescmen~ which may atts,n priority ovzr this <br />Nartrfage, and ground rtynu en the Ptrypeny. if any, pans nee-twelfth of ywrly premtttm mstailments for hazard insurance, <br />phis oro-tard(th of nearly ptetnitmt itfsialitaents fur mortgage [nsurante. if one. all as reasonably esumattd initially end from <br />tune to tithe by Lsader oa the heels of assetsmenes and :vtls and reasenabte rsnmstes thereof. <br />The Frsnds shag 6e held =n an tnsntutacn the depcsrts .,r ac:aunu nt which am :rtstared ar kuaranteed by s Fedual ar <br />stale a$catcy a inGrmling Leader yf d.rnder ys such ar. ,rtstuut,on t i ender shslS apply [he Funds to pay said taxes, astaxsnxnts, <br />zar,±ttra»ce !Heartens and gnwnd renu. Leraaicr ,nsy exit nharge ra: sa holding and applying the Funds, anaWzitrg said account, <br />ar.^erth'tctg arrt compiling sand a-sratments and hells, aanlesx Loader pan's tirnrower interest nn the Futrch acrd spplicahle law <br />permits Let#der 'x~ :take stts~f a chance Borresw^er and Lender inns agree .n writing at they time of execution of this <br />M;*ttPK tRat tnterest as €he Funds shall bo pout yo Biro*w~er. and un2ccs sw^.h agreutxnt zs made or applicai+ie !aw <br />requites sue![ ratenest so he prod, i.-rider shall n.•ar !ye rrx;utred to pav Ha-xrn,wer am meerest or zammgs oo the Funds. Lentser <br />sEai?;tst ter $orrrwcr wat4fous cisarge. an annaa! acc~<,unt,nt at nc~ ~;enSi show,ng :redtts and debns t.o the Funds a[td the <br />purpter tot which eacft debar t.~ .•k. Funds was maoe the :~unds arr pledged :u additannal secttntt' for the sums secured <br />by tlus Vasrtgagt <br />tf the amannt :d the Funds herd by Lender, zt'rgetlrer witty ;its tururr monrhl. ynsta[iments of Ftznds payable pnor to <br />tIIe dtte dates u tue#, axsessmenra insttrsace , rc:nrnrrrs xnd grr-ut,d rents. shall exmd the attmunt rrayurred m pay said tse~s, <br />nssments, atuwanae pr..auumc and grratxtw' rezvts as the} tat! doer, ,uch es.ces-s shall he, at Bnrrower's npuon, o.ilhnr <br />}vt[mpt3y repad an Hottosa' .s' credited to Born'+wrr nTr moaatfafi tmtallmerts .,3 Funds. if the amrnrnt of the Funds <br />hdd ~ Condos shat! n+vt it sart~7lsrt to pay tunes. asseswrrnts. :mxxrancc srxd gmund mnrs s: they faB due. <br />8e?rr'?arter shall ,pay ro Linder anv atnoarnt neers+a.ra F , male up the ,Irtic:enea w~rthm ?[) doss imm the date Hance is smiled <br />3sy Leader ~~ &-rrn~»ter tyrgoesttng iayrxn: rttcrrnt <br />Llptnr paymestt :n fuB :sf al3 sums ,eratw:.t ^, tn,. M.,n gugz I r^der .hat! pravmt,tlt te!und to ilnrr, wen any Funds <br />;read I±e L.~ser SS >~ ~ : n ixa:xit t.,z ?room :^ ..;id ,~, t!?r Pr.,prn, ,> .uberwy.r a.autred 6s Lzndtr, Lender <br />sia0 apply. rn }our ttsan rminrdistcix pram to ttx ,ak .. '.hc i'?oit`rts s_au:xrtyan [n lender. any Futrds bald by <br />Lariez at the nnac of appt#caHnn as a ,sz:dxt aµrrn;t ?rya +arr„ tiureu ns ~,h:a~yfnnttage <br />_L a/ )~ Ln~e i, a~#rest>3r ;aw }-~rc^*.xa ,~rt~cn.r.c .a!"t pavmcat> z;..nrd ty° Landnr uncht tlx <br />tinltr aid iaraxtaphs ', sett ~ hex-txr ataal: to applred is l ender r.t .- ~,n:ms:n ,.t snxsta,nr# pu}afyk yn l.enairr fiy Bornawer <br />~d[r _lyraR7'aph ~ xmnt. t3ten tiy ,^rrtrs! rnas at~lr cwt s2yr ~,.:r ''yr,^ ~ , t4ac ^rtn apa3 of tnr *i nte. and then to yntrrest and <br />prmctpal itn any Futtrse .oaten-eery, <br />t C1mlar [lain &t rr."*wco v^.a, ya~a alt :nsa.-, t. -.::.,; .+;nr• ,h.yra~r+ tine+ -,nd ~~mrxrcncxns aTirrbutah!t t„ <br />the Prvper:y whic.'s ttsay aira~ a pr„rxy .,Y-cr t,.,. 'sS=>n~,a~::. ~:se a:~-.r!,~.~,: r . n?r^-:< .~, kround renza tf sny. rn the mmtner <br />pttm.~sied ;assts paxartryt¢tfr .tyrrrca ar ~t :,.n ix.a:u =n =u:{; -rtxnnc: ^, fl..u t.awcr mawryyy , a. mint. what due sitta-.tly to the <br />ps}sr xherera ikrxsaecesr- ~a#i t:r2omfs+.-3 ,;-°=v- ~t :~ ~l.zsat~ t - "t, .snx~az. uuz .,:user t'ty. t*uragraph_ and m the event <br />Sin~c+wrt st<+aaa. raatr pay$atan usr~ te. B-a,'.•wre .nail y, n+n ,., i ender c Yrprs .. e:k n. yng such iv~ments <br />H•~taa.el stall pn~terpstfy dtafrark^r ores !arn w . ., -as {~ :,r ors ~:.: .y. \Saxtpas^r ^s. '4zf y3aat B„rn.wrr .trail! not rte <br />seyqunt'ed u d+acisargE. ratty ws-A ;ttn ,»~ baxrsp .as B;stra err «sa= sit; rr .:: ~ i rt: ens: t,~ rtes Can atent .•! ;"yr ,.t,?rsa:ukns jctiurcd bi' <br />ssi:~r iaarg ar, a rrratatter acfty*tadie :.n fender ,*t fir" ;r. gca: ~:t ' Carta ..+ratc.:..,..?i .ren n, ..c .tetm.i rnt..r~c°mrnt ,,..:~ -.^. lytn ,n. <br />gga3 .grraxYycrtta:ti~e ~'-h#c t; mate t.e preiCaxt ;uc rnta•^ :r+:y .•t rnr :,ea~ ,~, nxa3c^.t.,, r- ,,r :,yen 4'r.rpcrtx .a .~ntypaa~t ;hrtr~..:f <br />S, IYtosr/ isasyr.. fitanvarr xhall t<•CCp yiac .m, r,°,ctnn~a, :,.: ... s,,; :ran .:, ^.ezz atzer cyt.trai ..r, the Ptoprrts tnsutrd <br />ati+H~ i,"R#, t:*s bar. oaraayda xtrstrarAtss wtatrrr: z3+c reran s9r~ . afi - , ~.'+ ,,thrt iyaxards as I rncict n'aa5 ro@vyre <br />and xt awta'fr atnctaaaat±ts arts! €:e sv..h prrxyds As I zusrt ryx a -s;~.aY- s~lc,.t ~ . , rza,srr taaxt n..y myiyarr than the am.rum ,.r <br />*+vrSa ;,X,tt~tt~.e Can"zcA r,^st ammg t ~.,.ti~ra~,s rryv„rn7 r+~: '^e e. +r..- r. _ .^•. "«Sortge.}>C <br />Tie :ma+ttua-r .attter prs,gsdstsg tlrc y:vausdu.:r =2 st_ yx ~;*~r ~ tS„a<rx nnm .c{s} r.,. ui , 1 ! c..lrt. pro.~yded. <br />a1ta0. #'r~x.~ry si~y,vaE eR3al) zgu err - r ca matt, _ attsbcd ~1 -. ^`r--.~. ,rt -- >r - n..c- la:sa.~srs ,hat- -,: !*arr: , .~ manner <br />peatt+€nwtyd caarier parasx'a7<+h = 3zerr.3 . r .r ;tam {wx3 s- >. fi 'na.«xesc-; r, is:=, .: =+.rt naaaa:~ts. pastncnr, >+nrn dun .r yrrctl:~ to trio <br />[tiYN~ LfaYtTl7x^C psa*.y:~ snL tar.,El> atxs't+~-% na:. t , . •rr,~ .z, _e,+:,~r*se ,.~ l -. ... sn,t +?:3[". =t. i:+r ..3,},xiarsi ntsrzgagz <br />ealittyae as fa'+as~r ax ~ ~ Imes e,.: x.;Rri*+r a~~ : c2c)W: 1 ;.1~ ,~-,-, hx.: '-'+c ; ~,.?•;_, •. ,. a'ri m,::^ ~n ane , -.. w. al3 ttreeycnt <br />atr@ictrs,:nasr at~t pr~,,~:cy iutatets ;.'+ t..zaa#tea ss:e:tr,, .> ra-,y:.r, a.r,= ., e.e,a:n .. ~ , -,,..-..- !=~ ,._ :•rny rat t„+~ <br />ikCHrriae'r t;11a:1: lPr•"NC pttpM1 acttux ``=3 vtre :csxa¢,urir .37r-r" ~..xJ i c'.ta+7zz ul r=3~:r: - ,..,, ^'4a#rNr^:v ~,~•..,5..•,*it :y -...: , i ~..; nN is <br />trv ir"tr~ftsct , <br />L'tsies l.enrtet sra9 itttrayrsv secncrK,:e astix ".., a a ~,. r t tk ;* xrd , ..,s..ey .,t yr;*au ,•, <br />tiro tampers? ~, prsxs:ssteaS teen ~rasc rat 'sn a e pr.: nsxxa ca r , ri hr -s ry i A1;*: tgsgc .. <br />sr®i try a~+t',Eatd 9~1 such trs3.xanxc°se .~ ,°cy mc~ ra r.,~r+arws. e ae -,. . a pt.+rvtitagr na mould <br />he ptaf~rwrCli, ~ r~uE'alnr:,r sa'+C,mt. 3.a a,4rarf tx< a.~SlrCSr "n *nnrx ,c -. *, ' t1c+r ,tta,g" `,^. .7r aura tt ane pa;;l <br />AC# ~~' 1. rS11E ~}vtr~Cf2t m mtnspn:k"xa~ctif "t=a ~A~aa~c- I~kai wry ".... Cara*aad .w i _=rarr r< tlr a 1tla~yti U,un tk3r <br />`,3aMC +`lG#1h'~R"v3 HSYx1ta12#y ~Jt:nBE~: i:3 U't''krrx*rc? =t[a: k!at .~a::3sn ti' .sr. ee. ••'taT :. ,..,,c .. ..max*? i. •' 7-,a1s8n.r :K:r'Y7fs. !£F;.lyd <br />ae "~ tzy cnalicce.Z aaE! apyrt? thn armuta'ss pr >. s: l r.Mta~x . _,;+,xn- rystecy ,t trx;aasauac ~. tclat,t .,t ihr Pnyprns <br />m 3itc +areas aatmtd tRstx fdrsrt~yc s <br />t:t Lea3et• and Hersa.,s~ :tttserv.aac ::rc .^ ~ .trra!;, s_. ..r. r: »;_#'° .,.rte -. - .. ,it n.v yrd <br />{tin ~'.l'Aa e+lic diffi' ~# rncsravf§x srataa~arr>*tu> r < "^z :. ~ pm 2.' ... 'ax.t near. •'~ 'xa.ns'c an, .~t <br />i1TK>tit ::.S1aAe1$n#:~'yt# 11 yraRiet p^xr:rirapaPr !* brsec~1 rRte a't,.pr_a ~_ ~ya.t<ta..,, it7sur ..t :ghi :tae ,asrr~i -t ld- ,-r: uc; <br />sn Jylsd ~. aa; }awsnaass'c pttirctes aexS :-y ar. t t . Cis ;av +uc-cd, *.LCin r .can..?+x^g x~a .ar E *~+c~r t,i } .; :txr .. c <br />~ a-tyn a3ar; pig to Lender tw* dsc :.+..cru -.. ~*se +cFa.u~t ,.t 'ty:e Ht.:tg.+~,^ ,;'aec..vaaate ,.. -h .arc . . <br />Nesaraaiaa aart- 1it~aeeaayrr ai /4wpat_r- S.earidia: (#>wiemrwrrs; P'bet#d tan tlcnadaprerets. is::r toxszr <br />aiaa~+taap tens F to ia~ rr}vur acrid sia+•#l ass.-'; .::trru~st a"icvrr .=s ;+etnxu :,-*.}w=arsGea .,_ +teierya*dntaa.u ..y ytn== Pra:nrnt <br />aiAE k-~3~I~+t' aa'Y~ -"~F #'r'+u"'r' a^tY s7s!t 9Ca~ tt thta :R1~~or~ya;Bc ~ rr c to ~r`raed -. _r+ 49ar r~,mgr' ,^ an n~ o <br />a,~y w{,a ~~ xASti efee~_i{gaene#at.. $w'a,enacr .il Srra3crr'tn a1i .-S Bc+-raaci r1,4.~aanvr+ ,-rails t ~ ,ic~laratie.;a <br />~}, ~ ear ~ 'tAe :1`+r3n+Rt&r~'z6aAS ur gna:~e~~ -ant cW: z~k~uarawa9. :bc Ri -lN,+s .,:a! raga iat4 n, .'i the <br />~ ,per r» ,3a'vrk"rjttnerl.. et;e9 .ear'tsStteeesr« ~a.+v-•nstsx.aaay Ft AH t ta:v:,a~i , a+ t .rt. n.rprar€ny <br />t'itlBt tr eeR'iMaY ~ NaMStratas +ik£t$ ~ t,:+~r3t!tCt +tttSr atarz R#tsst~},a,~ rt[c an,.t kats'.r. n:s..Y ~, u~cancrnta ~i ~-[,rfl :,,lc°, <br />~ attrpiaa;~sataletl raaPU etKi fltii'1-slNaaf~ maw! - - tttrr r.Rr+<rucant?r ;a.ttt7 aylcv~tn~vta .n :he« ~/ca^yB:atBc +a . t the , uMr <br />ya!nts a irrsis • <br />'!, al~ hallira°i !M tf ~--rt~a+r~s' t'~*' sa p~tnr~ ~c -<-n,aats .aa4y ~a~+.~etrrcryra .,aat~- tr: int. <br />IA41tt~!, a:s of tHtb a~tSRM pT!auaedalj rs _:±etriratr~st a#r~-t? ;r3'sx~i'* ~'dc,rr lrty.3c+5 ;xrmtr,t ,re sxr Fr.+pr,i• <br />~e tart MLiYI i4, d~ ~~ sisr..'+f:c s,Lr >A cr'#-. .,ayk[~ a e ~.. stta ,• +r'+cxc,lSr ~ r 1, ;.e g r <br />!M/IYt'Ytlj- axe ~. tlta:[ 2,astfet at L.. fri[Ir# ~~apt:~~r :aYrt~v uax€ys.c k f3:tsr,:r« r w, ,:r ai.s - Ry o-l ia.ixra 1_ r u , <br />7~ 7Y7~ tAlllrti r%if."k at'iixta of id ~ 20. pr~&My~.t l..erridet'~'+ ~:NrGrc t. ..e.,.t 9~ rani sack yn'n ter,! .., ~lunasr*~crracrt, <br />rraarHM!~+la aWGIAS!!`i taco east! ,estttyE arp,itts tat ~hacyle:=+ xu ztaus eyzAV+, t* t esrilet rc* 'r a:B,~r. to>urarr.e a , <br />~€ ~ 6hE iy~rarnt fieGntTVriSS #dy .lea ~lvats~iyte,. f~:r-r pct a,eaxs: t x, 'Pa lies=rt>xsrYV+ :sue--,sect z., :+aaxn+a:,, -.,. , <br />£apY't1YR?f ~ ~~ ~#~ bi>r.~,1 +M~V aitr ~ ~ ~~ :mar it"L r~rssts`* ,a+ r..rcaa§arnt ~,; tt Bon r,+wr• .*„c1 <br />