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$0-- i~2~.5t3 . <br />Gander's written attt:ement ~ applicable taw Borrower shall pay the amount of all ntant;age insurance premiums ,n the <br />manner provided under para`raph '_ hereof. <br />Any amounts disMtrs<d by Lender pursuant to rhis psragraph 7, u•rth ~rtterest thereon, steal! become addititsnal <br />an:khiedrrrss of Borrawtr srrurrd by this Martga¢e. lrnkcs Borrower and [.ender agrcr t<, other terms of pa}'r[tent, such <br />amounts shah be payable upon tKxicr from Lender to Batmw•r* requesting payment thereof, and shah tzar iorerest from the <br />date of d[cbitrtement at LM care payable fmm time to ttme nn oulstardmg prim-tpal tinder the Naze unless payttxnt of <br />inttetert s*. Stich rate wroutd he centran• to applrcable, law. in wnich event such amounts shall bear intetatst at the highest rate <br />permiaidbk tinder applipbk law. Nothing contained }n this paragraph 7 shall require Lentlet ro incur any ecpense or take <br />nap action hertwatkr. <br />R #tttt~eeWa Leader flay make u sous,- to he mask reasanabk entries n;x>n and inspections of the Property, provided <br />[hat t.esder steal) dive Narrower nat1LY' pear ro sin each snspecn:sn Syrctfving mauingbie cause therefor related to 1.entkr's <br />tntertest in the Pttsptxtp. <br />i Cetdeis~aiaa The prssr,rrds asf ans award of clasm far damages, direct ar rnnsegtien[iai, in rnnnection with any <br />,.-atidemication ar other inking of the Pntpens or pa- thertrof. ar t, r canvetance in lieu of cand:.mnatian, arc hereby assigned <br />oral ahatl be paid to Lcttder. <br />£a the eseai ~ a tugl takin¢ aF the tsroienc. the tttta.esds chaff he apphcd to the .Wins serurrd by this Mortgage. <br />with the ecttss, i# any. paid to Barn)wcr l~ the rsetst of a partial taking of the Prapeny, unless Barmsver and Lender <br />inhere°tse agar in, there shalt ltr appi,e,i ;a. the atm. tr:•urrx! hs ibis Mortgage each ptapaxtiar, of the proceeds <br />as x cyan! to that prapauticL. w#t>iti 1lie .mourn .,! the seems secrsred he this ~ToriQage immediale:y pr:ar to the date of <br />takeog hears tan the fair ts+arltet ralatc <~# tnr t'rc*petts rmmediateh~ prone t, the date of tz King, with the baton..^e of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrcr~nr. <br />Ff the Pitapxaty is abattdnrtcs] !tc Barr m, r axe ,t. after nntacr nv t.ender to Brxnw,er that the conih;tttnar aNers io make <br />atn award zsr sink a cSaSm for damages. Bnrrnwer fails to respond to t ender within 31) doss otter the date at[ci[ ttditt is <br />marled. [.coder ix authoiined to a,iiea and apl,l}~ the peels-sods, at tender's aptnin, either ~to restontion or repair d the <br />i°txxperty, or to zhe sums stsared he rhis A1.,rtga ge <br />Iva~+s Leit3er s:ad Borrnvrt otherss<sc :ar;m ,a ~.rring. ans c:ich apptiranon „f pmcerdc to principal shall not octetrd <br />ets p„sipoae ahe due dare .>f she m<,ntnlt .nstaiimrntx referred to to paragraphs t and '_ heronf or change the amrntnt of <br />crr#x i•istaliiniXtts <br />#!. Mrewri>•itA Reittsacd, rsEV:sra,n ,~. nr r+szx '.x ;eas,nrrt „r m;,<,n ,,f :xmartrzannn t*i the ersms secured <br />lax ihts 1#.,,rt;a#t arantrd ity Lcixlet t2, ans siie,~x .-.s:v .n :atere+i :,r & rrowrr .hail rant operate to rele aac, in any manner. <br />ahe y ~ the at.,at :'a-x-, a,n< '~,::~s. -, ,.z:.-z„=., ., ,,.,~_,.->. < ,,.,~, .:,a,.°,.,, „~ ~ qi :G.< , . ~materrie <br />prau'ezdings a~axost s.xrk xiaressz;r .•r r2fucr ;o c~..zx->tu ,:r:ac• <„r :~ar~:enr „r erlx~^se.r mnciity .trtornzattnn anf the sums <br />srcurrd bs rhis'~#xvtgsjc by xas.,t} „_ .tea} .1c<naa:ad :.sadr i+s ttic a,rtg;t, B«rrr<wcr .:nd flnrroucr's cna,crssan in intrrea. <br />11, F~ribattate! It!r f,eadrr Nvt a Wsiset. !n. forttrara.wr Its 4 r der tin etrn:>:=,e an> si>rl,t :,r remrdv hercumier, or <br />otyictrtse altazdtsi my app.ic~ttt :aw .Wait r:,,i hr ua,srr ,•. ,: prra'trsdr thc• r,.crc:se ,,! ans .uch right or retncdy. <br />"SSer pri'•eisszattat3 of instiraar .ter floe pa},raena :*::a,r-s ,,r ,,r3ner :Knc „r ,Aarx_~> i+s t trade- half r=+,t he r .. •<svrr of Lender's <br />ritUht a, xrxlrratr the atui:rits .,t the ,.n.~iz'*sr,.i:>~-., .,,, ., a. ~. tlrrsca~r <br />#3. Refeiw Ctltttt~tlec a1?i r.-tnrai<.-, i•;:-. ,,tau ,...,,, t^.,::±f,xz' ., ~r to..anxt :n<i .,rmulntrvr to ans .wncr nghi or <br />°twd~r;ttitlarahtt ter airntair+d h, ?a:a .•. xr,n and rsa..s ~ eser,,sed ,.m:c,r-c-rirh ~,txirpendrmlt nr ~ncresnroly <br />#Z Stew it1iM #r~ iaaod: .lsxrar raisJ Kr+rrai 1 iah8i/y; t-~apirxne. l~x• ;,, vY-:ants and agtsxntrnts hrrrnr <br />~rsaialira3:aleMF bin/:,artttlrei~#sErhtai':3;r''.,,t-r .",z?t n,rre t~~ r^c rr,~m.e:xc son-cc.>,•r., .,nd aa.scn..,t {cn,3rr .and Br,tmwer. <br />*+~~~'~ ~ r'atY>•"i1t1'Jaf of par'aer'a ~. I' t>`rs,-,+t ~7t „ -.a rata an,i s{trrcmcaz. of Bnrr,.arr ,haft hr n~ni .and >CV~rat <br />The ~capsroos and ~ cx the {.Soren, stir. ~•# thas ~4,+.a7 ga,gr.~ are t.n nsrn :nst ,y,h avsd err .,,,1 t„ he useit to <br />sn~riwit err dt~tt-ie the ~.rcivmion> =,c; r.a <br />N. ~iaiisY.;x fs,r anv ncxxi:e .c,caxtxr ^~ a_,n,9cr .g~:ic:xhlt iyw a. ir- g:,:^n :n an;,~hr± mnnnc .s: a,v ritxtrcc to <br />Nsvraswrr prasvxdrd for an this ttFarip,,>re iz`sati i>a- >~+vrn nt =s,axiine +xxst+ :=a~tu: r< ..:~ tied r^•.arl .,ddre,sa-d i.• Bortx+urt at <br />the A',:+;<e..p Addtaas s+n azi sw?a ,xtt~r add.; ra. xs &sr r, ~a-rr rnaa dr„geraic t+s r., ~,,r t„ 7 rm'kr ac pr,=vixtcd hrrtin. need <br />tith oar tuxricc io Lerecier shall tae &'i+'eri ns ,-crsrfitx3 marl ,elan^: ,~cr.irt rcylrtst:~J n• ! rr:,ttr'r adds e~ss stated herein n: to <br />srra':s xtriwr a.1d[eys as Lender =Was dr;rgratt ht •a*,. r ~,= A'• ;=wr, as »;Jc;? 1=: re,:: i;<t rs;srnr pr,,.-rdeJ for in this <br />t~1A,"tga)f,C S+1.a'~ ~!C <1r+ettied Az"i. ham: 1sac,ex, FNrii tl, [1aMih,+aCY .,} t IY>def „ ~'=tYts 1r3 ihT +3aanhrt ,rxttigndtrd herein. <br />iS, UtaNr~ ;•tsalta•r; Guarawtg Law: kseatWits. 7>.,., ±av rr ,,t mx,rtgac , n,nina,rs .:n:ir==tin :,,vrnant< t,,r national <br />vain std sx+tt•tuxfotat r;osxaan:s rrrh Sxm«ird ,as:at;,.na rs :.x. ;,:s,.iwm t. ..,-~st;x~,zc s ~.rRat~,r;.i ;r., rnza •-etnrrnrnt ..,,•anng <br />iqI picspettx TAss itfaft•-r shad? he 4~„x-rani is :bee :aua , t ~fic oeres;nx<nnm ~, ~hsrr. fix €*rnia•aa~ .. t,,, ateti In the <br />:.tiilttt flat anx ~ ._, tr-:n 3?nngabc ., rhr ':arse .--anRril, +.tih :p;-~dxcahle .:,w anti :x,ri-ri:;s shall affect <br />a+tillr #Mi*vtinaxts of ~n lAiax -r atu »ts.. x+ .n Mr ~.:>cn retry ..etit:+x, _ ?;sr :.mfl+~?crag pens a.i:,n ant iii tf,is <br />tttd tfit gtrrswtsac~as est the A/tst"ga~e .-r<st the \.Kr are' ,4eiaa+xar f., ?,r •.ts~rvi>it <br />/~ Mwrt^ars f-grg. Snrrawrr ,Aa:3 r~ t:,:n;.a+,^d .:..,na..-n,<,1 , ;,s ,•t ra_° '.:,>tc .,rat , . ~h,a ~inrtcart at the z}me <br />saf eawurkxi au niter trdsnina tacrru <br />#~ "Earls sf» )h~Ify; Ate. it si'i ~r ans pan ,rt the f`ra[scris ,.a nee ,interest it]}y c}n 1+ s„#d .+r rraneterred <br />~*» rR'sthmm Letdrr's ~asxi r<.zruce .o.~,Ene rxc#+xdxnc, ear flee :aea~t~an ,=i a isr.=~, ,~ c+-,zunihra:rx .,~4>xtr,S:natr so <br />this ~4s'R~t., tgal EtAr 'tt:ats[sn s,t a paxrrasax :ix:,ixCS xiscr iys tell: *rid t.+r hrx,sr*ry'".<~ saplaanir5. 'rr tran,icr by dca esr:. <br />dtacrts oar b# lea ui tar x~,,,t rfirr ctcsitr t>e ,, tar,.ti trn;ant „r r •~- lrr+-- -... _. ,_ ...... _ ~..--- ._. _...__....~__. _. , __ <br />[.ceder trans. ai l er+drt ~, :spruan dc: tare a:t Stu s:a¢n+ ace .,red h: 'has S3atrrgafr i„ h: <br />=waaely,dat sad }+alt'ahie i c.:tdcr xlui§ ha>r xy:>iv3 ,>rar .,pie«n ~.~ a,:.rternie : y~rr.-a •., the .,dr „r transfer 1 fader <br />artdille#SEtfaltles+s'I1nIS1hr Pt:,pen}~ ss 1<, tsr sir#4 sv :,ansittrrv~ sgrertssx:t:: .. nr,.,ng to:,;: snr ,.rrxl:i „ „tin t,etrs~„n <br />ra eiit•"wffsattrV r;n Llwder and ihtti the 2rerrC~F9 ;ra>a#Ae as2x t?tr s~st3i ,-,xixxs~ !,s ritai !<1.=,rt,j;a}°e ,h aid t,s at s:nli ran: e, l.rtxtrr <br />sisir€t t'epstsu, I7 L.ctader hoe watvera t'se .,yin,n <.a, azx~ttrraat ;m.s.,~f ..... s ~ ae:,c•,a;ah - ,mod [+.:rrr<+.~e+ , „a..~rsa.•+ ,n <br />:7liert6t lttaa eMl"~!J a +rnrlisesn saaxnr>yze+s, a1t1'cwtnrrt :a.-~~it :r_ ,a r,r,rtp s,sx i rrs;srr i rm.irr •.r;att r°ieasc B.,r.~..rr trinrn aft <br />aa~ltx this Ytxiltya and t3,;e !V,,re <br />,. <br />;:! l.xaier'tncrCilrs flitch ccpa}rasn ico ,w.:-cict :at 1 ..,x-sir: hiz#t m:ia fia,a ra,,. cr -.:,tr.:~ . , ,., sire sz>, *n :.. .,. a:.,rdan.r Math <br />parat~ty[h 1.# isrretaf Sr>t# oxatrer sha? glen>°z€#r s peel-,!: r,xt tt<,1v_as itaa.ti trl +.ixs: t.,~ra ,r :late tt:r •.nsra „ rnatiad uuh,n <br />eta ofra!y ~psy 4mmrxs ~."~ s?:ar [r Sarer,a~rr ~.,,a- , s, ,s<,'~ ...tint n•..^r :. -nr . tt-n.,i„,n ~r ~.,de ~y,a,d <br />1 , tip f~°4,hita 133;,.: ra c~.n'„r:-~`..ri, ±$-s-, <-~z ., pie 'a;t; -.:a~rr~. r=cs..r aiz•:., ., , ,aa°r c,,. <br />~a'xrt+-~1.trasatt'~tas^a'.rrsw#a< $as:~rv ante ~~txfar; ~.,.~.cnaa>s „nd.r~r-c_ -s~, t.,, <br />#~. +1f+R'a~ ~ lG,iea}ir a Pew,Ird ;ti Ir~h 13 west. rMcae NaixuwrrS hers at :a} a areYarrt ar <br />ystt~rasli ti ~rlwrar i tllitr Mare#{a~e. i Ar rs.ewattrw to pn .tress dre ores esrttae sectetcsi try thie 1#rtrttla4e, <br />T.ttttif N~~ ~ 14M'f~ Y wi aMFtx M Nttwewer r pses-tiled iii Rartltra>!ix 1J 6eresf •TK•Ny~: r i 1 the bresr6: <br />iMiitl~ tta~sisaf tls t+ttat>,ttsi #eaaii#o t.)1 a Itsls, tteM tas 71uw .]~ 4tes ftssr the Aare iMr rake w rrtaiteA eu Narrower, <br />Illy ~iiti !M! ~ ~r ~ isM*; itai 1!t tia4 #iirttea t~ s'~ee eciri heeach as .*r tre!'wt the Arle K~eCilied is the txMicx <br />A~ nriM #Eertadsata#iata rt ~ saasae atrcweri Ms Nw..11rwtBtt~r, faxrerirwaee Y! Inriiriat p+anrrAiwe awA tack at list Pnrprrfy. <br />'its!-tip,-~11F 1a/ats Maoat ~ fl» rilfM~hr rviie~aMe ether ae~ awd tM• rsgM sa arson ea ttse ivvrrMwure <br />~~tk-t111i!eel~lrt el tt iw +sn,) tiller !k#tM set Nurrwtau era acreieeatirar atsd fwsrlatrsc_ tf Nn breach <br />is tar nitwit iu ~e inset tale fMe tpAiati re floe ter:tica. 1_nrtiee Y i.eteMr's rNrllixro ran} .:r lore aN .A She sxew, sr. areA 6, <br />MYN~IgI*~is IN iti~Ipl11#+itlr aw! py-ails +~Mltnrt ltviher frtarawi arA atraax t~s imrt b« prAl. ia! ptstte.iprd. i rxa-Ire <br />ttiti 4 N~ rte artiat# fir. inie#t lterrralillit aM ez~riraast r lwrxtawrx, wxsisrtirtt teal rrsx ilmeexl w, . awls of d.rc Mrrw•trtar s <br />reri~ttrs, eieitrar •Att life arprrss. <br />!~ ~ ~ 4 , aaariawtil6rtsactz*.:~ t €€~+ .<...a .a ear+„n ~ . ^s„c ,_x• a< ,urd ~h, : 'st•v:f.xge <br />1MatrtatYrur sixst' tukvta slsr'~ a:> h,;:rz a+n4 p-:,cc.t'r=ss;.~r, tangos tt :.~s7rr . ,_, rte- 11 , ~„t;, .,,,,..,a,a~ r.l ~ ,,.. .,.., <br />