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Uns>;otxxt Covera.crrrs- Borrower and Lender wvenam and agree as follow>: <br />i. tagsnesst of 1?tisrclpl atsl tttetett. Borrower shall prompik pay when due the pnncipal of and interest oft the <br />tatdebtedsess ev:deoced by the .'dote, pmpayment and late charges as provided .n the Nole, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Fvttare Advances sa:ured icy ibis Marigage. <br />i R~iit tar 'hsas ad laatttta~ce. Subject to or to a wrttten waver by Lender. Borrower shall gay <br />to 1-stsder on the day monthly t:staHttsenls,of gtxwpal and wiardst are paya6le-zse_dcr the Note, unti3 the !Nate is paid in full, <br />a sum tltt7e.Cn "Ewsds") eyuai zo ormtwaifth of the wady taxes and assessments :vfiich may attasn pnority over this <br />Martsage, and ground tents an the Propury, if any. p#u= tine-twelfth of yearly premium msrallments far hazard ipstuance. <br />sililua Disc-tseelftb tsf yetrfy pre:namt #tsstattnsents for mortgage insurance. if asy, ail asc reasonably estimated Cnitia$y and from <br />dasemxitne.hyi'4ttsdtr on t~ kraals of sss~ments aad halls and reasenshle eat#mases thereof. <br />TI#e Ftmds shall be held xn an tatsutuvsn the deposals or aecaunn a,t which are ensured ar guar~ttteetLbv a Federal or <br />xltli 3~enCY t iatciadkng Lersder t{ Lcndet n such an mcniuttan ! [ruder 5#tall apply the Ftaatds to pay said taxes, assessrateats, <br />artsowoce premsiws aad.granttd rents. Leader may n, t charge for so holding and applying the Fttnds, analyzing said accaurtt, <br />or verify~itrg and trampling said assssments and bilk, unless Lender pays Barrcrwer interest on the Fttttds and_ apgCicablp !aw <br />ga.>yttitz Lender xs maYs such a ,:hackle. 8arrawer and Under may agree in wtittng ai rite tizrte of eztcntion of this <br />htattga~e that +ntesext ors ahe Feso.§ shall ter paid tv Borrower, and uaiess such agmtnent is made or agpiicahle Saw <br />relutres tatdt tntCaest is be grid. L.endet sixati nut is rrauared in pay Harrower any interai ar earnings on the Funds, [.ender <br />shah give to Batmwex, wtthc>ut ~rharQe, ,tn ;nnua, auc online :~i tAe Funeic shaw~nl2 credits and uehits to the Funds and the <br />gurpxxse tar wtiaea each debit [:, the F[mds >Ras ^tt,ade ilte Farads are pledged :~ addtnoetai security fnr the sums secured <br />hs ihrs \tart@~e <br />If the smoum of the Funds he16 by Lender. tageifser ~,atn the iuturc monthly installments of Funds payable pnor to <br />the dss dates of taxes. asxnssrxnts, atuursnrx ps'cmaums and gnxtnd rents, shall except the amount regesited to gay said taxes, <br />aatattrtmen[s. atrstu'ai~s paeinssimc sad yxoasaxi reracs as uaey tail .luxe, such eeccsc shah he, at Bartawus option, either <br />graepety rr~d to Bc:rro+ser ar fitted to &:rnw'er ~e>n monthly :ns;aiiments of Funds. If the amount of the FuttrL[ <br />lseid'?p Leader sf;ttB not be ststTtciest to pis taxes =s xe>~ents. :nsurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due. <br />Beastilrerahtkt pay to C.eadet app atne~uvt axa-°cssars to rnat:e up t;x dettcaen>.; Wuhan tti c#a[~s trc n [he date nutlet es maim <br />by Leader zo Barrata ea reil>~hnit ~tttrrest thcreot <br />Upon gay°mevt ,n ttali a{ all stun: s~ti ured h +"::,. Monea}'r i tndet +halt ~ ronzpait retrrnd ti: Baarowu ang Funds <br />ltelst. frp L.eoder if €under ;xanigrap3t ; "xn=oat s^.tsi'ruprnx ~s ,.:•#d ,,. ,he f*r:,Frrtt !, ..therxz'ne a~quered !=v I_onder, Lender <br />tib,y Aker runs ~x pa?at to ttae ash .ei iite Prvpem :w :[s sasttusmon h} Lrndcr, ant Funds heh9 6}. <br />L.eaie:t ai the tz>~ ai appticaatu+ as a „t~}st ugunst the xuntx securett et rhos A#wTgage <br />}, 1Airauan of !''agaar- i„axkexs sgpiscafsk law pn,+x,ita ,,tf• all psvtttems =eceavcd M' Gcmkr under the <br />tia~ snd paragraphs } aaiti ~ hete~ sitsk# lrc applxt~ii bx i eadea fine ,ti n~ inept .,t amounts pavsbir r:, t ender hp Harrower <br />unties aara~raph . 4eic.3R. elsea to :nterrat ;raxsitir .,~n liar \a,ie •ar<•n :,, !nc princips: <*[ 'ir '~„tc..=nd [hez! t„ tnter~ext acrd <br />grtncuLmi zm asr: Fuav a Adva.'>;xs. <br />l C''r!!~ tom. Taut. +.v u'tai?. asx ,iki _,w„mr,,,, ..ail .,trier , `sarkez. hnr, .,nil 'm$,+xa[r,rns attnDulaltle to <br />t#ae t'ropeart w4sr .,t^' auto atrast a pnaaat ~,vc tt!ey N~9c.n~aue arze ._x+ch,t4+i wvmrstas „r crnn_ttd cones tf ,ny. ;n the mavtter <br />wed .;miser p3rraErsr~s ~ herec:.t .,x.:l nv p~ m ucr: ranter '•, #3:ur,,uzr mw_xarg pat~nr. -a hen due. ,hrectiv to the <br />paxee i:xetoaS $n. r:%a'ex shall graven; t3y tvrnsnt, t„ 1 etwrs ail aot,,._, .,s ..;ttauaan ,sue ;;rider r*:s prrr~,raph attd nn the event <br />Har.~wrer sltali mtska gavmeeetxt dar~-ti+ B:.+src+-x r' -ha=l pntr;spv:, :.mash t.• i.anocr 'rscay~t ,,:dcnctng tx:cla payments <br />~SStrirw,cr siaau pratapth~ ,lssciaarkte anx •sn .. na~h nss ,un+; :[t ,rr •nx, A1.+ngugr ~.ti.tcs# :t!at il.,r. c,wtir ,hail noa he <br />-'~ii%rT'~ to Sxar3aarge ally uch hen ~a hang .,, ts.+rrs,wrr ,rvu:! ,e; ex^ :r~ ~r,c:<ng r:+ r:is patrnrrxt „i chr „41aa:an.'n ,e: a¢red h} <br />-_.." ~ as a .ntstanet a:=epta6ie -,-= Lsxudet ~ . ,e>az .ez ~ .:+o ;.,¢.n .,>ntc,: ,u:h ,era, t+t .- •xten.! cue ti,;.:rmrna ,•i - :eh lx_n sa. <br />;c'gxl nt+'w".°Niai#~5 v~R,ti<.h zxper~~'C 1.a ~tsrc.nt -~u x~8.°rcr.~. r:xii .•t :!+z ue, ~r lartc;i arc .4 'isr i r.,pe>na ,+e ..nt past thmrcoi <br />S. litosd Iwassct- Bsas^razw:ca c'-a;tt! #arr-,. rSxe :rstpr+*=sntrn!.::.. w ;,.¢.; ~,tig ,,.: ,; ir: ~,,•,!e,a .~n tMc l't ~.,prr.: ,mxarea: <br />adamat kra-a e., #are. :,;axaaxYx xxsa~eided ~..a'ih:n the terra .ctc::+c1i' .. ,rzsr;r ata=^. eu.h .utter caul>..^:M „ l a: +:sieo rnat r'cxkuue <br />,aItHS R LitG$ .Littat'f^wxi anil tau qX:n ~.1[^!`TaKrs us ! e:rl:et Rlal 'Ciiurrr ~ "'bleu. :nu7 1 :: ns,r* tllni; ^„t 'L'Yt,tefr that 'he mant,Unl ,•, <br />cx~ ~>-rr=-Cr cu~ew ;itri', snta~.n t - . - ". a}a z'aiu..:-.. t. ^. ;,a,. +~ - r - h. \# -,;a.~r <br />T'!so aat4"3; asuae :arrier r~x~xadrrtg .>Ye na>,s?aac ,3a'. -,r R,r,~cc°:a ..+. B,=rr . t~. x 'p'. .xf ,.:} Lan k ~ rmo-,ded. <br />that ssca'a arx*va+ a.w..u autt tt,^. ~arttaasx~xsaRtt w--arx~heid 41+ ,_reat~xtum, .,n n ~. ,e.x.c a.. xs 'uii -`c par=# - .ne rna.taaet <br />;.tixn'sdirti taai9t't' xaragrtspis . hraxsaeT ..r ' :xi'rt l+atad .n ,u:R :aasxtm= TMt tk,rt;=wet naav..g i:asxtxcat ;... ~^ ,i~r• ,;:re:-:lx ':+ ttte <br />2>;a: ail~i `a'+PtA3" H~J :~t`,s.YU i:`~FxXi '31~.:1 t:' ,_. _~Yi3t ,,, sb{. .u I e ..-v, .s-Y..7 .t:ufi ...._:,,;C __s.L :,~ •."`rt~;J~v' <br />'Mite >~ tarr~+r e'S kTaY::n l3rm ~~le'Rrxa f-ate :; i.t'.c~LtCa , :rsi..c. .-.,.v- v,r .°_ 1f-'!S ' !k, id t: ;>. •i:.:-ev. .rs„ c r ., thrr::,t <br />acrd t~!asr3'ar'icer :rtaaxr pffiYExID~#l3 t.<th ..a L.a; s,i .r.=:r,x as r„-rs ~.~ xL ail tc,.. x(ras .r sill repro-n. do ?'a^ .. t t i;,,y. <br />~cua'€trcr s~aib ~3z nrsps ~.;rr -a, air :emu ua:.~ „aa:ua :.ra'3 i_u~.rsrr i ea:W ..-.:. „~ t ... - - _ ,-- =putt <br />~ L Le~6ar satt# 1~t: 4~+ra.i cst3c.~~€~.-~..n~.rz ;- -..°..ictt K:ai:a i~`~:. ^°.....,.. _..,~„ *x _~rza_-€i: -...c-,,.<..,::x_,se .,r <,r <br />ilie ~ ;lasta~;it, k:rrn~aar~u ssar.'ts scr:ireiaaax.~ :.x rsa. s c:. n wasa~- fir .x - h .+~ -'~ t . hsc 11--; .tgegr „ <br />acct t'hHab!' ~F'tu't''d- 1t t,iu:3t ascsu:~~t},:zn oa ~TM~ia.r -.,?e z.r i+a.usxr.,xat, ._x,t*,_ . t : sa .c.,. Wit, .. tn:, \3.,rtgagr a~.,,x}d <br />ht raprur4• t#se x•nsutianz ~s •3sati x zpl'!irr:; ., lire sums x^~u-ca r t ~ z, `v7,=rik,.eg1 --•; +>tes :: •nt i,auk <br />is ~ L3 ire PtttliCd'S=i .s shsatt.'xsteat r> ~srsrati et .,, : Bixr¢>aa. act -sp<,xa~ , I ~;a::tc +tni~ ~U cixv> :r„n* :hr <br />u'aie 8xt6iCe sa tnarlei# b±' S_tatCYet tar Hew^c;aR ea ^n.r,". •.Yee :=viurat~.t ..ear;-rx ,rlcrs :.: rrtr!e ... s,:re 7,,t :tt.,uranc~r l,rt:ehzs lxx.ttrr <br />,s s~tstagti t. c+atleiT;t aaq a;gris t#se ,.>asur~re ~ :+ocrua s t.cavxa ...p.:t>F, c<.ti€r [., ,e3..>: a:run .,r rnparr ,,t ,Sir f'rc,;xn, <br />,;Q 3a tit sti#gn sticssn6 t*!r toss klxf~sriyt~c <br />'i.~itii!i~n L.:ras4et a>yd >iot='crws at wriitcrw-rse agree '~ra a.v=teax-g. aa. x. .. _F pi ~ <aHtr . ~aeu, ;rnsip=:..ea#3 , ,~ rnarttd <br />ar }sttpt+aae xbe due date t: ttse e= - asiat-a c=c-!^ rai<: ~ er.. 'te- i; i~' -r "'° "t <br />xiah aa~i@mcasss. dt titaiCd priitg....* hrrr~xt rase Pr: pcr'r. ., u:ar 1 ctx.r~' _ t,ght ~~ttc ~nc ,:.._re:t t Ai.~r;.w rr <br />sAM soot ~3a aay >mtirsaax gsxi..-ms aaul sn suer ' .far ;rrt' <nc:acs. a 'c+.r:€+ng il :e ys '. itc a r pc ~+-, , r t ,.rc ,-,.c <br />x~' ~ ttiaik grta~n is Lxaxlas tea ih. ¢'trtcni .ti *ise ~n>r +:K.;.urexa .t th ~i,r..eipc .. nr~[:ate is .axe ,uh .:t:.:.,r <br />f~~:i~ <br />{~: r,nA[~~.~ t~ ~ ~ i"~ t'"~+ t~rirRed t HM UCR'tla~txCilb. z.ef rifts f' <br />.istit iieaip rlx• Pfxt+}trstR xe rsri± a't~ slxtiI arcs .~r_=rnat ~~at„e ,=a pcrztis amps;: mast ,!• .iuuxar:iuc-h, ,rt r3se rPr.~perer <br />aaQ s'istlf eiv~s ~rdz tax pevs'staas ;..i . v+~ 'aurae =: tats S4~fsc ,+ .=v z.n4asnt.', it t a 4tu r a„r :_ - - .>nxa ':+ , <br />_, at a bpd vua dt~a,na_ Aaa€ shs33 s~~et'trerea sLE 3 fk•rr ,~agat»En aed~ tar tcciai Vie, ~x <br />fir :~'Cii'atlL ~ ~ tbC c=tsnd~txesrs:c+m a-,s iaistaxsc.2 :art .1cF-r.c?pntzrrt ~*er by t~,,aa .;tic rru is[r -,. ,.,t :nr <br />x~ itat daveltrFnten[. ,rt>a ,~?tsu,uataunt daa'..utrtr:nrt, it ,.,umaaarssm ;,r K=txi~encd .,,~_ ,c .: Ft~t;tnsr:! <br />'d1~1' as EaaL3at#I~ ~ tiattaar®' ara!d raeceiraltrti s: g[tirra riefi lilts 'kla=n{iage.. °te:, ...,srasan¢x arsii mgarement,. :*t ,. xan ::,ice <br />a~ is~#.ald; aqd amend ia}~ k`.-4nl3at sh2 ~ca~cnsiPRx .xrtt3 spa'crdttrrs[z .,t r'ai!. ti#,xrt$ay,.c .*. .; ¢hc rnzc. <br />'a!ata r pa fltwaat, <br />~ wl ~llrstaitfl ~!el~fl~ 3I ~,rwcr faxxv rr ~nrs~s3um t#xe 4afrcararta :.ern cg,~zuK~nu .> Ata~in~6 n !rte, <br />ia( ~ tM- rteit!a!t "sF€ p7rttitArdaag ai ::Gx»x 'aitai'Sa llpatti.,iiadl3 _~r x }es 2e=a rrc t ~ h fer.*prnt <br />~, i taut ii#aiitl ta, ~rsei'te'tit t~F4'eN:.r :>~4r eat4KSr4'€it'IttnS ~ ~ rr:.rSem .s , t r. n°e+^z#tn#xs ~ a ~:?t,irg -, <br />MNFlirirytl.+ar 9r°drti, !lace, i.,a~dtex ct"x .+g~;s~. -pear= ,,-c=a>s..e --- #i:=€€-~ -. ;:mss ~:.~ ~ h x=la+sxc. .,~r•ur,r ,,,: n <br />~MIOIt sWi, aRisalt ,xa w nrwcy ~ ~~ k e745er• :csx. x:f~trtll'~.ig, - ~t a,:x+ .!rx scxs r,- 4evMaivrrnam : <br />taMtrtBaiiia s~aaaMA'a# 3i!et at±ai s,mt~ vrpaA flat i'tttpet"# ur tnx+te ceaaaxe l7 1 a°~radea ,ratusaezt ^;,c :roue a:twx .t , <br />".'.i@IldihArt # 1ht dt'rtt taCtread 'tfV 'Jiax ddi#i~tja#x, ltglTSSivba +t;~xyll Pee '#i& tvrCtsttn€ru "`g r t ;,• rasr.t.:t. .:.. `; <br />st~littlllat !# ~ iasti~ ~ ilir -ire F9tr. nogastatF:~t =rat ~$ <a#,sr: artr:~ ~ _:''t=n,aEFh .>a ,.aa.a€.sa€sis .. ':-'S it, ti + ,x!,! <br />