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i <br />- 9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or cons8quential, in connection-with any -- - <br />- - condemnation or other taking of the Propene, or part thereof, ur for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />.and shall he paid to Lender. <br />In [he event of a total taking of fhe Property, the proceeds sha31 bz applied 4o the sums secured by this Deed- of Trust. <br />- - -with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking-ef the Property, unless Borrower and 6zntier--- - - <br />- otherwise agree in writing there shall be applied to [he sums secured by this Decd of '; taut such proportion of. the-proceeds - _ <br />- - - -asis' equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured 6t' this Deed of Trust imniediatelg~. prior to the date of - <br />- ~- taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of faking, with the baianee of-the proceeds - <br />- -.--paid to Borrower. - - - - <br />_ - - If the Ptopeny is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or sense a claim for damages, Harrower Fails to resptnd Io Lender within 30 days after the date such roticz Is - <br />_ .mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, zither to restoration er repair of the. <br />Property or to the sums secured #,y this Decd of Trust. - - - - <br />Un!ess Lender and Harrower otherwise agree in :vriting, any such. application of proceeds to priricipai shall nn[ zxfind - <br />- or postpone the due date of the monthly instalmems referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof er change rho" amount of = -- - - <br />- such instalbnznts. - - <br />- 70. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured ~ _ <br />- -6t' this Dzed of Trust granted by Lender to am• successor in interest of Borrower shall not apzrate :a release. in any manner. <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors i^ interest. Lendersttal! natberequired to uommence . <br />-proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or ntherivisc mgdify amortization: of`-the-sums - - <br />" .secured by this Deed of Trust by reason ai any demand made by the original-Borrower and Borrower's successors in. interest.- - - <br />t 1. ~Farbearance by Lender Not a R4tiver. Any farbeatance by Lender in exercising env right or remedy hereunder, or. <br />- --' otherwise atTorded by applicable law, shalt not he a waiver of or preclude the eercisz of any suck sign[ or. remedy-- <br />I'he procurement tit insurance or the payment of taxis or ether liens or charges by Lender shall not bz a waiva~ of Lender's <br />right m acceicrate the maturity of the indetncdness secured by this Deed of Trtrst. - <br />- - i2. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided in this Decd of Tntst are distinct and cumulative to any ether right <br />-.- -----°-;---or remedy under this Deed of Trust ar siTnrded by law or equity, and: may-he exercised-etrncttrrcntit:-mdznen4,zni!} u. ---- - -- <br />successively. <br />- - 73. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; t;aptions. The covenants and agreements bocci r. -- - <br />cnntaincd shall hind, and the rights hereunder shall inure ia. the respective successors and assigns of Lender- and Borrower. - <br />- _ - 'subject io the previsions of paragraph I' hereof. All covenants and-agreements of Borrower-;t;al( ha--joint .and szvcraL. - _ --- <br />- The captions and headings of the paragraphs of [his Deed of Trust are for convenience anly and are not in he used to <br />- - - -interpret or define the provisians hereof. - - - - - ` <br />- 14. Notice. Exezpt for any notice required under applicable law tv be eiven in another manner, (a) any mnice u+ - <br />- - Harrower pmvitied for in this %:ed of Trust shall be given by mailing suzh notice by certified mail addressed t.^• Harrower ai - - <br />- the Property Address ar at such other address as BonnWer may designate by notice to Lcrder as provided herein, and: - <br />- (hl env notice to Lender shall 6e given by certified mail, return receipt requested. to Lenders address hated herein err :a - <br />- -- ouch other address as Lender may designate by notice=io Harrower as prov(dzd herein. Any notice provided-far i^ this - - <br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein. <br />i5. Cnifornt Derd of Trost: Gaverning La+v; Ses'erability. This Fnrm of dezd of trust comhina~ umfnrm covenants for <br />na[ianal use and non-uniform covenants with !invited variations b}' jurisdic[!on w constitute a uniform security instrument <br />- covering real property. psis Dezd of Trust shall bz gm~erned by the taw of the junsdictian in whicfi the Propzrn' is lecxtzd. - - <br />in the even[ that nny prevision cr clause of this Dyed of Trust or the Nom conflict<, with appiicahte (ew, such rontiiu. shall <br />- - _- not affect other provisions of this Deed of T'ntst ar the No[e which can he gn'zn etTect widtiun the axn7ieting pro~'ision. - <br />and to this end the provisions of the Decd of Trust and the ~lotr arc declared to be severable. <br />--- `-- 16.- Bornnvri < Copy.. Borrower shall t?z furnished a-anfermzd eoor.ot the 'tiute and of-+his Dt ,r-_,' (`-~.-st ~t R?e dn.r ._-- - <br />'. of rxecu[ion or alter recordation hereof. <br />- _ 77. Trnnsfcr of ihr Pmpetiy; Assumption. -it 5ii dr ainy part of [he-Prop~•rty cir-an to crest -the c t. ,a-sold r -^uisferrc. --":--- <br />- -by Borrower wnhout Lender`s prior ;vntten consent. excluding i al rile creation of a lice or cncumbrante spboidinarz to <br />- - - - -this Deed of Trust, i h) the creation of a purchase money security unerest for household appliances, t-c) a-Gans{rr he devise, _ - - - <br />_. .. _dcsrcm or in t~nerntion of '..-acv upon rite dr~H. ct ~ ioint " -. _ ._ - --`_--"~ _ -.: _ <br />- -- - .. . ' _ . - - .Lender m;:c.-.!t 1-ender:, ci=u - .. ~!ul...e ..!!-the stints sa,:_red h.-- t s 1)e: i- - st tt •-• <br />,. ,~. beta sv,^,i~,u"suchU•n..a - - -- <br />- `~•nm.mateiv dr:,: anti pnntme. t.zndcr .h;i;i e ti. ;,,;a i ~a~c ~t..pnor ;. ,ire .a,...., .,a ,...r...~,..te° - <br />-- and the person io whom the Propert}' is u+ hr cold nr transfc.t_rcd reach ugrremont in :driting tits[ the ucdit of suet[ pzrsun <br />,s ;ut,sfa i.,,: ,.~ ._..r rid-..i:tt--;#r.. ,nte.e,st-put.;#;;e t ,.•a suin -c~+i;k:i b -Eli„ P,~c •, ,..,,, # ~„ , •- -z. .rte,. _.;. a: -. <br />-- = ll ?_cuuzst. lt_ Lv:It_Icr hu _+,is ca: h ~ptiven- t __.a rat nrpv_idcd= th__ a_rr~ svh =?~:?n ~ r B~xa~u - ~ _c~ -__ <br />------- --- in interns. has azrcuter{ a wriitrn assumpuun ;ryreemrnt acrrptrd rn writing t }- s.adcr, Lrndzr sh:m ~c.arar- ti. r+inerr frzor - - - _ :dl obligations ender the Deed of -Trust and the ~'o!e. <br />ft Lender ~xer risen such option to .:cccierate. Lender ahall mail tit+rrowrr notice .~f aceclcratton itt a._orda n:r with <br />paragraph t-l hervol. tiuch notice shall pn+:4dr .: period cif not lass than 3tt da}'s from :he date the n.rtls is marled twthin <br />which Borrower may pav the ~unw Jeciared due. (t Rnrrn:azr f:uis to puc :,vdt suns poor to the rs p~rattivt of sums period. <br />' - Lender may, without further nonce nr dernanci cn Borrower, tnvo{,e ;tilt t'rniedies permitted h}• paragn;ph S$ hereof- <br />titr.~-Vatr=it;nt Covrrlnu rc Borrower and Lender lurthrr mvrmm~ and agree as ioliaws: <br />_ 18. Arreic ration; Remedies. IZxt'ept as provided in paragraph t7 hrrcol', upon Borrow-erg hrraat of any rocemun r,r <br />- at;rcement of Burroxrr in this geed of Trut, inrhnlin>; [lie covenants to pay when tine ens swns serurerl ht' this llecd <br />of "Tntst, Lender prior to acccieratiun sludl moil police to Borrower as pnrridrd in paragrtph-l4 hcrcoF apccifw~ing: (It the <br />-~a. h; i2; the ::rti<ur ra<s:ired to rnm_ =uch breeseh; (31 a date, nut Icss thmt 30 du}-s from the dale ihr auticc is maitrd to <br />- Borru+veq by Which such breach aunt hr cured; and t4i that failure to cure +uch breach nn ar 6e1'ore the dole specified <br />in the notice may result in acn•leruion of the soma x•curcd In- this Used of Tntsl and sate of the Treaprrty. 'The notice <br />aimll further iufornt Burrorrrr ni the riRhf to rcinninte after arcelrration and the right to bring a court action in atiarrt <br />the nou•existcurc of a drtnuh nr env tither defenac of Burrower W ucr•clerniou atilt s;de, If the iurach is not cared <br />- nn or hrfnre the dale specified rtt the nnHrr, L.umier at t.cndrr`e option may declare-all of the nuns aecurcd In- th1> t)red- <br />of Trust to br innncdiatrly chic earl travable ryithteul f urther demand uud mac in+~rpc ihr puwrr of saeand ant other rentrdies <br />- -yn+nniitetl by applicabic In++'. t.rndr~r shall he rntitird to catlrcl all rcasonabie casts ^nd expenses-bteurre+! in puanin(t the <br />remcdkw proridctl in this punt>;raph i8, inciudirtg, but not limited tu, rcusnuuble attarncy's Errs. <br />- if ihr puwrr of nulc i5 inrrtked, ~Tnnice. +iwii record a Wolfer ni dctault in each cmtwv in-which the 14npert}~ nr xanr <br />- purl ihera,f is lucutcd and ,hat moil copies of surlt notice in ihr ntmwrr titre}'rihrd h}_ appiic;ddr itiw to itnrrr+w rr and to the <br />-- -~ tither persona prraa•riba•rt by :ippiA'ablc bite. .UIrF ihr lupac bttiurh fintr its titay fir ecyuimQ i~F°5pphcah}r isB<~ Tenstcz-xhail= <br />- - - pivc public notice of auir to the perconn and bt the nrmm•r prtaa^ribed ii}^ :ipptieaklr taw'. Trttvtre.. rsilhostl. dehtand tat <br />- _ ~ Borrower, shall sell ihr 1"roped)- :d public auction to the hifihrst hidtlrr m the time anti place amt under ihr tonne de.igitnird <br />in ihr nutter of gale in our nr more parrots and-in such ardor a, Tntstcr maj' detrrntine- Truster may {ntst}ruttr suit' nf` ell <br />- -- --nr :nq~ parrot of fhe Property by puhiic annotrncemesd uY the time :rod tduce-of any previnutih' Si'tiedulcd sate. t.endcr-ar <br />- - -Lcnrler's designee maa• purchase the Prnprrh tit env tide. - - - - - -- - <br />- Upon rcn•ipt of payment ui the price hid, "I'tawure vhuii drlicer fn fhe purchaser 's'roshr`s decd cmtrrying the Proprd}'~ <br />-- -- _ sutt6 `tYtr recitals in Hie Trosta•es deed-tihuli be pnbna faatir rrhtenre ui the truth of Ehe siakeenunrs-made there-in: -Trusiro <br />shall apply qtr pnarrds of the side tit the fulh3`a iplt• urdrr: (t;t in all n.asonahlr costs and rxpetrtira of the sate. inchtaRni;, bin <br />not limited to. '1'ruslre ti fees nl' nnl more than Lf~ L ta.~ 1 "b of ihr gen. s stilt price, rrtunnahie ultornet's Frvs :rod ousts of <br />- title e+•idencr; (h) to alt swns secured ire ittis Derd rtl"Trust :rod tr7 fhe mxresa~, if xuty, pr ahr person nr persons trKalh• entitled <br />thereto. <br />l9. Burnnvrrs Right to Rainaude, tiotnithatanding Lcndet`s ;iccelerm tan ,.( the ~ut'ns sreurcd t+}~ thi.. Deed of 'll usi. <br />- 8rnrow•cr vhall beer ihr right tohaec any prorecdingv begun by Leirder to enlsuvc this DCetl of 7°ruq dicci+uunuad ,u <br />:m}' note nrmr to Ihu cachet to uccut of ti) the lit Ih daS Letore the time of the Prrsperh' pursuant to the pusvcr Sri sale civriaurrd <br />- - - in this Dc I ut'Trnst or fril entry oC a ;ud}tment enlorc7ng this Deed of -t5"ust iR in] Harrow- i =?aya Lcnol ~r uI! swns ;vhi,h would <br />- hr t}teu due under this Dted of 'I-ra.t, ihr Note .rod notes srC Ut mg t~uttu'e -Advances. it an}. hadlto :<rerlrrsuon oc~~urred'. <br />- ihi Brrrowet antes ell bi each s :+k an} udser tarn°en~ants or agt acnunt= ;+f t3ur!nsr er unrrirntl :o this Llrrd ei ~fni+(: <br />- - - tc1 Bun :nc r pa}~s ah ~ T+s~t I~ . - cusp- : rcurrel h • t sude+ a td 1 a? tcs r4in_ L .over ~u~ .utd agrcciuonts nF <br />Harrower aununucd in ;his Decd „i~ I nt<t ;;nd m col- r'Ins,^ Lr:nu~.r s .+nt! 'I i nw~ s ~,~m s rs a.- ;+ vn~cu -n ptra~rnph ! S <br />bcrcof, iM ludmg, but u,n tunnrd lo. rraaanahlc ;atornr+~`s Crux: ,oral klt tibrrr+svmr take, ui.h a_~trrnr :~, ~1 ~, udcr inns hcmonahl? <br />icgwn- 1~~ ;unm r. thni the teen ai ibis I>crrl cif for+t, i ~stdm~s intcrcrt nr ihr_ Pr~~puric anti t3,=rruncr's nhligatttai In I=:n- <br />