<br />~~® ~2~~
<br />- Utvtenat.t (,OVENANFS. 3nrrower and Lenifer cover+.unt and agree as ,`niiows: - - ~- - - -
<br />- i. Payment o£ Principal and 7ntere5t. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the princinai of and interest ,m the-
<br />indebtedness evidenced-by ±he Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the tvote. and the princna4 of :old interest
<br />on anv: umre,4deancav ,eccred-bv this Deed of Tntsi. --
<br />- Z. Bands For TazeF and 7nsuranee. Subject to appiicabie law or to a wri iron waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />- te-Lender on the dsy monthly-installments of principal-and interest arepavablc tinder the Note, unlit the tine ~~ paid-;tr fall: - - -
<br />- a sum therein "Funds"),equal to one-twek@h of the vearh' tares dad assessments which may attain priority carer thi+.
<br />Deed of Trusi, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearl}' premium instaUmems fcr hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-twcitth nt yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. if-any, ail nsreasouabiy estimated niGalli and €n?tn
<br />time ;o time by Lender on the basis of assessments and hilts and rcasonabie estimates thereof. - -
<br />The Funds shah he held fn :m institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or gu;trannued ny ;+ 'r"ederai an -
<br />,tate agency (including Lender if Lender is such an instituion). t_endar shad apply the Funds to pat said latex: assessments.
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may-not charge Por sn holding and appiping the Ponds. ana!rting said account "
<br />. or verfying and compiling said assessments and.bilfs. tntiess Lender nays Borrcrweritarerest tin-he Funds and applicable fut-
<br />. - permits Lzitder to make such a charge. Borrower:md Lender tray agree in writing at the time of e.LZCUtion of this "
<br />Deed cat Trost that interest on the Funds shall be paid m Harrower; nnu unless such a,rement Is rnadc u{ appbdzble la•.v
<br />requires such interest to be paid. i.;ender shall not be reyuircd to pa}•_ Bor.'owcr ant' rnterest or earnines_or, t;.c blinds: : ~•ndzr -
<br />-shalt give to Borrower, without charge, an anmiaL accounting of the-Fonds hotJin~ credits and debits to, tire. Funds-..nd the
<br />- - putpcse for which rsh debit to the Flmds was made. The Fmxis are pledecd~s~aiiditie?oat security' Tor the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust:
<br />- [f the amount rf the Funds held by .Lender, ;ogetiler with the fuu.,re mgnthly` installmerts ai Funds pray able poor n'
<br />- - the due dates of taxes. assessments, fusurance premium's and-ground rears, shat! e=:cacti tl:a [zmuaalr reyuired to i?ag s,:id taxes. - -
<br />assessments, insurance premiums :rod crotuui rents as -:hcc fall due, ouch cxces_s<-shalt- he. nt- Bornjwcr':; option, either
<br />~- -promptly repaid to borrower ar credited-ta Borrewrr ~n month [i• instaitments nf-Ftmds: -If-tot-Irttoat-^-t is ~ !=uct~ - -
<br />bald hr Lender shad nut he sufficient tc pay ntsza assessments. 9asuranc: premiums-arid er<lund rents ss t'tevltt.tit due,
<br />__ _.....43urmwzr sitaiL nay to-Lender anv.amuunt.a4 es -IC4-. 'o make.un the-deficiencv within B i lys irpm inc. u.rte. rluiccrs ntaiicit.
<br />by Lender to Borrower requestiie payment thereof. -" - - - -
<br />Upon p:ryment *.n tall of alt. sums secured 6y :his Dced cu -Crti+i.: f-.cadet shalt romptt}• refunu 'c+ Borrnu•er anv Fuatds-
<br />- _ - held h}' Lender. [[under paragctoh tS hereof the Progeny is sold or the Progeny is otherwise u::quimd~by Leader. i_cnder
<br />shat] a ni •. no t,lter !ban immediately arior !te sai~ <a the t'r sgerty br ns acyui':uvi ! y°- i..cad~ ~-ry t~u3 r5 h~.d ~+~~_
<br />Lender :u tn- nine of agpticatiun Is a r da ~teatrst ,ne sum. tctireu :his Dot t u" +rust. -
<br />_ 3. .:1pplication of Pavments. lintel-, apph~ar?le 7-t.t--~rarides drt,crwise ~i Via: oleo s :;.: ~h-eu-~ • ,`_enn-~ under-t^e -
<br />Note anti paraeraphs I and ? hcr;af. shall be applied by tzr;der ifrs; to paymem of :rmannu vayahtz toender lay Bono:der
<br />-- under paragraph 2 hereof. then n+ interest parable an tide s7ote, then m thz grinciuai to the "dote, dolt then to ini.crea~r rind -
<br />principal can any Furore Rdvances. - - - a
<br />- R. Chafes: Liens. Borrower ;hat( pat- all rases. ~sessmeuts .dad other char~cs_ Rucs au:i •mnstnti:±as =iuributabtz !,.
<br />- the Property which-mav at*.atr. a pricetty over this-Del.d aE Trust ~1nd !casehald rayrncrts ~: erciunc.-, e.a.=; ;f anv ,tt the -
<br />- manner provided under garsgraph 2 hereof br, if nor paid in such manner, by Boraswzr tnakm~; ra}meal. ;Filer, due. direcas- -
<br />u-the payee thereof. Borrower shalt promptly turnisu ro Lender :dI notices nP amounts .lac under [his paragraph.-aaei in tic
<br />went $orrower snail make payment ~iirecdv, Borriwar shat) t?~cnapdy furnish t,i Lc~licter rrceipis zvid~o.aak "icn paymeriis
<br />Barowzr shall. nrampdy~ dischar u anv den .vhreit has nci nt.- _, t ,his 7irzd : f .-rt st.°txc °da:, dear 3s_,;c t--r heir gut i -
<br />- reyuired to disc°nargc any such iizn so klue as Bor: a~,"cr <nai! ut_ree i[: xriune ;u t.hc c:tgment of the ab7+g.inun seetared by
<br />- - - ~ueh lien is :manner acc.eptebic-FO-i_enderr or sh,cii :rt ,,ot d faun c.,nt~;t .t w i c;r ,a:enci ncl r..-Irc.~- c.f ~u~,, :: ,.-°a. - -
<br />.LO ,
<br />legal prouezdin+s K'hieh operate ra prevent the Cn(trczntent elf ihz lied ar torz'enue as rho i'roecrty ,u 1,^s~ ~a ~ therc,•t
<br />Hazard Assurance. - Borrotver sh:dLkeie the :mFravetttents i.ou° exiaulz or her_cai t ectca l h !',,'i. i- : .nsu, cd
<br />".~~t.nr-loss ry 1, c:-hsz..rds ineludzd wit`rin the-term ~ ~t.eide.i ::; .arlu ',-.~;.t, ugh mh.+ i,us ?.-... .., i.c:, a,lt--,-., i. ,. -
<br />._. _. ..ttd bl xu: h..aint ,rntm -.ru-s<,r -u}-_ .;~da :._, +z.nza~:-., .ai civ,.cr p.. ..,t - :.=c ...rye,-' .n,. , .. : <t .i,~ ,- :rt -.i ,.~,.+,.: -:: -_.. ._ _
<br />such coveraee exceed ricer nmeot.t.r ,.ovdr: r t •geueu ..--p..y the _.. .. -. h,: -x_.t ~, rust. - - - '~
<br />- -- - 1'he-inri ranee earner-nrl.e~ulinfi Ehe inauraec_--,ntciF lam ei:oic-st , do.,nl4t. u,f.,<:, - ~- -.,.r., .. -„ ..-:.Ids. --: .ice .-. - -
<br />t, - •txcr
<br />=hat .ueh spproval shaft •x:t ;•c e u •r.•~N'v w:thhc!d _ >:; -. - - "'...F . -.. '. -.: ,h_ .. ,
<br />..t..
<br />- - vrovided undo[ Tai-agcaph a. herert ur- _.-iiu I•a-il-;il.~u.n tlfat.ner. .. B.arra~.s_ ~san.ng ~I.meilt-'~=•h.n dtti_:.i. :ne - -
<br />... --nsur...t.x _ar..er. - _. _ .... _
<br />- Hii ialnraRee pnlia.,t\ doll r_rtCw a(ti :;ICI Cvf snarl h~ .., i, rrn a~.:4 [' .. _7 ~ ~i :i,1:3 t.~i. i..t.,,<t :: ..-i,.:,: .i ,.it , _ '
<br />- tie ctrl ][-c,i. ~i[3[-i 'i-[ ert?5-14~ r? .4 i:--9 r9~,---'- 'T +a~(s. ~ .~. -_ .i~[:-_ - -:. clt_L - -
<br />_ anti Berr=over shall promptly fnrmsh ip Larder a(t r~rie.+ui .~rtt~r> ..~lu .:e'~ ft t , niiuut i=, -_hc. c t - - -
<br />____-_._ _ tTorf+i :cr n,iil ;_tv4-prsmpCnnnc_ .ham::n;. al t_L-rc.u-,au- cgts.. _. _. .t.- __._ _-
<br />by Borrower.
<br />[kiless i.ander anti &)rrnw'cr usher.+;se agree ill a ~nnlr_ ~eao-u r:.nct : x,c_.ds .'t ..; ,~ ~,.t :~-i :: _ ,st., .r ,=: ,u
<br />the Yrapenv siama;,cd. prouidud such r<°s;arntrt,n t+r rep:u, _conwn;ta't.t .t-cat; i_ .,.,+t, a ~ .~c t; u~ , _ t tl,t ~-.
<br />- not thcrchv impaired. ;f .uch rCStorn ion car -epa,r rs nu; ,.ten -uic,ni asis.le of ., me .,. ~ t.,t ~ _, =hi< r.r. s; i.1 ,.~utd
<br />- be imgaireu, the lasnrance ylrnracus shall 6c "l pr li,u iii t?"• stun-. se_,,...c...y .ais i',c',:d eP- ~ isi_ ~ i.,a -nU _.a,+, a, ,- =,aw
<br />r > Borrower. if t!te N rogtP.e es abxndmtzv by-B Irr auvc ..~r is 23urt .,u ,:.il< ": izspond , s,c-r dvr ~,, h-n ,y t:.. r -ts, :!„
<br />d;uc uunec• is masted by i_emkr w Bnrrouar hat the insm,mc~, ctu~atr flats t ett;c ~ :~-i.nr i a' uc ,a..,a =~- I,_.acl
<br />is authoriz. t to ::oiled :rod apply lire irum duce p~roccvds ._cnucr < ,±,?utsn ~~ thcr 'u .¢sic-"can^u c, , ~ s.. -. azm
<br />or to the sums soured by this Deed Jr Tout. - - - - -
<br />- L'aless I caner and Borrcnvt,t caheru uc Iz_tcc xn-wnpnrr, sns ash a)sy?I;c; u,-i.. „mil, a . it .rt-tl -u-, :_ sand - -
<br />rr
<br />tsr ptrstpanc the due tiatc ~!t the uxmtiti}• !istatimeuu-,cltr; a..; La t -aru:;t;ti n_ .ui- _ art u- =. i .._ ,,ttuat;! .'
<br />_ - such inslallnlents- if cinder para},rsxpfl )s hmcdi the P;tascm ,t .WU rcd_t`} ,_". tut., _tri .Sic ~a i - a.rcot• 't3 +i ns,,.r
<br />ns and to anv utsurunce paliciCs' cud in .:nd cal the prucezus thcrt'n! t::,ulnng Ir n +=LI,:. et l„ hr!'r,., c; v :^. i ~r . ,he ~atc
<br />:Ir ucquisino;l eh.tii Isaac u+ Ltndet tt the <•t¢cnt cat the 'rums sci~urcd by ihia Ih ed t+I ~Pnut' :nluretf i.u+.- , .,.. .. - -it =ale ,~~
<br />acyuisiuon. - -
<br />- ii. Presnn-atfms rind i~ainfeaouce ve T'raperfy: %etdt•hatds; Cundnraiuiunss; d'kamed i.Jnif ih 'cjunmcnys - _ -
<br />- cited Lkcrp the t'repetn cal -n+~u.l ~,, ;Ur 1ud ~11at1- ~„t .smut e ~+,,1rt r isce-Ina I-i psi.-i:~.. _, ,~
<br />- zud shalt c~sml,tiy =girth rho I?rovisitnls of ailp r-ace ~! ibis t]emd of -I +t a a t*n a . ;ls+,hbtu- .; fl r3teJ ~ . I t.-. -s . t _ .... - -
<br />- -+:nntlominiunt ,tr n planned taut devttoputent, 13orr=sneer shal3 ixzctanlr ail at. SarmtF-er. +ilhtiaurm t ke,-- ,hr e -~-rrt.,,>i.
<br />car-egvpntmis ereativy car goeeenwg [tic rnndunupium -i ;+tanuect-root deri'3uputem. she :a -iasss r , - r. - . =hc - -
<br />wndpminium clr pinutlcd unit dc.ve[apmuni. ,lad constim ui.-u,,tcutrcnts. it - ~tstntnt cat.:, -,:,tr.n tl ,u , ~, -; inc.-: -
<br />-- ,td~•F-11-CteititCCt ii}-. i4~~rrnw Tand rC 3lrii=si lter_(jrr ~R tt th,z-,?~'[F ,.i Lrn~E. ft. ~,.~t 3,°!I.niz .+r.t .:.-c.r ir=:*: -.i .+.a.,r -::f:x- -`
<br />- -shuii_hcuut, par:ucdmeo,tudxhatl.mluttd:utatsa_trdcultrutuz-r_ca~vnaur,.lst.%zr_,tts•slr~_iis,~.n,,. ra s .- - .
<br />- - were a part hereof.- - - - -- - _ -
<br />i s
<br />-_ - Protection uF i.euder's Secnritx. € Borr„vr¢i Gifts €e i't ti~tm-ihr ~,..tanr< =.,,iE,`tu nt- :- cu `, '4tti -
<br />- - k?Cad'c?f ~Frnst. ar ,P any diction -cr pruecsum}, .i-r+mmenti.c t_>}hl e atzri; f4 rocs ,. rz,.i~t -- ~, .i~t, - .n. r -i c. t_?-, - -
<br />- including; hue-nor limited tc, eniincttt dam; m !nadiacmt' >dc t*nYt teement u-1;,rlcG~mrnis r ~yt_s..tirn~ - - - -- -!
<br />bankrupt or daeedeut, then E_ender at l.eitdcs'`s ulnittn, tgtau roues to iklrttnvcr, nrt+ ni.tm.c. sorb a ~peai,ux r•~.,-,ioi•ur.a,;~ua~ - _
<br />- stuns and take such action as_i--nzcnssar}~-m- prutat S c~t3t'r`~ tntetest int_tu h?,~ '-tit ~t sr trouts } '~ . dtsht t einrnl .n
<br />_ rcasonabie- ;tnorneya Ccrs Ind putty upon -ht P_r;?~ti}" + !uukt.. f-,!r_ 't 1 _ ~i.~r __t(u.Ea .ua i,~• ,
<br />candiiion elf makhtg dle loan azcmed by thu Dced t+V T'rusi, i3un u+n ri shaiE taut the yeti i.uuu rust r I t,= - isi~~h
<br />insurmca in olicct nndt ouch limo as-rite ruytsirema'm l:rr ,uc.h in>ura_nia :ern_ttu_:ucs' a..;,t~urti;ul,c .volt €tt~rR„Hers :.nd
<br />-- - - _ l.cudcr's wti lien aprcetneut or upplicaule law. ilps'rans~t - it,dY pm the .ritiowii ,r u11 illicit ,t_z rn.uri its t ,^u-u I ei tnc -
<br />ru'muar provided under narugraph : ncl'eof.
<br />Auy~ainounts disbursed by fender putsuuu[ to this paragnryUl -= with interact inercun,-snap .ate a:idniuiml '
<br />Indzbtedness i+t 13or, alvet scour •d by this reed of Trust l; nieya Bur ,. ,u-anti I_ -ndt r: t;1u :u other t rm. tst h,tt-n+ern, such
<br />- - •unuu~ts sha;i he payable tgwr7 natPti I turn treader tt, Korren+'zr rztarie~ling-[payJt. t_ tP;r(e L :aid :.hon.`` --.-innate t-:.t n;. rfic -
<br />- tittle of di..bnrsv uleni at rhz Ptic pny,ibic, rrom fime eo [tot-. can + utr:uliling (snnt.il .Il tnticr =,ic ;m-1 -s I .t)int~n, - i i.l e is±! '
<br />!; e
<br />at such rate a~vuld~ he cuntra[y to agphca.ta ,tsv_ fix ahxir c.~vm.t stn•h am -u-its ,erri c„r -,ors -_ , ;3a; gi .- a
<br />- {ietntiSSible under apptieabia taw. Nothing--oh4ungef ^a a - xu'ag >'ii ? ,hai~ icatuire i cotter to -ac usy~r.cgt n- r take
<br />anv action"hcreundzr. - - - - -... - - - - ~ - -
<br />$. lflspectipn. heuiinr utay metre or ~. ate tz i?z ru d • rr_asuuat is auerics , pan .Intl in-r cr!inirs s,l ;t~ -'ropern- I r„s idcd
<br />that I.cndur shall give Borrower notice pool to ,va}' such i,ls[x;tNOi ell csip.ng "_t.,onabie - u.±r ih~rt-f .'str,i i I <ndr~'s
<br />interest. ill ihr Pn>tlertV. -
<br />